Post cursed images

>post cursed images

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Attached: 1549966256470.jpg (540x960, 39K)

top is fake...

Attached: 1490686786343.png (1314x1301, 1.96M)

The original is the bottom pic just from the angle

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!!!

Attached: 1551652043745s.jpg (125x125, 2K)


this makes me

It's hipsters trying to be edgy

Attached: catus.jpg (605x478, 45K)

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Attached: 1445052264268.png (623x306, 225K)

You disgust me

Is that GG Allin?

Reminds me of the horse without his hoove

If I remember right, that watermelon is frozen... It's been 85 F here, I'd go full nigger on that.

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Hisashi Ouchi (Ironic last name)

Got fucked up in a reactor explosion, if I recall correctly. Wasn't he on life support for a couple weeks like that or something?

Attached: 1532329111731.jpg (640x426, 39K)

like 2 weeks if i remember

he wanted to commit sudoku but the hospital didnt let him

>an average Thursday with Nine Inch Nails

How did he tell them? I'd imagine was damn near inaudible. Regardless, pretty fucked not to just let him die.

the decay process takes a while

the few, the proud... this is very different when we take into account that everything our gov has ever told us was a lie...

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>if I recall correctly
Like you didn't just Google that, nigga please.

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There is something about the picture that captures the soul of the dark and heavy music made by dubstep producers that in which captures the voice of the millennial generation.


the rape of nanking. truly a low point in human history. the japanese went fucking HAM there.

It's actually not frozen. It's two different watermelons.

You fucking edgelord.

Attached: wjhigoiwjgipjwdp;okg.jpg (1429x951, 375K)

ur mom was an edgelord when she touched herself while giving me a handjob

Attached: buttwhat.jpg (668x749, 101K)

You need a new insult This one is getting as old as your mom.

After a party filled night on acid and a long soak in a bathtub filled with soda, he decided upon himself to fill the room with the eerie sound of a b flat chord.

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ur mom likes cleveland steamers

Your mom loves me

pictured: All the people who get to claim they are directly related to lance armstrong.

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wtf is it


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Anyone got the picture of those vulture-looking birds in that room? Have seen it on these threads before

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t. asian

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Attached: Manpussy.jpg (700x467, 44K)

Appears to be a horses foot with no hoof

What's that smell like

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Its a soild photoshop job,
look at their hair they had issue getting a perfect cutout, compare the girl on the right especially. the bottom is the original

Attached: Nanking-Massacre-children.jpg (685x421, 79K)

Attached: Rape-of-Nanjing.jpg (362x460, 45K)

Attached: unit 731.jpg (510x318, 30K)


its a historicaly relevant piece of dokumentation found in many lectures/books

It’s famous you ignorant little tart, used in many documentaries and books.

>Historical picture very similar to the napalm girl photo from Vietnam.
>Pedo shit

lol no



chaos infected furries are the worst

>that period of time that you couldn't go on /r9k/ without seeing this fucking image


Attached: 23.jpg (707x1000, 158K)

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wheres the rest of the bus?

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Ol' Zuckerberg's face gives me a bad case of the willies.

Attached: oooooo, yikes.gif (254x200, 301K)

Attached: fresh feet meat.webm (512x616, 677K)

>line 6 amp
definitely cursed.

Attached: efrtow6ssbj11.jpg (750x1132, 55K)

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This guys a gg allen fan i bet

Fucking young Bill Gates, holy shit!

nice shoes

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Like pussy you fucking faggot

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ya, zuckerfucker looks like a god damn alien or some sort of science experiment gone wrong