Taxation is Theft

Taxation is Theft

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck agriculture
fuck the domestication of animals
and most importantly fuck jews

Then get off the internet and off your computer motherfucker. Taxes paid for that shit to be developed. Move to Antarctica, you'll enjoy all the benefits of what not paying taxes provides.

I have no issue with state tax as long as it isn'used for stupid shit, but federal can fuck right off.

so don't pay them
without federal funding for the military, you dumb amerifats would be divided up by your neighbors and China within a week.

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It's their money, kike. They created it and they have the right to demand it back.
Kill yourself for applying microeconomic principles to macroeconomics.

>but federal can fuck right off.

Right! Who the hell needs border security, an army, medical research, or an interstate system of highways and airports? FUCK 'EM ALL!

taxation pays for things our society needs you dipshit

taxes are good. we need to be stealing money from CEOs and celebs and athletes because what they do is meaningless but they still elevate themselves above everyone else.
therefore, they deserve all the taxation they receive and i feel no sympathy in regards.

they should've been careful about how much income a single person can make, because the government sure doesn't give a fuck how much taxes they take.


And you, too, need to lern2macroeconomics and understand chartalism.

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that is not how any langue works, could definlty do the same thing connecting Adolph Hitler and Dolphins

>We live in a society

How's that a logical progression?

What you posted doesn't prove that it is theft.

>you live in your mom's basement

that doesn't count as society

Guys...we live in a society though.

Exactly. It isn't.

It's company policy never to imply ownership under those circumstances. "A" society, never... "your"... society...

>too chickenshit to upset the gubmint
bitch bitch bitch, it's all you pussies can do.

If you want to start paying market rates for all of the services you consume I'm sure that can be arranged, but your cost of living is gonna go skyhigh.

You must have thought I was calling you out over
>so don't pay them
when in fact I was calling you out over
>you dumb amerifats would be divided up by your neighbors and China within a week.
as if that were a bad outcome.

make me?

How else do you expect to maintain access to education, communications networks, healthcare, interstate travel and commerce, law enforcement and fire response etc.? These things aren't free and if you don't pay your part willingly then eventually you will be induced to pay involuntarily, and I'm not sure that tax cases are always eligible for legal aid. Unless you're some whiny little eurotrash faggot, in which case I don't give a fuck what you do.

Home School
>communications networks
The internet is the single worst thing to happen to humanity.
When I die, hallelujah by and by
>Interstate travel and commerce
I would make twice the money immediately by not having it stolen.
>law enforcement
*Racks shotgun*
>Fire response
Building another house isn't that expensive when you do it yourself.


Read the thread glownigger.

k. OP is wrong.

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If you're gonna thieve half my income have a better response than this.

It isn't theft when you consent and receive services in return.

I do not, I consider it theft
>Use services
We live in a society huh

>I do not
You do. By living here, you implicitly consent to following the law of the land. If you don't wish to consent, you are free to leave.
>We live in a society huh

It's not your money. It's the government's and they can call it in any time they like.
Get over it.

I do not consent nor do I agree to give up MY land. I suppose that's a legal death order huh?

>I do not consent
By staying here, yes, you do.
>MY land
You are not a sovereign nation.

Ownership is a social construct, not a suicide pact.
Stop larping.

By living in a country you consent to live by its laws.

Saying you don't consent is irrelevant, your actions have already proved that you do.

lol that explains everything. They should tattoo you people, and sterilize you before you can breed.

Let me guess, you learned from some shit-tier neoliberal history book that venerated Ronald Reagan and vilified FDR.
You are literally a cuck.

FDR was a communist like this guy

I'm proud to pay taxes

This is the thing that always gets me: if you don't like the laws or people or whatever where you live, you can literally just leave and go somewhere else. There are nationalist totalitarian dictatorships, socialist utopias, nomadic tribalists or whatever else one thinks would suit them better, and failing that there's a whole great big patch of nothing around the edges where you can go and literally be completely alone and ruled by no one and nothing until you die. All you have to do is go there. And no one does.

>hurr durr muh communism
So you did learn history from a neoliberal bootlicker and you are therefore a brainwashed half-dicked jewnigger.

no it did not cc networks were privately developed stupid.

>what is an exit fee

You could always foment rebellion and usurp the government.

That was a historical accident. If they hadn't been, and governments of the world weren't cucked to bankers, governments might well have stepped in.


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>something that only gets charged if you're a millionaire and isn't very high

>making up shit
>on Yea Forums
Cite the low-income exemption or get your jewish ass on livestream and kill yourself.

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So then why are pass ports revoked for all people behind on student loans, child support, and it's payments?

>someone pays me 1000usd for my service with his 25% taxed income
>25% of those 1000usd get taxed from me
>i buy a service from someone else with those money and they get 25% taxed again

Why is this allowed.

IRS too revokes passports. It's literally a iron curtain

>Trusting the waterjew
>If you expatriated on or after June 17, 2008, the new IRC 877A expatriation rules apply to you if any of the following statements apply.
>Your average annual net income tax for the 5 years ending before the date of expatriation or termination of residency is more than a specified amount that is adjusted for inflation ($151,000 for 2012, $155,000 for 2013, $157,000 for 2014, and $160,000 for 2015).
>Your net worth is $2 million or more on the date of your expatriation or termination of residency.
>You fail to certify on Form 8854 that you have complied with all U.S. federal tax obligations for the 5 years preceding the date of your expatriation or termination of residency.

Why can't criminals in prison just walk out?

Taxation is a means for the government to control the amount of money in circulation (since Congressional appropriations create money) and to ensure money keeps flowing through the system and the government gets what it creates money for.

I mean a REAL exit. Not just going to live abroad where you're still subject to most of Uncle Shmuel's laws and rules and taxes.

Americans are prisoners?

There is no exit other than being within Russian controlled lands.

You ask why people with legal obligations can't walk away. I ask why people with legal obligations can't walk way.

Good thing he didn't list criminals

Right, because we all know that roads build themselves and public services don't costna dime.

Yes. The USA is a gigantic work camp.

Stop memeing.

Your a fag

I'm not tho

None are so enslaved as those who think they are free.

Why is this thread dead? OP get back in here and get your holy motherfucking ass kicked.

what about his 'a fag'?

I'm really not, though. I'm chilling just fine, legal weed, money in the bank, a paycheck coming up on Monday.
You just want both sides to be bad, and they're not.

it's yours

>a bloo bloo bloo I have to earn my keep in life, why can't big brother just bottle feed me for my entire existence
Leftism is a mental illness.

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The entirety of the America's is within the long arm of American Justice, most of Africa, all of Europe, even china plays ball for money. Russia is the only place outside of America's grasp, which would include places in their sphere of influence and protection (vassal states) like iran

user you literally elected illness, don't be talking shit

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He listed people with legal obligations. You can't just run away from your lawful responsibilities.

Which is exactly why you get a tax return, bro....

go on user, call it "free shit"
that never gets stupid

I didn't vote for Trump you fuckwit. Most Americans didn't. Try again.

>I didn't vote for Trump
user you're too big of a self-righteous asshole to have voted for Clinton.
You elected Trump. Face it.

>I am a half-dicked burger and my entire narrative is based on circumcision trauma and sociopathic vidya gaymes
Good goy.

How does it feel to be loved only for your money, and due to be replaced some time in the next ten years?

Cheating neoliberals should be killed, not voted for.
You should kill yourself for shilling for a corporate party that runs fake elections and stands up in court claiming they have a right to do so.
Prove me wrong.

And you know what else? We will KEEP DOING IT until you right-wing bourgeoisie go over to the GOP where you belong.

>durr neoliberal durr everyone is but me durr
Oh it's this faggot. Next you'll treat the thread to a bunch of Tourettes-like anti-semitic slurs with zero irony..

>you right-wing bourgeoisie
sure keep pointing fingers
the reality is whatever stupid world you want you'd have to implement it by the sword, because you sure as fuck can't make the logic stand up.

Finally. Someone admitted they voted for Trump on this fucking board. They never own up to it. This is a breakthrough.

>Americans with legal obligations can't leave country
>Already referred to as like prisoners
>60% of children born to broken homes
>Half or more of adult men cannot leave country.
>>Anyone who has a good income and pays lots in taxes can't leave country
>Anyone with a student loan can't leave the country
Iron Curtain

No. Kill yourself, kike.

Stein, actually. But by the twisted, binary, manipulative, right-wing logic of
I did vote for Trump.

what the fuck are you on dude

see? there it is.

Jill Stein sat at the table with Putin. a vote for Stein was a vote for Trump.
You are a useful idiot.

Glow nigger is glowing

You are a right-wing shill for a cheating corporation.

user you're just this random sequence of cringing buzzwords
for your own sake I hope you aren't human

>they still havent joined the best Yea Forums discord thr world has ever fucking seen yet




user I support full taxation of corporations. I'm voting for Warren. You are still an idiot.

It is when it's not consensual, yes. Sort of like sex being rape.

Unity means YOU VOTE COMMIE or else you're a traitor who needs to be physically deported to the GOP. We owe you corporate right-wing bootlickers nothing.
Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: even neoliberal shill and tenured econ professor Brad DeLong says it's time for you to give up.

>prove me wrong
prove you right first

>neoliberal shill
do you have that tattooed on your dick or what

>Pretend not to understand, blame the other person
You just completed my shill bingo card. Now kill yourself.

You support market provision of public services. You support the divestiture of state assets to private investors. You support trade agreements that prevent the state from providing public services. You support a party that allows right-wing people to play a rotating-villain game in Congress whenever universal concrete material benefits are up for a vote. You support a neoliberal President who literaly cheated her way into the nomination and a party that ran a fake primary.
>b-but I support full taxation of corporations.
You're voting for a Republican who only wants a slightly fairer market, as if that mattered.
Go back.

If the cock fits, swallow it.

>You support trade agreements that prevent the state from providing public service
No I don't user don't be daft

Yeah, it is.

But currently I get a VA disability check, VA funded college and extra stipend, and the state is paying my mortgage.

>You support a neoliberal President who literaly cheated her way into the nomination and a party that ran a fake primary.
user you literally think Clinton is President. This is precious.

>You're voting for a Republican
Warren, actually. Elizabeth Warren.

user, I support none of this. You are simply a mouth that utters.

Literally a """former""" Republican who changed shirts but not policies.

Taxation is dues paid for living in a civilized society, using the resources and protections of that society to generate income.
Not paying taxes means you're a mooch living off the resources and protections of society without contributing to them. We cannot kick you out, as sad as it is, so we have to resort to other means to ensure payment for services rendered.

Don't like it, fuck off. I hear somalia has really low taxes.

keep shoving those goalposts up your ass bitch

Just take a moment. Pause. Now imagine being this retarded.

>ARPANET was developed privately
nigga what

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Why would I want to do that? You're the one who is apparently failing at life; the status quo suits me just fine.

The cucks mind is truly submissive.

File for bankruptcy. Of course, then no one else will want you because they can see you for the parasite you are, but hey. Them's the breaks.

Hey, these are your assholes. Don't be blaming them on us.

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Sounds like a socialist if you ask me.