Julian Assange Busted

Julian Assange Busted
>when your security finds the poop wall

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His douchbaggery really makes me question any of his leaks. He sounds and acts like an attention whore.

Ecuador also said they'd give Assange asylum. You really think you can believe what they say?

It's all a lie, the US made a deal with Ecuador behind his back and they're now making him look like a fool.

what douchy things did he do?

You should try to become a whistleblowers someday and see how you fare.

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What douchebag thing did he do? Are you just trying to avoid using the word edgy?

Allowed Russia's GRU to dump the emails they hacked from the DNC in order to impact the 2016 election.

Source: every single intelligence agency in US.

Ah, Julie-Anne Assflange, Yea Forums's favorite rapist! Maybe he'll see if being raped is all that fun when Bubba, Tyrone and Gentle Ben get him alone in the showers!

Suddenly when he started to publish some reports against the present Ecuador president, then suddenly his asylum is revoked on charges on not feeding his cat and pooping, and suddenly extradition to USA. Seems to be true who knows

OP blew my whistle today.

This is probably true, but the guy was a douche so I ultimately don't care. He also def. worked with the GRU so the CIA fucking hated him. Don't ever fuck with the CIA, if they feel like they can't murder you outright then they will find a way to put you behind bars for life. Not a matter of if but when. Time and money is all they have.

why was he in there since 2012 then

They said it's close to a million a year to shelter, clothe, feed, and administer health care to his slimy ass. Were they supposed to keep him through his old age? He took advantage of them for seven years, but the new administration decided this asshole has to go. Fuck him...

Is he doing the white supremacists hand sign?

>bad man poop and stinky cat

what a bunch of whiny beaners

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I've come to question all the things he said based on his recent scat behavior, plus he's a rapist. I can't believe I fell for his propoganda for so long

Who's Ecuador?

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Fake news?

Some beaner with an attitude problem

The truth will set us free. Release ALL the emails, from EVERY gov.

There are so many psy ops surrounding assange I can't tell what's real. I need to be red pilled.

You shouldn't believe that, either.
Assange is worth half a million personally. His expenses were being paid by WikiLeaks. And how would the Ecuadorans come up with such a high figure to begin with?

He's not a rapist but he lies to women and uses them and is too fucking stupid and full of himself to not realise that if you lie to women and use them they might just do the same back to you.

I would give my left nut to be one of the policemen looking after him at the police station. Here's a towel now go in that fucking shower and wash you dirty bastard. Here's your fucking lunch you get what your given you petulant cunt...it's the first time in his life he has to take orders and cant play the autistic brat...fuck would love to see his stupid smirking face

So many kinds of red to choose from here.

On the other hand, the kind of women he used were groupies. Not so much victims as volunteers. Both AA and SW wound up in bed with him somehow and still cried rape.

yes but one thing is for sure, he was an autistic fuck who thought he was invincible and more intelligent than anyone else on the planet, that much has been confirmed by everyone that ever met him. I dont want someone like that speaking for me, no matter the cause, so fuck him, plenty of people took up the baton where he left off, he wont be missed.

Ooh, power to the people, how novel. Worked out real well with Brexit. Now they want to stay in the EU, but May is sticking to leaving as voted in by "the people".

>they found his shower carrot
he should just end it 2bh

How do you know WikiLeaks was paying his expenses? I've never seen them claim that. He has unnamed health problems, are some of the treatments extremely expensive? Doesn't matter anyway, he's not worth fighting over.

Yes but they thought he would repay their groupiness as most women like that think, His mistake was he thought he was invincible he was so much cleverer than everyone else, he wasn't clever than the women that accused him and he wasn't clever than the Ecuadorians and he eventually got fucked by both. Idiot who just by fate managed to not have to account for the many mistakes he made for so long.....fuck to see his stupid I am the most intelligent person on this planet face now would be priceless.

He was so fucking stupid as he knew they would be coming for him in advance and could have forced them to break down the doors and shit.....and he could have made it a huge public spectacle by barricading himself in....but he got caught easily in the corridor and dragged unceremoniously away...idiot.

Anyone working for the GRU is despicable

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When the US was trying to justify the first war against Iraq, they claimed the Iraqis were throwing Kuwati babies on the ground and stealing their incubators.

There were people stupid enough to believe this.

They claimed to have found porn in Bin Laden's apartment.

There were people stupid enough to believe this.

So when they tell me that Julian Assange is nuts, forgive me if I don't believe them.


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>So when they tell me that Julian Assange is nuts, forgive me if I don't believe them.

You need to read more, like everyone and I mean everyone said the exact same thing about him. And many people who would have no motive whatsoever to lie. And his own writings back it up. Fuck if he was even a half decent person he wouldn't be where he is now.

Really he sounded like the average basement dwelling neckbeard 4channer.
Stealing wifi, playing in the corridors, not cleaning up after their cat, letting a possum grow on their face. Just makes me pity them.

TBH I at least half think this is a false flag after all the posts I've seen of "anything negative that comes about assange is just lies so the (((powers that be))) can squash da TRUF!".

>Hey, that family that took you in off the street said they finally kicked you out because you kept shitting in the sink and fucking the dog and using the wifi to download cp
>That just proves that you can't trust anything they say because they said they'd shelter me and went back on that promise regardless of the reason!!!

Except that evertime y'all vote on it, leave wins.

>Buddy let's you stay over while you're having a hard time even though it brings them heat from the people after you
>Spend all your time leeching wifi to shitpost about your host
Wooooow how could they even consider dropping him?!? Obviously there must be some deeper plot!

>Trapped in a small building for seven years
>is a mental wacko
How shocking

>My mom's boyfriend made me move out just because I kept shitting in boxes in my room
>Fucking whiny tendies-stealing beaner!

They found the poop sock eh?

that describes half of Yea Forums

Yeah see this is another post that just reeks of falseflag It just sounds unnatural, like it's been structured specifically to "prove" conspiracy theories that anything negative about him is just lies to hide the truth.

I mean, just who does that? Oh he's an asshole so nothing he's ever said or been involved in is true? Nah, if they got caught lying that would be one thing and call his truthfulness into question but people LOVE to jerk themselves off that "WELLLLL I don't agree with him as a person but when you look at the evidence he has made some good points" to virtue signal to seem unbiased and above it all.

Plot twist: the family is throwing him out because some kike banker has offered them money to do so

True, if you're really concerned about "the TRUF" coming out then you should want to drop assange hard. Leaks speak for themselves and people love to "do their own research" even if they lack the expertise to understand the data. Meanwhile assange is just a stone around the neck of disclosure advocates, leeching attention from the actual issues and being a perfect living strawman for opponents to attack as a stand-in for transparency.

Have there been votes after the first?

I suspect the part about assange smearing poop on the walls is a lie, but it's a relatively benign one. More likely his cat smeared poop on the walls, because her litterbox was full and there was literally nowhere else to poop.

They should have left Julian alone and arrested the cat.

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you're an imbecile. the people want brexit, the people in charge have been trying to snake out of it any way they can, including a fuckton of paid protesters to convince morons like you the voting population have suddenly changed their minds.

and give them a reason to kill him for resisting? not a chance. stick to checkers, bud

Afraid he would be arrested and deported to the U.S.

>Poop Eat

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Maybe, but he's definitely a faggot.

Also could have been a protest poop because he kept dressing the cat up and they hate that shit.

Yup, they use anything that would make the person sound anti-social/gross. Remember the fake Trump dossier claiming the same sexual deviant scat thing about Trump in Russia?

sounds fake to me


He had the amazing ability to make everyone he ever met hate him, even women who wanted to fuck him.

I met this woman just like him on a BDSM site, she never stopped bragging about how she was a member of MENSA....I got her back to my place despite her saying it would never happen, fucked her brains out and never contacted her again....yet she would keep contacting me and launch into long speeches about how she was so much more intelligent than me or anyone else.....fucking incredible, all the facts would show that I had used her and her contacting me was to try and get me to fuck her again, which she couldn't do, yet she would be raging about how much more intelligent she was.

I bet you that he still thinks he is winning and more intelligent than anyone else despite how things have gone down. I bet you that if he had said just a few things to those women that would have been easily said and maybe taken a few minutes out of his time doing something for them, they would still be on his fuck buddy list.

Just like this woman I met she was a good fuck but she had this ability to say and do things that made me not want to fuck her. I even told her, "if you are so intelligent and want to get laid how come say and do the very things that wont get you laid, how the fuck is that intelligent"

Just the unshakable belief that anything they do is better than anyone else.

Now he's going to be trapped in an even smaller prison cell for much longer than 7 years. That's what happens if you mess with the U.S. government.

Gentle ben doesnt sound too bad

They also didn't like him skateboarding in the corridors.

nobody is impressed by you having to find a hog on fetlife because even the fatties on tinder won't go for you.

Hundreds of thousands of protesters flooded London on March 23rd. Some estimates put them at close to a million people over all protesting to stay in the EU. You're saying they were all paid. How would you go about doing that? Idiot.

You don't make much sense, son.

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>He had the amazing ability to make everyone he ever met hate him
Your powers of generalization are breathtaking, user.

>t.sex is nothing more than a bodily function to me

Plot twists abound. Sweden refiled SW's rape charge yesterday, which puts them ahead of the US for extradition rights.

Good authentic post, komrade. I am also authentic poster.

nobody is impressed by your irrelevant comment.

Check the thread first before attempting a witty put-down, it's obviously an aside to how hubris hampers the intelligent and not I-fuck-bitches, idiot.

You only have to pay activists to recruit and organizers to run it. The sheep show up free to "be part of something" bigger than themselves.

fake af. I could make that in my basement

One place that fired me (for telling HR about my boss's sexual abuse of the employees) said the most horrible things about me personally just before they fired me. Then they changed the locks in case I were to come back to bother them for some reason.
This is called "demonization".

>spend millions on fake Trump dossier from British SPY
>convince morons like you that 25k of that budget can't create this shitty film

You're arguing with an NPC, its not worth it. Its not that they don't understand, its that they are actively denying and wasting your time that you could use to convince people in real life who might actually listen.

You're so full of shit...

You should read the many articles written by people who collaborated with him. Not people who just met him or interviewed him.

He only had 2 fucks in Sweden and despite them initially being consensual he managed to get rape charges from both. Sounds like a socially inept idiot to me.

The PTZ camerawork combines oddly with the grainy black-and-white images. I suspect that it was a parody scene mounted by that guy who impersonates Cheerless Leader on cable.

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Go call this guy a faggot

Congressman Massie, is that you?

D.C. al fine:
Your powers of generalization are breathtaking, user.

And they did, but they did attach terms to that. He routinely violated them.

He stealthed one of them, which is actually a crime in Sweden.

I think you need to try rereading that post.
My point is that all these "OMG Bros he bad so I guess everything fake now" seems hella forced and fabricated to justify conspiracy theories.
Of course they're releasing dirt on him to try to justify kicking him out and head off criticism, doesn't mean it's a fake news conspiracy to trick all the sheeple not as smart as you into doubting all the evidence he leaked.

Julian they gave you wi-fi in your cell?

Why didn't you dig up dirt on Trump and give it to Wikileaks to combat it?

no you're just an ignorant fuck who has zero clue about how political organizing happens.

Russia did get the RNC emails just the same, they just didn't publish them. Those were more valuable as blackmailing material, which is why people like Lindsey Graham instantly did a 180 on Trump.

>making him look like a fool
That's just his natural state.

>I bet you that he still thinks he is winning and more intelligent than anyone else despite how things have gone down.
Yeah, humans tend to double down to protect their egos.
Reminds me of reading earlier about some of the celebrities in hot water for the college admissions scam who turned down a deal because they couldn't believe they'd ever actually go to jail and now they're panicking looking at years in jail instead of months.

Indian Special Ops

I'm interested in what was said about him before he was wikileaks. Before Trump was president the media was always friendly to him and he was regarded as having good character. After he announced he was running he instantly turned into a piece of shit according to the same media. If all I knew about Trump was what the media said after 2016, I'd think he was an absolutely horrible person.

>Ecuador also said they'd give Assange asylum
and he repaid them with a wall of shit

Greta argument.

More importantly, he kept working on wikileaks despite being told not to, refused to use the provided wifi, and published negative leaks about the ecuadiorian president (probably what was finally too much).
He also didn't take care of his cat.

So wait, are you arguing that corporate parties have a right to fairness, and that corporations that cheat shouldn't be called out as soon as there is evidence? Especially those that cheat AGAINST the people?

Actually a former google manager paid for his stuff... furthermore 1 million you must be kidding..

Oh course, the only genuine non-brain washed non-shills are those that agree with me!

>t.I trust the kike media completely

He should have made himself invaluable - changing toner, making coffee, sorting mail

No? I have no idea how you got to that conclusion.

1 million... do you life in a bubble?
thats 83.000 per month.. He lived in a 20 qm with sponsored by some former collegues... they just lost 1 fucking room in their embassy

>t. refuses to believe anything that doesn't fit into his narrative

Oh boy. You need to read beyond us vs them. Them is who is fighting over him right now, (they) have a lot to lose if he gets into a courtroom and starts testifying. Watch for Dems to call for a sealed trial, or for one in which he doesn't hit the stand. Ecuador just found a lost phone and negotiated for the reward they wanted. Multiple state factions are deciding how to spin the PR to hurt the other and protect themselves.

Healthcare. Look at him, dude didn't take care of himself. Guarantee he was sick all the time.

He wasn't an employee protected by regulations, they weren't letting him any out of any obligation.
If someone is letting you stay at their place, especially to hide from some heat, then you should be on your best most respectful behavior and avoiding giving them any excuse to be done with you, not acting like a petulant teen.

You are too quick to believe scandalous accusations.

>when your security finds the poop wall

The primary aim here is to counter the backlash of outrage by stimulating the disgust response in the average NPC. Secondly, this also primes said disgust emotion in the NPC so that Julian Assange's character has now been tainted for subsequent news around his inevitable extradition.

Remember, Great Britain were the first to invent and use propaganda against the Germans.

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who's this semen demon?

The Times
The Guardian
His former spokesperson Daniel Domscheit-Berg
WikiLeaks activist Birgitta Jonsdottir


dude its obviously not trump the dudes not big enough not fat enough. those whores are definitely just 6's. You think Trump doesnt have a stock of 10's to fuck and have do nasty shit? youre fucking retarded if you think he puts his dick in regular escorts or street hookers. im sure hes had cara delvine and her little circle of whores.

Doesn't matter to conspiracy theorists.
The big lie to so much more exciting than boring everyday reality.

you cant trust news... intelligence services have overtaken them because they struggle too much in modern e-economy... sad fact is that most of the investigative teams of big newspapers are actually paid by intel services... once free press as 4th forces is just another office outlet for the services

Because the Queen is German. Cofax

But the emails were real, they did the US a favour


>t.believes literally everything that rich people and (((national security))) mouthpieces say

>muh 17 agencies
Analysts from 17 agencies claimed it could have happened.
Only four agencies, none of whom would have handled any evidence about it, made any stronger claims.
Shouldn't you kill yourself for repeating an oft-debunked talking point and trusting a perjurer to Congress who's profiting off his security clearance in the private sector as we speak?

tfw you think that's justice. You're ok with them allowing the police to assert their authority and do the public apology circuit as muh evil rich white folks? But because they didn't submit to the tranny library people in charge, now they suddenly got hit with extra charges? Do you realize that the original plea deal was for the original charges and the Tribe tried and failed to extort the celebs, so now they're going to publicly crush them. And you think that's a good thing because you don't personally identify with the more successful people than you who are in question

Pay attention everyone: Governments are desperate for money, and they are now openly robbing the wealthy too. In Germany they're talking about stealing real estate from private citizens to turn into gov owned subsidized housing. Think about the gov stealing your grandma's house because muh poor immigrants need housing.

>Russia did get the RNC emails just the same
I asked why you didn't try to obtain and give RNC emails to Wikileaks, not whether or not Russia has RNC emails. We all know Russia had RNC emails and DNC emails and we knew they were not going to release the RNC emails to Wikileaks. What I want to know is why didn't anyone else try to obtain RNC emails and release them to Wikileaks or something similar? If releasing the DNC emails was so effective then why not use that strategy as well?

Ecuador got a $4.5 billion loan from the IMF last month. You KNOW that deal had strings.

actually fits his personality tbh...

he exposed us army killing civilians amongst other things


You're still crying because you don't understand how paying influencers works? Pathetic shill. probably an actual robot, not even a flesh body npc.

>negative leaks about the ecuadiorian president (probably what was finally too much
The Panama Papers (in which Lenin Moreno was mentioned) were released fully one year before Moreno became president. This is retribution. It's also bribery and extortion, from the acts of Pence and the IMF.

that's not how cats or cat poop operates. first of all, it's usually a dry log. cats are notorious for not drinking enough water. they only drink when they're really thirsty. second, they can't "smear it on walls", and the instinct they have is to cover it with sand because it hides the smell from predators. if it was a female cat, she'd want to cover it to hide the smell from male cats, who consider threats of violence a proper way to meet a mate. they'll actually raise a paw with claws out like "bitch, if you don't submit i'll fuck you up". cat sex is really the female cat squatting flat while the male mounts her. it's all about total submission.

>You need to read beyond us versus them!
>It's about us versus ((THEM))!
Jesus Christ, you're not even conciously aware of your blatant hypocrisy, are you?
If the point was to keep him out of the court then it'd make more sense to keep him locked up in the embassy forever trying to earn enough good boy point to shitposter, not giving him out for courts to grab and parade around.
Hell if there is a conspiracy and the people who were sheltering him out of no obligation were in on it then they could just murder him and cover it up and there would be even less chance of any truth bombs leaking as he's carted away or whatever.

wtf are you making up? Health care in UK is not as expensive than in US plus he has private Australian Health Insurance that paid for it

Jesus you're a dumb fuck. Some want him dead. Some want him alive and "tweeting". Some want him to testify on the stand and put people away. Common sense man, its free.

>If the point
Actions in policy spheres generally have multiple purposes and fall-back goals. You and your simple-minded analyses have to go back to

>You can't trust news!
>Only rumours on new-zealand kiwi throwing boards and the words of "alternative news" sources more interested in trying to scare you to shill vitamins

The NHS doesn't exactly make house calls, do they?

He couldn't exactly get outside for fresh air and exercise, could he?

why should GRU contact him when they just could pass their files anonymously to WikiLeaks servers... I mean for real....

>t.Judith Miller

No equivalence of employment was implied. The psy-ops is the same: if you want to get rid of someone, you first demonize them so that everyone else gets behind your narrative.
Assange was a hero to the world at large until the demonization program began. Now there are a lot of soft-minded folks screaming for his blood and insulting the other folks who keep reminding the world of what good he's done.

He worked with the following people to expose wrong doing by state entities;

The Times
The Guardian
His former spokesperson Daniel Domscheit-Berg
WikiLeaks activist Birgitta Jonsdottir

How the fuck and why the fuck would people like this, his own spokesman and Wiki activist in particular, now switch sides and make up lies about him?

To believe that there is a conspiracy against him in the face of evidence from the above is no different to believing the moon landings were faked. This thread is full of Assange shills.

you can't trust the news. any news. some have better track records than others. always look for the direct quotes and source material that they are reporting on, not the shitpost report they tell you to read.

you can't trust modern news outlets
it doenst mean the alternative media is good / useful or free of fakes...
but traditional news outlets are infiltrated by intelligence services and some news give it away

Yeah, what a douchy thing to do. Imo the military should get to do what they want without the public knowing

It is, yes.

lmao true


You expect anyone to believe that;
The Times
The Guardian
His former spokesperson Daniel Domscheit-Berg
WikiLeaks activist Birgitta Jonsdottir

All betrayed their professions and causes for some psy-ops bs...fuck this is faked moon landings level of bs

What would you do if you were threatened by pros? Would you do it to save yourself? Would you do it to save your kids? I can't tell you everyone's angle in this, but there's always an angle, sometimes its money, sometimes its safety.

Post a pic of your mom's asshole bf

>corporations are totally eternal and moral and they never have changes in management
>rebbit spacing
Kill yourself for being a bootlicking liberal shill.

This line of reasoning assumes that there really was some sort of poop on one or more of the walls in the Ecuadoran embassy.
Politicians working for a shifty, corrupt president are the folks who told us there's shit on their walls.
Did you know that the gas chamber at Auschwitz was built in the 1950s?

He may or may not be a robot but you're definitely mentally ill. (^;

This, especially considering the number of people connected with WL who have been accidentallied under strange circumstances. Coddle bourgeois cucks living in a hyper-real world would never understand danger.

>do the public apology circuit as muh evil rich white folks? But because they didn't submit to the tranny library people
Jesus christ, kid, what are you smoking?
It's not "extra charges", they offer you a deal for FEWER charges in exchange for a sure conviction and possible cooperation.
This isn't rocket science or in need of a tranny-based conspiracy to explain, you're just so out of touch that you have no idea how the world works.
> And you think that's a good thing because you don't personally identify with the more successful people
Nice projection and strawmanning but tards should get in trouble for these sorts of scams whether they're some rich white bitch paying to lie about sports or some poor nigger lying about being native American.
>Governments are desperate for money, and they are now openly robbing the wealthy too
Oh who will think of the poor defenseless rich people! Lol
If it were really just about getting money then rasing taxes on the rich would be infinitely more effective than just locking them up on fake charges. Your stupid conspiracy theory just doesn't hold up to even basic logic.

Can't you blue collar boomers fuck off back to /pol and make your own Assange thread there?

Your blue collar level of intelligence is beneath /b

How could Judas betray God's only begotten Son? And to the Romans of all people?
Is there no honor in this world?

>This thread is full of anti-Assange shills.
Fixed that for you.

Consider this blue collar moron

That's well-read Gen X commie to you, laddy, one who will be more than happy to vivisect you right-wing liberals any time, any place, and asphyxiate you with your own genitals.

the problem is you're cool with them being hit with additional charges AFTER refusing the plea deal for the earlier charges.

I'm surprised you can even read and write tbh.

>Sh-shut up! You're crying!
Lol come on, kid.
Duh influencers are a thing, it's litterally the latest e-celeb "job" even normies know about.
The point is "everyone who disagrees with me are just le gullible sheeple" is such a pathetic cowardly cop-out that says and proves nothing of substance. It's just an just an excuse to ironically shut down argument and discussion.
Someone can just say the same thing about people who agree with you and it'd be exactly as convincing because it's not based on any evidence just smug pseudo-intellectual "heh no one could legitimately disagree with ME, I'm always right!"

he's a whistleblower that isn't really blowing any whistles for good causes. if you have something for him, he'll blow a whistle for you.

no gain, no leaks, that's his motto.

Rovian projection is all that modern politics is.
I say we just put the lot of them into camps, no matter what party they work for, and Dresden the entire place.

I got the figure from an ABC News article from today. The title is "After seven long years, Assange's capture happened quickly." Read it for yourself. What former colleagues were sponsoring him? The Embassy was complaining that they paid for basically everything. The bill for security for Assange contributed greatly to that million dollar figure.

The two papers breached their contracts with WikiLeaks preemptively.
No evidence from the two collaborators is before us, but we might imagine that:
Daniel is annoyed because Julian made him change his name, which used to be Houseshit-Hill, and
Birgitta's still mad because she wanted Julian to use two condoms at once so that he wouldn't come too fast.

>they still havent joined the best Yea Forums discord thr world has ever fucking seen yet




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Sauce on RNC content?

You're wasting your time this thread has reached the critical mass of more than 3 blue collar boomers from /pol in it and will now self destruct with the level of bullshit.

Exactly, now you're getting it.

The colleges openly discriminate against whites and asians. They openly admit that if kids got in based on merit the universities would be nearly all white. So now these white kids are forced to cheat their way in while Achmed who hates everything the US was built on goes for free because he's an "economic refugee".

And the people behind this agenda are absolutely behind mentally ill transvestite men reading to children in drag and assaulting little girls in target bathrooms. Bruce Jenner got away with man slaughter by becoming a woman and was then paraded around 24/7 and even made the cover of Time and won WOMAN OF THE YEAR. Once his time is up they'll let him transition back so he can at least die with his dignity.

Well, then, that sounds credible!

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>You're just Le simple dumb doody brain for not agreeing with muh pet conspiracy theory!
Not an argument, fuck off.
Off course some want him dead, the point is they COULD have just killed him. Use ricin which can look like a heart-attack unless you look for it.
Dragging him out into the streets and putting him in the court system just gives opportunities for him to blow up "the conspiracy".

Also is this all powerful conspiracy supposed to be so split and factional that they can't decide what to do? Come on.

I'm a libertarian. its hilarious and frightening watching liberals fight for communism. liberals get the bullet too.

Guess we're not on the same high level as the multiple scat threads and the never ending Billie Eilish threads.

Yes, there are factions within the elite, but those who work against the existence and security of elitism itself don't tend to last long.
Your low-tier straw men are exactly what I mean by shitty gaymer analysis.

anderson cooper is an influencer. hillary clinton is an influencer. obama is an influencer. do you get it yet soyboy?

Kill yourself, neoliberal.

Nice narrative but reality muddies the water.
The thing Im seeing the most of is that regardless of whether or not he's shitty it sets a dangerous precedent for leakers.

The MSM is the upper class paying the upper-middle class to tell the middle class that the poors are the problem.

enjoy your impotent fantasies

Are you stupid? And/or a newfag?
Greentext like that is supposed to mockingly imply it's the person you're responding to, like a tongue in cheek strawman.

Rebbit spends way too much time over here. Many such cases!

>worth half a million personally
So he paid off a mortgage? Half a million is even "rich" anymore and it doesn't even come close to "wealthy".

this seems like a cool story until you consider who he leaked against and the fact that he could never spend a dollar and enjoy this hypothetical money. and they punished bradley manning by turning him into a woman and now he parrots the democrat library reading tranny propaganda.

For some reason people think experiments and torture died down after nazi germany, but the scientists just moved to the US and other large powers like Russia got some. China literally gene edited babies to make them super smart, but some cuck here will claim there's no way you can torture bradley into becoming chelsea against his will.

No you mouth breathing retard, what you can't understand even after I spelled it out for you is that it's not ADDITIONAL charges, the charges are what they are but they can offer you a deal to reduce the charges if you confess to some lesser ones.
>I'm surprised you can even read and write tbh
The irony is amazing since you apparently CAN'T read let alone into logic

good he's done ??

He couldn't even house train his fucking cat.

I supported Wikileaks and hate Hillary Clinton, but he really lost a lot of credibility by leaking for political reasons.

And so are Alex Jones, Donald Trump, and fucking assange himself.
>Le soyboy
Not an argument, retard. Just a pathetic defelction because you're too cowardly to really argue.

Noooo the rich are victims!!!

two different people you replied to btw. and you continue to be a dumb simple minded fuck. hurr durr its so easy just kill him. as if people haven't tried. as if they didn't also try to kidnap him. the powers that fight have equal abilities. imagine you trying to fight your dad over the last piece of chicken (if you weren't a cucked soyboy). But while fighting over the chicken, you have to quell the masses with PR spin to make it seem like you're a "nice guy" and not a "bad guy". In fact, no matter what happens, lets just tell people assange is a "bad guy" so they won't care about him. But you don't have a dad, you're just a program running on a computer server.

Well do you have any EVIDENCE of the trannyfying Ray gun?

Gene editing is a non-sequitur, it's like saying that since phone makers can make in-screen finger scanners you're a cuck if you don't believe they can also make the phones scan your mind and dreams and make it rain when you least expect it.

This guy gets it. Elites don't mind a poor man proving his value and becoming an elite, just as long as he doesn't try to bring up the other poor people who they consider unworthy (perhaps rightfully so).

half a million cash is extremely wealthy by first world standards, much less worldwide. In the USA less than 50% of people can come up with $500 for an actual emergency.

Which is why Janus doesn't exist in Deus Ex. He ded

no u

let me simplify it.

Get charged with crime A.
Get offered plea deal to say you're guilty.
Turn down plea deal.
Get charged with Crime B now as well, which carries a 10x heavier prison sentence.

Behind the scenes: do the talk show circuit and apologize and spread your famous white guilt, or we're going to fuck you.

And morons like you are licking the boots of the almighty gov at the expense of fellow citizens rights.

>two different people you replied to btw
Duh, there are two posts, I gave no indication I thought otherwise unless you're imagining extra text between the lines.
You just weren't worth individual replies especially when you were spewing essentially the same pathetic "u disagree with me so u dumb" deflections.

He doesn't have private security, poison tasters, private doctors on standby, and if he left for a medical emergency he'd be scooped up sooner.
Death by "heartattack" is simple to cover up compared to dragging him through the streets into court giving him opportunities to leak how Seth rich killed JFK or whatever the fuck you imagine he's been keeping secret.
>you don't have a dad, you're just a program running on a computer server
Lol pathetic. You're SO cowardly and insecure that you litterally can't allow yourself to even entertain the possibility that someone could actually disagree with your feels and pet conspiracies.
How fragile is your worldview that it can't even tolerate contrary opinions?

Seeing how he had to pay over $300,000 to fuck a 7/10 tattoo'd porn star far outside her prime, well then i'd say no he probably doesnt have 10/10's on demand.

Yeah see this is another post that just reeks of falseflag
It just sounds unnatural, like it's been structured specifically to "prove" conspiracy theories that anything negative about him is just lies to hide the truth.
I mean, just who does that? Oh he's an asshole so nothing he's ever said or been involved in is true? Nah, if they got caught lying that would be one thing and call his truthfulness into question but people LOVE to jerk themselves off that "WELLLLL I don't agree with him as a person but when you look at the evidence he has made some good points" to virtue signal to seem unbiased and above it all.

Attached: pol closed.png (900x696, 81K)

Attached: honk honk ok.png (680x680, 561K)

Jesus Christ, you're not even conciously aware of your blatant hypocrisy, are you?
If the point was to keep him out of the court then it'd make more sense to keep him locked up in the embassy forever trying to earn enough good boy point to shitposter, not giving him out for courts to grab and parade around.
Hell if there is a conspiracy and the people who were sheltering him out of no obligation were in on it then they could just murder him and cover it up and there would be even less chance of any truth bombs leaking as he's carted away or whatever.

I mean, I totally buy that but that sort of behavior is also explainable by simple psychology.
"I got mine so fuck everyone else", "I'm an island that neeeeever got any help and works harder than anyone with three jobs doing manual labour so I deserve it and anyone not equally successful just isn't trying". The just-world fallacy lets you pretend every homeless person is just a lazy druggy to protect your psyche from the uncomfortable truth that many working families are just one big medical or other unforseen bill away from being out on the streets.

Lol come on, kid.
Duh influencers are a thing, it's litterally the latest e-celeb "job" even normies know about.
The point is "everyone who disagrees with me are just le gullible sheeple" is such a pathetic cowardly cop-out that says and proves nothing of substance. It's just an just an excuse to ironically shut down argument and discussion.
Someone can just say the same thing about people who agree with you and it'd be exactly as convincing because it's not based on any evidence just smug pseudo-intellectual "heh no one could legitimately disagree with ME, I'm always right!"

No I get what your stupid simple ass thinks but it doesn't match how reality actually works.

Here's how it actually goes down.
>Get charged with crimes a, b, and c with increasing severity in that order
>Get offered deal to plea guilty to lesser charge a
>Turn down deal because your concave brain thinks you can fight and win and would neeever go to jail so no charges are dropped and you face all the original ones
>Panic because you realise you fucked up, aren't special, and can go to jail like any old idiot so you cry tyranny and whine that the meanies cheated by not dropping charges just out of the goodness of their hearts

Prosecutors cast a wide net like this so SOMETHING will stick like when they get a drug dealer on some other charge or how they got Capone on tax shit. Even then it's not a sure thing though, juries can ignore evidence in the face of charisma and virtue signalling about stuff like racism like with oj which is why, aside from seeking cooperation, they offer deals to get a lesser but more certain sentence.

fuck off, fake news.

t. anonymous source

Looks like about 7 years in self-imposed incarceration can make you go mad.

>when an aussie tries to shitpost IRL

What's the point of reposting replies like this?
You're not even putting in the effort to have them be applicable.

What the fuck happened to this guy between the last time we heard from him until now?.

he achieved wizard status

>You're not even putting in the effort to have them be applicable.

like the bullshit you write is applicable in the first place

You shouldn't believe that, either.
Assange is worth half a million personally. His expenses were being paid by WikiLeaks. And how would the Ecuadorans come up with such a high figure to begin with?

They said it's close to a million a year to shelter, clothe, feed, and administer health care to his slimy ass. Were they supposed to keep him through his old age? He took advantage of them for seven years, but the new administration decided this asshole has to go. Fuck him...

I got the figure from an ABC News article from today. The title is "After seven long years, Assange's capture happened quickly." Read it for yourself. What former colleagues were sponsoring him? The Embassy was complaining that they paid for basically everything. The bill for security for Assange contributed greatly to that million dollar figure.

I do have a tinge of compassion for the man. When you realize the only options open are even more restrictions in jail or taking your own life, well, how could I not?

Attached: 41F9F7E1-247E-45CA-85A6-A19C07FCFCE3.jpg (700x500, 62K)

isnt there like 10 million people in and around london?

t. Edgelord, 13, oft masturbates to traps

>Before Trump was president the media was always friendly to him and he was regarded as having good character.
He had been sued and accused of scamming people for decades.

This is the thing that pulled me off the trump train.
I legitimately did not give one single fuck about what a shitforbrains he was. I didn't care about any of his social faux pas, any of his bullshit statistics he pedelled, none of it. Didn't, and still don't, give one single rat shit fuck. It's political theater and getting worked up over any of that nonsense is for fools screaming into the void.
But the fact that Trump didn't go to bat for this motherfucker? Blackest of Black Pills.
Dems loved this man when he was shitting on Bush.
Dems hated him when he shat on Hillary.
Trump loved him when he shat on Hillary.
Trump forgets the fucker exists when it's time to make good.
No one has any principles. Let the rot set in so I can slide into oblivion.

Was he eating solid gold hotdogs or something?

literally a smear campaign

The new admin got him arrested because the new president wants to get on the good side of Pence and separate himself from the regime that ruled for the last decade.

based af