Hey anons! Who else washes their bacon before eating it? I want to prove to my friend that it's pretty common

Hey anons! Who else washes their bacon before eating it? I want to prove to my friend that it's pretty common.

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bruh i wash it before i cook it and after it's cooked.

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That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.

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I don't wash it.

Just throw it in frying pan and forget about it

Why?? Are you tarded?

>washes their bacon before eating it
You know only heat kills germs right, washing meat just potentially speads germs around. Cooking it is the only way to get rid of any potential problems.

is this bait? bro wtf... its open package, into pan.. sizzle.. and then right onto my titties. bacon. wrapped. titties.

Pretty sure it’s not common. Even if it is it’s retarded. Cooking it kills any germs so why would you possibly need to wash it

Amerifags, wtf level 100

intense heat from cooking should kill most everything, just seems like cooking with extra steps.


I remove salmonella that way

Is this supposed to be a troll post or just retarded? Cant tell

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> safety sally strikes again! what other useless bullshit will she come up with next in the name of safety?!?!?

You dry it on a bit of kitchen towel after cooking to get rid of the excess grease but you don't run it under the top, jesus, are you a monster

You sick fuck. You're washing away the goodness. How dare you. People are starving and you're out here ruining your food. Water does nothing to bacteria you would get sick from. Cooking it to 130 degrees will kill most bacteria.

i know right has to be bait.. no way someone is this stupid LOLOL

actually its generally worse to wash meat before. i did some research on it while wondering what to do about a chicken breast i dropped on the ground.

tap water, (and distilled water) both have a higher osmotic pressure than muscle tissue. by running water over the meat, it's both absorbing water and rinsing away water-soluble components of the tissue.

it's not "good" to do, but as long as you cook it right after it's fine. if you rinse it, and then put it back in the fridge or something, you'll get a lot of bacteria growth.

>intense heat kills the flavour
you americans have the strong culture to masturbate over raw meat juices all the time wtf..

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no dafuq?

I don't but I assume you do it to wash away the excess grease, which could be a burden if your health conscious. If you do it for any other reason you're probably a downy.

>equating cooking temperature with how well done it is
what the actual fuck

Then why even bother washing our hands? Go read a book

Not only do I NOT wash my bacon, but I have a bacon pan, and keep and reuse the same grease for up to 3 weeks. The flavor is amazing, and it cooks much more evenly.

it's about instantaneous internal temperature. yeah, you can get sterilized meat (read: 5 log ecoli reduction, 99.999%) through low temp long hold cooking, but charts like that one are meant for high temp grilling applications.
tl;dr don't be retarded

I eat tater tots with mac n cheese, but you, you wash bacon. Truly, a disgrace.

You are a fucking psycho

Fun fact: if you run a strip of bacon under cool water for a few seconds before cooking it won't curl up when you fry it

Probably because we don't scrub the meat with soap and warm water for 20 seconds like we do with our Hands so there's bit of a a difference dumbass

Hahaha funny as fuck, I'm megalulz, roflcopter and lolapanther

dude you just stick your grill on 350 and when's it's hot you just keep an eye on your steak until it's done enough to your liking, it's fucking beef what kinda of shit quality steaks are you getting

>bacteria when you forget to rinse your bacon

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you eat it raw too?

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>not using a bacon press

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No pigs are dirty. Also I'm Asian btw

Not bad raw either, Taste the same, just chewier.

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yes, that's why we just wash it duh
guess your allah did not thought of that lol

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Asian not middle eastern. Different country bruh

Obvious bait is obvious

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Mmm, trichinosis.

Sorry I meant continent

Dude do she got 2 buttholes???

Is it though?


When your only reference for a good steak is tendies with honey mustard

middle eastern, paki, arab, muslim = asian

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>Go read a book
"Raw meat may contain bacteria, such as E. coli, salmonella, and listeria, or parasites. Thorough cooking destroys these harmful organisms, but meat can become contaminated again if it is not handled and stored properly."
You think just washing meat under a hot tap with some soap kills E. Coli? You think your dick has listeria on it that goes to your hands after touching it... Yours probably does because you are clearly a neckbeard.

>Read a book
This is mundane common knowledge learned in basic sciene or home ec classes in any decent country with basic education that you learn between ages 10-12

you think it does that much difference? bacon is fucking terrible for you like so fucking bad if health is such a concern don't eat it

This but I fry steak. I just ut oil on ahigh as fuck heat whack the steak in and turn it when I know it needs turning. Sometimes I want rare, sometimes medium. 30 secs each side is good enough for rare, 1 min each for medium.
Comes with practice though I guess. Just like knowing when chicken is cooked, look at juices and consistency.


What kind of thin-ass steaks are those?

Anoncook Here .
No you don't.

>blasting shit tier science buzz words
Dude, I've been doing this for years and haven't been sick from it once. You should probably check your sources.

Also Listeria is a brand of mouthwash you fucking trogladyte

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No, that's Listerine.
You're probably thinking of that Def Leppard song.


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It's shallow frying user, not using a flame or normal grill. Oil gets hot as fuck.

>ve been doing this for years
Eating raw meat? Sureeee user.
You can eat raw pork and beef anyway, though too much uncured pork could fuck you up.

It's called cross contamination, you pointlessly wash meat with water, the water splashes only other surfaces, where bacteria can grow. It is pointless to wash meat.
This is basic food hygiene.

>Eating bacon
You are definitely in a large majority here. VERY large, indeed.

How about if I just hold it under the hot tap for two minutes?

This. If you don't want your shit to shrivel up, do it before you cook it. Washing it after is straight up retarded.

I have never heard of such a practice and you're a filthy mongreloid for doing this.

Do that with your chicken, that sorts it out you can eat it straight away

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I usually wash it when it's been in the 'fridge more than two months past its "use by date", especially if it has started to get that iridescent shimmer of greens & purples. Also, it it smells like it's going to make me throw up, I usually wash if in vinegar and scrub it a bit with my toothbrush.

can his be new meme?


Hey OP! Who finds random odd pics on Google Images? I want to prove you're a cancerous edgy tween.

Feel free to reverse image search my pic

niggers tongue my beacon

You want to wash fruit because pesticides and you marginally raise water pressure in the fruit. Nobody washes their meat before cooking it because frankly it would do anything any bacteria would still cling to uncooked meat after you rinse it. Just make sure your cooking area, your pan, are clean. and you'll be fine.

Listeriosis is a rare infection caused by bacteria calledlisteria. Listerine is a mouthwash

Do you remove salmonella by cooking idiot

In properly graded good quality meats there is no salmonella inside the meat it is on the outside of the cutting surfaces . Cooking the outside will remove all impurities if there is any which I just believe that there ever is with good quality beef. Stop buying your beef in alleys.

I always put a little bit of soap in everything i eat or drink, does that count?

yes sweetie i am right here! i love you very much

tdlr raw meat, cook, safe. done. That is it.