God-tier films thread

God-tier films thread

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That's a funny way of spelling "overrated garbage".

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What did you like about it?
I thought it was pretty garbage, an overcomplex full circle.

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This is the most 2000s movie ever

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>complex for no reason
>nothing memorable from the movie
it is tumblr tier garbage

It's a pretty good movie. It's definitely over-rated but has some really cool ideas that are explored well.

i didn't think it was memorable at all

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You want an overcomplex full circle? Try primer.

Donnie Darko is pretty simple all told.

Yeeee pete jackson

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You're full of shit if you don't remember Frank the Rabbit, the cellardoor scene, the Love/Fear video. It's not the point to be memorable anyway, it's about the ennui of the time-period. Kinda like Catcher in the Rye.

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What's that movie where there was no dead nigger storage sign? that one was pretty good

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A bunny standing around in weird places and fucking up a timeline is not creative.
I thought it was a bad movie, and tbh the only people who like it were tumblr girls who are into that trash


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If you can't remember, then it's not a good movie; if you remember a sign because it said "nigger", then you're probably an edgy teenager

3edgy5u shit that appeals to moody teenagers who want to think it's deeper than it actually is

>i want to pretend like i'm into artsy films by picking the most ubiquitous crap imaginable

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Pulp fiction

This is just 70's porn with too much fake "plot"

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OMG these movies

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Nominated for 3 Oscars, hated by everyone because "what is this?"

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Donnie darko is utter garbage and iirc you won't be able to understand it without googling the explanation afterwards. The reason is, that many things are not shown or explained in the movie. The actual explanation is based on promo content that was released on the internet years ago (eg pages from that book - whereas in the movie the content of the book is never shown) and which you won't find in the actual movie.

I don't think there are many ways to portray Caligula's life other than a porno Stravaganzza.

The film is okay, very underrated imo.

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That shit was brutal

Too far.

high school edge tier at best.

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this guy

>i shop at hot topic


First off, what you said sounds pretty creative. Second, that's not what happens in the movie. It's unclear whether Frank even exists, or is just part of Donnie's mind trying to understand his knowledge of the future.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I just think the movie gets a lot of undeserved flak for being liked by edgy people. Most of the movie isn't that edgy really, just weird.

It's funny because it's racist!

inb4 the r- oh okay

Protip: Neither Academy Award nomination nor popular appeal mean a movie is good or bad.

prove me wrong

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I didnt know this was a ylyl thread, fuck


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First actual goddamned masterpiece in this whole thread. I watched that bank robbery scene earlier today and it's still fucking amazing.

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Too subtle and too refined for the fucktard teens in this thread who think dark and edgy = good.

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This guy gets it. The academy is a bunch of people in a cirlce, jerking each other off, and most people are idiots (including me).

I thought it was completely characterless and unfunny. Babies and rednecks aren’t enjoyable.

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no you're retarded if you don't agree with me.

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Utter shit for easily impressed manchildren

Cool opinion.

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I kinda loved it though, I watched it alone at night; it's an interesting film

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Yeah you're probably right, I'm trying to stick to /thread though

I didn't appreciate this film when I was younger. Now, it fucking wrecks me. I don't care what edgy bullshit Darren Aronofsky puts out nowadays, this is his masterpiece so far.

Why are all these posts either an okay comedy or movies so pretentious you're just trying to look cool, I mean Eraserhead is kinda cool I guess. But maybe try picking something thoroughly enjoyable?

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I actually rewatched this recently for the first time in years. I think it was better than I remembered.

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DUH! DUH! DUH DUH DUH! One of my favorite bond movie scenes.

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Good film. I'm not a fan of Spielberg, but this does feel like something Kubrick would've done.

wrong. anyone with a film education will tell you that it is the most creative method of telling a story.

But that's not Beyond Thunderdome.

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>anyone who half way paid attention in an intro to film elective at community college will tell you that it is the most creative method of telling a story.

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I'll go to my grave still not having decided if he's a complete hack or a genius.

Maybe both.

Still better than 99% of modern CGI

Not enough vehicles, my dude.

10/10 film

This is a perfect film.

Fight me.

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It is, but it's also overrated. Tarantino is committed to "entertain", not to live on in people's minds.
Most people I know remembers the films for the funny bits, and that's all Tarantino is for you.

It’s a fine film.

I can't even remember what that movie was actually like anymore because all I can think about is that retarded Rick and Morty episode parody.

must see

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I still think this is the best Pixar film; change my mind

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It has gay undertones.

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Too preachy and hamfisted. It's a good Pixar movie, but it's not even their top tier.

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Terry Gilliam? Yeah definitely both, which means he has 50% chance of making a great film.

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freaked them out in 1922

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10/10 film.

>then one day I say "fuck fish!"

Nicolas Cage's double performance may have been a bit cheesy, but Chris Cooper's performance was unreal.

Nice try, pleb

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Best ITT so far.

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>hoomans bad!
[trained seals clap on cue]
>consumerism bad!
[trained seals clap on cue]
>corporations bad!
[trained seals clap on cue]

love it
so good that i get a boner every time i watch it

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I have a poster of this movie my friend got me as a wedding gift

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Eh, consumerism and corporations have been bad for our health, that's not a preachy thing to say, it's a fact; I don't think the film's premise included "hoomans bad" at all.

Now watch "Shadow Of The Vampire"

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Nice film... People here may say it's preachy 'cause "muh minorities" though.

>Most guys I just feel sorry for. Yeah. It tears me up inside, to think about what they're going through. How trapped they are. I understand it. I feel for 'em.

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I don’t wanna sound like a queer or nothin...

Underrated. I also love the American version.

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That's right, little seal. Keep clapping.

Not great, but better than people give it credit for.

>No rebuttal
Ok then, at least I'm a talkin' seal.

god-tier Christmas movie


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I loved the original, totally hated the AMerican version... It pretty much ditched everything that made the original so good.

In general, Christmas movies are the god-tier genre of movies. It's the one genre where filmmakers aren't afraid to be happy or joyful. Even kids movies try too hard to invent unnecessary conflict or strife. Christmas movies are the only ones which are free to be what they are.

A great movie if you're 16 and smoking pot with your bros.

Then you grow up and realize it's hot garbage.

I don't think I'm gonna do hamster style anymore.

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I swear to god y'all nigga kids ain't never seen a good movie.

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poorly cast. this should have been a Dennis Quaid vehicle.

Go home, do some push-ups, fuck the sleeve of my favorite jacket.

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That film made me fuckin' mad, I guess that makes it great.

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If you’d be able to pull your potface out of your ass you’d see the movie is sheer brilliance. Uncomplicated and unpretentious - about fucking time something fab like this would find it’s way to cinemas again

Jewish dadcomedy

The Boondock Saints

Man of culture

Incredible cinema, very underrated, perfect storytelling

The original is awesome, too. But this little motherfucker is one of my all-time favourite bad guy.

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Etymologically speaking, the phrase "try hard" was actually invented by journalists reviewing this film.

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Yeah, this movie has a way of making you actually root for characters and legitimately hate characters. Like, you fucking actually get angry at the shit that happens.

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You have broken my Camera!

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Best move

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that movie was fucking terrible, emotional-appeal garbage

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Or by me, implicating you

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Very deserving of praise

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Very good film, great cinematography and feels

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Kinda retarded

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agree... there are a few low budget syfys like this that are surprisingly fun


sure there are a few more

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If you want to smear mud on your ass you smear mud on your ass. Just be honest about it


Hah, funny I was about to post that, but to me it's not God-tier, it's the same tier as Neverending Story: Memorable-tier.

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There Will Be Blood

i can see how many people would feel that way, but its an important film, very well-written

Children Of Men

I never liked that one... It has that 90's cheesiness I hate so much, and the script isn't even that good.

the large majority of people disagree with you. you know what it means if everyone you meet is an idiot, right?

you taste like a burger, I don't like you anymore

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YES, how could I forget?

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This movie is all that Slumdog Millionaire wanted to be and failed. Much better, much wiser, much more epic.


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Yea Forums HATES on this movie every time it comes up, which says more about them than it does about it.

I love horror movies but they never actually scared me. This movie scared me.

interesting, gonna dl, thanks

this shit fucked me up as a kid.

did you also not like this one?

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That's too funny I was go to post The Neverending Story next. Good taste definitely memorable-tier.

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The writing and storytelling is actually quite well-paced and interesting but the characters are all shit and everything that happens is boring. Not god-tier

Not funny enough to be god-tier comedy, not deep enough to be god-tier science fiction.

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Watch every year

Real men of culture like these movies.

Shrek is love. Shrek is life.

I enjoyed the book, but I haven't checked out the movie. Is it good?

theres more to life than fart jokes and aliens

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Neverending story is rather shallow, the true god-tier puppet fantasy is pic related

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whats boring to you is poignant for others. Its a very personal movie for a certain type of person, and if you don't identify with it, I can understand why it wouldn't hold your interest.

Douchebag detected.

It's fucking garbage. The only upside to it existing are the stills of NP dressed as a whore.

The most important film of our generation.

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Best. SF. Movie. Ever. And. Will. Always. Be.

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Not as good as you remember I promise

THANK U! A fucking Masterpiece, this movie. Absolutly underrated!

Good one

Aliens is way better from a visual standpoint and in terms of narrative.

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god my nipples get so hard when simpletons try to put me in my place. I really like avant-garde techno and literature. Say stuff about that.


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the film that made Yea Forums what is is

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The Dark Crystal was pretty good too. I wanted to fuck that elfin girl so bad when I was eight, or a skeksis.

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i'm not gay, I'm - *oh god* - comfortable - *yessss* - with my - *fuuuuck* - sexxxxuuaaalitttyyyyy - *HNNNG*

>but has some really cool ideas that are explored well.
Only teenagers who think they're deep believe that. It's a shitty edge teen movie with badly adapted ideas ripped from a Kurt Vonnegut novel.

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incredibly relevant considering the Muslim refugee crisis. All the swedes had to do was listen. They didn't fucking listen. Now they have a blood sucking parasite in their midst.

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I just watched this. I would not call it god tier but it had surprisingly good moments.

god tier not shit tier
loved where illiterate dirt people are able to learn how to fly jet fighters with just a couple of hours in a flight simulator.

Misunderstood hidden gem coming through.

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Aliens destroyed the prestige of the monster, as it turned to be cannon fodder when a bunch of soldiers killed approximated 2,000 aliens. Part 1 and 3 were the best when a single alien killed nearly all of the people.


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Opinions like that should be discarded as it doesn’t base merit on filmmaking but rather on your own personal whim. Aliens wasn’t meant to be a monster movie.

Most people haven't bothered to ever watch this but it's fucking great.

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the short was better, when the aliens were metaphors for the afrikaaners.

I've been told the same thing about Citizen Kane, tyvm.

is that boy wearing a velvet suit?

I have and it was just not for me I dont care for silent movies

You are welcome to believe your opinion were superior.

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Yes, this film creates a legitimate fear to be murdered at any point, the car scene made me paranoid

Rich people in weird times

One of us is right

this. written by Tarantino, great cast and an awesome dialogue scene between Christopher Walken and Dennis Hopper. Not to mention the Gary Oldman character Drexyl saying "he must have thought it was white boy day. It ain't white boy day, is it?"

Yo, did they ever roll around with the version they worked on which includes rediscovered footage found somewhere in South America and which was supposed to be 90% complete compared to the uncut version?

has no one said this WTF, faggots

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Actual God-tier movies

Hillary Clinton's favorite part

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Hell yes this movie is god-tier. Honestly my favorite movie

I posted three of those, I feel vindicated

Red-pilled masterpiece. I wish I could see Kubrick's intended cut

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oh, for god's sake. will you people just go back to your spot under a rock. it hasn't even been funny for the last five years or so, get a new topic.

That rock's called /pol/, btw

Oh yes, definitely. Inspired a generation.
The sequel was OK, soundtrack wasn't as memorable but Michael Ironside was.

Most of those films are good, but Erasurehead was not that good man. It was just Lynch experimenting with visual stuff and forming his style. His later films were way better. Personally I would put Blue Velvet as a God tier film

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No, fuck off !

No. Only normie scum like the sequel.

Hasta la vista, motherfucker.
Oh wait I may be mixing something here.

You've got issues, my friend.

Never seen it, the plot looks interesting.

The first terminator is true god-tier.

The originals are god-tier.

Yeah, that's why I said "fuck off", that picture belongs to the new film... Which is garbage.

talking about Indiana Jones, btw

just over played is all. you won't find dialogue like this is many other films. Tarantino is considered by film critics (e.g., people who have studied, read, watched, discussed and are far more knowledgeable on the topic than you) to be considered one of the more acclaimed writers/directors of his time.

>studied, read, watched, discussed
All meaningless. True wisdom of a craft belongs to the craftmakers themselves alone.

Only on certain circles. Tarantino doesn't really care for anything other than entertainment; a noble cause, but that's all you get from his films; nobody remembers details of his films or develop a real attachment for his characters, we just get entertained, and that's why "film scholars" consider him overrated.