I need the image with prooves that Katie Bouman is not the main person behind the picture of the black hole.
I saw it here yesterday but I didn't save it.
I need the image with prooves that Katie Bouman is not the main person behind the picture of the black hole
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks !
No it was a picture with git logs and photos of the team
Why does it matter? Shes admitted many times it was a team effort. Although she was one of the people who closely worked on it daily, Not her fault women like her. Go outside.
It's not important, she's brillant but when I see articles like "The woman behind the black hole picture" that's.. sad.
Who said women never invented or discovered anything. Katie proved all men are wrong
anyone have a nudie pic of her black hole?
stop reading clickbait trash. jesus. Read the nytimes article.
Posting an image with logs and photos of the team isn't anymore proof than the fucking clickbait articles. You'll just look like a troll..
holy shit this is autistic...
oh thanks that's it.
But where is the repo ? Is it private ?
don't reply to bait.
Who the fuck cares?
Because woman did something. Baaaaad. Booooo.
It's been a long time that head scientist get all the credit, strange thing you only wake up when it's a women who is the head scientist.
I'm not denying the fact that liberals politics are the reason this woman is this much on the media but stop screaming "discrimination" and fight the research system instead and help us fix or prevent a lot of injustice against man and woman
No, it's just that she has all the media coverage since it's a team effort
God we have so many exemple through history but everything which go against the right-tards opinion is a fucking conspiracy to them
that's not a problem of men or women lmao
Yes, that's what I'm trying to say
you do realize a lot of scientists don't care as much about the credit as much as solving the problem right?
I'm in science study, half of my family work in a lab (including my both parents) and all i heard so far were story of stolen thesis and photoshoped result to have better founds
To make science you need money to have money you need credit. When we take you credit we not only take you money to buy yourself things or glory we take you the oppurtinity to make your own experiments and your own research this is one of the biggest problem of research so far.
So no most of the scientist no matter how much they love what they'r doing will don't appreciate being stolen
She was though? kind of like how the person who 'created' the movie isn't the one who built the sets or even wrote the script, but the guy who actually put the whole thign together. Kind of like the guy who creates a video game doens't write the 850 thousand lines of code but creates the ideas that someone else codes for them?
with shit-tier english like that, how could i ever take a thesis you or your family made seriously?
Speaks truth. I've worked on 1,000,000+ line project before. It was an ongoing effort of over a decade of programming from a team that varied in size from 6 to about 20.
Previous job had a team of 6 and we produced 60k+ lines of highly reliable CMM level 3 code and that took about 3 years once the team was fully focused and included taking time getting our shit together to be beyond CMM level 1.
Fuck off Andrew! This is why nobody likes you!
also you don't have to be "lead" to get credit, the scientific team as a whole are generally named in the research papers. you a massive faggot that doesn't know what he's talking about.
This. wtf are those sentences.
She was the person behind it though
She is the one with the scientific expertise, the part of the team that wrote the algorithm are just codemonkeys whose part in the job was to write code that did what Bouman asked
This may be unheard of to NEETs, but this is actually how work is carries out
So you really think that the latest bugatti has one person behind it? Or that the operator that puts the part of the car together is behind the design of the car?
Oh man that's gold. That shit yesterday was bizarre. Literally every news outlet posted an article about here within a couple hours of each other basically giving her all the credit. Then there were people on this board calling anyone who questioned it an incel.
But she wasn't the head scientist. They obviously used her to promote women in science because she was young. They even made her do the TED talk in 2017.
hilarious. dude is acting like his prediction was unique. his prediction is not different from what scientists were predicting it would look like. his explanation of the universe is pure hilarity.
Andrew Chael:
>“While I appreciate the congratulations on a result that I worked hard on for years, if you are congratulating me because you have a sexist vendetta against Katie, please go away and reconsider your priorities in life,” he tweeted.
Yea Forums has been retarded for a long time... but we didn't used to get duped into garbage this badly..
She wasn't. She just created one of the the many algorithms used to generate the image. Even in all those articles that came out about her yesterday they were careful enough to say that.
I never watch YT videos with that pile of sticks used for fuel.
>Yea Forums has been retarded for a long time... but we didn't used to get duped into garbage this badly..
because the young minds here have been rotten in a horrible way. Thinking everything is to just either to shit on white males or enable white genocide.
From what I understand they didn't even use the alogrithim that she actually worked on.
get control of your emotions, you're fucking unstable like a teenage girl
Yeah but he's basically saying it wasn't all her either.
lol OP you've been fuckin played like a mindless little fiddle.
Consider blowing yourself, then blowing your head off.
Hes an effeminate homo protecting the girl power narrative. lord.
He's one of the most intelligent people you'll ever waste your worthless life bitching about. Back to your trailer.
kek. This.
Yeah. Regardless, I don't know how anyone could observe what happened yesterday and not see the obvious gender politics. Almost every news outlet came out with articles within an hour of each other pretty crediting the entire project to her. I wouldnt even care if she was 100% responsible for it, I'd say that's awesome. But that obviously wasnt the case.
Doesnt change the fact that he is indeed just sticking up for a colleague. is it her fault that the msm is sickeningly desperate for female icons? no. i dont blame her at all.
it kind of reminds me of the ronda rousey hyperbole that was going on a few years ago.
I'm pretty sure the only people saying it was all her is clickbait websites and reddit.
Bouman and everyone else maintains it was a group effort.
>he is indeed just sticking up for a colleague
uh what is wrong with that?
Am I replying to bait?
>It was a photo too good not to share. The scientist, Katie Bouman, a postdoctoral fellow who contributed to the project, became an instant hero for women and girls in STEM, a welcome symbol in a world hungry for representation.
wtf is this shit..
nice mental gymnastics, incel. none of the people involved ever claimed that.
"how dare they focus on female contributions in an otherwise male dominated field of science, when her contribution wasn't directly proportionate to the fame she received, i am MAD REEEEE"
Basically, yea.
I want to know why there is such an appetite to do that. Why do females need to be held up like this? Why?
This kind of reminds me of that "girl" who was playing in the overwatch (i think) league.
media so quick to jump all over stuff like that.
because it gets clicks? I guess
She went viral for 3 reasons,
1 because the image of the black hole wasn't all that intrinsically interesting (admitted by some of the researchers themselves on twitter.)
2. She took a [key here] virally-perfect photo of her Excitement over the image that was primed to spread across social media - It was a FAR better press photo than the b-hole itself. Publication were desperate to capitalize on this.
3. People like to see underdogs and women in science is hot right now.
This is a perfect storm for clickbait.
Now, instead of REEEing about it. Why not just STOP FUCKING READING CLICKBAIT.
Read the fucking Nytimes, read a publication YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR if you don't want to see trash like this. Jesus.
Pretty sound explanation.
because it's still special, even though it shouldn't be. if there was actual equity in STEM (and i don't talk about a system of quotas), this shit wouldn't be interesting to anyone.
but as it stands, women need to be pushed into the spotlight when excelling in an predominantly male field, just as men need to be pushed into the spotlight when they take on typically female accomplishments.
soooo she was the boss and so she is the only one that gets the credit? A competent leader credits his or her team and trys not to accept accolades alone.
>men pushed into the spotlight when they take on typically female accomplishments.
Can you give me an example of this?
>women need to be pushed into the spotlight when excelling in an predominantly male field
you mean exactly like she has done - repeatedly?
No some guy named shep was the boss.
is what happened
>i saw a picture with a claim on an imageboard and i am convinced it's true because it feels right
>please validate me and show me again
Every news outlet reported it. I'd say that's pretty irresponsible.
Biggest cuck award
The Nytimes as far as I can tell reported about other people mistaking her for the accomplishment.
Washpo did have several articles about her but most were about her viral sensation as far as I can tell. Though I don't pay for Washpo so I can't search all that well.
no u.
That's not what happened. The project was pushing her to be the face since 2017 since she did the TED talk. She was probably the only young woman on the project. Her work wasn't anymore or less significant than many other people on the project. It wasn't just a matter of click bait. I've been following the project four a couple years now and they put her face in front of a camera as much as possible. It was obviously a decided effort to promote women in science. I have nothing against that. But allowing the media to overstate her contribution is simply irresponsible.
I mean is kinda fucked up how the media is reporting this thing. This kind of shit is the work of a life time and some guy was a MAJOR contributor to this thing but he is ignored because the media hooked into a chick that put in 1/800 of the work the other guy put, especially when she never even tried to take credit, and I know this is not the first time and it won't be the last when media pushes certain narrative.
I mean there were other women working on the project but they don't get any recognition either. And people don't even question this shit, that's what's upsetting. At the very least I'm happy to see that the people involve don't care who gets credit.
Huh? As far as I know her TED talk was when she was working for a totally different team? That algorithm wasn't part of this photo.
What a chuck hHahaah.
The way it's being reported is click bait user. They are making it seem like she alone did the work. Obviously that's not the case and not one person does everything in a project of such scale like this one. And it's smart for NASA to put in some young chick as the face since that would caught people's attention but the media and their poor reporting, ignoring men and women alike who worked on this project to push the "WOMAN POWER" agenda instead of one of equality and team effort is what pisses me off.
>Can you give me an example of this?
stay at home men/single fathers, men in educational fields, male assistants, nurses, etc.
i know, not something that seems like an accomplishment, because the system doesn't value emotional or societal merit, but profitability or performance.
because it gives younger girls role models to look up to and normalize the idea that women are just as able to excel in male dominated fields as men. gender shouldn't discourage women to pursue a career in STEM, but they are still heavily influenced by their gender normative socialization.
Okay first off, she didn't put one 1/800th the work in... That image is completely misleading. Chael himself on twitter:
>Also I did not write "850,000 lines of code" -- many of those "lines" tracked by github are in model files. There are about 68,000 lines in the current software, and I don't care how many of those I personally authored
Your complaining about "the media" and then perfectly fine getting info from redoutlines on a screenshot on Yea Forums.
Use critical thinking. You are the problem. Stop reading clickbait.
That was a hyperbole user, a exaggerated statement or claim not meant to be taken literally. "Lines of code" are often misleading anyways.
And like I said, it's not just the guy who did tons of the work, but the other people involve, men and women alike. Who are completely ignore because of some narrative the media is trying to push, this kind of shit is achieve by a team of people and hundreds of hours of work where not one person is responsable for the success of the project.
Rate my black hole
You take your proof from “images” gathered on Yea Forums? No wonder you are one misinformed, ignorant pile of shit.
He's gay and a white knight, you can't expect anything else from beta.
Your point is moot
yikes. the fact of the matter is the katie created the algorithm that was used to capture the image of the blackhole. she was the reason this project was completed.
all of you incels have your head so far up your ass you cant see what's right in front of you because you cant get laid.
"muh propaganda"
fucking oof
Never underestimate the capacity for the sexually inept to be intimidated by the opposite sex.
tits, that's all the proof you need.
Yeah, yeah this is an incel thread alright.
Hi newfriends. This here is what we call bait. Do not reply to it.
Neck yourself woman hater
She came up with the algorithm. I don’t care how many people helped write it. If you knew anything about it you’d know writing the code is nothing compared to creating the algorithms
Its social media, and the left biased media that's giving her the attention. For one social media is public opinion driven, it just so happens people liked her, and butthurt men are freaking out because of it. And two, when men get the media attention and social media attention its positive from both sides, and on the butthurt male side they trash talk women still.
>hurr look another man discovers or solves this
>see women cant do that.
Hypocrisy is on the people who are critisizing her in this situation.
Hey Andrew,
nice to see you around. Good work! To you and all of the team.
Reading this made my brain hurt. Learn to English
true that
"Why would I take a German scientist seriously? He doesn't even speak English!"
-(You), a brainlet
>german scientist
that's a funny way to spell poo-in-street shitposter
but the question is, what lines was it. Maybe he just copy paste most.
>read the nytimes
>the publication that has pushed every war
>also implying that paid for publications arent filled to the brim with clickbait
Yeah no thanks. Journalism has been dead for years pal.
The article you posted literally backs up the claim that no one person was responsible numb nuts.