If butchering of girls was legal and meat from them was be able to buy in stores, would you eat it?

If butchering of girls was legal and meat from them was be able to buy in stores, would you eat it?
Also would you work in girl meat processing facility?
How would you organise entire process? (from meat decision to dispose of waste)

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is this vore??

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I used to work at a meat processing plant and it would go like this. From the moment the product gets to the facility we would cut the vocal cords to reduce on the noise pollution because you know these whore's would be crying up a storm begging for their lives in fact most f-farming (female farming) would do it before hand but because we are cheap bastards we would do it in house. Once that's done they would go to our quality assurance team who would fuck these girls to make sure they could put up a fight meaning the meat was good. If they did not care or did not move or expired they would be thrown out because the meat isn't good. They would then be put back in the line with their hands in chains and be put throw the neck slicer to be killed. Most would be 18 plus as to let the meat mature but there would be some processing facilities that would deal with the "veal" of the industry that's not my thing but you know capitalism. Once that was done they would be put threw the disemboweling section where they would go on a line system to remove internal organs either for more exotic markets or they would be given to m-line donation. (A male first and only line of free organs). Once the organs were disposed of they would start cutting the body in sections for meat. Any waste would go to dog food or a kind of meat waste oatmeal made for female farming facilities. In essence the captive females would eat as you can guess other waste product of females. Of course in this universe you can still have your OWN personal kind of female bitch who enjoy no rights and are considered worse than bugs. There have even been female cage fighting just like you would have with dogs.

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I love the autism and incelism of these threads

Jesus Christ like every fucking day with this guy. Can you seriously only bust a nut to other people describing how they would butcher and sell women you find attractive? Que the Looney toons factory music please.

dude this is awesome! I always wanted to bite my girl till i drew blood but the bitch won't let me

It's not stupid honestly I wrote this up because I find women who bitch and moan about the state of america to be dumb asses. Now if it were like stated above of course I would fight to get them freedom but at this time it's just a thought exercise.

some ideas of women meat grading system?

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What in the fuck? I’ve seen some weird fetishes but you’ve got a problem m8

>> just a thought exercise

Sure Hitler.

Ebic! xD you'll fit right in fren!

The title of these threads used to have a nice cadence and unintentional rhyme and was really like accidentally poetic, enhanced further by the obvious sociopathic autism of the author.

OP can you bring back the old title, you deranged lunatic?

My proposition
First of all, regular blood tests - every girl in her age has to report blood tests every two months.
Secondly, the controls - On the day of birth, each girl must go to control, consisting of several parts:
>1. Checking cleanliness (depilation, care, ect)
>2. Collection of sizes (not only height and weight, but also breast size, BMI, depth and width of vagina and anus, length of arms and legs, ect)
>3. Photo session (portrait, whole body detachment on each side, close-up on the chest, vagina and ass, etc., X-ray and mammography also)
>4. Physical examination (standard plus spirometry, checking the strength of individual muscles and sexual stimulation)
>5. Summary (category definition)
Of course, the entire control is done naked from start to finish. They are obligatory, and not appearing means that the girl will go to the slaughterhouse.

Girl gets one of this categories:
A - near perfect body
B - skinny body
C - chubby body
D - landwhales, ill, disabled
X - a serious illness that can harm people

There is additional categories: M for girls that have lactation potential or already lactating and F for test subjects selected from meatgirls.

Meat prices are more or less the same - the maximum difference between A and D is 20%. Of course, there are differences between individual pieces, for example, women's ham costs more than meat from the drumsticks

Any questions? or ideas to improve?
I will post examples

grade A meatgirl

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B category

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Cat. C

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D category

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Last one - Category A girl with M that indicates she can provide mikl

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Nigga no.
Getcho Ted Bundy headass outta here.

Most tender


I'd pay real money for an original post on this site..

No. The real business is in selling them alive. I envision a world where stock market, and commodities fluctuations revolve around the buying/selling of live women. There would even be niche markets, and even specialty markets (which would depend on value). Value would depend on three factors: 1) beauty/physique, 2) fertile, 3) compliancy. Because of this, Nordic White women would be the more expensive because they would be the more demanded. Then White women and White Latina. Then Eastern Asians and White Maghreb Arabs. Then the rest of Arabs and pretty brown Latinas. Then Hindus, Southern Asians, Polynesian, Central Asians, Native Americans, and the rest of Brown Latinas. Then extremely mixed. Then African black women. Then American African black women. Finally the rest.
There will be free women, but there will also be women sold as products online, at specialized physical markets, or even private transactions with due commercial receipts (like cars have VIN number, these women would have in an implanted chip and surgical tattooed bone).
I envision some buying women for sexual pleasure. Others to procreate. Some to have someone at their house cleaning and such. Companionship would also be a niche market. I envision factories and armies buying them too.

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