Rekt thread

Rekt thread

Attached: 1529857950209.jpg (720x960, 140K)

Wtf lmao

Poor Rat UwU

Praise be, Rat Jesus

Attached: C11A429D-80B9-458E-A990-64B8695B011E.jpg (981x965, 86K)

Torturing a fucking rat.
Human trash.

You faggots better start posting rekt or this thread is going to die

Attached: 1554665963084.webm (500x374, 1.91M)

Get rekt

Attached: 1481232290814.webm (480x360, 431K)

Here some more rekt

Attached: 1542942530110.webm (1280x720, 964K)

Attached: 1554351474308.jpg (2848x2134, 806K)

Attached: 1554361506215.jpg (720x400, 66K)

Attached: 1554099063401.jpg (500x357, 56K)

Attached: 1554793333898.jpg (1200x900, 173K)

Attached: 1554099314342.jpg (500x500, 40K)

This is the last pic from me

Attached: 1554098863414.jpg (720x480, 46K)

Attached: breath.webm (640x362, 355K)

What in the actual fuck is that?

that's some weird shit

Attached: 1555040937444.webm (720x420, 1.63M)

Attached: 1549966520311.webm (640x360, 696K)

Attached: 1555031786404.webm (272x480, 1.73M)

Attached: 1555039682628.webm (640x480, 1.46M)

MODS !!! Close this FAGS thread plz...

>oh no! I deliberately entered a thread full of things that I detest, and now I'm mad! How could this happen?

sir you're a pussy so GTFO

I have this in my rekt sub folder labeled "knife thieves".

What the fuck, took some time before the blood appeared

Attached: 1554442984544.gif (272x299, 1022K)

hhahahahahahhahah´hhaaahhaahahahahahahaahahaahaHAhaAhahhaHAhahihiAhiahihiAhiAhiAhiahihAHAAHIJHIAhAHAHIahhIHIAHahHAAhahIhaaaahhahahHAHAHaHHAHhahahah captcha uses me


It's fake, like most things posted in these threads. It's from some redneck haunted house attraction.

Attached: 1554138008811.webm (398x700, 1.89M)

Attached: busted_head.webm (720x480, 964K)

u seen what the guys is wearing?

Attached: ltdrg7kyd3a21.jpg (1080x692, 106K)

ouch, definitely broke a rib or two

Attached: amazing_escape_trick.webm (460x306, 1.57M)

Find a bridge and jump faggot, band of poor cowards....

>fucking my leg up
>casually smile and give a thumbs up to the camera

Attached: 1553360601199.gif (260x224, 1.77M)

>Dickless pussies thread


Lol when youre so sad and weak you have to hurt things that are 200 times smaller than you.
Hahahahhaa thats pussy lvl100

Im deathly afraid of watching heights, even in a video/pic, did he fall or survive?

80% is just gore. Not rekt.

Sad little newboys dont know the difference. They just wanna be edgy

It's a joke video

>believing its real

Attached: DwQ7YTvXgAAbwUx.jpg (396x396, 26K)

Was he alright?

Go watch it. Its fake. Face your fears bro

common now user post examples between rekt and gore

Attached: train_thug.webm (314x410, 1.65M)

hahahhahahaha holy fucking shit. I don't believe someone actually got that idea.

Attached: elefantikus.jpg (589x374, 109K)

If you don't know then you confirmed you are a sad little reddit boy to show off to his pals.

Attached: 1555067921698.jpg (1200x1200, 67K)

>reddit post

He was laying in a pipe and the camera was flipped so it looked like he was hanging from it. Watch it faggot.

Actual rekt

Attached: down_air.webm (720x404, 1.88M)

Attached: tinkerbell_is_pissed.webm (720x480, 1.75M)

Attached: african_alarm_clock.webm (640x352, 1.27M)

Somebody should do that to _you_, motherfucker.

How the fuck did I forget what this thumbnail looked like?

Attached: for_vegans.webm (720x404, 1.81M)


Filename kek

what spintires mod is this?

Fus Ro Dah!

yeah, it's SCARY

How... Why?

Instant hamburger meat.

Attached: 1536035162035.webm (640x360, 1.96M)

they fell for 3 mins

Attached: 1551194848208.webm (426x240, 392K)

Hey, my speciality.
This is an emergency procedure called thoracotomy, which is used if you need very fast access to the heart/lung area (typically bleeding in the pericardium or traumatic/sharp trauma to the thorax).
The patient is of course ventilated, and this is a last measurement, as the procedure is often non sterile, and has a high mortality in its self. Its rare that it is needed, and i've only had practice doing it on cadavers and pigs.
Regards from a danish physician.

Attached: go_pro.webm (480x270, 1.95M)

Alright... Thanks.

Attached: cultural_enrichment.webm (266x480, 903K)

Finaly something interesting

The cameras must be wrong. How much high the building must be?

Dunno the math seems pretty hard. It's 9.81 times something but I am American and I have no idea.

Attached: china 3 kids.webm (480x352, 755K)

Attached: 1985192332.jpg (473x476, 19K)

Tesla autopilot v1.0.0

The FUCK happened

Attached: 1553414864827.gif (240x200, 354K)

natural selection

road rash?

10km or so.

Attached: 1554021995029.jpg (615x766, 108K)

And thus a religion was born.

couple stitches, he was fine

What the actual fuck?


wtf i want to play skyrim now

what exactly was he expecting?

Attached: 1554476227847.png (450x488, 302K)

Just a minor concussion

This is the world now.

Yes of course. I too take multiple bullets in my head that crack my skull in half and send bits of brain flying.

This is one of the many examples of mass manipulation in the world today.Humanity doesen't know what is right and what is wrong
sorry for my bad english

You stupid fucking mongoloids

He probably had a parachute ir a wingsuit that didnt work.


This is no bueno without the sound.
The sound of him making zero noise while picking out the glass shards crunching around in his ass was the best part.

First time noticing he's playing with his fake dick too, kek.

Def not. The acceleration is 9m/s/s so it would take something like 5 seconds to fall in a moderately high building. Like 20 stories or something.

My fucking sides

I love how stunned he is it didn't go through.

Kek this looks like its in India

Attached: racist_reality_kick.webm (400x368, 404K)

Not the same one. This jar doesnt break

>getting this pissed over pedantics
90% of those coming into rekt threads expect gore now. Yet there's always at least one butthurt fag bitching about the gore.

>end logo

Attached: f40e7c02fbde2eb6d19a886ae6b95ab28d9d1d58005bb8d8e8753d617fd013a7.gif (300x235, 1.94M)

158km nearly 159km.

And the impact speed would be 1765.2m/s or 6355km/h

hey guys i'm trying to upload christchurch footage but file is too big just hold on a minute

hes probably fine

Fuck you....speak American!!!

Attached: 1545884862326 murica.jpg (425x625, 70K)

Attached: how to train your baby.webm (640x360, 1.45M)

98 miles


That’s more like it

Actually the police was corrupt.

u got a vid?

How are you sure these men were of African descent? The camera was dark, so of course they will look black, fucking racistic nazi

haunted house

the rat is dead. its eyes are open but its dead. also 100% gay

I hate how the ones with only pictures NEVER have any context whatsoever.
I want to know why someone pealed those dudes faces.

I know niggers, i was just joking, seemingly you deepthroated my bait like a troglodyte

Is two hikers that got raped and murdered in Morocco but 3 sandniggers.

fuck off nigger

Attached: ah_man_not_again.webm (1024x576, 1.89M)

Attached: 1665454812158.webm (1280x720, 1.71M)

cartoon eyes, not that scary after all

That high-bay warehouse doesn't look like that safe in the first place.

They are supposed to not collapse that easily.


you are aware calling people racist and/or nazi over here is more likely a compliment than a derisive or shameful comment

was he doing electric work with the power on, on a metallic structure, near a pond?

damn white people and their racist opression

having frens!

thats was difficult...

Suicide in young children is not uncommon, I heard.

Attached: 1527142077325.webm (640x368, 1.36M)


Attached: rip_pajeet.jpg (350x402, 17K)

>that surprise ending
fucking kek

get off muh \B\

Attached: Lakeysha.jpg (405x304, 27K)

D-did he time it exactly? Did he blow himself up by accident? I have so many questions


Da fuk, he Even had his blinker on.!

Attached: educational_science.webm (720x480, 1.83M)

wtf i just posted animal cruelty & no one replied to me? fucking idiots, i clearly triggered u all so thats why you're deliberately ignoring me, kek @ u, i've won.

Attached: nigga what.jpg (800x450, 18K)

welcome to china

So you’ll never go into a trap thread or place you hate to complain ever again

Attached: amaizingly_stoned.webm (640x352, 1.91M)

Attached: he_is_stoned_af.webm (408x720, 1.95M)

Jesus Christ why won't they just fucking die? Poor guys

Disturbingly kino to see all those rocks fly instantly


a movie set apparently

It's fake, CGI.

what's the average IQ here, 45?

Clean up on idle 3,4 and 5.....kek

nah user it's 47

>The woman at the end

t. guy who can't hurt a fly

they cut off the part where the nigger robs the dumb white bitch who tried to help him


About the same IQ replacing your county in the next 20 years :)

We'll. ... Can't unseen that....

If there is a psychiatrist on here can u tell me what drives someone to do this...why why why why

9.81ms^-1 to be precise

Attached: 1554329268654.jpg (253x259, 29K)

torturing a rat with a mini-crab. Humans never run out of ideas don't they.

Attached: 1504042125-jesusbeauf.png (372x278, 103K)

It was just a lighter. Unlucky car accident


>being this pathetic
I hope your joking

Attached: handkerchief_fetish.webm (854x480, 1.08M)

Attached: here_let_me_help_you.webm (480x848, 1.5M)

great friday, faggot.

Attached: street_circus.gif (240x180, 1.96M)

Have you ever cut (by accident) yourself?

Attached: nature is beautiful.webm (720x396, 1.15M)

>entire warehouse is destroyed

This filename, lol.


Wheres the whitey oppressing them? I guess they are violent everywhere.

Attached: HET.webm (224x400, 1.96M)

Thats what the JEWS made retarded americans do to their children. At least the white and black population that is.

whats teh difference between OP pic and this pic faggots?

Attached: american-jew-cattle-glow-in-the-dark.jpg (594x386, 30K)

Oh shit, hes chewing with his fingers.

Just blow the rest of my head off, fam
Oh shit I can't write or talk anymore and people are keeping me alive against my will

Attached: regular_virgin.webm (600x450, 1.09M)

Hi I just compared a jewish circumsizion with animal cruelty & no one replied to me? wtf is your game you bunch of fags. Reply to me. Stop fucking ignoring me. Answer my question & stop acting like you aren't triggered by the fact I can't diffrentiate between animal cruelty & a circumsizion. What a bunch of fucking faggots, stop ignoring me, you're clearly all mad that I've made the comparison lol bunch of triggered moralfags fucking shut the fuck up. I've won this fight.

Some people just get shadowbanned...

Attached: 1554718110326.gif (240x180, 2M)

That guy 100% went for the kill. Dafaq, he could have just stayed in his lane. Nope he switched lanes, smashed as hard left as possible and accelerated

Link to full video please

dont forget to smile lol

somebody call the fucking mods
somebody call the fucking mods
before i give a fucking toss!

Attached: dd.jpg (720x480, 161K)

ylyl ? lol i lost

My penis actually hurts after watching that

best one

dude the number of doors that can be easily opened into empty elevator shafts is like some kind of national pastime in China

Can someone post a video of someone getting killed or shot while trying to rob a store

get the fuck off b then you dirty reddit cunt

Attached: life_doesen't_matter_over_cash.webm (640x360, 574K)

Attached: ljj.jpg (480x360, 34K)

i hope his name is francisco :3

how to train your baby

what's wrong?

Remember kids, sideway for attention and along the arm for results

I wish I could hear the bones cracking. I like it when Indian stereotypes are reinforced with evidence.

this one always cracks me up

No, he is an idiot. Pulling the gun out of the bag took too much time. You can see, that the victim stood up, because he noticed that the killer is pulling something out. After the kill he doesn't put the gun back into the bag. What a fag.

Do you think he made it?

Attached: where_are_you.webm (768x576, 1.95M)

Yeah, these stupid niggers. There curtenly are no rednecks dying like this.

Juge people individually. He is stupid, he died. All good.

Class and upbringing are huge factors, race is marginal. Get a brain, or you will be the next one dying like this.

these people don't really care what this person did, they just want to savagely beat someone to death.

Why would they? It's funny

It’s just like from a few days ago where someone used scissors to cut a rat’s dick

wow... i cant believe she was so oblivious

Smoking kills, lol.

Religon of tolerance. Aloha Akkbursh

Attached: 1554947399495.webm (544x960, 1.06M)

Dat Anime nosebleed, tho.

can someone post a picture of a male sucking another males dick. That would be totally rekt bc it would mean that the male is a fag. Omg plz post it

roth in hell fag

Attached: punishment.webm (640x350, 1.7M)

Attached: D0iSmvLX4AY3Tf4.jpg (710x480, 58K)

So many OSHA violations...can't even

I know people post this for the butt hurt but seriously how pathetic do you have to be to take pleasure in torturing a small animal? You have to be the absolute lowest society has to offer to get you jollies this way.