Do you own a gun Yea Forums?
Do you own a gun Yea Forums?
No, guns are for pussies.
Technically no. I registered them all in my grandma's name.
I will on Saturday when I got pick up my shotgun. After that I'm going for a handgun and then my CCW
An XDs 9mm for protection
and a Kimber Custom II .45 for fun
Only one.
Mosin nagant
Yes, many.
I own several for hunting.
Daily carry is for coward faggots.
ARs are also for coward faggots.
Man the fuck up, paranoid incels.
Soy detected
No. But I have one of those RPG-7s without the rocket, and a two-handed arming sword.
I drink 2% cow milk bitch
Yep. Cheap-ass Taurus G2 but it gets the job done for a daily carry.
but what about zombies
If you're only gonna have one "Built like a brick shithouse" and "abundant ammunition" are definitely purchasing points.
Settle down now Elmer.
You can drink whatever the fuck you want, but saying that guns are for pussies or that carrying is cowardly makes you autistic. Keep licking the boot, nigger.
Yes, I work at a 7amcirclepm11k store and have customers on meth or drunk threaten me because I "looked at them the wrong way" I literally say nothing besides hello when they walk in and want to fight me so I always have something on me for my protection. I almost drew my gun on a homeless guy when I thought for sure he was reaching for a gun, but luckily it was a plastic neon green revolver. I legit almost shit myself before he took it out of his coat.
What are you, a milk drinker? You fucking cheese brain. I bet you lick elf boots.
No, but I appreciate the aesthetic. Especially old rifles. When I own a house I'll probably have a handgun or something just for security. I don't really see point in owning tons of heavy duty guns, kinda seems like a redneck katana collection.
Nothing against gun owners, but they really shouldn’t be allowed to carry guns.
I’ve found a direct correlation between how close a gun owner is to their gun with how big a faggot they are. The closer they currently are to the gun, the more of a faggot they become.
Where’s your gun OP? Right next to you?
I own 282. Ahem.... i live in Texas... We roll like that.
it shoots some hot milk
I did but I lost them all in a boating accident earlier this year
3: glock 32, CZ75, and tristar phantom
What do you think, OP?
I have myself as a gun, fluent in 2 languages, 100 IQ and I own a KNIFE.
Benelli nova my grandad gave me. He's got it set up for duck hunting, I'm gonna do a home defense conversion. I'm 18 years of age so I definitely could use any knowledge/recommendations
Gun owners save more lives than criminals take. Gun owners are more likely to stop crimes than cops. Over 300,000 crimes are stopped a year cause of people who carry. Areas with more owners/carriers are less likely to have crime.
>glock 32,
Patrician choice, fren.
would be your best bet.
All of mine, minus a not pictured Savage Axis in .308
I own 14, 3 ars, 1 ak, 3 pistols, 2 shotguns, 1 sms. the rest are bolt action rifles.
Why do you have two optics on your AR
cute kitty, but why that ugly stock on the AK?
I haven’t counted recently but between my house and my farm I own over 40 firearms
One is a red dot, one is a magnifier.
The thumbhole stock is standard furniture on Maadi AKs. It looks strange but it’s comfy as fuck.
Let me guess, you carry a gun and got offended by what I said.
No, I want to though. I know a friend who has security clearance from a private security agency and he goes shooting with his AR15 and glocks, im trying to tag along. He just said I need to buy my own ammo and it'd be like 50 bucks. They go shooting at someones house near me in VA since everything is miles apart next to a highway. I had a remington 1100 that belonged to my grandfather that i used to shoot with him, but when he died his son took it.
Any pistol recommendations? Looking for something to keep in the center console and maybe ccw. If I was going expensive, i'd probably try to find a browning hi-power since you can get it with 15 round mags, but i've heard they like to stick bolt open. I dunno, glock is probably the easiest choice. I'd love me a glock 40
>a dark figure approaches
>its big lips utter, "GIBS ME DAT WYBOAY"
>I reach in behind me, but a wallet doesnt come out
>i slip a glock 40 out of my asshole
>as the wind blows out of my ass, lead blows out of my steel
>the shadow with lips collapses and so too does my rectum cavity
I carry a gun because I’m the only one directly responsible for my safety, and I replied to you to tell you that you’re actually fucking retarded, and that you should hang yourself at the earliest convenience.
I agree, but keep in mind that you're responsible for everyone elses safety around you when you have a gun. You can easily be convicted of muder (in some states) if you shoot someone who doesnt pose serious bodily harm to you. You've seen those stories on the news, the family says he was a good boy and he didn't have to be shot, he was going to church. Be careful brother, and stay safe
Lmao yeah stay mad kid, have fun killing people you murderer!
Ive never fired one and can't afford one and don't want to go to fed prison if i get caught with a cheap black market gun also i live in a safe city so wtf am I gonna do with it
The second amendment is fine, it very clearly states that it's to help form a well regulated militia, the militia of the United States is the Army National Guard, so I mean, if you have a non sporting firearm as part of your job of being in the National Guard, that's great.
But also a much MUCH higher concentration of faggots
ARs that can out shoot you are 499 now bub. Get a used G19 4 less than that
A “Fudd” is also a Scottish slang term for vagina
The militia is all 16-60y old men later expanded to all Americans
The second amendment was made to give citizens the ability to threaten and/or kill politicians and police officers when they overstep their legal or moral boundaries.
I had a .22, but I left it at home when I went to college. Then my opiate-addict uncle pawned it.
No, the founding fathers clearly meant that any retard should have unfettered access to as many firearms as they want regardless of the cost in human lives
At one time, more than 100 years ago, that was absolutely true, but since 1916 it has been called "Army National Guard" and members are officially recognized as members in comparison to the previous "anyone who wants to be one is one" minutemen.
No sir, that's from the preamble of the Declaration of Independence, we were allowed to do that well before the Constitution was even written, let alone amendments that were added later.
A couple of family heirlooms, and a 8" raging bull .454 just for fun. Good for home defense in that it makes a great club if you miss five times.
Do you believe that something fundamentally changed in the average American to warrant a sudden shift in what the Founding Fathers believed should be a worthy gun owner?