Plan on going to a con sometime in Massachusetts as samus aryan. Have two different suits and a cover for my man part. Any suggestions or stuff I should expect?
Plan on going to a con sometime in Massachusetts as samus aryan. Have two different suits and a cover for my man part...
If pic is you expect people to get, touchy with you, and I don't mean verbally.
Which con?
Booty pic?
I don't know, may even just go beginning of 2020. Where would something like this work best
No recet pics, sorry
Not quite MA, but there's always RI Comic Con
When's that
November, usually the weekend after Halloween
I just happen to know because I'm local. Got a kik?
bump for hopefully more pics
That might work, all I need to get are a pair of shoes that would fit the style and a wig
dandragora if you wanna chat
Also, not gay
I remember this thread. Enjoy getting harassed, unless you have a man face, then expect confusion
Lmao. It's more boyish but I've never put makeup on it. If there is any real harassment I'll just tell them to fuck off
tim i miss your streams :(
Why do it then if you're not a homo? Kind of wrecks the point, also post more pics
Not muscular enough to be Samus. Samus is more of a man than you
do you have a replica of her handgun? that might be a cool thing to add
also what kind of boots are you going to wear with it?
So you don't secretly want to get harassed?
I can get a replica easy, holster would be trickier. As for the footwear I don't know. Seen some people use open top heels, maybe those
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