Getting real sick and tired of keyboard scientists and bigot doctors on the internet who think 2 nonbinary panqueers cant reproduce.
Checkmate, idots.
Getting real sick and tired of keyboard scientists and bigot doctors on the internet who think 2 nonbinary panqueers...
Other urls found in this thread:
M8 i like dick and cant stand trannies
Idk what the made up things mean but rubbing 2 cocks or 2 vaginas together doesn't make a baby. Also please kill yourself
Follow the chart, user. Your prejudices are irrelevant.
None of that matters anyway because straight people outnumber all that shit by... a fucking lot.
All anyone who is stupid enough to worry about that sort of thing should probably just kill themselves.
This so much.
being gay is a genetic abnormality
this is a problem that will literally solve itself kek
excuse me but its LGQBTP now, kidsexuals won't be discriminated anymore!
Being gay is not genetic faggot
I believe it is.
its LGQBTQPF. might as well just let the furries have their fun as well
>all anyone who is stupid
Pls follow your own advice and an hero
mmm... furry kids
It may be genetic but that’s like saying redheads will die out you fucking tard
You’re all either new or literally retarded because this is obvious bait. You fags just want an excuse to REEE.
Proper bait/ /pol/ psy op.
You lads forget that traps have always been here and Yea Forums was never good.
you seem to forget that pedos have always been here too
Trannies > fags
Not refuting that. But pedos aren’t trying to be part of LGBT. That’s literally a meme.
t. straight male pedo btw
stop discriminating agains kidsexuals, entitled piece of shit
I know this is bait but as a pedophile, if anyone ever unironically identified as a “kidsexual” I would personally send them elephant dung.
Saged in all fields for newfagottry.
bump for more kidsexual support
Not gonna lie, I'm a rather open-minded person, but I would at least like to make a claim that I'm also reasonable. These labeling terms are complete horse shit to me, its like screaming how much of a special snowflake you pretend yourself to be.
I don't care what you call yourself, I legitimately don't.
If you have a penis and you want to stuff it into a fucking hole, do it and stop being a fuckbag about what I need to call you and how I automatically need to respect you for it.
Plus, straight people make gay babies all the time, so this has always been a part of our population dynamics. A small decrease in population growth would be a good thing now anyway.
sexy af
Actually... They were.
The gay and pedo movement were very much a thing up until the end of the 70's.
Alright ma’am
The biggest fag in your pic related is the zoomer behind that twitter.
FtM trannies can't reproduce though lmao
>as a pedo
>youre all newfags
The 70’s are over and Germany doesn’t count as real people, grandpa
mmm.. show us you little but sweetie
this one is atleast
Reproduce means to raise them sanely to adult hood.
None of those are sane stable households and hormones fuck up the gestation process.
Nah, I witnessed that "merger" born here, on Yea Forums a few years ago. Try again.
i wanna put my wrinkly balls in your mouth
sure, kid. your feelings dont trump facts...
If they want to be fucked then give birth, they’re not really ftm trans. They’re yaoi fangirls trying to be cute on tumblr.
Protip: if you point this out, it makes tumblrinas triggered far more easily than blatantly roasting trannies.
Test it if you don’t believe me. They’ll be “LITERALLY SHAKING”
Lots of fun
oh look, he's an internet connoisseur
Just wait until kids start having to take politically correct healthclasses. I can see it now, bell rings, teacher kicks back in her seat to read a book, puts her legs up on the desk and says, "do whatever the fuck you want, science is dead, also CPR is fake news"
Ah the smell of progress
Oh look, a person without a valid argument.
>inb4 roody-poo
What gets me is that none of this shit (with the possible exception of actually convincing yourself you're the other sex) is new. Tomboys and effeminate men have existed forever and they were accepted as much as they could be for the outliers that they objectively are. Fags and lesbians have likewise always existed. Someone beat you up for wanting to suck dick? Tough shit, people get in fights all the time. Carry a knife.
I'm not like, really super repulsed by them, except for the way that male homosexuals tend to pederasty, but they way they behave makes me want to suppress them to the degree that they claim they were in the past.
Unnaturally introduced hormones fucking up hormone levels is about as glaringly factual as you can get. Oh right, kid.
your opinion isn't a valid argument either, you fucking biggot
Started noticing empathy towards peds couple years ago when the drag kid shit started being accepted mainstream.
Its been less than a year since theres been talk about adding pedophilia to the LGBTQ+ label as "paedosexual".
It'll be right after flat-earth geography
imagine being a kid and those things being your parents
That’s it, user, don’t stop circlejerking. I’m almost there. Im gonna-I’m gonna—-hyguuuugg
I am repulsed by the ones who want to be unique by demanding everything is equal.
Theyre a walking oxymoron with no other goal than pissing people off. Its like westboro baptist church, shitposters hiding under the umbrella of freedom of faith.
Sure lets just be violent degenerates & normalize knife carrying instead of encouraging tolerance.
Trannies have always existed, user. That’s not new either. They’re just rare. Real transsexualism is a medical condition and was frankly better off before a vocal technicolor minority pushed to demedicalize it and make it “anyone who feels vaguely uncomfortable with gender roles is trans and gender is a social construct uwu” and trans people just sought to pass and live life without sperging out.
90% of trannies you see are fake.
Funny thing I never had a geography class. They always "rolled it into" history like eh fuck heres two subjects that don't matter. Combine them.
And we didnt learn a damn thing about history. I remember nothing but vocabulary words, memorizing the constitution, and rattling off the presidents in order.
An armed society is a polite society. If I had a burning hatred for fags and were afraid of getting a knife in the gut or a bullet in the head, I'd think twice before acting on it.
"Tolerance" is a pernicious lie enforced by the threat of state and corporate action against the people you want to "tolerate" you. Peace comes from force, so carry a weapon.
Even if it is, its not an abnormality. Its a gene that survived thousands of iterations & mutations.
It costs a total of zero dollars and zero cents to use google and find that /pol/ is responsible for spreading the pedosexual thing.
Although there are pedos in the gay male community as you can see with that kid, by and large most LGBT vehemently hate pedophiles, even ones who are non-offending and don’t watch CP. it’s damage control I guess
You went to a low end school or something. Thank that good ol American education system. No child left behind no matter how stupid. Meanwhile other countries have their kids becoming bilingual bare minimum
>the entire movement is not based on actual disadvantaged folks but a huge group of confused lazy asses that want special treatment
Phew and here I thought people had so much hate for them only recently for some nonsensical reason
theres also a difference between promoting tolerance and promoting cis rejection and hatred to preschoolers by a dragqueen dressed as a hooker.
fuck you faggots
You refute this?
Lol how long have you been here?
Also, do you watch TV? How many jokes in pop culture are there are about jailbait or stat rape or not fucking a 17 year old and waiting till she’s of age?
I have always suspected pedophiles are the normies.
Lets be real - when we see fathers and other men innocently caressing their little girls... They tend to go for the legs and butt, right? Feeling them up. Pedos.
I knew it.
I know that there are people who have messed up hormones or genitals or really just can't see themselves as anything but the opposite sex. I have sympathy for those people.
Epigenetics is a thing, sweetheart.
You... dont teach your children a second language? Huh?
Are you actively trying to make them morons?
I never argued anything about gays BEING pedos. I am suggesting that LGBTQ+ is attempting to normalize it, for whatever motives. I suspect its to reconcile resistance to drag kids in adult environments. There is another movement that thinks ageism is a thing.
In America? A second language is an elective. We dumb as shit over here
Actually it started great in gradeschool and then that no child left behind shit came along and they closed most schools, put all grades in one building so that funding and standardized testing could be more easily controlled.
A classic example of manipulating the results instead of addressing the problem. Now more blacks and hue hues could be hidden under averages.
It isnt our fault the government is a lazy cockhead
These "couples" are fucking disgusting abominations, and are nothing more than the result of modern wiemar degeneracy. Lgbtqrz+- should NEVER reproduce under any circumstances. The child would be irepairably damaged from growing up with two severely mentally ill parents.
>LGBTQ+ is attempting to normalize it
The Jews, user. The Jews are trying to do that.
Out of my friends it’s the white ones that are dumb as fucking bricks. Makes me sad for my own race
Ya but if ur hill billy ass chose to do so, ud still act on ur hatred but ud also have a knife. How is that any better? How do you sleep at night in those conditions?
Its easy to sound loud & proud but ur not the fag who needs to watch over their shoulder every day.
Why would we want a smarter population?
>for whatever motives
They don’t have any because it doesn’t remake sense because it’s being pushed by pol to delegitimise lgbt numbnuts
My personal views on pedo doesn't include a 16yr+ whore jumping on some 20 yr olds laps.
I don't have a problem with gay people. But all this gender related stuff is just ridiculous. It's all pretty simple. If you've been born with a dick, you're a fucking dude. You don't have to be a manly man, but you have a dick - you're a man. If you've got a cunt, you a gal. You don't have to be a feminine woman. But if you have a cunt, you a gal. There are two genders. Not three. Not thirteen.
Everything else is just a mental disorder comparable with identifying as an apache helicopter or a vampire or a wolf. Pic related.
I realize this is a bait thread.
If you’re not being sarcastic, that’s literally it. All of this fuckery started in 2014 when gender studies meme genders gained popularity on tumblr and suddenly girls stopped identifying as scene/emo and started identifying as non-binary. This fueled the very same gender studies special snowflakes to push society way past what is reasonable for opinions on trans people. Next thing you know every nu-male coder is a trans lesbian and a bunch of tumblr emos without dysphoria or a sexuality (asexuality) are “transmasculine” (i.e. not wanting to go on hormones or have survey thus going through a phase)
quints get?
>y-you're a hick!
Yeah okay, cool it with the anti-white remarks sweetheart.
>ud still act on ur hatred but ud also have a knife
Yes, exactly. The stakes are raised. If I get the shit kicked out of me after losing a fistfight, I'll survive. I've HAD the shit kicked out of me- not for being a fag, but does it really matter? If I get a knife fight and lose, I die. If I get in a gunfight and lose, I definitely fucking die. If everyone is armed with deadly force, then no one wants to start a fight because the penalty for losing is death.
Now, I know that in the real world and not my ideal society, you're a protected class and your need to do violence to protect yourself is abstracted to corporations and the state (meaning that instead of carrying a knife to defend yourself from people physically attacking you, you post on Twitter to dox people for calling you mean names), but that doesn't invalidate the point regarding personal defense weapons as the ideal way of eliminating the kind of dispute that you whine about as justification for drag queen storytime.
That’s literally not happening. I am unfortunate enough to be in the position of moderating a fan page on tumblr and I see the frontlines of SJW LGBT stuff, they’re pushing for the opposite, death to pedos, which is actually bad too IMO.
So, you’re eitjer gullible or you know better and just want to spread /pol/ propaganda like a cock.
You’ll be among the gassed. Remember that.
I am probably biased. Most blacks here are section 9 housing cause its cold as shit and none of them would willingly choose to move here. But you are right too its not like any of the white trash around here is any better, they definitely do crazier shit.
Also you are twice as likely to get a ride hitchiking from a black guy (ones that have a car). They know the struggle and will always smoke a joint and bullshit with you for 20 miles. White folks slam their eyes back and forth every 20 seconds while discussing the greater good and paying it forward, then hand you a jesus pamphlet on the way out.
I guess there is good and bad in them both.
yeah we get it. Anything degenerate is pol propaganda and we should all just let it go....
You know I wonder how real trans feel about this whole thing.
Since you use the dead 2014 attack helicopter meme, you probably aren’t receptive to the science behind transsexualism (REAL transsexualism, which is rare) but look up Dr. Harry Benjamin and transsexualism as an intersex disorder.
Basically, it’s like being a hermaphrodite in the brain and it’s super rare so most of these people are faking.
I blame poor education. I thought my school was bad but the poorer the district the less they are learning. And some of those white friends came from schools like that so it’s make sense but that’s just my own experiences
Give the motive then dumb cunt
Real trans people want to live their lives as the gender they think they should have been.
Attentionwhores arent real trans.
Expet this whole "trans" thing is not real. Feeling like the other sex is rather impossible to start with, let alone being
So a lesbian trans woman is in actuality a normal man
And reproduction would fall bacj to normal reproduction
How would you know it’s impossible? I’ve felt it since grade school and that was in the 90s before I had access to internet and shit to get brainwashed
Mentally ill leftists given a pass by guilty white america and chimped out niggers.
Do you really need a screencap? Are you too lazy to look it up and see the clear archived threads of /pol/ planning the pedosexual psy op?
No. Neither. You know it’s bullshit but you Want To Beliebe so much that you ignore what is common knowledge.
Ohh man, I love panqueer breaded fish fillets!
I'm sick of people thinking reproduction is a good thing.
The world would be 100x better if 50% of the population killed themselves.
It’s a documented medical phenomenon. Gender dysphoria is real and people have been transitioning since the 20’s when they could be killed for it. They weren’t just doing that go a laugh. Stop being retarded.
It could also get significantly worse if the wrong 50% offed themselves.
English you dumb bitch
They're kids are going to be messed up in the head, indoctrinated, and retarded though.
Well, that makes it a mental disorder.
Heterosexual FtM libertarian here. I never reveal that I’m trans but I’m making an exception. It’s absolutely maddening because we just want to live our lives and not be bothered but these fucks are causing a backlash that’s making it hard to exist under the radar. We’re forced to be associated with tumblr fags and special snowflake genders and we all look foolish. It’s not fair. I was actually diagnosed as intersex (hidden internal testes and abnormal kareotype) after starting hormones. I’m told I have privilege for being a real transsexual. It’s laughable. Kill all nonbinaries. I refuse to be like “Girls who think they’re a third gender because they wear pants are so oppressed!”
We’re derogatively called “truscum” or “HBS-ers” just because we’re not on board with this gender = a feeling thing.
In short, it makes me want to Columbine a Bernie Sanders rally.
No. It makes it a neuro-congenital disorder. It’s not the frontal cortex or mind, it’s the brain map.
Well let's do it. between you and me one if us will kill ourselves. Since this pact is my idea, I guess you can be the one to kill yourself.
You’re a fucking Uncle Tom. Holy shiiit. Do you not actually care about less “respectable” trans stories? You’re so fortunate to be dysphoric AND intersex because that’ll be seen as valid.
have you been reading my diary?
>Dysphoria is a privilege
^Exhibit A of SJW transtrender autism
I consider myself ftm, I pass in my daily life and just try and live under the radar. I dont take hormones and don’t want surgery tho. I don’t think it’d help the dysphoria much and I do what I can to live with what I got instead. I just want to be perceived as male and left in peace and I hate all these extreme weirdos who don’t understand how to behave in society, trans or not, making us look even crazier
Yeah for real. Kalvin Garrah is always right. He’s the only trans YouTuber I stan. Basically the ftm Blaire White.
Fair enough. You obviously know more about the whole issue.
Still a disorder though.
Wow. I legitimately feel really bad for you. I had always assumed it was like this, people who just want to have normal lives without this huge spotlight.
>we all look foolish
And yet they keep going at it, people with no regard for the human condition that end up getting more attention and special treatment than productive members of society.
>they have derogatory names for people with a legitimate condition.
This is just too much. How much more openly malevolent can these people be before we stop rewarding them. Why are we rewarding them?
Please die
Fucking who? You listen and follow YouTube personalities? No thanks
Being gay is just a fetish
>I put the pressure on myself to think I have to struggle to live a normal life
I like how you copied everything the tran said before you but all of your issues are self imposed.
This is the biggest #metoo kinda shit I have seen
Don’t be crass. His content is funny and it triggers transtrenders. Regardless, I’m saying you’re correct, lad.
>[autistic screeching]
Calm down, Dylan
Look at that, the oppressed I just want everyone to leave me in peace is a professional shitposter. Never would have guessed.
Try not spouting from the rooftops you might get more peace
Somewhere out there, I am sure that almost all of these mental issues exist and people need help for them.
But just like PTSD there is a guy stuck in his house afraid of mortar fire, and there is a teen girl that got bit by a dog.
The teen girl's mom throws a fit, sues, drives her princess to every doctor and gets her strung out on xanax. Meanwhile the vet has to find a way out of his house, transportation to the nearest VA, wait all day in Q to be prescribed blood pressure medication because "theres too many teens killing themselves on xanax"
You assholes really take the force baked cake
>we can't prove that animals cannot consent to sex
Just you watch
Canada is already 50 consents ahead of us
He literally called it a disorder. How far up your own ass are you people
the Harkness doctrine is a good start
>must be sentient
>must be sexually mature for its species
>must understand the potential consequences of sex
>must be able to clearly and unambiguously express a desire to have sex
So this is why the left keeps lowering the minimum age for sex education?
Last I heard they were teaching 3rd graders how to use a double dildo...
Thats so convoluted. I bet you anything the horse has to be "owned property" for it to be ok. As in, even if another farmers horse flirts with you, you can not fuck it because that horse is not allowed to consent.
If you booby trap your horses is that considered criminal misconduct or simply misadventure. There are so many questions...
Almost all of those, nevermind all of those are arbitrary
Thanks user. It really makes me feel better about tne situation to know that there are bros sympathetic to those of us who are normal people just getting by.
Cheers, m8. If you’re ever in Salt Lake City, drinks are on me.
>implying population decline is a bad thing
I just wish people weren't constantly retarding the progress humanity could make, while insisting they are being progressive.
We are scrambling around relabeling bathrooms when we could be improving the safety of schools. Seriously all the ideas they are 'coming up with' for school shootings a third grader could have told you 20 years ago.
Maybe so now but well I told a guy down at the watering hole last night that its gainst the law to be diddling my horses just on account they wondered over the property line into the US, and he said "You know Ive diddled every horse in the entire providence and just aboot every horse above the mason dixon USA,and if you dont shut up Ill kill you and your horse".
saying youre queer just shuts everything down. that acknoledeges gender
If it wasn't all the people that worked their ass off trying to make a better place for people to live.
Now if you want to firebomb every masonic "oh god look how absolutely pathetic they are" money grubbing crack baby hospital, I would be more inclined to agree. Seriously, what does throwing away a million dollars to save this kid who is simply an arm, head, and spinal cord achieve??
You think arm boy is gonna take us to space?
Canook confirmed
Getting real annoyed by fucking hipster snowflakes who can’t grasp basic biology.
You are either xx or xy, it’s not fucking up to you. If I feel like I am a chalupa, a taco, a burrito, cinnamon twists and a Baja blast, that doesn’t make me a $5 box, it makes me a fucking idiot.
I can’t control having dysphoria dude. It makes it better to be seen as male and I’m fine and pass. It’s the fear of someone finding out and associating me with the freakier freaks
I heard that in some places they’re teaching young students the correct lighting for making sex tapes and in Commiefornia they’re mandating 4th graders know how to shove household objects up their ass with the correct lubrication, and as young as 13 year olds are being required to write reports on why the Apollo 11 crew probably had gay sex upon landing atop the moon.
That analogy makes you an idiot
Not any more of an idiot than the dudes who are getting their dicks chopped of because mommy didn’t love them.
>its out of my control, I didn't ask to be mildly dissatisfied with my appearance and have shaking anger fits every time someone says hello
You do you dude bro famalam. The constant fear that people might think you are weird is something not every kid in middleschool deals with, for sure
13 is too young for that, apalling
Great projection there. Go hug your bitch mom you sad faggot
Are you calling user a puppy?
All of these people have abnormal karyotypes (because you’re likely regarded, this means chromosomes).
They all have something other then XX or XY because they’re intersex.
I’m not some tumbltard, I don’t freak out if people misgender me. My dysphoria is like never being able to turn off that middle school self. I actually like the way I look too, which is why I’m not on hormones or surgery
Maybe stop leading with made up internet stereotypes
I see one crucial flaw
>It's gay
Yes, probably a sissy furry
Jesus Fucking Christ, they have balls or they fucking don’t, it’s that fucking simple.
rofl liberals are the ones calling for Communism not the ones criticizing it
So whats the actual problem? Unless you say, do, or wear something rediculous like a big sign saying "I AM TRANS!" who is going to know, care, or feel the need to trigger you aside from immature fuckwits who you must learn to ignore just like the rest of us?
It seems more like you are the one taking advantage of a stereotype for free suffrage points.
Any time anyone says gender fluid I think sticky wet puss or jizz.
Kids these days, I swear.
It’s literally not
I’m not worried about being triggered, I’m worried some asshole will fire me or harass me if they find out and especially more so thanks to the tumblr snowflake pandemic and the growing hate towards trans, fake or not
I guess this is the /pol/ propaganda everyone talks about....
Faggots should be tied to fences and beaten
Assholes and bigots should be tied to fences and beaten
Where it is easy to understand diagnosed trans as being harassed by flaming weirdos, it is not so beliecable that flaming weirdos are being harassed by normal people going about their day. Next time you need esympathy you may want to copy that down.
No one is going to fire you for being a good worker. Seeing as how you are "under the radar" and insist you are not demanding to be special I again do not see the problem. Maybe instead of dysphoria you are just paranoid or one of those folks who enjoys acting like they always have to be on guard for nothing. Maybe get a therapist.
I just lost IQ points
you guys cant even prevent your ridiculous government, how are you gonna "rise" to affect any kind of change?
Especially after chopping it off
Three times as fatal? Show me one death certificate that marks cause of death as "gay".
3 times more likely to die because if STDs, sucide, ect.
That’s pretty unmanly.
It’s not illegal to fire someone for being gay in my state and friends have had it happen. I’m not paranoid to think I could lose a job if an employer were to find out
You live in a bubble almost as dense the the tumblrtards helping to create this mess
Seems like numbers resulting more from fanaticism then constant historical values of homsexuality. Snowflakes are taking care of their own problem if there is any truth to what you are saying
>sick and tired
>workplace descrimination isn't illegal in my state
>I am real, it happened I promise
Where, Guam??
Testosterone ends menses, so I have no idea what this cunt is on about.
If they're actually trans, they won't bleed.
This is probably true. A lot of the harm seems to come from adults telling them that a bad thing happened to them.
Girls used to get married at 14 or younger. Age of consent laws were primarily developed to prevent young girls from getting pimped out, which is totally reasonable.
Children are vulnerable to being exploited, but you don't magically get knowledge of the repercussions of your actions and the emotional maturity to handle them at 16 or 18.
“The child has XY chromosomes typical of a male. The child has a male body and an internal uterus and fallopian tubes because his body did not produce Müllerian inhibiting factor during fetal development“
these trannies/dragqueen child molesting trash are filth that should be purged violently. Their parents even more violently for allowing it.
So... the picture shows 3 cuoples of man-woman. So, yes, they can reproduce, the mental degeneration and disorders are quite apart
Liberal by definition means centrist and pro-capitalist. Look up “classical liberal”
Liberal = left in the mind or retarded Americans who don’t understand politics. I fucking wish Sanders was a commie.
In other words,
Shut up liberal.
While I agree trauma comes from the stigma placed on an event, that one detail cannot then be used to say "all cases of this in every variety of detail are ok".
Its the same as saying you cannot prove God is not real so bam, he exists without question
Nice selfie
You sound like you’re missing chromosomes tbh
Thank God there's places like that left.
Can we start with the politicians like Roy Moore who actually literally molest children and get away with it or does that not fit your agenda?
You angry future divorcees wouldn’t know blind justice if lady liberty sucked you off in front of INTERPOL.
If it affects their work environment. All this article shows is 26 states have made it a point you can't act a shit then hide behind your magic acronym.
Not, oop that guy is lgbrtqs, in the trash! Which brings up another nifty point, how would their employers even know unless they are throwing dildo parades?
Yeah, there's a huge difference between seeing your teenage cousin pop a boner and playing with it and getting groomed over the course of months by your pedo uncle, but that doesn't mean that the sexual contact itself did the damage.
The knowledge that someone used you only for your body probably hurts a lot more than touching a dick before you know all about sex.
I just think that people should be more careful about how they talk to children in these cases to figure out what actually happened.
lol you still gay tho
Caution: sharp edge
That would be interesting because then I’d have Turner syndrome or similar.
If you mean to call me retarded by way of Down syndrome, I’d have an extra chromosome (like you).
>start with
Let's just get rid of all of them in one go.
We need normal kids not your retarded offspring
say no more.....
If you’ve been following along you’d know. Read if you’re going to jump into the convo
Missing 1(one)
>Virgin thinks all trannies and fags are child molesters because of a case of stage parents chasing the NAMBLA dollar
>thus wants to violently kill all queers
>I’m the edgy one
Wew lad. Go drive a Hummer or something and go back to complaining about wahhhmen in video games while the adults discuss politics and justice.
No. He’s right.
Missing a chromosome doesn’t cause retardation, an extra one does.
It doesn't but the grooming over the course of months etc is going to set you up with inherent trust, boundary, and body issues even before you are talked to or realize what sex means. The victim might feel perfectly normal yes, but these activities lead them to believe unacceptable behaviors are ok. They may go on believing this is a perfectly acceptabke way to treat others. Trauma is not the only form of harm these things produce.
Still 100% agree the stigma and dramaticism far too many parents and professionals practice does more harm then good, but those people are trying to help and had no hand in the original situation that caused it.
I smell a punishing law abiding people for the actions of criminals coming on, hopefully I am imagining it
>excellent point, I admit it was cherrypicked bait
That's how we've done it for the first 6000 years of our existence why the fuck should we change it now for you idiots.
I’m not calling him retarded I’m calling him a failed female
>why cant I hold all this buttlava?
You want me to sum up the thread for you? Read you lazy shit
I really want to believe that this site isn’t completely filled with retards and underage b&s but this thread and this whole plane recently....
Where have the adults migrated to? The other chan?
>because we will cry really loud until you give in
You smack kids when they do it, someone should smack these people too
5-alpha-reductase deficiency
The condition affects individuals with a Y chromosome, making their bodies unable to convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is necessary for the development of male genitalia in utero, and plays no role in female development, so its absence tends to result in ambiguous genitalia at birth; the effects can range from infertility with male genitalia to male underdevelopment with hypospadias to female genitalia with mild clitoromegaly.
>I am a faggot
No i got it thanks
If you were an adult, you would know
So.... males and females can reproduce together? Truly groundbreaking. Too bad all your examples are of mentally ill dysgenics who should be sterilized and placed in a work camp until death.
Last time I checked, you can't make a bab with two dicks or two vaginas.
I mean, obviously, regardless of what you were born with, if you get a functioning penis to ejaculate inside of a functioning vagina, there (in theory) will be a baby.
However, that doesn't mean that any of this is okay - you were born with a dick, so keep it. You were born with a vagina, keep it.
It's unnatural, and goes against nature.
Oh yes, 0.04% of our population. What a wonderful thing to base everything off of.
I'll have an easier time vying for Hispanic supremacy tbh.
heterosexual sex is gay.
“Individuals with XY chromosomes whose gonads were lost after 14 weeks of fetal development. People with anorchia have no ability to produce the hormones responsible for developing male secondary sex characteristics nor the means to produce gametes necessary for reproduction due to the lack of gonads. They may develop typically feminine secondary sex characteristics without or despite the administration of androgens to artificially initiate physical sex differentiation (typically planned around the age of puberty). Psychological and neurological gender identity may solidify before the administration of androgens, leading to gender dysphoria, as anorchic individuals are typically “assigned” male at birth”
So thats what real dysphoria is. Thank you.
This is why you’re retarded
Don't mind me.
You’re not wrong
>Why tired of people who only view the world through their narrow lens advocating genocide?
Gee I wonder.
Leave my butt lava out of this.
There are animals that can change sex. Nature is crazy
I think that last couple might be physicalky able to reproduce. Still wildly unrecommended but I think the black has boobs
Sick burn
You skiped the fact that they need to abstain from suicide long enough to get kids m80.
Found the nonbianary gendermedium fluidqueer antichrist
Jesus, and this is why men have so much trouble getting custody of their kids.
You must be over 18 to post here
Found the underage newfag
Who said anything about supremacy? You’re proving the SJWs right because you cannot think about advocacy without thinking about supremacy.
>Being this programmed
>And you’re the type that calls others NPCs
You’d probably get laid if you didn’t have autism wafting off you. You might also wanna try chasing after the fat “non-binary” pansexuals at your school.
I’ll bet hard money you wear cargo shorts and new balance sneakers
So shoot them before they draw on you. Problem solved. Fags deserve no quarter.
Reported for being underage upset samefag
Yes. Real dysphoria is caused by intersex disorders. That’s what transsexualism is, an intersex disorder of the brain. Everyone else (non-binaries, special snowflakes, tumblr trannies) is faking.
Not being sarcastic. Glad I cleared this up. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
It is more because the incidence of mental illness is much higher in single mother children.
You want a happy father and his boy going fishing, or shaniqua and devina sunshine (pre op)on an episode of maury?
The money iswhere the drama is
>Aren’t I funny, Yea Forumsros. Been here since 2003! That’s why I hate use memes from 2014 and hate traps just like the oldfags did!
Damage control. What a shame.
Hurts knowing there’s more than one person out there who thinks you’re retarded.
No sarcasm here either. I had always believed science and all disorders had some basis in truth, it is just hard to understand through the overwhelming #metoo snowflake shitstorm.
I wonder if some of them get off knowing they are ruining peoples lives.
Even if whatever nonsense that graphic says were to be true it’ll never change the fact that you were never loved by your parents like you would have been if you were normal. No matter what niceties they say to you in order to hide their utter disappointment, they have to go to bed every night with pain, sorrow, and confounding questions as to where they went wrong and what’s wrong with them. Even if you did have kids they would completely resent you, unless the kid has been brain damaged or is brain washed. Think about how much kids hate normal parents. Now imagine a kid being stuck with the smug and self centered crackpots depicted in your graphic.
All your doing is trying to convince others of your delusions and fantasy worlds. They may seem comforting but you know your suffering and sooner or later it will only get worse.
>none of the posts are his
>haha look at this proof
Oh wow man, screenshots how do they work
>smug self centred
Stop projecting and go meet some of these people you hate so much
>"Checkmate, idots."
You're the fucking idiot, mate.
and only because it's a better summary of how fucking stupid you sound than wasting my time pointing out the multitude of assumptions you just made. What a sad world you live in.
~Not even the person you were talking to
Don't do this to me. The only part of the LGBTBBQ platform that remotely appeals to me as a straight liberal is that it is more or less a means of controlling population growth.
Why are they reasonably normal and not like every batshit tumblrina that posts here including yourself?
Cis men think they’re good at making trans jokes but they have a grand total of 5 that they just rehash over and over.
>I identify as [insert inanimate object or absurdity]
>did you just ASSUME my gender?
>What if the girl you’re about to haz sex with....HAS DICK???
Oh and maybe extra credit for the offhanded
Protip: pic related isn’t trutrans btw and will end up married and pregnant when SHE finds a gross enough/fat cuck numale to tolerate her unironic noun-gender and self-diagnoses mEnTaL iLlNeSs
where's the amphora tho
Redheads are dying out tho lol
>quoting anything a snowflake says is automatically a joke
Wonder how it is that works out kek
Yes. I might be trans but fuck those tumblrinas and fuck you for being so close minded
>picture of a fish and a hook
I said no such thing that would give any indication that I am. I haven’t met anyone like what the graphic depicts because what it shows are insane people. I know plenty lgbt people and none of them go around saying absurdities like “I’m a lesbian trans woman who can have kids with my partner’s smorgasbord gender bender sperm penetrator” anyone who does is a smug self centered prick.
Hit a nerve did I? Go ahead and point them out you mental midget. It’s easy, like you said. And for bonus points you’ll get to make my sad world even sadder. Just remember, it won’t change a damn thing, about those external factors I mentioned.
No they aren’t you absolute moron
>fuck everyone who disagrees with me and my open mindedness
>thinking they actually talk like this
That’s like thinking all btards are fat basement neckbeards
But traps are gay
> checkm8
That don’t talk like that because the pic is a dumb ass meme. But if asked if they could have kids, one might give the response. It’s not being shoved in your face. Do you have any logical capacity?
You know that’s not what the fuck I mean you faggot
>jokes about jailbait / rape
people laugh about them because we know these are bad, and the comedian does know so, too, hence him crossing this line is hilarious.
If Weinstein were to make a joke about pedophilia, it would just be creepy and disgusting, because he ACTUALLY crosses this line.
Pedos are fucking disgusting.
And making jokes about their practices is called DARK humor for the simple reason that subjects of dark humor are despicable in practice.
Fags reproducing is a meme. Well there you have it. Thanks
>knowing what other people online are thinking
Two possibilities: you are schizophrenic or an oracle
What do you mean then. Say it.
>someone would actually talk to these people
No they pretty much shove it in your face
probably that you people tend to twist whatever is said to you, constructing strawmens to distract from what is actually said, because most of the time, you can't cope with what is actually said.
Not the previous poster btw.
I just think that this form of argument is a clear sign for an insufferable bitch on your end.
This is obviously bait, but it's so fucking retarded that I was tempted to give a reasonable logical response
It is being shoved in our face. The radical end of your community is trying to push the delusion that your deviant practices are normal.
We’re tired of entertaining it. Your community can get married and adopt kids or push the boundaries and use artificial insemination and have another woman be a host. But, a man is not a woman, no matter how many surgeries he gets to destroy his body or how he demands others address him.
They almost all talked like that at my performing arts school I just graduated from. Biggest mistake of my life, going there. A lot of them actually are like that if you look in the right places. They run around in herds spewing their shit all over here in Commiefornia.
But you know, the beach and legal weed is pretty cool too. Really the only reason i stay here, besides my interest in the arts
>you people
>fallacy names
>posting for a friend
You are supposed to use one troll trick at a time, not five rolled into one post buddy.
Sounds like this poor guy is getting ebullied by all of us hpefully there is a website where you can right a blog about being gangstalked for your progressive ideas
wtf is a nonbinary panqueer and why do i need to know this to be a part of the conversation?
you need a man(XY) and a woman(XX) to reproduce, doesnt matter what you fucking call them or what they are attracted to.
Sounds like your not used to people disagreeing with you. Get used to it. No strawman was made. The poster only pointed out that they were called close minded for disagreeing with the other poster
try to flip the script all you want.
what I said still stands.
Thats what a gender studies degree is for. These snowflakes are SO special that you have to take a course in talking to them
Ah I’m on the north east coast. Guess the hysteria hasn’t spread here yet but I worry it will.
Thanks dude, finally
disagreeing with anyone, including me, is fine.
twisting what someone said and then disagreeing with the twisted version is disingenuous.
You pretty much said Im a faggot six or seven times
Show me where that happened
>disagreeing is fine, unless its with me and then I will find a way to make my opinions facts so that I am not arguing, but more intelligent
since I only responded once at that point, all I called you is a insufferable bitch.
yes, we don't have post-ID's, still it shouldn't be a surprise that you maybe have argued with more than 1 user so far.
Especially since I announced it, too.
Go picket them if they hurt you that much.
how about this
Same poster here. The best example I can give of this is that we were assigned a project in my government class where we spend a whole semester to develop a project off the top of our heads that would be helpful to the community.
I did some shitty Save The Bees thing because, while I thought it would be nice to help out with something, and I definitely wanted a good grade, the project bored the shit out of me. However, when it came time to present our projects, 90% of them were fucking LGBTQ+ based fantasy rpg indie games or short films that teach about acceptance and harmony and kittens and rainbows, and loads of other shit just like that. Literally not one single original and/or helpful idea in our entire class. Pretty saddening, to be honest
You are trying to do a good thing, and for that I applaud you. Most likely your effort will be in vain
I mean look at this. You can see the seams splitting. At some point you have to start to ferl bad and wonder where we went so wrong
But that’s exactly what you did when you made your point “disagreeing with the twisted version is disengenous”
As I said, show me those strawmans from before
>You can see the seams splitting.
not really.
if only they also learned some common sense in that school.
See, we have already dropped to forcefully letting everyone know how entertained you are due to superior intelligence.
He couldn't answer your question if he wanted to. Admitting they are wrong causes the snowflake physical harm
precisely the point after which I decided to respond initially in this thread.
It could be all in vain but I don’t know that it will be. I hope it’s not. But I will admit the chances of it not being in vain are very low
The post literally said fuck your closemindedness
No? Maybe its time for an offline break.
I thought the half constructed sentences, misspelled words, and grammar kinda showed desperation but it could just be his way.
Just don't say you aren't having fun
>I come here when I need to feel smart
I never thought I would see someone admit this. Good on you for being an honest idiot
They still have a Y chromosome.
Also “they may develope secondary feminine” key word, may. It doesn’t mean they will.
“A well fed lion may lose its ferocity but a lion it remains and a little lamb it will never be.”
does your rambling serve any specific purpose or is it just for the sake of rambling on?
If you just want to have the last word, here's your opportunity.
respond again without any substance behind your post, and I won't respond anymore.
Different user.
I’m too tired to get into it but basically I come here and argue when I want to feel smart because you little boys never fail to make me realize I’m far more educated and have more life experience than I did years ago when I was underage b& before I came out and stopped being a republican butch bulldyke. Now I’m a libertarian ftm and both libs and MAGAritas hate me because I criticize the Cheeto man AND politically correct SJWs
Good night. Study for your algebra. It doesn’t feel like it I know but you’re the one going through a phase. You’ll see.
Make America mind it’s own goddamn business again.
As for trannies on Yea Forums: we’re here, we’re queer. Get used to it.
Recessive gene. They are. But not at the rate /pol/ fears.
> we’re here, we’re queer. Get used to it.
Yea Forums was always full of faggots.
what's new?
>Good on you for being an honest idiot. No problem.
I accidentally copy pasted that post but the original wasn’t mine. That’s higher up. Argue with the ofher user because I gotta get sleep.
You deleted your first post faggot. We know you’re here and that’s okay.
See you in the suicide thread.
this is why the nwo is going to freeze us out.
luckily im in a warmer zone. im ready for that button to be pressed.
I admitted to deleting the post because it had someone else’s post sandwhiched in it. Wish me sweet dreams.
He stopped a while ago.
Rest easy my hormonally fucked and mentally shattered prince
There are plenty cheeto man, AOC, and rate my dick threads if the quality of this thread isn't up to your standards. I mean, its three posts from over. Did you think anyone comes here to do anything but ramble? Maybe that your posts are actually being read by the power elite for ideas on the next big way to piss people off? Its no secret, just keep acting moronic and crying when people call you dumb because they assumed you were a cis genius...yeah im basically rambling lol.
Been a fun thread you guys are aces
PS it took everything I had not to say "again without any substance behind your post" you have no idea
I’ll leave you with the quote
“A well fed lion loses its ferocity but a lion it remains and a little lamb it will never be.”
>had to revise my post to look less retarded to the three anons here right before the thread saged
The internet. Srs bsns
Op here.
Thanks, guise.
>not the same guy, for sure
>I am so tired I had to write a blog, twice
>cuck incel cuck MAGA flakes of snow
Glad I didn't miss this post
Can we get this thread to 404 with pr0nz?
No OP, thank YOU
sure thing
We can try
Kek agreed but give he/she/it a brake its not like we all aren’t enslaved to autismpost late into the night here
im pretty sure its a LARP anyway
Get fucked kiddo
Oh...he staltled me, user...he he...i was just stretching....
Dis not how study, user.....he he
heres jordan petersons daughter. Shell only smash lvl 62+ Clean Rooms though so you faggots dont stand a chance. 3/4 of you are still tutorial.
oh me so sorry, user....i promise clean up bed, please dont be angry...
But you shouldn't
Would pay to see her lez out