i dont see what all the hate is about
I dont see what all the hate is about
Other urls found in this thread:
Shes sexy
She's attractive and won political office. That's it.
She's also making conservatives go full retard with their focus on her. She's a freshmen representative in the house. She couldn't be any less important to her party. But she's doing a great job of drawing focus from the party leaders and presidential candidates.
she's fucking crazy
We would literally forget about her in a day if she didn’t keep saying stupid shit.
You would literally make her a Vice Presidential candidate if she was a Republican. That's how stupid your party is.
3 words-green action plan
>retarded and gay
Russian collusion...and u call us stupid? Hahaha
She's an actor politician. All of her "agenda" her Tweets, her Speeches, her messages of all kinds are run by a guy named Saikat Chakrabarti.
Google his name...
Better yet, watch this video that damns it to be true.
Cortez is a NOBODY. An ACTOR to deliver the agenda. That's all she is.
Damn fascists with their hamburgers and automobiles. Now we only have 12 years left
I'm referring to Sarah Palin. You know the female politician who was kind of attractive and said dumb shit in the press? Yeah...you dumbasses made her a VP candidate and bombed McCain's election chances because you have such a boner for anything you think will get attention.
Dems meanwhile just trot her out to run interference and distract the opposition from smearing members of Congress who actually fucking matter.
The GOP is just jealous cause they don't have anyone like her with them.
Better than a dried up cunt as the leading candidate. Would’ve had a better chance with bernie, which is pathetic either way
Cannot tell if serious.
>Trump keeps saying stupid shit and you take his words as a gospel truth
LOL...you realize that ALL candidates are figure heads, right?
Have you ever fucking talked to anyone who has actually worked in Congress? Most congress people rely completely on their staff to write what they say, tell them what to vote for and get them in line with the rest of the party.
And you know which party is WAAAAAY more like that than the other: Republicans...bunch of old half retarded figureheads being told what to say and do 24/7.
lol this shit exactly.
So stupid. I came away convinced that AOC is a figurehead, which changes fucking nothing.
Every person in congress in subject to special interest groups and lobbyists and blah blah blah. You already know this, but you're some cucked white boy who's sad that the white nationalist patriarchy of America is becoming more diverse.
But you should like AOC because she (or her puppetmasters, whatever that means) believe in capitalism. She is unwilling to do the necessary thing, which is to step on the throats of fascists like you and destroy capitalism completely.
there are no fascists here or probably anywhere you have ever seen them, you utter failure
she is not attractive
Only a gay man would say that.
at least he's been successful, her precious bill got zero votes
That's because she asked them. They wouldn't give the GOP the time of the day.
it's about lowering the bar. literally got elected cause brown woman. what's next Randy Newman for president?
she asked them? she asked them what? wtf are you talking about?
only a cucked bootlicker thinks fascism isn't alive and well
Relax your retardedness for a minute and allow your IQ to grow a bit.
retarded americans so are faggy they fell threatened by a girl
>She is unwilling to do the necessary thing, which is to step on the throats of fascists like you and destroy capitalism completely.
You fucking ass-hat
#1. I'm not a fascist
#2. If you destroy Capitalism you DOOM EVERYONE to be a peasant for the rest of their lives. No matter how hard you work you are poor.
I'd kill you on sight if I knew what you looked like, you fucking cancerous cretin piece of garbage.
I bet she masturbates alot, a political career can stress a young pretty girl so hard
lol wtf is trump you shitlord
>you DOOM EVERYONE to be a peasant
but you already are a retarded peasant
>I'm not a fascist
>I'd kill you on sight
fucking retard
yes, trump is literally a shitlord
Gimme your address, faggot.
You'll be dead by tomorrow.
Post it.
I'm not fuckin with you.
She's the new boogeyman for republicans.
They didn't all answer cattle calls to apply for the part of congress woman after being told by her brother. Most politicians build up a reputation and some money (a "warchest") they aren't hired to run by an Indian Socialist...
lmao triggered much?
>not a fascist
>will kill me for being a leftist
have fun being doomed to peasantry anyways with literally none of the benefits of communism
Oh look a fucking racist asshole playing the victim, color me surprised...
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500
will kill you for wishing/supporting despair on all of humanity.
I'd pop a bullet in your head, no problem.
Oh, look. A triggered conservative snowflake who's whiteness and maleness is being stolen from him by supposedly inferior beings.
>wishing/supporting despair on all of humanity.
wait wtf do you think capitalism is
dumbest comment on the board. not the thread, the board.
You see that's your fucking opinion. AOC making stupid comments proving she is in way over her head are a daily occurrence. That dumb bitch isn't qualified and isn't competent enough to run a McDonald's through a lunch shift but she thinks she can tell everybody how to live? Fuck her, fucking nightmare
gimme your address, faggot. stop dancing like a bitch
i know where you live faggot, i'm gonna put my dick in your ass
gee it's an honour. Of all the shitposts, all of naked people, cartoons, and horses, all the incomprehensible gook, I made the dumbest comment on the entire board.
It's been a privilege to serve you all. I'll have to check that privilege on the way out, but thank you.
She used to be attractive. Now she has that leftist glare and horse teeth.
She cant say stupid shit and not want attention.
Not even close you dumb cunt I am an Independent who usually doesn't even vote for major party candidates, and I was going to do that in 2016 until Trump's San Jose rally. On that day I decided I was going to vote for Trump because Mexicans and liberals aren't going to create political violence here. They can keep that shit in the jungle.
742 Evergreen Terrace
5046 S. Greenwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60615
I’m waiting
your mom will be dead in 45 mins...
She's (hopefully..) about as close as we'll ever get to having a child win a public office.
She's completely removed from reality. To her politics is a dreamland.
But the worst part is, she'd happily rip the economic stability of our nation out from under us just so we could cut a few carbon emissions out of the air. She's fucking crazy.
Anyone who still supports Trump at this point must be having homosexual fantasies about him.
It's the only explanation.
Donald Trump has said 4857 false things as U.S. president
Kek'd at filename
I wanna donkey punch her
43° 31 58.6 S, 172° 36 42.2 E
oh, no!
can you post the link where we can donate to the fundraiser for your anal reconstruction surgery?
>economic stability
choose one dumbfuck
i'm gonna fill your ass with my hot jizz
Trump acts like a fucking toddler.
He is completely removed from reality.
You guys believe the cokehead "environmental journalists" at Fox News
EVERY SINGLE SCIENTIST AT NASA agrees that humans are accelerating climate change. Doing nothing about it is completely removed from reality, living in a dreamland. Climate change will destroy the economic stability of our nation.
You have been completely flipped around by the Fox news propaganda machine. Stop getting information from your grandpa's racist facebook memes.
your mom has about 34 mins left...
She didn't say half the shit you think she did.
Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic philosophy in the history of man. It might be you are stupid or lazy...something to think about. There was a time when half the world was communist yet people weren't fleeing the Western capitalist countries to the "workers paradises", but they sure as shit WERE fleeing the Warsaw Pact nations, which all IMMEDIATELY adopted capitalism the MINUTE the USSR had no control over them anymore.
maybe you should check your facts instead of her twitter
I read this like this:
liberals would rather suck Elon Musk's unwashed ass than commit violence. It's why they fucking suck.
Violence against people who hold garbage ideologies is a good thing. Violence against minorities and the working class is for trashy shit-tier subhuman fascists and bootlickers like yourself.
What the fuck are you talking about? She literally said that she asked the DNC to vote present.
Conservative Republican here. I've spent my life listening to Democrats say the most insanely hateful shit and get away with it. They have accused EVERY Republican since I was born of being a "racist." They openly work to silence freedom of speech in their political opponents and when it looks like they're losing they literally fucking attack people in the streets and destroy people's private property.
Then the very next day they point fingers at US and call us hateful. The hypocrisy would be frightening if it were any less idiotic.
Who cares about life? Democrats think it's okay to abort full term children.
Take your opinion and shove it up your ass Mr. "I care about the world but am a supporter of killing".
Kiddies, pls, stop the tantrums
You sound like a cunt.
If you like trannies, maybe.
>She's (hopefully..) about as close as we'll ever get to having a child win a public office.
It's like watching an elementary school pupil sitting behind the teachers desk, it's like
>OK haha when is the joke ending
but the joke isn't ending this retarded fuck think she is a genius because she was elected.
>Saikat Chakrabarti
handsome guy, i'm pretty sure they fucked atleast once
i know, reading comprehension is hard for you
Seriously tho, the tall guy in the middle looks like he creamed his suit pants.
You sound like a child (not the same poster)
Capitalism is a global force that relies on poverty to enable the aristocracy.
Maybe, idk, read Marx before licking the assholes of capitalists who would eat your eyes out if it generated a profit.
typical DARVO republican, with not one example to back up these wild claims.
Name one "insanely hateful" thing Democrats have said. I have a book full of hateful racist comments by republicans.
Look at how many right-wing terrorists there were just last year.
Good luck, I’m half rooster.
No idea what you are talking about. Maybe you're talking to your own delusion and clicked on random posts?
That part has never changed. Capitalism might be a bitch, but it's the best damn bitch at the prom.
not safe -- a heart attack looms there
>Democrats think it's okay to abort full term children.
Just you man.
Without Capitolism, the poor can never escape poverty. Your logic is retarded.
It's not hatred, it's fear.
shuddup mang
we dont need any more people on this earth
who cares about a non sentient lump a molecules
>Violence against people I disagree with is a good thing
And you call Conservatives anti-American? You literally preach anti-American ideas. With p[ride even.
Ah posted it agin!
Actually. Mexico, Guatamala, Honduras, El Salvador. All those countries are capitalist and have refuges fleeing to the United States.
I don't see anyone fleeing Norway, Sweden, Ireland, or any country with a functional democracy.
yes, you're gonna have a heart attack faggot
also, your mom is gay
Man who's great-grandparents fought for the continuation of slavery:
>Why can't I be proud to be white?
>>Cause this country is built on 500 years of systemic oppression of non-white people here and abroad
>Ooof ouch muh ethnostate
when will you get it through your troglodyte skulls that calling someone racist is not as materially damaging as actual racism
Not so much hate as the general scorn and derision I have for all leftists.
This one is a flash-in-the-pan figurehead puppet of Soros, and will not be in the public eye long, and will probably not being in office for a 2nd term.
You cannot "Like, you know, whatever," your way through office. Perhaps in another decade or 2, that won't be the case.
She got lucky, in terms of her district's demographics, and the Trump antipathy in her area. Just as Trump rode a wave of Obama antipathy, she did it on a micro level.
I don't hate her. Only what she stands for. The ideals, and the destruction they cause. She is a phony, and has a voice of someone who has hit the helium tank. Her angry looks seem practiced to convey a passion that isn't really there.
Eat shit faggot anybody can do anything they want in this world unless you are a complete fucking failure, but most people are too fucking lazy to put in the work so the start looking for a scam, a way to get something for nothing and socialism is the epitome of trying to get something for nothing replete with the same tired shit assholes like you are pulling in America today. I think it's funny because it alienates the people you need to win elections, nationally
what is poverty in a world where we live with less needs
Ignored. Your party (the Dems) currently agree with aborting full-term babies. It's all over the net.
And yet, every communist society that has ever been mysteriously ends up with a irremovable ruling class that controls all the wealth.
How strange.
This is a leftists' favorite lie to him/her self. You think you are feared, when nothing could be further from the truth.
You are mocked, ridiculed, pitied, and scorned.
Your ideas are devoid of logic, and anathema to personal liberty.
no one is afraid of you, soyboy. You only tell yourself that because it makes you seem cooler than reality says you are.
>I haz derision
also, socialism has never worked. and it never will
Dubs and trips of truth
It’s mostly pity that she’s legitimately retarded.
yeah, she is just retarded
>replies, "Ignored"
maybe bcause american ideas are old fashioned and ill
maybe its time for a change
Hate is a political tool going back millennia
This guy wants to suck Trump's dick so bad.
It must be difficult to hide behind fake memes because your party is such a dumpster fire that you have to engineer "bad stuff" about the other side to keep up with all the actually retarded shit Trump says every single day.
That meme is one of the most retarded memes ever conceived by retarded brain of a Trumpkin. But I'll give him bonus point for being creative.
>i dont see what all the hate is about
Well, everyone hates you because you keep posting this AIDS-soaked cancer. So, everyone hopes niggers rape you to death, and you kinda deserve it.
Oh sorry I (disagree) with destroying the environment and oppressing women, gay people, non-white people, trans people, and ALL poor people ALL over the globe.
Yeah, I only (disagree) with them, so I guess I should suck it up and let them continue destroying the earth and its people.
Lmao you got one thing right. I am pridefully anti-American. America is an imperialist cesspool. I don't give a fuck about your liberal values like "liberty" and "free speech" as if that bs means anything under capitalism anyways.
Fuck conservatives. Fuck liberals. Fuck capitalist bootlickers who would see the world just fucking die because punching nazis goes against their american values.
that's not argument
Please don't waste everyone's time
i think thats faked
You should so the world a favor and kill yourself.
...That's just the first page of the search. That was fucking easy.
Now I dare you to find the same sort of attacks from Republicans on Democrats.
Go on. Show me.
How is making fun of your obvious mental deficiency a waste of time?
Only a numb liberal fuck could be so bold as to call a vote on THEIR OWN legislation a dirty trick.
Only a democrat voter could be stupid enough to believe it.
Only a retard without an original thought in their head would be fool enough to repeat it.
And I’ve seen my whole life Republicans actually destroy people’s lives. Nixon making healthcare privatization for profit. Regan putting mentally ill on to the streets, Bushs’ Waging wars that went on for years and not helping the veterans that returned. And now Trump putting all his cronies up for offices based solely on them agreeing with his selfishness. Pathetic.
We don’t NEED anyone like her; we already have the best presedent ever in the Oval Office. You stupid libs wish you had anyone with an approval rating over 50%
>Just this week a man’s truck was torched in Portland, Oregon for having a Trump sticker on the bumper.
Yeah, turns out Otis torched his own truck for the insurance money
I just clicked your first link.
"Trump is guilty and should go to prison for treason"
You consider this extremely hateful?
Wow for a "conservative"
you sure are a little snowflake bitch .
>Oh sorry I (disagree) with destroying the environment and oppressing women, gay people, non-white people, trans people, and ALL poor people ALL over the globe.
Now I know you're an idiot. America has literally led the way for nearly 100 years in protecting the environment, freeing minority groups and women, protecting gays, immigrants and all the rest. Open your eyes fucker. We do more for all those people than all the rest of the nations in the world.
And we suffer for it.
im not talking socialism brah it obviously sucks
im talking utopian socialism
the thing that doesnt work is money
if you take out money and thus eliminating the need to amass it
and trade in services and goods
now socialism can work
sure its a big change
but man would that be nice to get rid of money
shit just got real
used to be political cartoons, but
now theyr......... "memes."
Try clicking on the rest. Don't be so impatient.
>best presedent ever
She's fucking hot!
Breitbart? bigleagepolitics?
How copy/pasting propaganda even an argument.
you're a child that just trolls, you're everyone's waste of time
Is he the Josh Lyman of our time?
I read your post like
>Reeeee brown woman good
>Reee leftists can only imitate insults thrown at them
>reee we make nothing original
Are you crying?
Nice. You attack my spelling because you don’t have a rebuttal. Checkmate, snowflake.
You're in Fantasy Land talking about your Fantasy Ideas.
Maybe come back to reality....
I am a worthless loser. That's a given. I'm arguing on Yea Forums. Thanks, we got that out of the way. Now you can stop rehashing that same shit in every post.
Let's assume that busting your ass endlessly as your surplus value is extracted by a do-nothing capitalist class of fucking leeches is a necessary component for human dignity. Fine.
So, do you think that the only country on earth is America?
Oh my Somali siblings just need to work hard and have good business sense and they will prosper.
If only my siblings in the Andes would just make more wool from alpaca fur, they'd have it made.
Like, really, what kind of child thinks you just need to work hard and you'll magically become part of the ruling elite?
This is all assuming that you're not a white nationalist who thinks "fuck those people anyways"
The next one Obama encouraged people to argue with Republicans. And the title of the article "Obama Encouraged Violence against Republicans"
Can you even read? This is all horse shit.
no, but you sure are dumb
Another liberal attack! Stop the violence!
I know this is bait but seriously many people out there actually believe this.
lmao no u
nice one (a different user)
What is “capitolism”, autist?
No, it really seems like you're crying now. Nasty libturds got you down lil' bucko?
This is better :
Lol nice white nationalist propaganda you've swallowed. Try again
I read your post like this
>Reeeeee he's imitating us!
>Reeeeee he's playing our game!
>Reeeeee he's onto us!
>Reeeeee let's do extensive damage control!
for sure
i would like for america to smarten up and favor better politicians instead of
>>muh economics
She looks like my dads dick, but I wouldn’t look away if she flashed me.
you're still dumb, actually dumber now
Oh wait guys we found the real image. the other one was fake
Actually, I not only didn't vote Trump, but went to civil war with republicans supporting him in the 16 primaries.
I swore Trump's primary victory would ensure Hillary's win.
Trump is a mixed bag for me. I do like some things he's done, others not so much. This is from a libertarian conservative perspective which I won't type out, because you are clearly too dim to grasp the concept, as you can't argue beyond references to sucking dick.
I did not vote him in 2016. But the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and I will most likely vote him in 2020.
While you accuse us of just tossing out "bad stuff," consider this-
The amount of time your party wastes on collusion, tax returns, and other horse shit they can't make stick, vs. presenting new ideas that will get them elected.
Which way does that scale tip, kiddo?
politically ignorant --
more specifically :
indoctrinated vs self-interest;
very common
Put down the sci-fi movie collection, and go outside, kid.
Fucking idiots.
If you're so concerned about wasting time, do us all a favor and kill yourself
nah im a believer i dont give a shit about your opinion it takes people to make a change im not sitting on my ass dreaming im active in local politics i do what i can with the influence i have
its not that far fetched to 'dream' about no money system
fucking think about it how it would bring purpose back to life and eliminate the ''slave-master'' relationship we have with money
life would be so much better
and it is possible
See? You did it again.
socialism has never worked. you litteraly have no argument.
Ok, that was actually funny.
>reeeeeeeeee he's doing it again!
That's true. The public schools and roads have never worked.
What an original, well thought out comeback.
Very smart use of your time.
We'll just pretend it wasn't a fucking leftist that shot up a republican softball practice nearly killing some of them...
>Former Bernie Sanders Surrogate Thanks ‘God’ After Train Carrying GOP Lawmakers Crashes
Cherry picking motherfucker remember pic related?
SOCIALISM has never worked.
You're an idiot.
No U
Comrade, it's going to start in the 3rd world. The revolution of the working class will never begin in America.
The slaves of the colonized countries will overthrow their colonialist oppressors. Then, the American and European markets will have no more markets to turn to and exploit. Western society will collapse and then and only then will the workers of the US revolt against their oppressors.
As of now, they benefit too much from the exploitation of working class people around the globe to see just how dire their situation is.
Do what you can to support these revolutions abroad. Fight against imperialism at home. It's the only way our earth will survive the sickness of capitalism.
If Trump is innocent why wont Barr release the Mueller Report?
If he is so rich, then why won't he release his tax returns?
If he is so smart why did he threaten his schools not to release his grades?
The guy is a menace and lies non-stop every single day. How can you fall for that right wing bullshit?
capitalism has never worked. You literally have no argument
I'm not a republican but I'm hate voting against the left because they are assholes I imagine I will go back to third party when Trump is gone because republicans hate me too, I like pot. So I'm probably not sticking around.
Laissez-faire Capitalism was a failure.
This first line is pretty much it. All the hate is either
>Generic insult about her looks
>Generic insult about she's too young
>Generic insult abiut she's too dumb, but never explaining why beyond fox News talking point that have the depth of the floor.
What are you even talking about? Literally every mass shooter since Trump has gotten elected has owned a MAGA hat.
Wasn't it the Green New Real? Retarded-user.
She's the face of what's coming for the democrats as well as the republicans. I don't really care if she's in over her head because the republican side can't argue policy. They have nothing to contribute. I'm not saying this to be offensive to Republicans, it's simple facts. They don't have any new policy to introduce that is popular.
So they have to attack the character. And with AOC, they have a guinea pig for what's coming up. Young people more talented with social media than they are, more popular than they are, and able to win elections. They need something that sticks, something they can attack over and over again with her and anyone that comes after her. Behind her is Beto, behind Beto is a slew of new up and coming world changers who disdain corporate interests and they're trying to nip it before it starts.
Pelosi challenged her lack of experience and almost lost the House Speaker position as a result. So the dems are being quiet because AOC can't get any higher than senator with her current age, but Republicans have to find some kind of issue with her, and fast. Because senate elections are coming up and she is gleefully tearing apart every one that ends up in front of her in a hearing. She might be deluded, or living in fantasyland, but they can't say she's stupid. And that is infuriating to them. The smallest thing they actually find, they will blow completely out of proportion, like Warren and her native american mess, Obama and his tan suit, etc etc. Republicans NEED a character issue, because their policies only benefit the rich.
If you like weed and vote republican then you must not really like weed.
She just cost New York City 40,000, 150,000 dollar a year jobs, she is hated here.
>smoke weed
>vote repug
>trip bawls over the fucked up things repugs do
It makes sense in a way
We got legal weed from Obama. Democrats are all about legalizing weed.
Trump wants to set us back 20 years bro. The republicans fucking suck dude, stop reading that propaganda.
Barr has said the full report comes out in a week. I can't speak to that, because I simply don't know.
If you can show me which page in the constitution the publications of a president's tax returns are, I'll answer that.
I did not claim Trump was smart, and in fact said I was against his running in '16, so what makes you think I owe you an answer on that? You are telling me to defend something I spoke against.
I do not fall for anyone's bullshit. I am pure objectivity. You should try it some time, kid. you may develop an ability to argue with shit someone actually said, instead of copying and pasting shit liberals say every day.
I herd it was 150,000 2 xillion dollar jerbs
Numbers seem off, but even so --
If there are that many well paying jobs, imagine how much money the capitalist owners of those businesses are skimming off the top.
>which page in the constitution the publications of a president's tax returns are
What are federal statutes?
Literally every conservative libertarian recognizes the personal freedom to smoke weed.
I have been libertarian for over 20 fucking years, and have gotten high for 30.
Only a fucking fool believes that republicans are all anti legalization.
Only a bigger fool believes all democrats, or even a majority of democrats recognize out right to get high.
Constitution, please.
I'll wait.
>AOC making stupid comments
Was it the cow farts that you are too stupid to understand that it has nothing to do with banning cow.
I am not going to let assholes introduce violence into a 200 year history of peaceful transitions of power. I HATE the left for forcing me to vote for republicans just to keep my rifle and my freedom of speech, because I don't trust either party to be honest. But keep being a judgmental asshole.
All you retard conservatives claim to be independent or libertarians lol
Trump is just an emotionally stunted retard. No wonder he appeals to his retarded base.
Loving Every Laugh
>Trump wants to set us back 20 years bro. The republicans fucking suck dude, stop reading that propaganda.
Bullshit Jeff Sessions wanted to restart the drug war and Trump wouldn't let him Plus Trump just passed criminal justice reform allowing long term non violent drug criminals out of prison.
> I am pure objectivity
You read brietbart the most partisan propaganda there is. You are exclusiviely seeking out misinformation,and ignoring everything else
>"I can't speak to that"
...because I have no arguement
>"I don't fall for anyones bullshit"
...but I read breitbart
>"I did not claim Trump was smart"
...but I'm voting for him and calling you a kid for disagreeing with me
To add to what I just said, the lovely AOC did not suggest banning cows, only that we should hire people to stick their fingers into the asshole of cows.
This is the job growth to which she referred in her amazing, logical, well-reasoned Green New deal.
that's true.
Shit's already illegal, so what is a libertarian going to do about it?
> Oh, well, I can't introduce new legislation because that goes against my core values
Regardless, republicans and democrats are just the same group of capitalist bootlickers with the same values: profit for the rich. Even AOC just wants to institute a plan to help the rich stay only slightly less rich. These liberals and social democrats are only serving to consolidate power in the hands of the 1% with their tax plans and UBI.
Eat shit libshits
>not an argument
>presuming i read (x)
You feel you deserve anything further?
>vs. presenting new ideas that will get them elected.
Is this your first election because you're saying that like that isn't largely how the general right has been rolling got the last several decades.
Did you listen to all the shit Republicans spewed about Obama? Including Trump who started his political career spreading the crap that Obama was born in Kenya.
lmao then join the socialist rifle association dumbass.
America and peace though? name a better combo. Gotta genocide others to keep the peace, ensuring the power is passed from one wealthy person (or bootlicker) to the next.
>goes against my core values
No, it doesn't.
It's 100% in line with my core value of individual liberty.
It was Amazon try to keep up.
No need to argue anecdotes
finally, the real one.
That's an anecdote
Both sides are not the same you are just got tricked by the propaganda and are too lazy to do actual research.
The republicans just gave a huge tax cut to billionaires, and want to get rid of healthcare entirely and you are claiming both sides.
Democrats are pushing for universal healthcare, free community college, and universal base income, anti-corruption, corporate regulations.
The republicans say whatever to get elected and they immediately kill social programs and give money straight to billionaires.
I own my own business I fucking hate socialists they want to steal my shit and redistribute to themselves...
This. They have made "finding a flaw" into a personal weapon. Remember when it was about a fucking flag pin? I'm not religious, but Republican propaganda is the poster child for the "splinter in the eye, beam in your own" story
what did she mean by this
ur andictedtocoke
You are just a basment dwelling faggot, kill yourself you waste of oxygen.
What are you talking about?
Republicans giving tax cuts to billionaires doesn't help small businesses.
The essence of a fucking leftard in one image. I was in a homeless shelter in Olympia, Washngton a decade ago asshole and bit by bit, day by day, I worked my ass off and in January of this year I closed on a 200,000 home. Just because you are a failure who can't figure it out doesn't mean you get to destroy the ONE country people can accomplish what I just did. Fuck you assholes.
Thats because you are a homosexual
Do you honestly believe that uy represents all Trump supporters? Do believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy too?
No, I'm not but I like it more than Pepsi.
Too bad
you worked so hard
but now just one health problem and you go bankrupt and lose your house.
Welcome to capitalism!
Your use of muriKKKan geography is exemplary, Shlomo.
Of what time you can come
Of what time he is coming
Like I'm too dumb to insure my shit. You are just a fuckinf whiny bitch, you want a hand out. As I stated earlier I know where you lazy shitheads come from. As long as people like me (who like to work and succeed it feels GOOD after being homeless) people like you will always be marginalized.
My father was a small business.
>born into liberal family with democratic values
>raised to trust the process
>we go high, they go low etc.
>pulls the wool off my own eyes through vigorous research and self-reflection
>get alienated by irl friends and family for sharing leftist viewpoints that go outside their overton window
mfw it was just leftist propaganda this whole time
what do I gotta the day for the day and time to go take my time off hershel
box I have kik is your oooooooo
What bitch isn’t?
Dude that car is worth as much as your home that you probably have a loan own. Hypothetical Ceo Biff, out right owns his lambo. Congrats on pulling yourself out of homelessness, but that doesn't mean because you did that, that your next step is to multi millionaire ville.
Whoever got her to wear those big earrings is smart. Its rare you see someone whose jaw is so different in size from the rest of their head.
Makes you wonder if her teeth retract when she closes her mouth or what
Silence, you treacherous eunuch
>kind of attractive
She was. In 2008.
So? What is your point? I all of my bills are paid and I'm saving money and want for nothing. You some type of narcissist who thinks you you are supposed to start at the top make millions a year because of how impressed YOU are with YOU? Fuck off you pompous twit. Besides I LIKE my car faggot.
Uh oh someone disagrees with you
Better insult them on the internet.
Insurance doesn't cover pre-existing conditions. Insurance companies openly operate to take peoples money and always try to fuck you over when you make a claim.
It seems more like they are the lazy shitheads who want a hand out.
It seems like the Republicans who are taking bribes from the insurance companies to keep the broken ass system from getting revamped, it seems like they are the lazy shitheads who want a hand out.
But wait, in your mind, anyone who disagrees with you on the internet is a lazy democrat shithead who wants a hand out.
trips have spoken
cobbunism is cancelled
fellow comrades please disperse
replied to myself on accident, yes im stoned
and I will not hesitate to bust a nut right on your head
>thinks you you are supposed to start at the top make millions a year
you're sooooo close to getting how the system works 99.9% of time
>It seems more like they are the lazy shitheads who want a hand out.
Their main business is real estate. Your premiums pay for big fancy buildings that they rent out.
>yes im stoned
That's good.
I still got my balls and you may take them, but you will never take my freedom to post.
>I still got my balls and you may take them
bruh this is why people are always calling us cucks
not that I'm not into it
I said that your success doesn't mean there isn't income inequality, and that the ceos are not robbing their workers. Just because you aspire to someday make people salaried and make them work for free. Or make people work for minimum wage that has not kept up with housing prices. Your desire to step on their necks so you can be a millionaire, doesn't mean its going to happen or that ceos should legally be allowed to do it. No where have I said I deserve to be a millionare I just don't think things are fair. Your upward mobility doesn't mean things are fair or that there is no income inequality or that ceos are better than their workers and deserve to make 300 times their workers make.
I'm mostly left leaning and this guy is destroying the "triggered" liberal kid. I can tell by the kids kys outbursts and vile cursing he's a loser poor fuck that hasn't thought an original thought beyond what CNN has told him to think. Also, this is coming from a liberal. Let that sink in.
Trump said wind turbines cause cancer both are idiots over their head
politics and messages aside, that guy is a pretentious idiot clicking through multiple cameras that he doesn't look at. He can fuck off.
I'm mostly fascist leaning and this girl is destroying my anus. I can tell by the way my asshole ruptures when she inserts her massive sexy horse dildo into my tight virginal sphincter that I'm a sexy little twink without a thought in the world other than "take me daddy, take me." Also, this is coming from a neo-nazi. Let that sink in.
Comparing mispeaking or misunderstanding minor things to believing infowars conspiracies. These things are not equal, one is crazy, the other is learning.
>robbing their workers
Explain to me what you consider a 'fair deal'? Let me guess, you're a communist?
I put forth the following counter-argument.
1) She's attractive and I want to fuck her. 2) the president doesn't come up with his own policies either, he has advisors and other Republicans to do that.
3) It's not important that she is a puppet if I completely agree with the puppet-masters policies anyway. Every candidate must defer to the party's will on most issues anyway., that's politics.
Who is paying you, you fucking shills. Seriously, you need to be super fucking sad to post this whore everyday and call her sexy.
She is OBJECTIVELY ugly.
I'm actually seriously concerned that people will promoted this whore for a little bribe. Not even american, you have to be retarded.
Kindly Kill Yourselves.
I'm doing it for free.
ignorant rant; so noted
How about paying workers for their time. The government says it's cool to make people salaried and have your workers work over 40 hours a week.
I also don't know why you hate communism if you think it's cool for people to work for free.
You think the only justified form of payment is hourly wages? You're 100% against salaried employees? Are you against contracted work? Do you believe that anybody should be allowed to say "I will complete this job for $$$, irrespective of how much time I spend on it?"
Good call.
And include Daily Caller in that list.
They are alt-right indoctrination sites that target the Low Info's
to make them into foot-shooting,
Useful Idiot foot soldiers for Trump and his plutocratic ruling class :
Proof :
tin-y *** url.com/y7rnydf5
NYT Oct 2018.
Paul Volcker, former Chair of the US Federal Reserve.
“The central issue is we are developing into a plutocracy.”
Town Hall. com is a deal killer :
simplistic indoctrination "targeting" the Low Info's
the whole point of the green new deal is to spark discussion
I don't believe for a second that AOC actually thinks it's possible for that fucking thing to get passed and put into effect
this thread is a giant shitshow
very entertaining but also sort of worrying
The idea is stupid though. As a person who doesn't like describing themselves as an environmentalist but have been called as such, the ideas she put forth and the reasoning behind them is ridiculous. She wants to use the GND as a basis for wealth redistribution. She literally says capitalism is a failure and that socialism (communism) is the way to go.
She is a complete idiot full of idiotic ideas. She is the left's Sarah Palin. It's a mixed bag whether she is good or bad. On the one hand, it's good for the republicans as she touts idiotic ideas. On the other hand, I don't ever want her dumb ideas gaining any sort of legitimacy.
She has the financial acumen of a box of hammers.
Her own party thinks she's a brainlet.
A financial expert at the SAME LEFTEST RALLY she was at literally said , on stage, she was economically illiterate.
She is a closet communist
Only desperate incels think she's hot, her face is disgusting
She unironically think putting identarian politics in policy won't styart a civil fucking war
She talks down to minorities by "speaking in an ethnic tone", a tone she normally doesn't use just ask the minorities she offended by doing it at a recent rally.
She thinks she is smarter than people who have been in politics since before she was fucking born
She thinks she's in charge, and not her consitiuents
She is being investigated for 5 counts of misconduct and mis apporpriation of election funds
She is a fuckup.
She is just a face, recruited by the social democrat party, to parrot their views.
She has no original thought in her
The only thing she has done is exposed how useless our university system is. How the fuck can Boston University graduate her with Cum laude in ECONOMICS and INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS?
huh? isnt the US a capitalist, free enterprise icon?
So the farmers can MAKE THEMSELVES great, or
keep being the sh!t-kickers behind a mule somewhere in fly-over land
How can those jobs be lost if they were never created?
Bro are you Fucking kidding me?
> proposes a plan that would not only bankrupt the country but destroy its infrastructure
> that same plan does nothing to address the pollution of India and China wich is way more than the United States and is way more detrimental to the environment
> these other developing countries have no intention to curb their emission rates or other pollutants
> while they continue to modernize and grow their economy, AOC expects us to do the exact opposite by basically getting rid of all our means of production with shitty, inneficient, unrealistic alternatives.
> when people say “hey that is a stupid plan that won’t work and will in fact, destroy our economy”, she gets butthurt and lectures you about how “she’s in charge” because she proposed a redardedly unrealistic piece of legislation
On top of that, she proposes that the American tax payer should foot the bill for people “unwilling to work”. And then when people call her on that absurd shit, she claims that proposition was “a rough draft”. SHE NEVER PROPOSED A FINAL DRAFT AFTER THAT! WTF IS A ROUGH DRAFT THAT IS NEVER ALTERED?!
> a final draft
Fuck off with this “no one has any real reason to think AOC is a dumb cunt” bullshit. You have to have your fucking head in your transgender boyfriend’s ass to think that.
My fucking nigga.
The US political climate these days is mind-numbingly retarded
Just like the 3 billion that never existed
Ahh, you seem to be avoiding the problem and looking for caveats. Don't bother removing your head from your ass.
the Wall St incrowd pays themselves typically $20,000,000 per year to be Chief Executive of a corp.
Proof :
Yahoo CEO Marissa
“Mayer's pay package jumped 69% to $42.1 million
last year as she worked on a turnaround of the Web portal.”
‘Yahoo's stock has lost roughly 25% of its value in the past year.’
he says stupid shit but atleast its not through a filter
>lost roughly 25% of its value
But top talent will go elsewhere if you don't pay them 40 million.
DT is only a demagog & politically ignorant political charlatan.
Tha's glaringly obvious;
that's why Hillary won,
by a 2.8 million vote margin. [ no typo ]
JFK's margin over Nixon was 100k [ no typo]
>EVERY SINGLE SCIENTIST AT NASA agrees that humans are accelerating climate change.
Chart shows cooling since 2016.
"“We see a cooling trend,” says Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center"
" NASA confirmed we are going into a cooling period – not warming."
"NASA data show that global temperatures dropped sharply over the past two years. "
"NASA’s Langley Research Center reported in September: “High above Earth’s surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy. If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold.”"
>How the fuck can Boston University graduate her with Cum laude
Cum laude are good but easy enough to get for anyone that works their ass off. Summa is the amazing one that is only for the very best.
This graph illustrates the change in global surface temperature relative to 1951-1980 average temperatures. Eighteen of the 19 warmest years all have occurred since 2001, with the exception of 1998. The year 2016 ranks as the warmest on record.
You need to remember that people might actually look at the data. Don't show the data because it destroys your global cooling narrative.
but dint DT's doc's put him on an emergency fat-loss program?
I think he lost 50 lbs since then,
now down to 250.
I guess the next question is why are you ignoring the data on the page you cite?
Now that you have seen the data are you never going to try to create a false narrative of global cooling because you have learned the truth?
>Republican President
>Rapid Economic
No way this could end badly.
Bubble are awesome if you're a vulture.
Germany 13 yrs after Hitler declared his
Thousand Year Reich ! of aryan rule:
Still didn't answer the question. One step at a time buddy.
True. A simple package of truth there
BUT IT'S Boston University. That school is higher ranked than ALL the public universities in california besides UCLA and Berkeley.
I don't know if this is affirmative action in motion or what but it's a disgrace. I'm continually seeing more evidence that these schools are a joke.
Here's a curve ball. If unemployment is so low, why do we still need build a $8 billion wall to keep the Mexicans out.
>>Generic insult about her looks
Well I think she’s smoking hot. Some don’t and say she is gangly with horse teeth. I like how nobody ever talks shit about Trumps looks good bough.
>Generic insult about she's too young
I’ve literally never heard anyone complain about her age.
>Generic insult abiut she's too dumb,
Oh no. The insults about the dumb shit she says is extremely specific.
>but never explaining why beyond fox News talking point that have the depth of the floor.
Oh here we get to YOUR generic insult of MUH FAUX NEWS.
Way to be a complete hypocrite. You he cherry on top is that you closed with doing exactly what you accuse them of doing.
Lou Dobbs @ Foxaganda.
You may disregard
If unemployment is so low, why do we need to keep third worlders out?
>If what you're saying is water is wet, then why do my clothes get wet when I pour water on them?
>being this stupid
The way she is holding that katana infuriates me.
What’s your point?
>unironically using the MUH FAUX NEWS meme when talking about approval ratings
How’d those MSM projections work out last election lol
thank you. I just came for this picture
Waves hands, look over here, look over here, ignore the problem. Let's talk about caveats.
How about no.
The government needs to stop allowing companies to force workers into free overtime. Example: a salaried software engineer. They expect them to work a minimum of 40 hours a week and then crunch to meet deadlines. At game studios they expect never ending crunch, there are people working 60 hours a week for months at a time. There are lots of industries that treat salaried workers like slaves and the government needs to stop allowing it to be legal. This also applies to "managers" that are forced to work extra hours every week because they lack enough workers.
Republicans argue that illegal immigrants are Right Now stealing jobs from American and Right Now. Americans are having no trouble finding and a lot of companies, such as construction, are having trouble finding workers. Trump could literally just say "we don't need a wall because I did such an amazing job with the economy" but his ego won't let him.
Also, if illegal immigrants are costing the American economy 50 million a year. That is 75 years before this wall pays for itself. Illegal immigrants haven't even been an issue for 75 year.