Best way to kill myself using over the counter or easy to get stuff that’s 100% guaranteed to not make me vegetable
Best way to kill myself using over the counter or easy to get stuff that’s 100% guaranteed to not make me vegetable
I need an answer quick, shit might hit the fan and I need an out
Eat an entire bag of Halls Cough drops at once, that'll do ya.
U sure? I’ve eaten those like candy in the span of hours before
Google doesn’t help
Helium and plastic bag. Painless and effective.
hang urself fucktard
Although this is probably bait I'll say it anyways in case this isn't, and actually may influence what you're going to do. Just find a different way to deal with your problem, don't resort to a drastic measure like suicide. It's a permanent fix to a temporary problem. Be an adult, man up and take responsibility for your life and your own actions. Best of luck.
I don’t wanna go to prison man I was drunk...
-Inject yourself with high levels of insulin.
-Look up charcoal hot box
-Theirs also like a thing called a suicide bad or something that uses helium
Of course suicide is gay but I'm not gonna blue ball you. Hope it doesn't come to that.
You aren't being very constructive.
I looked up helium tanks and they said it’s not enough helium to kill you bc they lowered the levels now idk, looking up charcoal thing rn
Anyone thinking about kys, don't just yet. Instead get credit cards and take out loans. Even payday loans. Anything and everything. Then give that money to somebody or maybe a charity. THEN kys. That debt will die with you and at least someone else's life will be improved.
The charcoal thing might work if I rig it to burn me alive in my car after I pass out but I might attract attention bc smoke...
Don’t worry I will
Fuck off moralfag. Op google lostallhope, it'll tell you everything you need to know. Now stop begging for attention
Good man.
On this topic what happens to your assets if you die and have no one to pass it on to?
I don’t have a shotgun (it was number 1 and 3) and I can’t obtain cyanide legally and I’m no chemist
Buy a hammer and hit yourself really hard on the head
I have less than $1000 to my name, I’m 5k in debt, and I have a beater Nissan I’ve been driving around so it’s not worth shit
>U sure?
Fucking kek
Or spend all your money on an EPIC suicide. OD on morphine (or some drug that will make you numb towards your own demise) go to your local college during their finals. Enter the library when everyones studying. Now heres what you do. Strap a bunch of fireworks to your body and douse yourself with vodka. Then (in a multistory library), set up a razor wire noose and prepare for the plunge. However, before you jump, light the fuse for the fireworks. What will happen? Your head will be severed, you will be totally lit, the fireworks would look sick, and the students would get extensions on their finals for weeks on end for mental issues. You will die a legend.
take what u own (insurance, car, house, etc.) theeeeen your next of kin has to pick it up
I’m in panic mode chill lmao
I was thinking more like buying a parachute, and cruse controlling my car while I get on top, but I tie a noose to the steering wheel so when I pull it, I die. But fireworks could be implemented into the runaway car ig
Do it for the kids. Kids love fireworks.
Like I said, I don’t really own anything valuable or pay anything concurrently. I’m also on my own as of now
OP here: probably going with the charcoal hotbox in my car (with fireworks) and I’m gonna donate my money to people who need it ig. Thanks all. Godspeed anons