Where can i watch vids of cats getting tortured/dying? maybe some onion links i dunno, any help will do thx.
Where can i watch vids of cats getting tortured/dying? maybe some onion links i dunno, any help will do thx
you deserve testicular cancer OP
U mad bro lol
Request them on caturday to trigger the tards
op is a faggot
Maybe we can meet up and have some fun together, where u from bro ?
I really hope you die soon.
fucking sociopath subhumans
you'll get exactly what you deserve
Why you call me a sociopath? i just like to see this vermin dying or getting tortured lol thats perfectly natural we are the apex predators.
drowned like a BOSS
please kill yourself ASAP
Sent ;)
You newfags need to learn the rules. Leave cats alone, bitch. People used to get destroyed here for this shit
lol, if not a sociopath you are at the very least pretty fuckin dumb if you think there's a connection
so whhy did she do it?
Look just cuz your tired of your junkie mother fucking different guys every night , don’t take it out on innocent animals , maybe try fucking with guys your own age you incel
also fuck you OP, hope you step on a used heroin needle and get aids fag
Actually no, that's not natural.
Look up how empathy evolved.
You are some sort of fucked up, I don't know which.
I'm a normal person i just enjoy seeing these awful creatures getting killed/tortured
no man you are probably a sosiopathic person and you probably look normal in fack show us a of a member of you family to check how normal are you
kill yourself, I mean that quite seriously
Kill yourself and film it instead you faggot
guys this is sooo stupid like i really hate seeing thi image but i can't stop checking the video and throwing up
you're a fag kid what r u doing on this site
Actually kill your self
stupid cancer i am on this site since so long stupid and you are the cancer of the internet #op is a fag
Good boy
Fuck off OP no one cares about your feline torture fetishes.
You have come to the LIONS DEN, the spiritual embodiment of feline justice.
tread lightly traveler, their wrath knows no limits
Damn postal 2 got a graphic overhaul?
Kill one yourself faggot.
Then after that I hope you get brutally raped.
God gave you this desire for one reason. To use it on humans. Stop denying your God given mission by going for such low hanging fruit to get off.
Stop being such a lazy faggot & start hunting humans. Tick tock. Don't piss God off.
I feel exactly the same way about people.
get aids and die faggot
honestly i hope you get put into fucking prison and get a african train up your asshole and as you go to hell you'll have to suffer the fate of every cats death on here so you can learn an truly eternal lesson you sick fuck
LMAO at all these triggered soyboys
go fuck yourself Could you sensitive liberal shit
I have killed several cats in rl
liberals are fags i hate cats but seeing them get tortured for nothing at all except for the sick pleasure people get out of it really pisses me off
People who torture cats are just faggots who are too afraid to torture humans like they should be.
Torture a fucking lion if you think you're hot shit.
Good thread. Videos of other animals getting tortured and killed would be welcome, especially videos of rats/mice getting tortured. Those fucking little squeeking little shits
>apex predator
you are certifiably a fucking retard. apex predator? we removed ourselves from the food chain you fucking imbecile. you might as well regress back to being a caveman if you think you still "hunt" for your food and "escape" from wild animals.
>killed several cats in rl
yeah, cause that's the only pussy you can slay
also videos where cows and dogs get tortured and killed, those would be nice too
If you enjoy watching helpless animals being tortured you’re weak. It’s a form of control/domination over others that you lack. Seek help.
>humansa are not animals
>we removed ourselves from the food chain
wrong, you clearly don't even know what food chain means
Why the fuck is Yea Forums full of pussy ass faggot moralfags nowdays? It didn't use to be like this.
>waah it's wrong to enjoy that you fucking cunt just kill yourself faggot sociopath mods mods
Post some animal torture videos, damn it!
I must concur with my fellow btards. Bait or not the saying of such things invites violence against you, and there well be minimal pity.
Cus that's how evolution works dumbcunt, if you were expecting your dick to be covered with nasty cumpiss because some anons wanted to share the same content that fueled up your fucked up fantasy, then you're wrong, moralfags or edgelords, the majority always wins.
I hope you get cancer you faggot
shut the fuck up, you little pile of shit.
go to veganland and stay away from the real world. calling mods like a fucking enfant...... disgusting cunt.
you deserve being beaten furiously for all eternity.
Post some human gore instead, that’s the REAL shit
There u have your video faggot