Ylyl before I hit the sack. Let me wake to dankness Yea Forumsros.
Ylyl before I hit the sack. Let me wake to dankness Yea Forumsros
Tf is Nooch on Toast supposed to mean?
This is actually real though, isn't it?
I cant fucking read this garbage
>Open your eyes Erizabeth!
Nooch is nutritional yeast. It's healthy and tastes like cheese
Why would anyone buy that fucking nonsense?
Saucy Nugget.
>nothing new
Haha i knew it, no way a woman does anything important
why would anyone browse this website
>Deep-Fried Balls kek
She hardly contributed anything to the program and is being paraded around by media outlets.
In China, she hit the correct target.
Ah, the spetsnaz approach.
Shouldn’t it be Sweden tho?
Honestly, the best laugh I had all day.
It's everywhere at this point
AK. Kale smoothie
Aquafaba scramble what the fuck
Land of the free
Those people are English you dense fuck.
This is obviously UK.
Can you see their accents?
Saucy Toots reporting
There are 3 visible indications that this was taken in the UK and that's without even looking closely.
Rollerino my dude
>implying accents are our only differences
Ham, eggs, sausage and beans with white bread? That is peak bong culinary arts, my dude.
t. Yuropoor
>British staple food
>256 colors of dreary
>no butter knife
Yeah no I'll have to say English on this
is there two plates of butter?
well this was disappointing, the only humour you fucks have is the vitreous and aqueous humour in your eyes
Knowing British staple foods, I'd say the plate on the right is probably margarine
humour. humor. hum. hu?
>no butter knife
I lost to this, I can't believe it.
I'm a britbong too.
Do they just rub the bread on the stick or what
Its penis butter, you get the idea
> not knowing the difference between designing an algorithm and writing the code
This is so dumb. It's really common in scientific computing for some one who knows the science better and who probably has a lot more education to design the actual flow of information and how something should be calculated. And then to hire some code monkey to just code up the algorithm they designed.
I was just such a code monkey myself back at a part time job in college. I coded up a C++ program that implemented calculating simulated plant growth gene/protein model of a particular species given sunlight and temperature data over the plant's life. I was the guy who wrote all of the code, and I'd say I did a decent job, but I had absolutely nothing to do with the development of the model I was implementing. I couldn't tell you what any of the gene interaction within the model actually represented or meant other than just the inputs of temperature and sunlight. I didn't do any of the differential calculus to come up with any formulas, I just turned formulas into code the computer could run. No doubt I was useful, but there's also no doubt as to who was replaceable (me) and who was indispensable to the project (the professor I was working for).
And this is much the case for virtually every scientific coding application. If the project can afford to hire some code monkeys to code up what the people with PhD's design, they do it because the people who know the science have better things to do with their time than just acting as a translator between mathematical formulas and python.
No doubt Andrew here is probably pretty good at coding, but he's far more replaceable and not the brains of the operation in that arrangement.
Ok ygot me
Who's ready for some oldfag shit?
2008 was a good year
Agreed. Premium vintage.
The only power the terrorist has is his hostage. Take away his only bargaining chip.
We need more Brenton Tarrants
Good shit man, haven't seen that in years feels like
any post with over 2 lines is a copypasta
Haha wouldn’t it be funny for someone to stream this movie so we can laugh at it haha
that makes way too much sense
Who posts this and thinks to themselves; "this will make people laugh.. that 2009 meme is gonna crack people up".
These are pretty neat keep em up
Only wish more than I have existed.
Then where do copypastas come from?
been a while since I saw the whole set
Thats a shame there pretty cool
Sadly no more from this set exist, or at least I've never seen them.
Last set I'm aware of.
copied from reddit
>I just made a video game!
>But this dude did all of the coding that actually made the game
>that's stupid, it was my idea so I am the only one that deserves credit
And thus concludes our timecapsule into being a Yea Forumstard 11 years ago.
It's kinda sad but this is the first thing I thought when I saw that article. Especially when you know there had to have been a team working on the whole thing.
>did they just pick the one woman in the office and give her credit?
I don't think I was prepared for tonight.
>that fucking attention to detail of the soap level in the bottle going down
You passed
And now thats it.
Lost. Shit
NICE, never seen these.
Old, you weren't kidding man kudos!
I never said all programming was the same.
Tell me. When a skyscraper is built, who deserves more credit for it? The architect who designs the thing, does all the math to prove that it will be structurally sound, runs the physics simulations to show that his initial calculations were correct, and who completely decides the overall aesthetic. Or the grunt who dropped out of high school to become a construction worker and installed the windows?
When creating vaccinations, who deserves more credit, the guy who works out the gene sequencing and develops the process for how to make the vaccine, or the random lab tech who follows that process to produce the doses that are given to patients?
Who deserves more credit for the iPhone, the engineers working directly for Apple to design the thing, or the sweatshop workers assembling the things in china?
You said that last thread.
I can't imagine having this person as a room mate
Saucy Mcgee
I win faggots kill yourselves
Try again faggot
You’re a fucking retard.
>thinks construction of a skyscraper is unskilled labor
>sells himself short on his own skills
Apple is a pretty bad example too, because you could easily shift that argument to "who deserves more credit, steve jobs or the engineers" Or even better yet. The engineers or the woman in the office that designed the layout for the touch screen interface? Plus, more people need to be aware of the contribution of sweatshop labor to the success of these giant shitfuck companies anyway. Maybe less people would be worshiping apple if they realized. Also, you really mean to tell me you wouldn't want any of the credit for doing the majority of the code on something that made national news just because you're a self-described code monkey? Sad dude. What you do is super valuable and none of these things would get done without it.
Ok this one made me laugh
>There used to be high quality OC here that wasn't all /pol/ psyops
>for free
>nowadays this quality level only exists behind Patreon paywalls
it hurts to see what we've become like this
Why do you need both?
I'm not claiming that the dude deserves no credit. I'm saying it's completely fair that the woman who designed the algorithm deserves far more credit than he does.
The initial image seems to be arguing that the dude who coded it up deserves more credit than the woman.
For my work in coding the model up in college, I received credit for my work, but that doesn't mean they listed me as first author on the paper they published about their plant research.
>thinks construction of a skyscraper is unskilled labor
it is compared to skill/knowledge required to design it in first place. You are actually retarded if you don't believe that.
For larks, or a bet.
Dont forget, the rubberchicken made the inventors a neat pile.
I heard these machines are big in thailand
Good times
I dunno man I've known plenty of draft designers that are complete retards and broke because their skills aren't really in high demand compared to the people that actually build things. In this example wouldn't you need to have those skills and knowledge to interpret the plans in the first place? That on top of knowing how to plan the infrastructure required for the project to happen at all?
From my vast experience in minecraft, I can tell you it's way easier to plan how I want to make a building than to actually build it.
Never said installing windows wasn't skilled. Just as I never said coding up an algorithm isn't skilled. It just isn't the part that requires the most education or high level thinking, or deserves the most credit. You don't have to get a Master's degree to install windows, and you don't need a PhD to code up the algorithm that a physicist with a PhD designed for you.
God fucking damnit. There isn't a lot that makes me laugh out loud at 2am.
Props to you
They must be pretty big if a dude can comfortably stand inside one of them like that. Asians are pretty small though, so who knows.
I thought it was fake, but its true, see IMDB
I have not laughed so hard for a long time. Sweden, the cultural capital of Europe!
You are comparing apples and oranges. Yes, there are plenty of unskilled designers who could be replaced by common construction workers. What we are talking about here are people of equal skill level in their respected fields. Nobody said the programmer did a bad job or got carried in a project. What we are saying is without Katie Bouman there would be no algorithm, which means there would be no code to write.
I was talking about people with degrees in Architectural Engineering who do the statics analysis for large projects like skyscrapers, not people with degrees in Architecture who know how to use AutoCAD.
But this probably isn't the best analogy anyway. But I thought trying to come up with an analogy that was close to applicable would be easier and more useful than trying to explain all the intricacies and realities of programming and scientific and algorithmic design and modelling.
Perhaps a better one is the difference between some one who writes a book and some one who translates that book into another language. Sure, to do the translation, you've got to understand it well enough to ensure an accurate translation. But you're not the one who did the research, who decided on the layout of the chapters, and decided on what content actually appears in the book. And sure knowing both languages takes training and deserving of credit, but that doesn't mean you get listed as the author even though you technically wrote every word in the translated version of the book.
Yes we do
Clown World will burn soon
is this real / not shopped?
Exactly, thank you.
Another user.
Fair enough. Give credit accordingly.
An architect drawing up a commercial complex building should get 15-20k, net, if he solos. Probably 100-200 man-hours of highly specialized labor.
A building company for the same building will be bagging 200-300bil (IRL right now) gross. Manhours must be upwards 100ks.
You can't tell me the blueprints are worth a whole building, even a basic residence.
Give the woman credit for the alphabet; give the man credit for the novel.
> Give the woman credit for the alphabet; give the man credit for the novel.
More like give the woman credit for the novel, give the man credit for the german translation.
>without Katie Bouman there would be no algorithm, which means there would be no code to write.
Doubtful, there are plenty of physics monkeys out there. It's not like her contribution was the ground breaking part of the situation here.
>You are comparing apples and oranges.
I'm actually comparing apples to other apples. If you can be an architect and a retard and a construction worker and a retard then don't you think those two aspects of the creation of a building deserve equal consideration regardless of a degree? The building doesn't exist without both of them.
>uk govt complains about misinformation and fake news
>after brexit ordeal
The woman could probably have coded it up if she had the time without additional training. If the dude wanted to do the part she did, he'd probably have to go back to school for a PhD in physics first.
>Perhaps a better one is the difference between some one who writes a book and some one who translates that book into another language.
I don't think you want to use that example either, since the person translating the book needs to be a skilled linguist in order to interpret the meaning of the text and then translate it to another language without any of that meaning being lost. Plus, this analogy sucks anyway if we're comparing it to this situation, because it would be more like an author coming up with the basic outline of a story and then the translator writing the whole thing in a language the author doesn't even know. Plus, translators usually do get credit on books. Hell, even the people that read them to you in audio books get credit.
Or watch a youtube vid on physics for 5 mins
obv not
I'm saucy Nutloaf and my best friend who's readin this with me is saucy balls.
sticky ball ayyy
> translating the book needs to be a skilled linguist
Indeed, they do. But they aren't necessarily an expert on the same level for the actual subject matter the book is about.
> translators usually do get credit on books
Yes, I know. And as I said, I think the dude that coded it up deserves some credit. Just not as much as the woman who designed the algorithm. He almost certainly will be directly credited on the papers that come of it.
> Plus, this analogy sucks anyway if we're comparing it to this situation, because it would be more like an author coming up with the basic outline of a story and then the translator writing the whole thing in a language the author doesn't even know.
Not really. In this case, she does know the language as evidenced by the fact that she was a direct contributor on some of the code. Also, it's not just like the author writing just an outline when it comes to scientific computing. The math and the design might take up less space on a page than the code, but that's just because computer code is more verbose, so to speak. It takes a lot more code to say the same thing as an algorithm expressed in english words and mathematical notation. And in most scientific papers, the actual coding up of whatever simulations or models is considered so secondary to the main credit and point of the paper that they often don't bother to publish their source code or distribute an executable. Because the coding of it isn't the achievement, it's just a tool. And anyone who read the paper, understood it, and had a little bit of programming skill could probably go replicate a functional version of the program. Of course the coder on the project will almost certainly be credited in the paper assuming they specifically hired a separate programmer and it wasn't just coded up by one of the researchers. They might even be added as an author on the paper, but they certainly won't be listed as the primary author.
That’s got to be Yorkshire
that guy was a cuck anyway
Not sure if sarcastic agreement or the worst bait.
Thanks for that perspective, user
Lol he explained perfectly well the situation. I think the woman is justified because there is a lot more to the work than that one github repo
90% of the people here have never worked in a group project so they wouldnt understand
Fuck off retard
Ye it's real
"Its not like her contribution is the ground breaking part"
And there it is. We've reached the "Yeah well at some point someone wouldve done it so it doesnt matter" argument. An argument that serves no purpose except as a last an final attempt to downplay a contribution made by a female reeeeeee.
Just accept she did something worth noting you fucking incel
Ah man, i usef to crank it to these as a yung'n. Good times man, good times.
>An argument that serves no purpose except as a last an final attempt to downplay a contribution made by a female reeeeeee.
Stupid, considering the whole point of giving her all the credit was to highlight the contribution of a woman in the first place. Virtue signaling at its finest.
>Just accept she did something worth noting you fucking incel
Yes, she absolutely did something worth noting. But it's a side note at best.
>Yeah well at some point someone wouldve done it so it doesnt matter
This is the exact argument that was just used to downplay the role of the guy that actually did the coding, so I'm glad you agree that it's stupid reasoning.
Berlin, 1934 (colorized)
i'd rather think of her as a femboi instead it would make a lot of sense then
i miss going on 8 chan
Saucy Balls
>Stringbean Toots
Robin Williams in a nutshell
Chick'n gravy. I like it
Damnit this trend always kills me, fuck. Lost.
There's been a time where you needed to make shit like this up.......
Beefsteack Cucumberjack
fucking disgusting, she was raped by a nigger
Ah I loved him in Doctor Strange
roll lmao
So her job was developing the scientific algorithm and customizing the colorbar?
Why are you so gay for this guy that you need to post him every day? It's pure obsession you fucking fag. I bet you jerk off to him every night. The idea of him being a rapist satisfies your submissive fetish and you need to broadcast your homoerotic fantasies of having your anus cheeks spread to every YLYL/cringe thread/rekt/pics you saved/etc. thread you find. And to make it worse, you post your own threads as well, effectively doubling your faggotry because you become the OP. This essentially makes you the gayest person on Yea Forums. You are obsessed with some guy and you are the faggot OP. Well done. I don't think anyone has ever achieved such faggotry in the history of this website, perhaps the entire internet. I bet you eat cocks and shit rainbows for breakfast and everything you utter faggot.
Sadly it's real.
Funded by Soros.
>Fermented Latte
That's definitly one of the worse ones.
The question is whether she is the one who designed the algorhitm though
Build OC irl my brother faggot. They will come
holy fuck, Nazi weed pope has it going on
Jesus .... Imagine saying this to someone in real life
Can't find the .torrent. Can anyone help me ?
You're a toad OP.
Yikes. Embarrassing.
Ahhh, the good ol'days.
You need jesus
what is hte story on this guy, i keep seeing him on here!
srsly whats the story on this guy,, i find the drawings funny.
How dissapointed would you be if she lifted up her shirt and this is what greeted you
mamma i wanna salsa
Why wouldn't I just eat cheese? Its healthy and it IS cheese.
Needs a brazzers edit.
Cardboard door. Also, why is it ventilated? So you could smell if someone's inside instead of knocking and asking?
I got Flax Egg Full-o-Fibre, which I feel is the best. Why are people rolling though?
Cheese isn't healthy
Autistic code monkey doesn't get what an international team effort looks like. Wants the only kind of person he relates to to get
Kale Cheesecake Latte
You guys suck
Don't know any political history
Conservatism was retconned into being to justify the monarchy and disadvantage the poor
sticky balls
some retard roleplaying and accusing him of raping a 13 year old girl i think. Dont really follow this shit, got annoying really fast.
Deep Fried on Toast
thanks for this, now i gotta watch xavier
US immigration standards have changed quite a bit huh?
racist edition
quads crippled
Its like she stayed up all night studying for the Hepatitis test and still got a C
kek'd mightily
Thank you!
Fake, why can't you guys accept that a woman, who is a Dr., helped? She obviously didn't do everything, but no one did
I fully support any government prosecuting any fake news, even shit shared online
the guy who did this Will SUFFER I HELL for an entire million years
Or maybe people are trying to give credit where credit is due, it doesn't have to be political but some people just think if a woman did something it must mean they stole from men, they're the people starting this drama
lmao, its not a picture of a black hole ffs, its the fucking event horizon, but retarded normie faggots be like that I guess
this is dumb
flax eggs balls...
i hate this game
Just because something exists doesn't mean it's national consensus (still could be, I've never been in sweden). Also it's 2,5/10 on imdb
Don't want to justify the movie tho
Makes sense, only major league fagatrons are named Johannes.
lmao newfags
based and redpilled
bait but its the uk you faggot
This must have sounded so much better in your head...
But he is the one winning the price?
No! It is not the problem starter! The starter is the boy. Who sits down tells everyone he did nothing special, "we" all contributed our part, we are all to be thanked if someone where to be thanked ever. Then this bitch comes along, telling in a video, to masses "what she did to help this come Tru" not what "they" did, so instead of sharing the spotlight with the rest of the team, like every fucking leading professor and harvert professor and even the students, she took what spotlight she might be able to get, and some fucktards decided, it would be great to put her up there!
Heh. Gay chicken.
What the fuck happened to that mouse?
lost in space
its a thinker
The fact that this is actually real makes this ycyl. You cry you lose. The greatest generation is rolling in their goddamn graves.
oh sweet baby jesus my sides
>being this retarded
By all means, share with the class how cheese isnt healthy
Why not North East?
"... black girl ... stolen ..." No matter what they try, they cant escape reality.
Do you even know who Roosh is?
Get off my tofu, frickin´ Kale Nugget ´s in da house!