>own 30 acres with a lake and dream house
>strong Christian marriage
>6 white children
>wife home schools
Why do people choose Atheism?
Own 30 acres with a lake and dream house
Where's trig?
Why would you ever think having 6 kids is a good idea?
Hill Billies deserve our derision.
Because we're being outbred. Have to preserve the white race.
Ghetto niggers don't?
i could literally do all of that without giving 10 percent of my check to zombie sky kike every weekend.
Anger or arrogance.
Because, fellow christian guy who understood the meaning of life, most people are fucking IDIOTS. Even in the elite, which is where I come from, 60% of people are fucking morons. I work in a big bank and this idiot colleague of mine managed to lose $23 million, because he's a dumb piece of shit who invested in a crappy sector who anyone with two active braincells knew would collapse in a few months. Most people are fucking cretins. Never forget that.
Atheist women are Feminist. All feminists reject their husbands and destroy their family unit. Christian families that pray together stay together.
same guy here: I don't believe in god. i'm still a christian. My (soon to be) wife doesn't know it. I don't want her to know it. I'm still a christian because traditions are what keep the world afloat.You don't have to believe in god. Just keep the traditions.
Because that dog is fucking gay
everything you have is based on your wealth and nothing more. your wife married you because of your money. your friends are either rich themelves or are wolves in sheeps clothing waiting to pounce on you. your entire life and religion is based on a socio-economic class construct and nothing more.
there is no god which is of course a self evident truth
Because I like making logical decisions and living in sub/urban areas and having neighbors and socializing.
Also your kids will turn out just as retarded as you seeing as they're being home-schooled by ur clearly retarded wife.
Theist Bitch
Everyone you talk to already knows. You fool nobody. Atheists always have a need to express their heubrus and impiety, and even if you try really hard to hide it, your lack of humility and outspoken statements of faith will always haunt you, and if you try to compensate with fakeness, you'll give it away quicker. The more likely situation is your fiance isn't Christian and you'll get just as divorced as any atheist family, why? Because a family lasts only as long as it's leader prays, and you'll never do that with sincerity. In general though, founding a marriage on a lie is just asking for disaster
there was a recent ranking of cities and Wasilla Alaska was ranked something like #541 in terms of per capita educational achievement. It was at the bottom of the list.
Not even OP but damn your jealousy is showing.
This guy knows
But either way that sounds like the most boring fucking life I have ever heard.
Married at 18, poor, how do you think we had 6 white Christian children? A whore like yourself wastes her prime child bearing years chemically barren, spreading your legs for lust. As far as the rest of your statement you don't understand Christian culture community and fellowshipping because you're a deniar of Christ
>live knowing your wife will always love her imaginary friend more so than you
>it's him that's given her everything, not you
god level cucked
Is that Faith Goldy?
Someone is getting pissed...
Mary mother of Jesus was a whore.
If any of your bullshit was true OP, then why are you here on Yea Forums bragging about it? I’m guessing vanity isn’t a sin when it’s said on the asshole of the internet?
>you don't understand Christian culture community and fellowshippin
To expound...every man who is somebody of upstanding character and wealth goes to my church. Every business owner, and people who are blessed by Christ...so obviously I got a "moddest" job right out of high school, I stayed with it, got promoted over all the other outsiders cuz I see my boss every Sunday and Wednesday...its easy to save money when you don't blow your money on drugs beer vidya and child support. Bought my land for nothing...guy I fellowship with had a grading company, knew another guy who builds homes. It's just amazing how far whites can get within the church helping each other.
Call it nepotism if you want but it's how whites built the modern world.
That bitch and her dog are fucking disgusting
>Because we're being outbred. Have to preserve the white race.
if that is really your perspective, YOU are the one that needs to to bred out of existence.
WHITE does not make you smart.
I'm white, I know lots of white people. some are smart, some are ALMOST as stupid as you.
Yeah, people using people in the name of God. All the while talking shit behind each others backs. That's my problem with your kind, hippocrates the lot of ya. If there is a hell you fake fuckers will burn worse than us sinners.
What is the white race exactly?
Your problem is entirely from within, pride, impiety, lack of a humble soul and humility, meekness. Submission to Christ Jesus would fundamentally change your life in ways you cannot fathom, but I pray one day you know His grace and mercy and receive these kinds of blessings.
Religion was invented to separate stupid people from their money.
>Call it nepotism if you want
more like "it's not what you know but who you know"
So you are proud that you got where you are, not based on your ability or qualifications, but because "i know a guy"
YOU are everything wrong with society today
You don't know me, nor me you but, I know your teachings and I refuse them as I do people like you. You, me and God know you are full of shit. You gonna burn, son. Fact
Fucking this! Nice job, user.
It's not just a guy, it's my brother's in Christ, whom I pray and worship with. Why would I hire some thing or some atheist over my brother's son? Even when life throws curve balls we have so much charity, more clothes shoes beds furniture and baby strollers to give away than we ever could, but all those people choose atheist lives over humility.
Says the atheist ..which is ironic. But I am legit praying for you son. Christ loves you.
What, I can't think a bitch is ugly? I'm already married, and toy breeds are literally retarded. Working breeds are the only good dogs.
Owning 30 acres would suck. I don't need that much yard work.
Strong Christian marriage? So you married a stupid ass weak willed wall flower.
6 kids? Jesus fucking Christ give your wife's cunt a break
Home schooled? So your dumb address are raising your kids to be just as dumb as you? Awesome 6 more welfare families...
Some people prefer the hard truth to the pretty lie.
God truly does bless those who follow him
i witness Gods work in peoples lives every day
good going OP
i wonder the same exact thing
That's what cults do, they make it all sound so great. What you don't hear about is all the shit that happens behind the scene. You can call it what you want but, it's a cult. A cult that is supposed to help the ones that are not your kind also y know, like Jesus did. Again, hippocrates talking shit is all your cult is behind the scenes. Don't lie, it's a sin, ya know?
white people
Thanks, and Satan waits for you.
You are retarded
You think I only have one dog?
Gross boney wife, six screaming poop machines, and have to spend half my weekend listen to a pedophile take mythology too seriously? Fuck no.
>It's not just a guy, it's my brother's in Christ,
I'm calling BAIT here.
That should have been dubs cause user threw down some dubs of truth. No justice in the world.
Amen brother and thanks, I just wanted to let people know that Christ Saves, and he also works good things into the lives of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
>southern baptist
Get Saved user.
Yes, what part of "these people go to my church and I see them 3 or 4 times a week" isn't clear?
Save yourself user. You worship a make believe world and you think you're better then me. You silly fuckin Christians
Fuck white people, us Mexicans are going to reconquista you cumskin asses, and the niggers are going to turn Dixie into “the planet of the apes”
>OP mentions God.
>all of Yea Forums
You guys are worse than SJWs and the word retard.
IF you choose a person based on where you interact with them, rather than their FUCKING QUALIFICATIONS, then you are a dumbass.
Your race is known for sleeping the day away. Everyone on earth speaking any language knows siesta means lazy fucking middle of the day Mexican nap. You’re not scaring anyone you bean eating faggot
That's the thing, if they have the Lord, and the prospect of hiring them gives me peace, I know it's right. I've never had a problem with it, while the guys who graduated next to him and could be a twin but leading an atheist life would fail out of the gate.
Christian masterrace reporting. Can confirm, life is great. Looking down on atheists from the ivory tower is one of the best things about living in the south.
Also the only thing my blond hair blue eyed girlfriend loves more than me is her family and God. Mgtow is a selfish joke compared to a life of pure love and devotion.
Planting my seed in the South is the best decision I ever made.
Pic sort of related. It's my non-christian friend's non-christian wife.
the word retard is fucking retarded
>siesta means lazy fucking middle of the day Mexican nap. You’re not scaring anyone you bean eating faggot
If you’re not afraid then why are you so angry white boi? Is it because you know the superior race is us blue eyed castizos and not you pigskinned, pisshair dum dums. We’re the future man quit while you’re ahead
Why do you have non-christian friends? What fellowship hath darkness with light? Be ye not unevenly yoked with the unbelievers.
Are you half asleep you dirty brown faggot? Where did you get the impression I’m mad? It’s almost funny how unthreatening Mexicans are. Between sleeping and mowing lawns you’ve got no time to revolt
Lord I pray for this young man's soul, that you help him through this time of unbelief in his life and bring him true humility in however you see fit to allow.
Didn't Mexicans also just smoke marijuana all day and lose every war they ever fought?
That post doesn’t make any sense
>First of all
AOC is nigger-tier, not a true Hispanic like myself but a shitskin Puerto Rican with nigger blood
>Second of all
I don’t give a shit that you think white people should be the future you’re not, us Castizos are
>Thrid of all
I know it’s racist to say my race is the future but I don’t give a fuck, because I’m a falangist you fuckwit
yuuuta :3
Bristol got some tig ol’ bitties
We used to attend church together and have known one another for a very long time. Youth group, that is. When we lost touch he shacked up with some old girl and fell out of favor.
I suppose part of me thinks not all is lost and that his marriage can be recovered. Though it is none of my business, he enters into my prayers from time to time.
But things between us are not the same as it used to be. I feel it in my heart when he's around, which is not often probably 3 oe 4 times a year.
Thanks for the reminder.
confirmed. bait
what sub is this i want it banned
Because we don’t believe silly lies.
>Christian Nepotism doesn't exist
I have the dream house, the kids, the loving wife, and I'm an atheist. Until a god can manage to convince me it exists, I'm not buying. I don't disrespect or hate you for your religious convictions. What you believe is between you and your god. I do, however, feel the need to question your apparent assumptions about atheism. Plenty of happy, successful, well adjusted people are atheists.
I bet you believe all kinds of silly lies.
lol, this guy gets it
Yeah god doesn’t owe you a private chat.
Home schooling is fucking stupid children need to be socialized
Aetjiesm is not a choice. It's reality.
This guy knows, hispania shall rule again.
Nothing says you couldn't do all of that without Christianity.
Except I spelled it wrong....
what's that exactly? Platitude? Complacency? Moral corruption?
He gets something alright you got that right.
doesn't matter it's disinfo anyway.
except atheism means being smart and not homeschooling kids that in reality are brothers uncles and cousins simultaneously
What? Being a part of any religion doesn't make you smart though, what the fuck.
Then why should I believe? I'm not asking for an angelic revelation or a burning bush here. Some sort of physical evidence shouldn't be a bridge too far. Or the smiting of someone who lies and commits fraud in his name.
Hippocrates rules, you loser. He founded the medical profession and don't you forget it.
The west is dying from retarded suicide it’s time for Latin America to rise and replace self loathing, pro-faggot, anti chauvinist Anglo culture