my best friend killed himself 3 days ago and I've cried like a pussy ever since that, what do?
My best friend killed himself 3 days ago and I've cried like a pussy ever since that, what do?
kys too?
feel 4 u fren
live life with enough for the two of you
Prey to him and cherish the times you've had with them and be grateful that they were on your line.
im really sorry, i know that’s gotta be hard and suicide contagion is a real thing so if you need help don’t be afraid to ask for it. love ya user hope things get better for you
How and why did he kill himself? Like what were the reasons for his depression?
Stop crying over spilt milk.
Sorry to hear that user. Stay strong and let him live through the memories.
resist further destruction, harming yourself, others or the environment.
seek to create and build yourself.
its going to hurt. its going to not feel ok all the time. its not supposed to.
I’ve also lost an imaginary friend.
or a spilled head for that matter
Pull the trigger yourself. Join your friend in Valhalla
build a beeramid in his honor then parade around like godzilla and destroy said beeramid whilst exclaiming, "RAWR!" once done dinowalk to store for more beer...and repeat until you fall into a drunken rest. oh and also shitpost on 4chin with updates to this adventure
I read
>join your friend in vanilla
kill yourself too
fucken. do a flip FAGGOT
>my best friend killed himself
He did it because you're such a faggot that he couldn't stand living in the same world as you
Why did you kill your friend, OP?
Get a bathrobe belt and Anthony Bourdain yourself.
give a good ass eulogy at his funeral my dude- I've been through the same shit and giving a speech was pretty cathartic
Yeah, I guess I can understand losing someone close. I really don't have any friends except for maybe one or two people. I can trust some of my family. I'm past all the fake friends I used to have. A real friend wouldn't do that to their friend. Fuck people. Stay strong OP.
You tell him:
Je promet de continuer là où tu t'es arrêté, Henry.