Who here remembers this Asian cutie?

who here remembers this Asian cutie?

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Why she worth remembering?

why you think?

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She's from. Richmond right?

how you know?

Looks like your typical Asian NPC in Sydney. 2/10

grow up,user


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Not sure if this is a troll thread or not, but if its not please stop posting her.

Yes, belle island. I've seen her in person once and on Tinder once.

Cause I know her


what sort of tinder pics she got

how? are you OP



No I am not op. I've fucked a few vcu Asian sluts.

including this one?

No not this one. I just know her circle.

oh ok

Did the left in red, and 2nd from right in purple.

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is that Ting?

The one in purple. Yeah. U know her?

all too well. how's she doing these days?

you got any good pics?

I haven't seen her in years. Maybe 2 years. Ever since that scandal at school she ghosted

Last time I saw her..

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oh yeah, I remember that. a lot of pics came out. Not sure how many of them were legit tbh, but they were all nice.

The gang bang ones were real. The frat house ones. She went slut mode really fast.

you got her wins saved?

The one in purple looks like she is in her 30s

Still go to VCU?

She hasn't been at vcu in years... Pics of her getting fucked got leaked and she left

Post them for me please, I lost all of mine in a computer crash.

or upload to DropBox or vola or something

Asian from gmu? Diemmie?

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Dont let it die

The girl in purple or the girl in OPs pic?

pls post mega/vola

girl in purple, name of Ting

,kik: galiumm

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Nobody Wants to buy your girl's nudes