what does b think about this?
What does b think about this?
CGI literally and admittedly manipulated. Furthermore, after astronomy departments across the globe participated, they make a Jewish woman the credit taker as some sort of virtue signal ignoring the 99% male astronomer contribution. If anything it is a true to life representation of the absolute state of academia - abandonment of the scientific method to make political statements.
nice tinfoil hat, faggot.
You must be fun to be around.
How's the fit on your tin foil hat?
Same fag white knighting for a jewess.
I think it's pretty profound. Political nonsense aside, I can imagine the team that saw this for the first time experienced a moment of bliss. I was just messing around in the back yard with a telescope and when I saw Saturn's rings for the first time, I nearly cried. It's something entirely different to see with your own eyes, even though a better picture may be out there.
CGI is literally just COMPUTER GENERATED IMAGE. In actuality this image is radio waves produced by the materiel surrounding the outside of the black hole M87. Using an algorithm to ALLIGN AND SYNC the multi super-telescope image. Not generated by a computer, not even the algorithms were generated by computers, as the Jewish woman you were talking about was apart of a team of 100 scientists writing the equations and algorithms used to allign said image. Jesus Christ you're so fucking stupid.
Pretty fucking cool, just another technological breakthrough done by humans.
Only going to get better too.
This moron feels entitled to attack a scientist working at the bleeding age of human achievement. The world we live in, holy fuck.
How did you react when you first saw Uranus?
Finished pooping. Wiped. Notably far less eventful.
you are a faggot nigger
im guessing you've never worked in a research lab.
the principle investigator never does the grunt work.
Now that's just sad.
It's very interesting.
I just sit in awe, thinking about how much mass is pulled into that relatively tiny space... ...and how it's STILL less than the total mass of all of the cocks that OP has throated, because he's THAT much of a massive FAGGOT.
You are the voice of sanity.
im guessing you've never written almost a million lines of code and have your work stolen by a kike who contributed 0.2% of the working algorithm she takes credit for
Chael was literally one of the 4 heads of the research teams
as someone majoring in astronomy, this shit is insane to actually think about. most people would just shrug it off cause they know very little about what this required to pull off, and what it means in the grand scheme of things.
"Using an algorithm to show whatever the fuck we want"
This is literally not empirical. RIP science.
>majoring in astronomy
Which Starbucks are you going to work at after you graduate?
starbucks? no i'm gonna work at mcdonalds. fuck coffee.
Was pretty hyped when I used a mirror, but after I managed to sneak my cellphone back there and take a Brown Eye Selfie, some of the magic wore off.
This legit pisses me off
You do realize they developed the algorithm to accurately organize the telescope data using well known astronomical objects, right? They didn't just pull this algorithm out of thin air; it also correctly images other objects.
...Have you seen the other threads on Yea Forums? This is like asking a chimpanzee what they think about internal combustion engines. They don't have the cognitive ability to understand your question let alone form a cogent answer.
>defending kikes taking credit for work done by a white man
there's another one for the gas chambers
kys niggerfaggot
I've come to expect it
no emotional reaction at all
Go see a psychiatrist, you need mental help
I thought it was pretty disappointing. They hyped it so much and you cant even tell what is. It just looks like a blurry photo of an eclipse
>I am very smart
The venn diagram of people who written a million lines of code single-handedly and people who unironically refer to others as 'kike' are two adjacent circles
That p nigger Hitler
Those who see reality appear crazy to those blind to it
You're either larping, in which case very funny, or schizophrenic, in which case get help
We all see a reality. Yours is shrouded in insecurity and mediocrity, you'll live out your days spamming tin foil bullshit that you convinced yourself is "for the lulz" and kick it accomplishing nothing. You're truly one of the fortunate failures. We're actually gracing your delusions with a response.
10/10 would stick peñor in that
Super impressed.
The good ol' no u will show everyone, he thinks. It's not like there is plethora of evidence in this thread that will collaborate the statements. What other image macros you got that make the idea of arguing your points obsolete?
She was working on Tensorflow models alongside this, she also published multiple papers which the tool is partly based on, which Andrew Chael even links to on the github page github.com
Incels are fucking trash, always trying to shit on women
And what does it mean "in the grand scheme of things?"
Scientists have known black holes existed in the universe for a while now, all this did was visually confirm what we already knew. Who gives a fuck about any of this? A picture of a black hole changes nothing here on Earth. Millions of dollars of government grants were thrown at this stupid project and it impacts our lives 0%. Nothing but a group of smart people showing off. Fuck them. They wanna do something, how about doing something about the island of trash in the Pacific Ocean that is the size of Rhode Island. How about they figure out logistics to stop Africa from being an AIDS ridden shit heap. Literally anything else would impact my life more than a blurry photo of the Eye of Sauron.
kikes are jews always actively shitting on the white male
Fucking pointless. Science “fans” are the most annoying group of cunts out there.
We've given Africa 1000x or more money than was spent on this. At least we got a picture out of this deal.
Nukes will solve the african nigger problem.
>Scientists have known black holes existed in the universe
The are theorised, though unproven. This fake pic adds nothing empirically. Putting a brainlet jewess as the credit taker is just icing on the cake.
This guy gets it.
Fine fuck Africa. They've already been fucked to the point of no return. Still doesn't change the fact that this project does absolutely nothing for how much press it's received. Why should I care about this project or picture?
They didn't just point a telescope into space and get lucky. They knew they existed and where to look.
Thank fuck you're not in charge of anything.
ever since i saw the picture of that black hole that was taken recently i haven't been able to stop thinking about putting my dick in it. the thought of my salami scepter getting sucked by a force so strong that light cant escape makes me rock solid.
im so sad knowing that ill never have any opportunity to dip my oil stick in that unfathomable cosmic dick pit
Why would anyone care about this shitty picture?
It won't add nothing to your pathetic lives.
>woman does something
>It's a conpiracy to make a political statement
black hole have been proven retard
>Why should I care about this project or picture?
Then fuck off, why do you care?
individuals have been taking credit for the work of groups of scientists for years. The only thing that is new is now some of you actually notice because a few of those individuals are women.
And how to fake it...almost like they knew what they wanted it to look like. Are they measuring data or creating it?
He is correct guys. They just captured radiation that is outside our visible spectrum, and put some colors with photoshop. On the papers admit that a black hole is nothing like this.
I'm starting to think it's some kind of publicity for women to study science and not just fat nerds.
Makes me want a donut honestly.
Marie "did nothing" Currie comes to mind.
>code monkey deserves credit for coding someone elses idea
she's first author on most of the papers they used to make this happen. you're just an angry incel, mad that a beautiful woman is doing way more interesting things in the world than you are.
Ayy lmao
i dont care
>replies anyway
it's a glowing, out of focus Honey-Nut Cheerio.
Someone have a link to the github so I can show someone?
Not to nitpick, but it’s not “relatively tiny.” It’s INFINITELY tiny. Goddamned amazing shit out there, impossible to wrap your head around.
Fuck that roastie jewess
This is now a roll thread.
We get. You have an education. You can stop trying to prove your intelligence. We believe you ok?
>what does b think about this?
I don't care
I'm here to see Tits and Cunts
no it isn't the more a black hole consumes the bigger it gets. fun fact if the earth collided with a black hole it would take 10,000 years to completly eat it
Not an argument
I don’t believe in black holes. I believe in flat holes. It’s a conspiracy by the world governments to convince us of the spherical event horizon.
We live in a society
This might be the worst use of this image in history
Being so fucking stupid you didn't even read what I said. They used the algorithm to ALIGN THE FUCKING TELESCOPE YOU DUMB PIECE OF SHIT.
Is this a “Prove You’re Not White” thread? There’s a reason white people were the first to circumnavigate the globe, fly across the Atlantic and walk on the moon. You sound like a goddamn nigger. Bitch about things you yourself have never likely so much as lifted a finger for; we’re busy unlocking the secrets of the fucking universe.
she's a super nerd
I love my blonde girls
with fancy accessories
long lashes
pedicured polished feet
long manicured nails
The question was “what does Yea Forums think about this”
They answered the question retard.
Yeah, it was an insult. I am insulting you, mr. okay kid // being this retarded
Still kicking it around being a dipshit, huh? Exciting stuff.
lol andrew got stuck with the bitch work and gets no credit. Sucks to suck andrew. Next time make someone else do the bitch work and don't get cucked by science memes.
Not meant for the human eyes to see. We all gonna die.
Please continue posting.
>white knighting
i'm rolling this
Trips confirms good fortune for reason
this picture is like a black magic spell
no one can debunk it or proof it
no one will ever visit it
space is a fantasy world that is as real as harry potter
I have posted a total of 3 times this thread, this being the third.
Not bad
Fuck yeah.
>is a fag
its bullshit. Like everything we've been told about 'space'.
discord fag
Not an argument
sauce on that image?
how about albert einstein?
currie actually did a lot of science and died because of it. It was only later that she was given credit for more than she did by feminists pushing an agenda.
Our lives aren't pathetic, bitter dumbass.
We're all unique in some way
>doding the accusation
Your identity is safe, we'll just pretend you're not a deranged retard drooling on his keyboard.
>Scientists have known black holes existed in the universe for a while now
>all this did was visually confirm what we already knew.
How did you know it before it was confirmed?
>Who gives a fuck about any of this?
I do, among countless other scientists and nerds.
>A picture of a black hole changes nothing here on Earth.
It changes our understanding of the universe.
>Millions of dollars of government grants were thrown at this stupid project and it impacts our lives 0%.
We spend billions of dollars anually extinguishing lives, what's your point?
>Nothing but a group of smart people showing off. Fuck them
Actually retarded statement.
>They wanna do something, how about doing something about the island of trash in the Pacific Ocean that is the size of Rhode Island.
Oh, it's way bigger than Rhode Island and those SPECIFIC scientits trained in something completely not relevant to this issue. Are you under the impression you can re purpose scientists on a whim like a video game mechanic?
> How about they figure out logistics to stop Africa from being an AIDS ridden shit heap
Not their field, you can take a stab at it. You don't seem to be fucking doing anything.
>Literally anything else would impact my life more than a blurry photo of the Eye of Sauron.
Here is your problem, no one gives a fuck about your life.
>queue one of the instant classic retorts
You're a god damn disgrace.
shhhh. Stop saying things they don't want to hear.
I don't care. This space bullshit doesn't change my life at all. At best it looks cool but this just looks like a coffee mug stain.
You're right, it's actually a fact.
There's absolutely no proof at all that any of this is real. It's just as Sketchy as this "globe earth" bs tbh. Best stay away from all this "science" crap
How unexpected.
Not an argument
Just because he isn't using it doesn't mean he doesn't have one.
Take your autism pill spedcase
But who said you'll get the last word?
Not an argument
How do you even know I'm still the same poster?
What is your point????? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY THIS STUPID?
Yes she added only 2400 lines but the DUDE removed 140000.
Last time I checked 2400 > -140000. You are just another jealous straight white male.
[Citation needed]
Not an argument
Had me in the first half
>Hurr durr, me no care if science thingy isn’t about me.
Go huff glue in a trailer park.
Not an argument
Problem for you now is, you're cornered. Let's see that brilliant non jew/nigger IQ figure a way out of this.
you're right!
but they prefer to celebrate this whore
>being this insecure
I'm going to win this because I am anonymous.
This black hole should be here, killing all of us
that's what I think, OP.
>back into the loop
Oh no, I am afraid this rat won't get to the cheese.
I am bound to fold any second now.
If you want to understand the state of physics today, you only need one website
For those anons who actually respect the scientific method.
alright I'm board I will leave you two to it.
Link: 404
Education : irrelevant in the context of who did more work on the project
Tensoflow models : yes you can do multiple projects at once also I doubt machine learning was involved in this specific problem
Incel.. : not an argument
Wake up
>I'm board
Yeah, he's done. I like it when they squirm and make arguments this is boring me as well.
Oh I just read a little more, of course it's an idiotic misinterpretation of github commits. The reason achael has more lines contributed is this
>This is incredibly misleading. If you inspect the repository in more detail, 820,000 lines of the line count are actually raw matrix data, not code. achael's corrected contribution is probably closer to 20,000 lines.
So incel comment still stands. Every time it's some misleading shit to try to get you to hate women as much as them
I think its hilarious the ammount of attention that bitch is getting
It's fucking feminism
it's a bitches world now
>They just captured radiation that is outside our visible spectrum, and put some colors with photoshop.
That's like saying that X-ray imagery is "fake" because a person's chest doesn't actually look like that.
>It's fucking feminism
>it's a bitches world now
Yep, we have state enforced female polygamy here in America.
I tried not to look for any jewery when I saw the picture with the girl and tried to focus on the fact that at least people will recognize the event as a huge scientific achievement of literary hundreds of scientists expanding the scope of what "we" can do as a human race.
Well so much for that...
Every single time something like this happens, all wahmen jump right in and try to take a ride on the coattails of one woman's so-called amazing work. This is how fucking desperate they are for a "SEE? VAGINAS CAN DO IT, TOO!" moment. Cue the white knight incel faggot cucks who are desperate for a lay from these feminazi tools and actually think showing approval of their distasteful ways will actually yield success.
It's be like saying we can show atoms with an x-ray if we take thousands of them and manipulate the data to make it show a blur fake photo of an atom.
It's an impossibly unrealistic claim. With 20 light years of dust and gas and stars to block the radiation, it's not a real image.
Its all about blacks and women these days.
You do not seem to understand the concept of replying to a quoted section of another post. Is this your first day on the Internet? The implication that converting invisible radiation to a visible image in in some way illegitimate is clearly ridiculous. Whether their other methods are legitimate is not part of my claim.
Single most important scientific discovery of our time.
B...b...but it's an "algorithm" made by a woman that did this! Despite the fact other teams did the same thing with different algorithms and only hers was picked, it's a HUGE step for WOMEN, right?
Another fake picture
Of fake space
Jesus fucking christ. Do you get credit for what you do or your boss? It's the way of the world. Now it's a woman, and you're shitting your pants. Fucking virgin.
Simple math too complicated for you, virgin?
Yeah, YOU totally make more money than your boss, huh? I bet when the owner of a company is talking to people he's sure to mention that he didn't make all this money for his company, YOUR polished toilets did.
You're not her and will never come close. Fuck off retard.
>come on guys it's not her fault, its the media blowing this up
Always the same with you sunshines, thinking everyone else's motivation is about hate, racism and sexism. Any point made against your perfect world is never met with logical consideration or deliberation.
On a different note 20000>2000
do you have a version of this image without the caption
Hard to believe you're so bitter as to look up her exact line contribution. Yes, she wasn't the lead dev on the project. Achael has a very large number of junk commits if you look through his history. Most of his commits are literally merging in other people's work.
You guys realize that there are only the posters that believe that she doesn't deserve so much recognition. The other half are just feminist role players preparing you for what awaits you if you ever mention it somewhere else.
lmao at all the incels itt that can't come to grips that women make better astronomers than men.
Yeah I am probably not going to turn into woman overnight mate. Also the reply system is not so complicated, I'm sure you will figure it out sooner or later.
Anything but a black pls.
>Its all about blacks and women these days.
true they want to equlize everything
it's unnatural
I think its the most beautiful thing Ive ever seen
Virgin detected!
Only on the internet is a visual confirmation of a black hole considered a Jewish globalist conspiracy. Stay retarded, ya'll!
That's the exact point I am making, I do recognize her contribution but you can't see that because you automatically assume I am sexist.
I am not insulting her in any way, all you ever did is posting shit about the guy tho. Take a look in the mirror.
that's what women create a shitty grainy photo that looks like their vagina.
This is what MEN create
0/10 needs more neckbeard
apologize for being a waste of oxygen and kill yourself, piece of shit
Alright great, I assumed you were shitting on her like everyone else in the thread. Good night.
This is what virginity looks like
back off i rolled australia right before you so shes mine you better re-roll fucker
lets just spit roast that bitch I don't even like oral, I'm all about that ass and butthole.
This niBBa woke af
you re-rolled 33, you can have whatever girl that is im not a Geographologist so i dont recognize that flag
Anyone could have created that via computer and say it's a black hole.
Fuck you Anglo supremacist
naw dawg im fine, i dig the aussie accent
i keep re-rolling 71, australia is very obviously meant to be mine
You just got your transfer papers to coontown
Nah, I steal the memes already made. Sorry matey.
dumb and pointless. waste of my tax dollars, literally who gives a fuck?
>my tax dollars
fucking faggot, you live in your mom's basement
his post is stupid
you replying with personal attack is beyond stupid
sorry i hurt your feelings bro
I wanna stick my peepee in there.
Rolls Royce Rolling Rad
This thread is literally to post your opinion of this discovery.
Why are you so triggered?
She didn't do any astronomy.
Not an astronomer, she's MIT
That's funny cause astronomy is the most worthless science.
It provides no value to anyone's life and we'd have lost nothing if it had never existed.
Yeah for sure
MEN 1489
Women 1
It reminds me of Sauron
This post is.... unfortunate