Just turned 18. Now what?
Just turned 18. Now what?
Welcome to Yea Forums user
Do what you love or enjoy doing
Now you've got to get a hold of a teensy weensy bit of that weedle-dee-deed! That WEEDLE-DEE-DEED haha oh my goddddddddd user haha Jesus man Jesus! I'm high as FUCK right now holy shit tutti fruition I'm in a fucking high ass condition! Man you gotta get high and jack off! You are a faggot like Bob Saget!
smoke weed
i will be real.
you Go ahead and go back to your High School, and ask for a couple of "Request High School Transcript" and go ahead and look for a couple of Colleges near by your and place an application to their admission, and make sure your Transcript, GPA, SAT, and Scholarship (if you have any) and try to appeal to enrole for a decient education that isnt bullshit or stupid like Gender Study. Something that is atleast better than a blue collar job, like a Major in Spanish to be a translator, or Medical Coding.
These should lead to to a career that would at least make you earn 15 dollars an hour as a profit.
As for myself, i made 24 dollars an hour, im a Medical Therapist.
But, if School really isnt your thing, then go ahead and take the ASVAB and sign up for PT, so that you can land yourself to the AirForce (which i recommend) or the Navy.
Math and Science is always the strongest key btw.
Wait to turn 21
Learn how to set achievable goals for yourself so that you can answer that 'now what' feeling without asking people for advice. For that matter, learn everything you can so that you can revise your plans. Seek wisdom and meaning, responsibility and truth. Moderate your vices. Try to face the fact that you will enjoy life more in the long run if you follow good rules and live freely within the constraints of those rules.
I'm gonna be honest. I wasn't expecting all this helpful feeback. Thank you anons for being real
Based user
Lol thanks.
Another thing, if you choose to go to a community colleges, be very approachable and likable, and open to help others.
-also, allot of women around their 30s and 40s are still trying ro redeem theirselves by earning their GED, and pay attention to the ones that next's a study buddy. (Cause I didnt noticed that a hot 34 yo, was taking me everywhere just because she though a 19 year old me being mature, was an attractive thing for her)
You will never know, that the next person you meet. May save your life.
And there are 3 ways to cheat.
1) the wrong way, which you get caught and you end showing that you never knew the whole time.
2)the right way, which is you Dont Get Caught, and you will promise to learn what you cheated on that way you can stay safe for future context.
3) the Best way, knowing something before hand.. aka. Studying.
7 more years of everyone treating you like a child. Hey, afleast you can still get away with most shit
>land yourself to the AirForce (which i recommend) or the Navy.
Air force is gay and Navy is literally gay
join a real branch of service like the Marine Corps and get to do something cool with your life
post dick and ass obviously
Kill a man.
turn 17
this kek
get laid?
ah yes good times
user you read my mind
It’s all downhill from here.
Meaning time will seem to speed up and up until before you realise it, your life is over
Get a sugwr mom or dad
post your nudes, butt pics in particular
both are retarded join the fucking army