"I'm not gonna lie" is one of the most retarded things you could ever preface a statement with.
Wtf is this nigger language bullshit? I hear this all the time. "I ain't gonna lie man, it was too cold yesterday to mow the lawn" or "I ain't gonna lie, I had a rough day".
Niggers lie so often, that they became "default untrustworthy". So they have to use a phrase like this to preface any true (and even untrue) statements they want to make.
How fucked up are you as a race when you have to announce that what you're about to say isn't a lie?
Let me tell you, them samsquanches love beef jerky
Dylan Thompson
I'm not gonna lie, you've gotta try really hard to be honest, but sometimes you just have to lie for the best interests of those that aren't gonna lie to you.
Ryan Ross
"Not going to lie... (comment contrary to common and expected social nicety used to save/spare face)"
"Not going to lie... this is pretty terrible food" "Not going to lie... she can't play guitar well" "Not going to lie... you need refined culture for this line to make sense"
>"Not going to lie... this is pretty terrible food" >"Not going to lie... she can't play guitar well" >"Not going to lie... you need refined culture for this line to make sense"
This guy gets it
Kevin Watson
>What niggerisms piss you off?
.....AS FUCK!
This is the most common niggerish shit I hear from younger millenniums. 'Hungry as fuck', 'Dumb as fuck' etc etc.
If you find yourself using this, please stop.
Jacob Watson
I've been "drunk as fuck" before. You know, the stage in between drunk and more fucked up than a lab rat.
About 20 years ago, I dreamed up a gadget I called a motherfucker. Basically it was a phonograph turntable altered to spin at 1000 rpm, and it also had a propane torch attached to it along with a little tub of dry ice. If something exceeded the speed of the edge of the turntable, it could be said to be "faster than a motherfucker". Same for the center for "slower than a motherfucker", if it was hotter than the torch it was... Well you get the idea.
"Honestly" and "To be honest" are things I try to never say, because it implies (at least on a subtle or subconscious level) that you're not being honest the times you don't say it.
On another note, I hate that autistic people are seen as "too truthful". I see lying and omitting truth as unconditional signs of cowardice. Yes that dress does make you look fat. No I'm not autistic, I'm doing you a favor.
>I hate that autistic people are seen as "too truthful". Being "too truthful" isn't the problem people see- it's lack of tact. There is a "better way" to say "that dress makes you look fat" without seeming like a social skill-lacking SPED.
I believe in being honest, and being tactful when appropriate. In the case of telling a woman they don't look good in certain clothing, tact is often necessary and better for all involved.
But there are other contexts where brutal, unfiltered, autistic honesty (aunesty?) is just what the doctor ordered. For example: "Midnight is an autistic retard for thinking about this subject so much." This is a fair statement.
Josiah Lewis
>“To be quite frank”
it's because almost everyone lies constantly
Asher Jenkins
>imagine being this mad over how other people talk mayb this is why you're lonely
"to be frank" is not the same as "not lying", it is being blunt about it.
"Would you like a breath mint?" vs. "Your breath stinks."
Adam Wright
>Matthew 5 >Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths: 34 but I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne: 35 nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King. 36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. 37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.
Going to attempt to weed this out of my speech. You're right.
Ryan Torres
I do not want to offend you, but ...
Chase Ramirez
Hmm. I am going to challenge this one. I do not want to offend you, but I sincerely believe that you're wrong about this one.
This is the kind of thing you say to your friend who has a drinking problem, or is becoming massively overweight. "I don't mean to offend you, but I think your drinking is getting overboard."
People who use that phrase in a disingenuous way are faggots, though.
Anthony Sanchez
I do not want to offend you but your comment offend my liberal cuck sensitivities
Benjamin Ramirez
I do not want to offend you, but >(insert offensive or tactless statement here)