Is he a hero or a piece of shit?
Is he a hero or a piece of shit?
He didn't take good care of his cat and toilet...
He is a faggot.
Axl rose
He's a dumbass. If he'd have actually fought in court all of this would over by now no matter what the outcome.
Yes and if he was convicted of a crime in the US and served prison time it would have been over by now.
Manning was given 35 years. Pretty sure the US is getting real sick of people dumping their highly classified secrets onto the internet and would make an example of Assange.
Tom Hanks?
he's egotistical and tried to play the game with the big boys but didn't practice op sec. then he tried to fuck with the US election which was really dumb considering he was already a non-person hiding out in the Ecuadorian Embassy.
he'll disappear into US Fed SuperMax after the trial, sentencing and being debriefed
Why would he get decades in prison when his little friend got pardoned by Obama the muslim?
most of the shit they dropped was not highly classified stuff, mostly just the garbage the US government/populace tries to pretend doesn't occur
he thought the enemies of his enemies were his friends when it turns out he doesn't have any, at least none that are gonna save him
you sound real stupid but I'll indulge you anyways
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He's a man who's going to get some form of radiation poisoning pretty soon probably.
Neither, he's just a faggot. He did something he knew would make him seem like a hero to a lot of people, but did it irresponsibly and got people killed. What he did wasn't bad, and it's probably somewhat commendable that he had the balls to do it, but he did it for narcissitic reasons without thinking very hard about the collateral damage he could be causing.
faggot dumbass. over-hyped. he should have hung himself in the Ecuadorian consulate
lucky trips don't lie
its funny how these faggots (Snowden and this prick) supposedly stand for free speech and all that, but seek refuge in Russia and the Ecuadorian consulate under Correa, which was completely anti free speech and free press.
Hypocrites. A true hero stands up for what they believe in, they don't hide under the devils wing while claiming to do gods work
Name one person that got killed because of the leaks Wikileaks published.
He's an heroic piece of shit.