Waifu page 11

waifu page 11

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Very sad, I cast Reiz on Waifu Thread.
Someone cast Energira or even Energiga on it afterwards.

Attached: Pixelated_Sightseeing_Jules.jpg (1200x800, 116K)

still here

Attached: Smug.jpg (1920x1080, 149K)

ah, yes, i recognize this reference.
that's cool. how's bed?

Attached: 1337375229362.jpg (628x887, 424K)

got out of it to check for mail. models got delayed by 5 days or so

Attached: 1519199618658.png (853x640, 130K)

Still smug

Just some FF joking around.

Attached: Drinking_Jules.gif (650x375, 23K)

aw, i'm sorry. seems to not be your finest hour.
what are you going to do in the interim?
FF? are you implying i play video games?

man i'd like to go on a good vidya binge again

Attached: 1344721374058.jpg (1360x765, 143K)

mhm. is how it goes
wait some more.

Attached: 1478914479268.png (372x388, 89K)

I broke my toe yesterday and it’s not been a fun time. Otherwise I’m doing pretty fine.

Attached: 59A24AF1-C13D-433C-A028-5F05B4BE2D76.gif (500x276, 905K)

shucks. what about the DMV? are you deported?
aw, that sucks. i hope it heals quickly! up to anything?

Attached: 1330822963602.gif (263x271, 315K)

Attached: Ritsu 1290.png (1000x1452, 1.63M)

no i got a bank statement but I need to get one more thing for them

Attached: 1518497210996.jpg (703x1000, 385K)

Are you comfy?

Attached: 120.gif (742x362, 658K)

hi again

Attached: Howdy!.jpg (503x781, 41K)

Thread still going eh? Noire still claimed

Attached: 71097029_p0.png (400x400, 4K)

aw, alright. i hope you don't get deported
yeah a bit

Attached: 0f8c8dfa3c9a022f605a8097c20187d8079e8f72_00.jpg (507x337, 23K)

no chichi is beating me with a belt :(

hey again
hi yui, how are you?

Attached: Greetings!.jpg (561x561, 47K)

Not really, my chair kinda sucks

Hello it is I

Attached: Compa_NOire.png (720x702, 390K)

doing alright. doing stuff

Attached: 1344468089955b.gif (320x240, 1.81M)

i wont was born here

Attached: 1505114918625.png (447x491, 115K)

so you have come again
you finished your homework?

Attached: Amano's sketch V2.png (170x170, 50K)

Waifu Cawfee

Yes very.

Attached: ulchan55.jpg (344x287, 45K)

alright, fair enough
no, sorry..

Attached: 1344473353960.jpg (1024x768, 371K)


Attached: Kao8.jpg (555x784, 247K)

dont worry! have you been doing something else?

Attached: Inspiration.jpg (894x894, 106K)

Not for long! I'm gonna play vidya

Attached: f6837d5a0d26a4af854bd986a394112f.jpg (616x872, 671K)

hello, friend.
how do you doth?
i've been watching some videos and eating spaghetti!

Attached: 1339621021655.jpg (460x516, 23K)

too bad... you will come again sometime?
for dinner?

Attached: This would a good pose for an artwork.jpg (800x667, 74K)

hello non-cute, I doth well

Attached: Kao25.gif (500x281, 466K)

yes, for dinner!
doth be good!
i doth be well mineself

Attached: 1344726151749.jpg (920x1200, 508K)


hark, what is thine current activity?

Attached: Kao21.gif (500x434, 606K)

it was good?
how are you?

Attached: Nervous.jpg (800x734, 50K)

held yui is holding me hostage

I spy a FlooF!

Attached: 65512325_p1 - 心.png (800x1151, 580K)

mine activitee beith that i am betrothed with the contemptuous use of digital media.
yes! spaghetti is great! i would eat it all the time if it wasn't so heavy

Attached: 1345992194530.jpg (711x900, 103K)

hey you again! can tell me your name already?

Attached: An annoying octopus.jpg (500x375, 57K)

Attached: tumblr_on9i7iOvRE1qbvrijo1_500.jpg (500x712, 203K)

spaghetti fills me up really quick

Attached: 1333081157270.gif (320x288, 392K)

G11 / Sleepo!
And hi back again!

Attached: 60640017_p5 - 少女前线12月涂鸦集.jpg (1200x1200, 1.87M)

hello, thank you for having me. how goes it?hello how are you?
i spy a sleeby neet!

Attached: oool.jpg (1024x1449, 322K)

oh, i know that feel, It also happens to me, its complicated eat spag, because of that

Attached: Cheerful.png (937x1920, 1.11M)

Good, might play some vidya in a bit because bored

Sounds like witchcraft to me

Attached: Kao23.gif (500x281, 746K)

goes well. are you enjoying your time?
yeah, but luckily i think i'll be able to recuperate and eat more soon!
prithee nay tell nobody about mine acts in mine own dwelling

Attached: 1355271017588.jpg (571x1050, 447K)

fine, I'm having dinner right now
Gluttony is bad

Attached: I really like this picture.jpg (474x600, 53K)

We need to play some more Risk of Rain! I have my stimulants now, so I'll be around more!

Sleepo beepo! G11 or anything sleep related is fine tho!

Attached: 68531344_p0 - JamTangi.png (1800x1400, 1.42M)

yeah, i wasn't planning on actually eating more... i'm kind of full...

Attached: 1345151223212.jpg (1020x1080, 136K)

Attached: Check.gif (365x359, 1.2M)

yup yup, just finished up a few tasks this morning and am now eating breakfast/coffee
I'm eating too! enjoy your meal
carry me to round 20 senpai

I'm off for a bit

Attached: 22802386_125813928132371_902817033450684416_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1.19M)

do you like sleep?
yeeeeaaaah, suuuuure.....

Attached: It's done.jpg (650x527, 44K)

enjoy your breakfast/coffee! eating anything special?
i promise i'm not a glutton. only 2,000 calories each day, i swear.

Attached: 1344468451716.jpg (1024x768, 51K)

yes ... well ... my hunger suddenly disappeared ...
I hope that's true, I do not want you to die for something weird

Attached: I'll use this as a Valentine's day picture.jpg (515x600, 54K)


It is definitely the state's business what goes on behind closed doors

Squad or Skyrim, if I'm in the mood for it

Attached: Kao7.jpg (850x1340, 337K)

i won't die! probably...
i'm not expecting to die soon
no it ain't! i got the right to privacy!
1v1 me Squad

Attached: 1353945745673.jpg (850x1202, 275K)

Mmm! I got to round 20 as the little missile drone! I'll be down to play tonight, which is like 3hrs for me! (God I love saying that knowing I've been up since 8am!)

I thought you were around when I rambled on about being a narcoleptic who was without meds. (as of today which has changed through less-than-legal means a.k.a estranged family member)

Attached: 72473963_p0 - 少女前線繁中二周年插畫.jpg (2362x2362, 562K)

Lads why am I so good at video games
Why is this my only skill in life

Attached: 44644334_p0.jpg (1700x2000, 1.25M)

oohh skyrim, good choice!
You have a very high life expectancy, right?

i have to take a shower, I come back soon

Attached: Looking far away with the eyes of a dreamer.jpg (550x720, 50K)

i'm sure you have more skills than that. remember lad, subscribe to PewDiePie.
i'm not supposed to naturally die any time soon if that's what you're saying
have a fun shower! i should shower, too...

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Attached: Yousoro.gif (498x429, 1.54M)

how are (You) doing tonight?

Attached: 1344982274475.jpg (567x760, 185K)

Busy and lazy but okay. Yourself?

Attached: DAbqs8oXkAE5lG4.jpg (885x1082, 93K)

kinda full
ate a bit more than i should've

Attached: 1543148327696.jpg (600x750, 155K)

But I unsubscribed in 2015...

Are you the same (You) from a few months ago

Attached: 2h87a.png (1520x1685, 1.14M)

fite me

I spent like 4 hours earlier just decorating my house, it's difficult because nothing stays where you drop it. Much easier in New Vegas

Attached: Kao14.png (233x581, 152K)

no, you're my friend qq

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Attached: 251ebc072741a7996aaeeb5a4a47e5b1.jpg (329x329, 27K)

i like her hair

Attached: 1362385499264.jpg (600x848, 89K)

Bribe me.

Best zombie, I'm very proud of you

Attached: 50542008_p0.png (1413x2000, 679K)

how much do you want?

Attached: 1346972744335.png (471x468, 252K)

I think I might've overeaten a bit, too. I guess I slept through lunch, though.

I'm the only person I know who's waifu is You so there's a decent chance of it.

Attached: 1533824625890.jpg (373x660, 96K)

that's okay, as long as you're not hurting yourself. you should sleep through all meals!

Attached: 1342047744784.jpg (1280x720, 81K)


Attached: Kao1.jpg (850x1008, 151K)

Wait I didn't think this through, y'ain't seriously considering bribing someone to subscribe to PewDiePie.
[spoiler] You ARE PewDiePie [/spoiler]

Attached: Hyperdimension-Neptunia-Episode-1-Interior.jpg (600x330, 36K)

darn spoiler didn't work
my whole joke is destroyed

no, i'm not PewDiePie.
such a queer word

Attached: 1339535221711.jpg (1920x1080, 100K)

Hey don't bully

Attached: 09fb0a41e34f32d5068eeee402849e61.png (868x1097, 1017K)

Best zombie

im back!

you could die in any moment
Is it very difficult to deal with that?

Attached: Such arrogant eyes in a cute girl.png (500x624, 311K)

To answer you question more directly, yeah probably.

Who needs food anyway? lmao

Attached: 57963229_p0.png (960x1600, 684K)

more like y'EET


Attached: Kao16.jpg (900x900, 92K)

No more difficult than anyone else's problems. You learn to manage. I do feel really liberated, and my luck may have even extended to finding a local artist to work with me today!

Attached: 63113445_p2 - 404.png (648x595, 384K)

i mean weird
i... i guess you're right, yeah...
nobody, that's who
okay, that is epic

Attached: 1411532260117.png (1279x717, 703K)

I still don't understand why people post whores and prostitutes in waifu threads. at least we got rid of Nep Nep

You must be someone very wealthy!
Do not worry about that, if you take care of yourself, you can extend your life cycle!

Attached: Portrait in Thamasa.jpg (1268x911, 126K)

-Pen Shabiro

Oh I get to the Cloud District quite often

Attached: Kao11.png (500x758, 369K)

yay! i'll be sure to do that well!
wanna 1v1 in Squad?

Attached: 1354700544886.png (520x550, 479K)

i mean irl
Yep, hey, why did you choose yui as your waifu?

Attached: Squares angels in VI.jpg (540x720, 61K)

Sure fren

oh no I'm poor

Attached: Kao18.jpg (1920x1080, 184K)

because she's cute and nice and everything i wish i could be.
okay, cool!
do i have you on Steam or Discord?

Attached: 1347754640282.jpg (526x1000, 359K)

don't think so, my steam is meatneck

Attached: Kao24.gif (500x281, 1.73M)

but you have more money than me .... ;-;
how cute...

I think I'm going for now, I'm sleepy and I think I'm going to take a nap, maybe come later, farewell!

Attached: A proper farewell.png (1607x294, 299K)

sent :^)

Attached: 1546437324722.png (1000x2000, 732K)

sleep well! have a great day!

Attached: 1542068827330.jpg (600x600, 65K)

Goodnight cute

Attached: D4A1D0A5-8E98-4D7C-A478-A6C89BF35DBF.gif (500x500, 906K)

my name jef

Attached: 1554988338087.png (1600x900, 440K)

waifu qq

Attached: 287905441.jpg (1014x999, 175K)

Thread die

Attached: 47903547_p0_master1200.jpg (495x600, 116K)

whats her naem?

Attached: 12_13.gif (530x420, 409K)

help yui is keeping me locked in her basement

'cause you're a nigger.

Attached: mai_71923884_p0.png (943x1350, 862K)


Attached: 287594841.jpg (810x780, 70K)

Attached: EMsQ24nf-Syr4wQMpQ3a.jpg (450x637, 63K)

sexy, but this is sexier. (´・ω・`)

Attached: 1491252528547.jpg (1280x960, 674K)

bust out!

Attached: 2286892 - Beth_Smith Morty_Smith Rick_and_Morty Summer_Smith.jpg (1633x1220, 362K)

not cool:s

Attached: 1354934040217.jpg (360x509, 27K)

why? Yui likes being naked! I vote he continues... (ᇴฺᇴ)

Attached: The_Melancholy_of_Haruhi_Suzumiya_second_season_episode_8_Endless_Eight_number_7_Haruhi_Suzumiya_red (1600x900, 106K)

not cool:s

Attached: 1441717455510-2.jpg (400x400, 18K)

Attached: Natsuki 99.png (1600x1130, 1.45M)

what are you up to?

Attached: 1341529577904.png (4000x3555, 787K)

the sky is beautiful at night

Attached: Assassin of Black 6.jpg (850x850, 138K)

it is
the constellations, i never appreciated them until now.

Attached: 1344473364934.jpg (850x1091, 150K)

And everything was going so well, too.

Aside from bad weather, why wouldn't it be?

Attached: Drawfriend Sketch (2).jpg (500x500, 66K)


why is he hiding?

Attached: 34_2.jpg (510x625, 94K)

You mean she?

Attached: It's.a.nose.not.a.mouth.jpg (981x1439, 206K)

no he

Attached: 34_15.png (1080x1059, 1.5M)

hey hey hey

hello uwu

Attached: mio.jpg (600x600, 32K)


Attached: 45490948_p0.jpg (800x800, 120K)

fancy seeing you here.
how has time treated you?

Attached: 1531366809897.jpg (478x523, 63K)

Attached: Ritsu 456.jpg (1920x1080, 795K)

life's been pretty shit recently but I'll manage I think. How 'bout you? How're you?

Attached: mio20.jpg (850x1194, 508K)

Attached: Snek Ninja (14).jpg (125x178, 16K)

Steven Hawking didn't live to see the first picture of a black hole

Attached: image.jpg (754x754, 55K)

sleep well
i've been doing fine. i thought about you recently. i'm glad you're here again.
welcome. how has your day been?

Attached: 1344467816244.jpg (930x920, 139K)

word up

Attached: 8274982479872.jpg (796x1004, 57K)

thanks for thinking about me uwu
I'm glad to see you too ^^
Anyways, I was just waiting for the spam to go away so that's why I haven't been here recently

Attached: mio42.png (500x700, 507K)


Attached: 1491858042252.png (180x180, 41K)

how goes it?

Attached: 1512019759039.jpg (450x600, 217K)

I'm aight, just got home from work with pizza.You?

Attached: Snek Ninja (116).jpg (170x175, 23K)

what kinda pizza? Doing nothing rn

Attached: 1519898937369.jpg (1600x1200, 324K)


Attached: image.jpg (332x450, 20K)


Attached: Snek Ninja (10).jpg (461x638, 122K)

add some black olives

Attached: 1471464446840.jpg (406x410, 43K)

I prefer cheese but you do you

That doesnt sound good

Attached: Snek Ninja (5).jpg (602x626, 148K)

i love it

Attached: 1523797192443.jpg (231x149, 23K)

Not for me bruh

Attached: Snek Ninja (36).jpg (1500x1500, 1.41M)

your loss

Attached: 1524789413007.jpg (425x600, 169K)


Attached: Snek Ninja (28).png (850x851, 633K)


Attached: 1529464159155.png (715x1116, 776K)


Attached: Snek Ninja (41).jpg (539x539, 130K)

Attached: 3.jpg (720x720, 108K)

Attached: 1547080624671.jpg (800x580, 73K)

busy w/ vidya sorry for delay
that's fair. nice to have you here again.
aw, i'm sorry, friend.
i'm sure things will get better. it's only as samey as you make it.

Attached: 378417238.gif (384x288, 283K)

What vidya are you playing?

Attached: image.png (511x620, 507K)

i haz taco bell

Attached: 1475368802850.jpg (600x800, 40K)


Attached: 1542428940282.png (1000x1000, 205K)

Bruh unless you got nachos and a baja blast, that shit is nasty. You and Ryoubi should feel bad for getting it

Attached: Snek Ninja (47).jpg (1262x1575, 378K)

I had carne asada tacos yesterday. i got some cheesy roll ups and baja blast duh

Attached: 1452484264102.png (400x480, 168K)

Attached: 23.jpg (707x1000, 158K)

>carne asada tacos
>carne asada
From fucking taco bell?

Attached: Snek Ninja (16).jpg (353x455, 56K)


Attached: Kao15.jpg (500x707, 56K)

I've never heard of that one before, I'm out of touch when it comes to video games, I hope you have fun playing it.

Attached: image.png (1600x2531, 493K)

>He can't do video game shitposts
Mai, don't tell me you're not even on adept level shitposting?

free but probably gonna play TF2 or something now
was fun
hadn't played in a while so i'm glad i'm back
and got Steam MP bug thing fixed
it was fun! it's not bad to not know about certain media, that's just how we work.
thinking of doing anything?

Attached: 1541657757518.png (693x1060, 249K)

no from mi mum

Attached: 1474318207260.jpg (714x1010, 438K)

Nigga I thought you were white

Attached: Snek Ninja (57).png (605x771, 311K)

explains why he was considered an noncitizen.

Attached: 0403174014.jpg (765x690, 73K)

I don't play violent videogames

That's very progressive of you. :)

I mean I'm also a spic but they gave me no problem

Attached: Snek Ninja (48).png (178x180, 41K)
