Post random words in your native language and other anons try to guess the language and its meaning without the use of a translator.
I'll start with
pic not related
Post random words in your native language and other anons try to guess the language and its meaning without the use of a translator.
I'll start with
pic not related
spurce on that?
How in the name of fuck am I supposed to deduce that schimmelpilz means mold
discord dot gg/ 3JxVvm
Danish, a drink
Spanish waterpipe
Albanian, potato
Im not a slav or a shitskin, im English so idk what to write to disguise a word so I will write,
which I guess only britbongs would know.
>Danish, a drink
Correct, you won 1 free internet
try daft ‘apeth
You just smashed your keyboard to type this out
>My anus is bleeding
Na-huh it's a real word you fucking black nigger kike. I'll give you a hint since it's sort of a uncommon language of sorts. It's spoken somewhere in the Balkans.
Greatest ally?
ur mom gay
Shopping cart
Shopping cart
t. norwegian
Kek, I bet you cheated and had to Google it you cheeky cunt. You got it right, good job mutt
The translation is right, and it probably means the same in all three Scandinavian languages, so I'll give ya both this one. I meant it in Danish, but they're all very much alike
Finochio. Hint this is what OP is.
Just a good guess as it's phonetically similar to german
How in God's cock is that word anywhere near the same or phonetically similar in German as its Albanian equivalence? This must be that next level German weaponized autism I've been hearing so much about, connecting dots that aren't there. Either that or jew cheated.
Lel, now ain't that some hopeful thinking. Not even close OP.
German, means fungus
I'm sorry but you might be
Theyre both germanic languages and are pronounced similar you fucking autist
Gay in italian
Polish for hi
Spanish for coven
Dutch for nightfuck
German for pills that make you go to sheaven
Eating (a dick)
Dio porco! Finocchio va con due c testa di cazzo!
Definitely not lol
Dead Pinocchio
Eyy, das right.
Esperanto. Mi parolas la Esperanton sed ne multe.
Well excuse the fuck out of me cunts, but unlike the rest of my albo distant family I never snuck in a boat to get to ficki ficki land, so I don't know how to rightly pronounce your ooga booga nazi words.
Jes! Mi plaĉas renkonti alia esperantisto ĉi tie
You jealous of the Orkney islands?
Mi ne havas klavaro ke havas "circumflex" por la konsonantoj, sed mi provas. Mi lernis gxin kun duolingo. Kiel vi lernas gxin?
Lo so che stai usando Google translate OP. Tutto quello che questo prova é che sei veramente un frocio frocio e un negro di merda.
Butthurt much?
You fucking
Actually not true. Both are part of the family of indo-European languages, but Germanic and Albanian are completely separate branches.
>Ladies and Gentleman, we finally present you the missing link between apes and humans
hory shet
Mi havas makroojn en mi klavaro por tio. Mi estas denaska parolanto, do mi ne estudis Esperanto formale
Not jealous at all my soggy autistic German friend. Did you know that Iliryan generals used to make slave soldiers of your European children and waifus out of you pretty white wemenz for the Ottomans? Das right German boy we wuz your masters n shiet.
Porcodio dio boia
>Low German
Denaska!?! Vere?! Kie vi logxas? Mi ne scias neniu ke parolas la lingvo en la spaco de viando lol.
seriously hory shet man
puff muff, do you know?
dde fuc? chico run
Nár chuire Dia ar do leas thú
Get outta here spudlickin leprechaun
Lol this is was not sent by me. Stop replying pretending to be me you rot kari.
baga-mi-as pula-n ma-ta !
Kosovo was still Albania last time I checked you know? Kosovo je shqiptare.
At least it isn't Welsh, I'll give you that. Now, hand over your gold and I might give you a green Guinness.
Mi estas el Hungario, kiel mia patro, sed mia patrino estas el Maroko kaj ni loĝas en Kanado. Tial Esperanto mia denaska lingvo estas, Ili lernis ĝin por povi paroli unu al la alia, kaj tio estas la lingvo, kiun mi ĉiam parolis hejme.
I can speak English tho ;p
How do you expect other languages to guess the word if they cant fucking read it?
Write it in English Phonetic characters you max retard
>Can't recognize it by the satanic juden holy texts alone.
Ain't you a stick in the mud user.
Are you fucking dumb? You don't need to be able to read it to tell that's Arabic, you dimwit
I can dig it, sed mi bezonas praktiki kun alia persono. Mi miksas gxin kun mia hispana multe de la tempo. Tio ne estas bona.
bi gomo bish baisan bol, minii eej namaig unheer hairlan.
Aллaхy Aкбap из Чeчни
hahahah you had to cheat on aquelarre man, not even I knew what that shit meant. always thought it meant something like 'brawl' till I googled it
omelette du fromage
Ho, do vi estas hispano?
Jebem ti mamicu
Dude I can speak Spanish, no cheating involved
English written in Cyrillic.
I'm fucking your mother
Mi estas de Teksaso do mi parolas la hispanan tiel mia ...fuck, second lingvo
waow. what a coincidence. Mi havas kurso de Esperanto de Duolingo en alia paĝo.
Spanish for misanthropy, you're missing a tilde tho
too easy. if you know cyrillic then it's obvious
Bona! Tri de ni nun
Cheese pancake
Mi ankaŭ faris ĉi tiun kurson, mi ĝojas, ke estas pli da homoj kapablaj paroli Esperanton, eĉ se nur malmulte. :)
Tío, cúrratelo un poco más, no?
Mi scias TION, amiko. Mi ne rekontis UNU esperantisto en la viandospaco
Viandospaco? Tio ŝajnas bongustega ;p ĉu vi volas diri trotuaron anstataŭe?
You probably got that from that one dexter's laboratory episode, but that's not phrased properly user. It's omelet au fromage (omelette made of cheese). Not omelet du fromage(omelet belonging to the cheese.)
Ĉiuokaze, mi devas iri. Dankon por paroli kun mi en mia denaska lingvo, kaj dankon precipe por lerni ĝin. Ĝi vere signifas multon por mi.
Kiel vi parolas "trotuaron" en la anglan?
No prob bob, via lingvo denaska estas tre bela kaj importanta en la mundo cxar historios kiel via gepatroj
Sidewalk! Viandospaco (viandaspaco?) sounds like a space for storing meat :p
פיתה עם זעתר
Niemce jebane odszkodowanie za drugą wojnę światową a nie kurwa na 4chanie się pierdolicie.
Allahu Akbar
Allah is Islam retard
Fuck you, OP
>being this retarded
"Meatspace" estas kiel mi referas a la realo en la anglan lol
Here's my go: Faggot
its kundvagn in swedish
>being a jew
Fuck you, OP
MDR, mi ŝatas kial vi pensas
This word is the English word for "duck", which is a kind of aquatic bird. "Bird" itself is also an English word which means "bird".
My native language is English, or, as we say in English, "English".
Jajaja si
Di jævla fetthora av en rævpult neger
Mi estas la plej bona kiel iam estis
You've spelled that wrong, it's FAGOTT
an instrument
Bulletin Board Shit laptop dazed
Tak si taksi pa nisi
btw try this one
Estupefacto * Mexican for flabbergasted Argentinian for scarecrow
Zoomer-Tier post. You best on mozy out of here and back to ledit you cheeky zen cock.
andjelka? moar!
Tidak berperikemanusiaan
Looks like Portuguese. Something about using Google translate and niggers.
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