rate me Yea Forums.. honestly
Rate me Yea Forums.. honestly
A great big Michelin man I can sink into..yes. 10/10 more
Full frontal?
Shit/10, even if you lost weight your ass is a fucking square. No man worth his weight in gold would ever approach you
Id fuck you in GA?
absolutle disgusting
still disgusting but not that horrible like your back
Hot :)
What sense does this make? You okay bud?
4/10 but I'd fuck you if you're a nice person.
loose weight and after a few operations you should look normal
change your ass
propably your face to
I’d fuck you and I’m an 8/10 but only cause I have autism and it’s the best I can do
She's fat as fuck and has the gravitational pull of a black hole. Makes sense if you've passed grade 10 science. Get off Yea Forums you fucking trog
My friend was feeling bad about herself so I showed her this pic she feels really good now thanks!!!
See that pig woman social experiment. Men and society are hardwired biologically to value you and be nice to you even if you look like this. You'll be fine even if you look like complete shit you will find a good looking guy who is way out of your league and he'll give it to you if you're a nice person. Seriously though go for a fucking jog and stop eating so much
If you got really into working out you would have like a god bod
desperate enough to fuck this at this point tbh
Black holes are tiny and condensed lol calling her a planet would be alot better if that's your angle. I meant it's a very stupid picture to make. It would make sense if it was an asshole or literally any hole but you just shittily rope tooled it on her ass where a hole would be. Maybe if you did a better job shooping it would be funnier, but I mean cmon look at that
whiteknight alert...
The black hole we discovered is bigger than our solar system, nice try faggot
I didn't make the shop