a woman's job is to extract sperm and birth people...
a woman's job is to extract sperm and birth people...
No they can do other things too, they make for exilent welders, they are patient, good health care workers, singers, actors you names it, They also give life and they can take it too.
Why are you worried about whose job is what? So you assign jobs?
Well, no .
They don’t get paid for that.
They get paid for whatever it is they do for their job,
That’s their job.
Are you retarded? Or did mommy throw away your ramen?
You forgot making sandwiches.
i'm gridning my dickoff my laptp now
typed this with my dick
Hurr-durr muh female rights...
Fuck off if i am expected to protect them from the commie hoards the last they can do is say thank you
job? no
purpose? yes
6 of the 10 welders in my shop are female, and I guarantee that picture was taken by a 20-something white guy
that's just because she's asian
All 3 of those were me ! you have female welders in your shop ? where you at ? i need a chassis straightening
It is mens job to inseminate women to produce children, true?
False for you I'm sure.
we don't fix cars, we make... stuff
I haven't been working here long enough
I know we make frames for recliners for another company, among other things
This website is never ending proof that no one under 30 should be allowed on the internet.
A basic literacy, ideology, maths, physics, and psychology test should definitely be s requirement for an ISP to hook you up
Hmmmm that sounds almost female, you a lady welder ?
Sounds like somebody has a super edgy opinion there. No it's not true, retard, because we're people, not fucking plants. We can do shit past what nature intended us to do
I've been working here a week, I still don't know what all we make
I guess by that logic, men's job is to spooge sperm.....and that's it.
thats not unusual for the first week it took me 3 days to find the toilet at least women talk to each other you can work along side another man and not speak for months
Semen extraction and milk production.
They can also create mathematical algorithms to measure wavelengths from multiple observatory dishes, for the purpose of imaging a black hole 50 million light years away.
How many of you faggots are capable of something similar?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
"wooah" -joe rogan
You know damn well it was an Alpha Space Chad that did everything but he wore a shirt with sexy comic women on it so he had to let a woman take the credit.
Women are also some of the top innovators and scientific minds! I'm sure if you think back on all of the important inventions and scientific discoveries most people were women :)
Fuck you on about? Been welding 18 years and have met ONE decent female in position welder. You must mean when you press the green button and the robot does the welding you silly faggot. God damn. Fucking tool box perma friend zone lil bitch. You're definitely not a real welder. Your post would have made me gay but the stack of dimes I layed today while 10 of 10s watched slag bounce off my glistening pecs counter acted your faggotry. Fuck.
Some of them are but this image also applies
>clearly a soldering pencil
>clearly holding it where it would burn her fucking hands
Wew lad
I know what it is, and I know that model and photographer are both idiots
I was pointing out that not all women are ditzy idiots
good point for instance my queen is very handy with a machine gun
careful friend the women dont always appreciate our sense of humour
Bretty good only two typos.
I legitimately feel bad for that nugget
>they can give life and take it too
So can men
it might have escaped but i doubt it, we will never know
yeah but women arent stupid
Why have the commies got Lee Enfield No1s? They're not some of Corbyn's Cronies, are they?
I still want to know the story behind this image
Yes they are. Everybody is stupid. Being one of the two genders has nothing to do with it.
Nah his cronies are in the mosque he spends more time in the finsbury park one than he does in Parliament
Dude you need a body shop not a welder.. and maybe a driving course while your girly Heep is in the shop..
women are the gene filters. they get to decide which men get to pass their genetics on
the queen is head of state and head of the armed forces etc our soldiers swear alliance to her (and her ministers) she visits the soldiers all the time
Fuck you the tj is a legend i bet you drive one of these
that poor kid
This thread is just as ignorant as OP
le hating roastie!1 xDD haha
Of the queen demands a go on your gun it is high treason to say no
Dont waste your breath all these yanks are commies i mean "no taxation without representation" what kind of pinko talk is that ?