Rate me from 1 to 10

Rate me from 1 to 10

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you dont need a number ;)


ugly ass stupid bItch that will never be famous.
>S A G E

What the fuck?

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She's a cutie patootie and quite famous and you are a salty faggot.


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Fake black bitch

OP is faggot larper

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Makeup about a inch thick.

It really needed to be debunked? Guess it's summertime again Yea Forums.

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Hahahaha what a fucking brainlet

lmfao yeah okay "ariana" fuck out of here faggot

white knight neckbeard detected

do you dumbasses seriously not know who Ariana Grande is? jesus christ you fucking manlets need to die off. Thousands of years of evolution, mating and child making and this is who they ended up with? holy fuck do I feel bad for your families.

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Can I get yous autograph

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Head too big for body/10