Lets get a rekt thread going
Lets get a rekt thread going
She hates it, good
damn it if that isn't the cutest thing i've ever seen
How in allmighty hell
Let me guess, islam?
Ngl that must've been fun.
What did this retard think would happen?
probably just a drunk ruskof
What was the goal here
Honestly, no clue
Wtf nigga, I'm gonna become a mudslime rn.
Sorry i stole your (You)s here ill give them back
I think he intended to land on that cleaner part there.
I actually wonder tho because there are spectators and it would'nt seem like suicide was the intention
true. There is also a ramp. I think his intention was to jump from the bike, deploy a parachute and not fall on the ground like a pathetic piece of shit that he was.
Hes got a chute but i dont see how it ever was supposed to work that he would just float down like nothing happened and with the guide lones youd think that hes aiming to land somewhere rather than just launch off so chute was emergency? Still why tho. Hes probably okay anyways broke his ass to shit for sure
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this webm is rekt
this webm doesn't work for some reason
Yeah it won't play
pretty sure its just stupid russians
Goys, this guy is part of the Alt Right Goy
not a suicide he had a parachute
So he is just a fucking idiot
I downloaded it and the file is corrupt. Maybe anons's computer failed to upload the whole video and the server posted the incomplete file anyways.
beautiful anyways.
filename made me kek
he's supposed to open a parachute.
im the only one posting shit
yeah, cuz I stole my sister's computer to browse Yea Forums. Mine's at the Apple Store getting repaired.
Damn this is almost starting to look like one of those mlg montage parodies
Holyyy! That was smokier than I expected!
which gun is he using exactly? I'm not familiar with American firearms.
niether am i
kel-tec KSG 12
Keltec KSG
Looks like a DP-12. It's a doublebarrell pump 12guage. Not a cheap shotgun.
imagine her sitting on your face / nose ?
what would it smell like i ponder
fuck off pedo
hate it say it, but its almost summer time :(
Like heaven
She is pretty hot doe
the sweat between those little cheeks after hard work at school
Nigga wut
Removing a Tibial nail
virus webm. you're all infected
yeah fucking right
matched up data with this one and original webm (lomsor.com
I don’t get it did he an hero on purpose?
Why are they jacking him off?
That's what you get for using your arms on a leg press.
It's the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities
funniest shit ever
That's the correct way to remove it
thank god they are more or less extinct but odd head chopping nations deserve a nuke
Fuck off with any animal shit. Kill yourself.
You are a piece of shit, user. Do you find abusing helpless animals funny? Did you giggle when you saw this mouse chained up? What about when its penis was cut off and you could see the fear in its eyes as it struggled in pain? Is that really what you find amusing or entertaining? If so, you need to take a long look into the mirror and reevaluate your life. Being edgy on the internet for attention or laughs is one of the most pathetic things a person can do and reeks of a mental deficiency. I highly doubt you would behave this way in real life or want people you associate with to know you like this kind of stuff, so why bother at all? If you can't control your urges, check into a mental hospital or get therapy.
The person who actually committed this act is the lowest of the low. Worse than niggers who cheat the system and drain tax payer dollars. Worse than inbred rednecks who think car racing is a sport. Worse than furries who jack off to anthropomorphic animals. Worse than skinhead pussies who think they're real nazis. Worse than violent arabs who blow themselves and others up over a fictional book. Really, the only person worse than an animal abuser is a pedophile in my mind because that is also hurting a defenseless creature, although they are human.
If I had it my way you and the woman in this video would be stoned to death and left on the ground to decompose - no burial would be permitted, Antigone style. You honestly don't deserve to exist in our society and i think that you know this deep down. I dare you to share this with your co-workers, spouse, friends, relatives, etc and see what they have to say. Will they be like "LOL user that was funny tell those peta faggots to chill or go back to tumblr" or would they look at you with a disgusted look on their face and say "That was disgusting user, why the fuck do you have this video?" We both know what the answer is and that you won't actually take me up my offer because you're a faggot.
No matter how much rekt I've seen, this is is one I always can't look at without it making me want to tear my eyes out.
This is so satisfying
The bitch should have looked before crossing. It's her fault, not the truck driver's, since he can't see shit from up there.
>black guy
fuck ya
> there's something in my eye...
I've made pulled pork before, 12 hours and you can pull the bone out easy. 2 weeks is tendy as fuckkkkkk
Down the stairs, no, up the stairs Ohhh fuuuck
muslims muzzing
In Russia bus takes you.
Nig logic concludes that jacking him off will get the blood flowing to his dong and away from his head
Was i the only one waiting for the head to pop off
when you need a quick hj after getting knocked out; lol
And nope, lol
that guy seemed surprisingly unphased by being engulfed in flames.
lol hivemind
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Yea Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Yea Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
i love these holy fuck
I forgot the name of the surgery but it is where they surgecially add extra height. they put a rod into the bone where your knee connects and it must have gotten stuck.
amy holland - shes on fire
womans are so smart and strong
totally deserved
dat boi wouldve been fine if he wasnt such a manlet
So thats how post Malone got how he is huh
helium is expensive
hindenburg calling. idiots. H2 burns
Get outta here with that weak shit
Once upon a time, in a third-world shithole, there were niggers. The End.
That's called a niggerplasty
If you steal, you lose your hand. The alternative is worse so you volunteer.
That nigga dead
this is how you remove a tibial nail.
typically initial surgery is for tibial shaft fractures, same injury sustained by paul george, kevin ware, jusuf nurkic.
why you stopped?
Looks like Russian writing on the bus.
but thats my favorite ride
go on it and record yourself
He should've skipped leg day
every person is white you retard
it's a shitstorm
Filthy chinks
SAO fag deserve to die
Boohoo, we'll get you a medal.
Maybe you should consider that not everyone saves videos of people dying as you do.
Yeah, looks like it, but I'd bet he was really fucking freaking out.
Ah fuck furfags
wheres the hanging one from a couple of days ago that tiggered some normies. i missed it
>lol first timin' xD
Instantly reported, and added your current and next ten posts directly to the ban archive.
Far from my first time. Just can't stand the shit
Wait that's not a cat
The German helium embargo all over again. Thanks USA
What a dumbass.
I love that ride.
When do women stop being human beings?
age 13
Fuck off underage newfags
gtfo fagget
Mad reddit newfag
reddit fags they fucking suck amirite robots?
It would probably smell like pee.
this is the sweetest thing holy shit.
How can she not hear a gigantic loud truck approaching right next to her?
It's funnier with sound, his mother comes in and does that hysterical laugh/cry thing.
O thank god
No way! That's Greymouth. I once lived there
I thought chinese were immune to nerve gas.
Sicko, I knew all people on this 'Yea Forums' were pedophiles rapists and nazis! I'm writing a blog post about this!
this one was truly a classic
i’ll never forget the sound of his mother shrieking as she discovered the body
i always respected how he was considerate enough to set up a tarp
His breakfast, chink
He realised he was more into little boys than little girls and killed himself rather than become a gay pedophile.
Full story?
> "I want to go on something more thrilling than Chairlift 1"
They touched powerlines overhead
Kek one arm body slam
It rekt my heart
niggers tongue my anus
I was part of the forensic team sent to investigate this accident. The team in the video were research assistants for a Chinese chemical processing company.
The scaffold they were pushing was jerry-rigged to save them time in transporting some chemicals from the cryogenic storage building to the main building.
If you look closely you can see that the scaffold has three sets of vertical poles in pairs. Originally these were two scaffolds with only two sets of pairs of vertical poles. The scaffolds are actually ten times as tall as what you can see in the video. The height is because of the lower pressure at the transport height.
At the very top of these scaffolds, connected to the vertical pipes, the chemicals are contained in glass containers. The pipes act as transport vessels in the research lab which spans several floors.
The proper procedure is to take one scaffold then the next so as to not take any unnecessary risks when transporting different chemicals that are reactive with each other. No more than four containers are to be transported at one time according to the safety code. As you can see the design of this transporter has only six vertical pipes. It follows then that only six containers can be transported.
My team discovered that the transport team put two containers for each of the two center pipes. To make matters worse the chemicals being transported where highly reactive with each other. The vibrations of the floor caused the seals of the center containers to rupture. Then the chemicals collected at the bottom, reacting subsequently releasing nerve gas fatal to the team.
It was also discovered that the researchers urged the workers to construct this abomination to meet their deadline. Many arrests were made that day. Mostly consisting of upper management and executives. This caused the company stock to plummet leading to these suicides.
Wtf is this? A ylyl thread?
Thanks user
okay faggot
Oh the humanity!
why not both
Ha, I was there when that happened
It's funny how all these memes came from here
>Implying reddit doesn't post the frog
You are just cancerous shitposters, kill yourselves stupid frogshits
Lol @ yeeting the toddler
This guy's recent sob video after the recent softcore kiddie porn crackdown was cringe. This fucker exploits the shit out of those freakshows for clicks.
yah I'd say 14 to 15 year old area
Anyone replying to this ironically with some inference of sexual intention: I tell you, you are not a true human. Only someone of a truly good nature could watch something like this and truly enjoy it for what it is.
nigga what
george lucas taking care of bidness
took me a while to realize the light light that thing on fire
pls no
fake and lame
He's coming onto a main road. His fault
You're too much of a bitch to work in medicine then
"Don't fuckin' touch me!!!"
If this is real I want full video or story!!
He really kicked the bucket with that one
deserved it for trying to be an alpha fag
weight hit head
Later that day the woman was whipped and hand cut off for removing her hijab in public!
this redditfag is actually mad
he used her legs snapping as an opportunity to touch her boob
Probably got tired of living with hues so he an hero'ed to respawn in north america.
And all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put humpty together again
bootleg helmet?
Just pull the visor down on the helmet and have a bit of fun before she gets cold.
Why didn't he stop, drop and roll?
Every time I go to the gym I see dipshits on the leg press locking their knees and every time I have my phone at the ready to film when it goes terribly wrong.
you're sister used to strip dance on that pole! :^)
He wanted to look like wolverine or something?
When they go from girl to woman, they stop being human.
i get you got out of school, but isn't it time for you to go make your homework?
In a strange and rare twist I'm actually assuming that the pant sagging faggot white guy was actually the one starting trouble and got what he deserved.
I watch this and think it's cute but I would unironically fuck the shit out of her asshole and cum on her face if it was legal. What are you going to do about it bitch? Nothing. Go fuck yourself nigger.
Why do I have a boner
Cannot watch that to the end.
This is why I invested in a wireless turkey.
But her legs are visible
it's not they have a whitch doctor on stand by to heal the fighers if they get knocked out
the witch doctors thinking is the guyss testicales would go to the kidneys when they get knocked out there's a interview with him he says he's seen it happen. No wonder they want to come to europe and the west.
Because you got beat up by bullies in highschool?
Watch the edge timmy
Watching these vermin bite it by the score is the sweetest thing there is.
>walk up to bear and touch without permission
she deserved it lmao
full story?
Should have worn some leathers.
Damn, that was on Christmas Day.
Good thing she had a helmet
what faggotry is this? accidents like that happen many times.
don't oversensitize the subject like it's 9 fucking 11
if you can't take a dark-as-nigger joke then maybe you need an internet refresher course
I aM SMarT adn InDpEndanT. FUCKING LUL
Haha, the stuntman shot.
I tried it before when I was really hammered at a birthday party but felt retarded for doing that the next morning.
This fucking thread is gold
If I were there, I'd 100% try to cop a feel of her ass and pussy.
And I know you'd do the same.
We've done it boys
>he wouldn't fuck her
Holy shit I lost it when I saw the filename
God Bless Honkler
Deus Vult
Black people shit weird.
disgusting. the filmer planned it and threw something to trick the dog...