Cringe thread
Cringe thread
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d-delet this
whats worse him having fun or you being friends with him ?
excuse me while i kill myself
This is 60% of current b users
pic related
I don't see any cringe here.
anyone got the kid on fb who's trying to convince people he's bought coke and snorted it all? haven't seen that one in years
These were meant to be ironic even when the photos were taken right?
This is 100% of current Yea Forums users
yes, a lot has changed in my 10 years coming here
brace yourselves lads
I don't see much wrong here beyond the choice of tie. Maybe a better texture of shirt
This is what happens when you don't lurk enough
Its almost as cringe as greentexting on YouTube
Fuck me... Is that the current state of social development of kids these days?
To inner monologue externally as though girls think it's charming??
What the Fuck happened to, hey fancy a coffee some time? Used to work for me...
I think it's internet 2.0, it's killed the generation. Externalizing their every thought on fagbook or shitter
check it out
The fucking mother lode of cringe
that's an old meme you fag
>Zack & Cody
That is a nice home built sound recording room.
Crème de la CrÌnge
>hey fancy a coffee some time?
He is kinda cute though, I’d fuck the communist out of him.
>70% of this shit board
Haven’t seen him in a while.
I forgot about this. Anyone got the one that someone shooped that fucking thanks Lori banana onto?
Found the newfag calling people newfags
at least he went to prom, you probably stayed at home to fuck your hand
>current state
This post is old as time itself friend.
Went to prom by himself. Not with any friends or a date. Why even bother?
cody btfo
nigga hood as fuck wit it
Man I went to prom stag twice and got laid each time. Fuck you talking bout?
You know even if this was the photo those words would still make you look like a autistic retard. And that ending was not needed. Also telling people about yourself confidence is a no no. Makes it look like you are trying to reassure yourself and have no friends.
The whole time I fucking was reading this in his voice
Newports hope a nigger sees him and beats his ass the take those lol
Shit. Now I feel like an asshole. I've been off Yea Forums so long I've reverted to newfaggotry
this is anticringe. this is literally what you wish you were.
this guy has a white girlfriend who just needs to lose weight and bear children and he'll be more successful than you. cringe at yourself
love his posture
He is disappointed at God for letting him be born as aalewis
This guy awesome check him out
How many of these are fake i wonder
hello newjew
that hurts
Zero, maybe besides the asian smoke kid.
How do I get this gold account?
Usually by sucking 100 dicks. You have to keep the semen in 100 different jars so they can be tested to make sure it’s 100 different ones.
After that they usually come to your house in a helicopter and throw paint on your roof to let you know your in.
Finally, you will receive your good card via a tranny monkey and a small dog who has sniffed all the seamen jars, go the scent, and will find you, and drop it off in your mouth.
That’s the most important part: the dog MUST drop it in your mouth. If you take it from the dog, the tranny monkey fill attack and make you suck his/her tranny monkey dick.
Thats how I got mine
Did you start yet?
I...I don't get I stupid? Or just misogynistic?
isnt every thread here a cringe thread?
Is that a young stephen crowder?
you are...trips
Bump, its been a while from the last cringe thread
Who's this?
but black people don't go to school
i thought i was ready...
You are such a fag and your envy shows.
I miss cringe threads
This doughy motherfucker thinks his "record" would be between Khabib and Holloway...
this isn't cringe this is pretty good stuff
That's the jaw line of a Chad, and never forget it
She responded,
It worked...
The longer you look, the more apparent how fascinatingly bad all of this really is. It fully deserves its infamy.
Be honest everyone, the reason he’s so cringe is because you see yourselves in him. At one point you had the urge to buy that fedora or trench coat or nazi officer style cap, you just weren’t autistic enough to see it through.
This is too wacky to be cringe. If ISIS trucked him around for executions, they'd be better fit for YLYL than REKT.
This Guy. Has a residency at the Tropicana in Vegas.
Wow talk about projecting. What a cringey faggot you are.
Not even for BDSM. There's nothing like pure kitsch to kill a boner.
At least post the whole image you fucking faggot
Bullshit. That meme has been around and fooling newfags since 2013