why do americans pretend like there vote matters? at the end of the day,your still under the control of the jews
Why do americans pretend like there vote matters? at the end of the day,your still under the control of the jews
I think a lot of people are starting to see that.
if that were true why are they so angry and still crying/trying to brainwash the population even more, since 2016. i can guarantee it won't be easy from here on out but a good portion of the population are waking up. we can final solution the rest with hollywood
It doesn't matter that the people are waking up though, we have no voice and no one has the will to actually fight.
Retard go back to first grade
yeah,so the jews can brainwash me some more? i doubt it kid,i bet you think christopher columbus was the first person to discover america
we all know they owned the media and banks and when more ppl wake up it wont be a physical fight.
they will be removed from all the institutions they corrupt and people will either flee or face conviction for once.
they already walk away from massive scandals and they only reason is because not enough ppl know about it, but that WILL change
cut funding to israel when?
You're too optimistic. Again people need to actually fight and no one has. By the time the fat redneck conservatives realize what's going on it'll be too late.
Don't touch my shekels you goy
t. Achmed
Shut up kike you don't even know how to spell correctly
Jews vote Democrat cause they love black cock
Pretty much the case for most western countries in this world
>jews vote for the political party that supports muslim countrys instead of israel
this is how retarded america has gotten.you literally just elected one of the biggest jewish cock suckers as your president.who ironically brags about america being first,yet israel is really who he wants first
I'll make the same question I always make.
What are you doing to change that? Are you going to keep complaining in front of a computer? Are you going to be the stupid joke of the week by going on a killing spree? Are you going to be smart and crawl your way into the branches of power to de-throne those who you think are destroying your country?
No, you just stay on your seat and complain.
The goy is awake
You silly jew
>what are you doing to change that
im not voting republican in 2020,since republicans support one of the biggest jewish ball lickers in history as their president
Tell us more you fucking genius.
We've already established that voting is worthless
You missed "you're".
Silly Mohammed
the zionists dont fight physically they use subversion and trickery and many times in history they have been kicked out of countries and cities for predatory money lending practices.
history will repeat itself.
Belle delphine nudes
better luck next time, bucko.
we dont care about that nasty thot anymore,its 2019.billie eilish is our new queen
imagine being this retardet
This, all hail the new queen!
the zionists made the biggest smear campaign of the nazis because they controlled all the media.
even with a lower kill count that stalin or mao the holocaust is the only one you can be jailed for bearing a conflicting witness testimony. the zionists used the victim card in every situation and its well over played in media.
the information age will expose all, and these days victim cards are being torn up left and right.
read a book called , the myth of german villainy. it will blow you mind.
Jews are retards whose butthurt for the Holocaust is out of control causing them to do irrational shit and making people wanna Holocaust them again. Yeah 80% of kikes vote Democrat. They hate Trump. They're black cock sucking cuckolds.
also watch "adolph hitler the greatest story never told"