Good afternoon, Anonymous! What's on your mind today?
Good afternoon, Anonymous! What's on your mind today?
Other urls found in this thread:
seeing what's under the skirt!
i wanna clean your room for you, then we can go out on a date
This thread of mine
I'm usually able to figure stuff like this out but this one has me stumped
>gtfo out regardless
Teehee! Straight to the point, huh?
Ah, don't worry. I was basically living in a closet when I took that set. Like a grown up girl Harry Potter!
show us your face
i appreciate the ancient pics. always nice to have a piece of history. you should dig that outfit out again sometime, since you're feeling like an archaeologist
I have no experience with iPhones, sorry! I'm as poor as they come.
Nah, I've already been here longer than you.
You know, I was planning to put it on again in just a little while when my phone charges... but snark isn't going to get you any closer to seeing it!
what up reimoo?
the only thing i want to get closer to is you, anonymous
Whether or not I have diabetes, or much else to look forward to in my life.
I had a nice long bath! Now I'm just relaxing and enjoying a nice breeze outside my shrine~
How about you, Anonymous?
See, that's the kind of attitude I like!
Have you been to a doctor about it? As for the second thing, that's totally up to you. I'm sure there will be a lot for you to look forward to down the road!
more like fuck on, cutie
I haven't been to a doctor for even a regular check-up for at least three years. I probably should.
Yeah, you're right. I can't believe how much of my drive I gave up once I got a car.
I feel like a young Jesus
Not in a religious way at all
Also I’m tired of bitches teasing
Can do!
Ooh, yeah. Get to a doctor! Then you'll have answers or a plan instead of anxieties.
I don't know what you mean?
sage rp queer threads
Good luck with that!
let's do.
Buy me a drink first?
how about we skip the payment processors and i let you steal my identity queen
I mean, if you want, but I don't even know what I'd do with it if I had one.
most likely nothing, since i don't have credit
is three dollars your hourly rate, or are you charging by the minute?
I didn't ask you to pay for a service of any kind!
a kind, humble and lovely miko such as yourself, who does these things out of the kindness of their heart? it's enough to melt one's heart
>Starting to get turned on by retarded RP
The ride never ends
Well, that's sweet of you, but I'm just doing what feels right.
you could never make me feel wrong.
open your eyes, anonymous. this is a real miko we have in our presence.
Not even if I....
>*whispers sweetly*
Corrected your math homework?
show more tummy
you'd have to give me an assignment first, sensei. i have faith in your teaching abilities.
I wish those thighs were on either side of my mind
preaching to the choir
not your gay ass lmaooo
What would be the sum of Mu + U?
Facing which direction?
mutual exhaustion with a remainder of sweat
whichever direction you chose, darling.
Sounds like a good workout!
Is this one of those "crush my head" wishes? Cuz I don't think I have the thigh strength for that. I'm no Chun Li...
of course it is. especially if we stick with the daily training routine
Daily? Oh my...
it wasn't one, but it sure is now.
I'll just squeeze as hard as I can, but it probably won't crush you. Might be hard to breathe though~
of course. our bodies need to be in peak condition.
we can start out slow if you'd like, but after a while we're going to have to ramp up the intensity
toes or get out
Can do~
well shit, OP delivers
Well, that sounds intense! Did you notice the link I posted earlier?My contact info is on there. You might need to get in touch with me for a private lesson~
That I do~
OP is a nigger and should've died
raymoo how do i get gf
upskirt pics plz
Why don't you tell me what you've tried before? That might give me some idea.
i did indeed.
maybe i will drop you a line.
preferred mode of communication?
mine is yours.
where you live? i'm on my way and i will get those feet pics
Discord, I guess! Although I use them both pretty equally anyway.
>Where you live?
>I'm on my way
What did he mean by this
he means send feet pics
What does that tarrot card say?
So I genuinely can’t tell, OP are you male or female? O_o
soles or we riot
You think this is a fucking joke?
I’m enjoying some music
Oh. Okay!
That would be the Six of Coins (or Pentacles if you prefer)
It represents giving, receiving, and sharing of wealth or other material things~
Calm down, it's okay!
I'm a girl btw
moar upskirt
So u gonna give whats behind the tarrot?
hello anime child
I am spider man
you're from 2hu, yes? so you get pass
I think traps these days are quite convincing
Maybe? Eventually?
Good eye, Spidey! Thank you for your protection
Why do you address /b as if it is Anonomous?
Can u give me a tarrot reading?
Your kneecap looks like it is trying to escape your flesh.
Anonymous was here once, I believe he can be again.
Wanna drop something in my tip jar? I don't really like doing those anymore, but I could.
It is.
>Wanna drop something in my tip jar? I don't really like doing those anymore, but I could.
And now you see why I don't like it.
a male. don't be serious
Not me but i understand maybe if i had money to spend
Ah, I'm sorry to hear that. Well, I used to do it for fun, but people started taking it too seriously and being overly demanding. Is there something you might like some real advice about?
See that’s what I originally thought.
Not really thanks for the offer though life ain't bad just biding my time till I get some heavier cash flow but right now it's just that I haven't got much money to spend
Oh! Well I'm glad to hear that things aren't bad for you! I hope both of us will get the raises we deserve soon
What's a good way to make friends?
Haha hope so too. What is your occupation? If you don't mind me asking
Depends on what kind of friends u want. Gaming and actually making an effort online works. If you want IRL you can just find an activity you enjoy doing and do that and look for others doing that same activity and make an effort with them
Finding groups that share common interests with you! There's a site called Meetup (if you're in the U.S.) that can show you various groups near you. There should be tons of them online too! You just need a common activity with other people, and finding friends should come pretty naturally as long as you're nice and chill.
I'm a 2D/VFX artist.
Any work we might recognize?
jojo and cat loli pussy
Ah well, you know. If I was well known, I wouldn't wanna connect it to what I do here. But if you'd like to see some of my lower key artworks you can look on my ko-fi page I posted earlier
I'd say the fact that I found out yesterday that my mother was going to be pregnant and I'll finally be an older brother. Hopefully third time's the charm and this child doesn't fuck up like me and my sister.
You can make all the difference there! Be a good onii-chan Anonymous! I believe in you!
Fair point wouldn't wanna dox urself now would you haha
Since the place we live in is complete middle-of-nowhere redneck trash, and my mother and stepfather are also redneck, I'll definitely be doing my best to make sure this kid isn't a southern idiot. Thanks for the well-wishes, m8.
Are you a redneck?
Absolutely not. The state we're in is my mom/stepfather's hometown, but I was mainly raised on the internet and Florida as a young teen and moved in back when I was 15 and the divorce happened between my parents. Been here since.
>I was mainly raised on the internet and Florida
I feel like that could easily turn you into something worse than a redneck.
If I'm here of course it has.
Well I'm gonna go sleep now seeing I need to wake up in 5 hours Yay
Whew! Good luck! I hope you can get to sleep quickly!
thread made me smile. Thanks OP
Ah I've done worse then 5 hours sleep. Most days I do on 5 I've done too many to count on like 1-2-3 hours
Glad to hear it!
Oh boy. I remember doing a bunch of those myself. I try to get at least 7 these days!
I mean I do too but whenever I have to get up in time I do like 5/6 but whenever I need to get up early I usually get like 3. It's fine as long as you stay active it's only when I take a break that I nearly pass out lol
Teehee, sounds about right!
Well cya have a good night :)
You too Anonymous!