Would you consider the following woman as a wife?
Im just gonna write down what I experienced with her in the last 2 years.
I met her when I was out on a birthday of a friend. The first time really partying after the dad of my former gf died from cancer, we broke up because of it. It was 6 months ago.
I was hopeing for my ex to show up, she didnt, I drank a lot. Didnt give a fuck.
The new girl, Nadja, was horribly drunk but the hottest girl from the group. 9/10
I was the fourth guy she did make out with, but I took her to her home for a one night stand. She did blow me outside before we went to her.
We had 3-4 hours sex and she enjoyed it a lot but we both didnt cum because we were to drunk.
The next day I realized that she needed comforting. She was upset about what happend last night, but not the sex with me but the making out with so many guys. She said she wasnt like this. That she never was this drunk before.
After comforting her I gave her my number and left. She wrote a message in the evening.
Fast forward:
We started dating, but I was never really trusting her from the start. After asking she told me everything I wanted to know about her past. I was her first boyfriend, but her 12th guy. Also one of my friends had a one-night-stand with her but he was awful in bed^^ She didnt want to see him again.
She had problems with cumming and could not cum on one of her 6 one night stands, other 6 guys were potential partners which didnt make it. One of those guys she had feelings for, I think her second guy, but he fucked her up. He is the reason she started hoeing.
After some weeks she could cum regularly, by now we are up to 2-3 orgasms normal, really good sex 4-5 orgasms. She is happy.
Also she was horrible at cooking (vegetarian) and had no plan for life, also drank to much alcohol in dailys life. Classic white hoe is what I thought first, gonna fuck her until I dont want it anymore.
Would you consider the following woman as a wife?
Now this girl really tries to be the NatSoc Woman I am searching for. She is cooking, cleaning, I have sex everyday twice if I want too and I can do with her what I want. She is even cooking meat for me and always says that I am the first person she ever loved and that she will never be the person from her past again. I want a future with many kids and I am thinking about if a woman with a past like this will be the right choice. She wants to be a mother and is studying children education.
Can I trust her? Is she the woman I am searching for or just another dumb desperate slut
go to /pol/
>Women having sex before marriage is terrible
I love that people think that vaginas have some sort of expiration date, independent of the women herself. Life is short, she could die before marriage, no one lives forever, there are no Gods, to deny experience is to deny life.
If it's not affecting your body, mental, social, or financial abilities to the point of crippling your functionality as a human, even if you're doing drugs, it's not actually a problem. This is why even if you're doing painkillers you're not some degenerate that needs to be executed.
The difference is are you functional. This is why video games are not addiction, but when they disrupt your normal life, they are. Having a healthy social and spiritual and mental and physical relationship with someone is not degenerate. That's what life is about.
Marriage is optional. Redpill is just another belief system to replace actual logic and reason, like all other belief systems.
Truthfully, she is the latter.
With alcohol it goes like this, at least in my case- I've been drunk alot of times, and alot of times I was dead drunk, but never at the point of not knowing my actions. Yes you might see blurry as shit but u are still aware of what you're doing.
So did your girl.
She is good for a fling, but don't make her your wife, its not worth it, they never get it out of their system.
She wants to be a mother so she can trap you down, she's probably mentioning getting the kids as soon as she can get a steady job, right?
As one person to another on the different side of the world, I wouldn't risk it, you seem like a good guy who can get a better one.
>NatSoc Woman I am searching for
There's your problem. You want specific type of women, try prostitutes. They will be whatever you want to be.
I honestly wont marry a women who is not virgin. I mean I can live with her, but not marry her.
But in my heart she will never be my wife. Marriage is something only pure brides deserve. Bring the good values back.
Looking for girl that is pure as an angel, what's wrong with women guys?
Good, you probably don't deserve to procreate.
It was hell the first months, finding out what a whore she was. Its better now but im still angry sometimes. Also started smoking weed again. Was a hard way to function again, but I am now.
She doesnt need to be pure, but 12 dicks is 12 dicks
Exactly my opinion. I can not marry her. But is having bastards an option? I dont know.
i risked it. she became a good wife. we had a child. she cooked, cleaned. and when things got boring, when you have to work, you have to pay bills, u got kids to raise, she started remembering the good ild days when she was drinking and partying. and started doing that again. now im divorced. SO DONT.
exactly my fear.
Thanks man for supporting what i said.
But men, know this- Nothing worth getting in life comes easy. Unless your rich.
The one you want is worth waiting for and fighting over. Also dont get a girl if she smokes, most of the time they get a tatoo or become alcoholics or even drugs. Notice the red flags.
Jokes on you, I already have.
Just curious, where are you from? Frankly, this sounds like someone who is either from a socially retarded culture/religion or someone who has so little life experience as to understand he is asking for something he is not willing to give himself. In short, a dick. You want her to be a virgin but not you, is that correct? Then you're a fucking idiot who will be miserable your entire life. If you find someone who fits your request, you can get married but expect her to change after - they always do. She's going to soon realize that you've limited what she can do in life, that you're keeping her from things that others have. You will lose her then claim all women are whores. You will be the angry old man we all see. Change your outlook and you will change your future. But I don't think you're capable.
No u
Kill me that one projection cunt TLDR
sure kid
Women who nurture other's children are sluts. Sorry to break this to you but most teachers are either massive whores or awkward virgins.
It's like enjoying other's children and wanting to be near them puts the woman in heat.
Kek. Good luck marrying a hideous landwhale
Retard speak
>Can I trust her?
You can’t trust anyone. Even yourself! I’d give it a try, but you seem to have already made your choice. Tell her. Even if it fucks her up even more.
Muslim detected.
If you must know, and really need to know, OP asked my opinion was, then I answered. Not a single time, I asked for your opinion, not even a glance of it. You just came to me like an attention whore wanting some explanation, which I have no single obligation to answer.
What you faggot is doing is projecting your own insecurities and pretending to act smart looking for pats in the back. Not getting those from me.
Learn to pick your fights like a real man, not a single one of us is here to entertain you. You are here to entertain me with your insecurity issues.
Is that meant to be an insult? Allahu akbar brother
TLDR yeah no hymen, no ring
Than your offspring should vanish.
>Is that meant to be an insult?
No, just a guess. The hypocrisy is strong in you!
Let me guess.. reddit? Since you are all made in series.
Also forgot to answer this. That bastard will never be my child.
She can have her sperg somewhere near while we fuck. That's all. This is the main reason you cannot marry a girl like that.
Don’t use Reddit. The structure annoys me.
Men who only want a virgin are afraid of comparison to other men.
Not that guy but you seem to have a real problem. No one is projecting shit except you. I don't see either of those anons looking for a pat on the back. What I do see is someone being an asshat.
Not the vagina, but the brain. The animal part of the human might take it but the social and developed part suffers.
Get a hotel room you two fags lmao
on opposite sides of this discussion or are you not even paying the slightest bit of attention? I mean, seriously, are you that fucking stupid that you cannot keep track of a simple conversation? Jesus wept, you should not post until you know what the fuck you're talking about.
You sound like you don't even give a shit about her. You get to have sex and she cooks, but you say nothing about who she is or whether you like her.
I'd stop worrying about whether you not you could trust her and start worrying about whether or not she can trust you. Because I get the feeling you would have no trouble leaving the instant someone "better" comes along.
12 guys is now "whore level"? What is she? 18?
She is my soul mate, the only reason I gave her this long time to prove. Chemistry 10/10
But yes, I had a hard time when other women approached. I just need to say no or yes in my head. thats why im here
>should not post until you know what the fuck you're talking about.
How about you start? double fag
If you want another kind of conversation you can always go back to plebbit. They praise people that can fit entire pineapples up the anus, I am pretty sure you will fit just good in there. You won't stop hearing how much important and intelligent you sound as you put another one up the rectum.
Ya. Would it have been worse if we was paid to do it. Would it have been worse if she paid to do it? Like beyond the spiritual piety of her immortal soul, which would be forgiven in most relgions, the only real problem you have is she existed and had a life before you. It's like getting a collectable outside of the blister pack.
That's how humans are, if you didn't want to know, YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE ASKED. curse of knowledge, it's called. It changed literally nothing between you two. She was the same person as before. Your lack of judge of character from what I presume is lack of experience, has no attributes to her.
She even expressed how out of the 12 guys you're the one she's with and the one she feels more connected to beyond any of them.
Honestly, you should be grateful, but that all seems secondary to the fact that you don't like who she is now.
Looks like you're just using who she was BEFORE as the excuse, it has nothing in relation. Everyone goes through hardships, and unless you came from rich family, the chances you find a pure girl in your teenage years to marry is slim, and slimmer as days go by.
Social-economics define you and her more than anything else. This is why white supremacist want to be in power, just like anyone fucking else does.
>women won't have sex with me but they sleep with everyone else
>yada yada yada
>I'm waiting to marry a pure virgin
>she's crying about not being able to marry a man who only wants a woman who has no idea what she likes sexually and shames her for not being one
it's one thing to not want a whore but who wants to marry a virgin either? this bitch is in bed with her boyfriend and is mourning the loss of ned flanders. kek.
Honestly, its sounds like a lot of baggage. Do you think you can do better? That's the question that matters. You'll regret marrying her if you do. And eventually you will both resent each other. Marriage and kids should be for life. Can you do that with her?
Go for it, she is worth the shit. Let's be honest, you will never find someone perfect, not a single person in this world is. But is worth the shot looking for one.
Why eat shit at no effort if you can eat meat with a little bit of effort?
12 guys she never cared for like her first and current boyfriend. Also check out the last line of OP.
>Also she was horrible at cooking (vegetarian) and had no plan for life, also drank to much alcohol in daily's life. Classic white hoe is what I thought first, gonna fuck her until I don't want it anymore.
That's a reason to end a relationship. Knowing that she had sex before is contrarian. That's all. I don't think a women being a virgin has been a major issue. The fact that only like 1/10 of women are virgins after college is not raging against women, but society as a whole. at least 45% of them.
Surely just sitting a home doing nothing as opposed to dating and understanding humanity sounds like a repcice for brain death.