Can we agree the Apple brand is intended for thots? I feel like I could create a study that shows that people who buy Apple aren't marriage quality. That they're typically very vain and selfish people.
Can we agree the Apple brand is intended for thots...
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Apple bad.
Apple unironically makes the best laptop computers overall. The quality has slipped massively past few years it may change soon but as now it is correct. Anyone who disagrees is a edgy 12 year old fag.
Microsoft is seriously fucking up windows for dev work. Pretty much all devs use mac or linux. So for that, mac is way better.
also for music work.
No, we can’t agree on this. This is a consumerist society we live in my friend. People are free to buy whatever the fuck they want and if those things are deemed to elitist for some people, they will have no problem drinking their salty tears.
er two words for you sunshine:
Microsoft Surface Book
darwin > windows any time
you fucking dork
Get a load of this selfish vain asshole
GNU/linux > windows & mac
Windows is shitter and shitter every year for dev work as stated above. MacBooks run MacOS and Linux and windows its clearly the best. Not that I’m happy about that but it’s the facts.
its more of a brand than anything else everything about apple feels and looks nice if that is what you value most apple is for you which correlates to thots everything is about appearance and class
this is just garbled drivel. detnotcore runs on Winows / cross-platform and there is also Windows Subsystem For Linux in arrival
My MacBook hasn't broken down in a yea,r so far better than any other laptop brand I've had in the past
Fuck macs on every level
Their quality slipped because their devices are becoming a one use system wher eif it breaks, you're fucked.
It doesn't help apples is going as far as stopping third party repair shops fixing their devices because they don't want people getting their shit fixed.
go to china get a knock off for a third of the price
If Apple made cars you would have to drive on apples roads, get your car service by apple only, need to make an appointment to get re fueled, follow their road rules and only listen to itunes.
And people would line up for it.
Dont these apple tools realise when they are standing in line for a more expensive model of the same thing they already have they are surrounded by the most boring humans on the planet. Then armed with their new laptop they rush to the nearest cafe to sip lattes while writing a screen play no one will ever read.
Apple is just expensive. People who are wealthy buy it because they see it as a go to standard for their social class. People who are middle class and poor save up and buy it to elevate their appearance or to fit in with the rest of society. Not really vain and selfish just uninformed consumers following what's at this point a fashion tend.
>slipped massively
Hi MacBook Air. I'd agree that MacBooks are the best laptops but I'd also say fuck laptops. Depending on your line of work you're fine with just a thinkpad. So really apple just loses again.
Regarding all other apple products theycompletely suck. The company really lost so much innovation once jobs died. fuck airport extremes, fuck Apple TV, fuck iPhones, fuuuuuck iMacs. Legit everything they built they've given up because they couldn't piggyback off a fucking corpse.
Just build a PC and install whatever OS you want on it. Or fuck just buy a prebuilt pc and install whatever OS you want on it. It'll be cheaper than buying an iMac and way better
I bought an apple laptop because I want others to think highly of me despite knowing i'm getting screwed on the value per dollar.
>d party repair shops fixing their device
Their butterfly keyboard is a masterpiece of planned obsolescence.
I wonder what the programming community will do when apple switches their hardware to ARM based systems.
Apple is just expensive. People who are wealthy buy it because they see it as a go to standard for their social class. People who are middle class and poor save up and buy it to elevate their appearance or to fit in with the rest of society. Not really vain and selfish just uninformed consumers following what's at this point a fashion tend.
>Calls consumers vain and selfish because poor and middle class people are buying products to elevate their perceived status
>then proceeds to defend them by saying they're not vain and selfish.
While I don't believe being vain automatically makes on selfish, it was just my observation that those who covet Apple products the most tend to be the most selfish people I've met. The vanity thing is a definite thing and you support my point that people buy Apple products to boost their status. To me, it lowers my opinion of them tremendously.
>lowers my opinion of them
Eh as an old 26 year old I can say you just have to let it go. People don't even think what they buy sometimes and just want an easy option, iphone(latest). There are plenty of reasons why people go Mac. Just forget about it
a tesla
couple days ago a classmate was complaining that their 1000 dollar macbook only had usb c ports and they couldnt charge their phone. couldnt help but kek a little
As an original adopter of Tesla Model S who hates Apple so thoroughly, it's really tough to say whether or not I'll continue to stick with them. Elon Musk has a major boner for Apple in all regards. I'm invested in Tesla right now for about $6k and have lost a few hundred dollars already but we'll see if it pans out. Sometimes I wonder if investing in companies that I think will do well hurts them. Maybe I should invest in Apple so I can see them crash.
you should understand how stocks and investment work first, HAHAHA
>intended for thots