Why are niggers so shit at literally everything?
Why are niggers so shit at literally everything?
Not as advanced as whites or Asians. Watch out for the cucks coming to defend a bullshit stereotype OP.
Lower standards = lower expectations
It's like living in the fucking special Olympics
> Yall white boys just mad that our dicks bigga than yours
> Sees this photo
...African Americans are FULLY domesticated Africans.
Except now they've started to become feral.
because they're sub-human.
They master every sport, but you already know that.
>they've started to become feral.
They have always been feral, they have just become unable to hide it as well as before.
Tom Brady and Rob Gronkowski are white.
They're shit and hockey and mediocre at baseball.
too bad this isn't any time period other than the one we're in now, and physicality isn't relevant to anything other than being an entertainer (which is what athletes are).
Seriously, that's why Whites and Asians took over the world, because technology made physical strength and dexterity irrelevant.
You obviously don't know what the word feral means
>They master every sport
That involves stealing something and getting it to a fence or goal.
Ice hockey requires more skill than the negro brain can handle
spoken like a true weakling
Learn to pronounce
(especially of an animal) in a wild state, especially after escape from captivity or domestication.
They haven't escaped captivity, and you only thought they were domesticated.
Your perception is not my error.
no i think he was right and you were wrong
>no i think
I respectfully disagree with your opinion
This white cocksucker was 6'6'' and fighting an over the hill former champion who was 5'10".
assblasted nigger hahahah
So ...
I claim niggers are wild and have always been wild. Similar to animals that are unable to become domesticated. They can seem domesticated, but are still known to be dangerous around humans.
You claim - niggers were once successfully domesticated at one time, and have become feral again for reasons.
Citation needed sir.
I've beaten up 6 blacks in street fights and haven't lost yet. I'm about to start doing MMA.
If I fought someone 8 inches shorter than me, everyone would think I was a punk. Just saying.
> mediocre at baseball
This. Just ask Michael Jordan.
Why didn't the guy filming help them niggers?
Typical nigger mentality of being 'tough' when they come in packs. Pretty good the white guy was able to outfight all of them though.
Everything except sports.
Well that's just blatantly not true.
How many of them can afford to ice skate
Can't teach gorillas to ice skate and play a game simultainiously.
......error Resourses Low
they suck at baseball too and tom brady has more superbowl rings than any nigger
Niggers can't work together well
can you self hating libtards just kill yourselves? why do you love niggers so much? liberals have a genetic defect
those are Indians
Who said I was a libtard? Or that I loved niggers? Pointed out a known fact, faggot, doesn't mean I like them.
I never said that the pic was related. Other than being a great example of nice individuals getting goals accomplished
>Pointed out a known fact,
Yeah, what you said
Dumb autist. hahaha
Yes it does you stupid faggot cuck. You are a nigger lover who defends niggers. If you were a white supremacist you would shit on niggers and never compliment them. If you think there's something good about them you keep your fucking mouth shut, CUCK. I have beaten up 6 niggers so not for one second do I believe they are more athletic.
t. black cock sucking cuckold race traitor
actually you're the autist cause youre socially retarded.
>If you think there's something good about them you keep your fucking mouth shut, CUCK
Nah, mang. How else are we gonna roast him if he hide in.
black women are powerless. it's nigger men we have to shit on
Problem is they make up about 18% of the US population and they drive buses, subway/metro trains, try to be "polices" and "check outz" workers at your local fast food restaurant and supermarket, they are traffic agents (don't as me why) and clerical staff for most urban municipalities AND EVERY THING THEY DO IS WRONG! Every fucking thing. They can't read or write or organize a coherent thought in their tiny little fucking brains, they can't do anything without having every fucking step on a list, they ...fuck them they are fucking up our society.
This is why every time I call one of their call centers they seem distracted this is what they are doing.
white people were too fucking retarded to get rid of them somehow or another
Comedy in both.
As seen here in a 3 stooges screen test
Now you're gettin' it
It would explain sudden transfers and disconnects.
It took 10 seconds for him to die
It's a slow process, I know.