What are your toughts on us Mexicans?
What are your toughts on us Mexicans?
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You work hard
You are kind of trashy
You are friendly
You have a lot of killers in mexico
You listen to annoying music all the time that all sounds the same
Your food is superior when made properly, but it's often not made very well
I love you and all your people dude I believe one of my best friends is Mexican. 2 actually
Mexican ancestors domesticated some incredibly tasty plants. Tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos, etc., puts many old world vegetables to shame. Amazing food, possibly the best on Earth. Too many criminal shitheads tbh, why do these assholes wreck their own country? The Catholicism is kind of weird - why do Mexicans care about the religion of the people that murdered them?
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Shouldnt probably fuck their sisters they are very brotherly people and dont like you fucking their sisters. Ask their cousins if you want to fuck tho its okay except they generally dont speak english.
You guys are alright, I feel terrible as an American about how my country treats you.
Please enjoy this slightly offensive but high quality cat picture.
A literal scourge that has destroyed the U.S. I can't wait till this diseased bloated corpse of a country can die so that a real white ethnostate can be fashioned out of it's ashes.
Mexicants? Destroying TWO nations at one time
You need to take back your country from the cartels so you don't have to flood into ours.
racists have the most moron
How is it racist wanting Mexicans to reclaim their nation?
They're all clamoring into the US for a reason.
I know
weak ass Mexicans
in the 1940s the US destroyed all of Europe and the west Pacific at the same time
and since then we have completely destroyed an average of 1 nation each decade
get on our level Mexifags
That only happens on some places in the northwest of the country. That's the most fucked up part of Mexico.
/spoiler And from where my family comes from /spoiler
Because everyone here is dumb
As long as you register and immigrate legally and don't act like self entitled cock suckers, I'm fine with you being in America.
agreed we need to remove all Mexicans from the Americas
Mexicans are very diverse in their intelligence and interests. They generally don't work nearly as much or as hard as Americans and are therefore nowhere near as wealthy. They know without the US, Mexico would be more like an poor African nation. The competence of the people on top is less than a tenth of the people on top in the US, but they do alright. They appreciate the US and the competence of US greatly.
This, but not just mexicans, literally anyone who comes to the U.S.
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