California thread
California thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Slutty mom
Maria anyone?
It's New California thread now
Likes two at once sometimes
Bumping for 562 wins, even if it’s trades. Any other 562 anons out there?
559 m/30 we out here
626 bump
I'm 562
909 chino checking in
You have anything good user? Not sure if you’ve seen my post but I got a vault of shit worth trading.
the one on the left
209? Stockton?
Lookin for anyone in particular?
In LA, accurate.
Fellow 619 here, need moar. Does she play around? Theaters?
Dunno about theaters, but her and her man swing with couples and men
Post what you got bro
Figure I’ll have some fun before I head into work. I’ll be taking any sample request from names in this vault list and dumping whatever I can!
R/i?= recognize/interest
Let’s have some fun folks
562 here
Soreya and her mom
562 Kat
I love the milf type, she looks like she’s be fun to wear out over a weekend
Anyone got some 805? Simi Valley/Thousand Oaks pref.
Here's a 714 as an offering
Good well fucked mom cunt to get all sloppy
Nice she needs to be mouthfucked and DP’d
Not something she's new to
Does she work at a pizza place?
No, teacher
Got any vids? Where does she hang out, I’d like to try my luck lol
No vids and can't help ya there sry
Same difference... lolol
Looking for some 805 chicks
Name? Sauce?
415 anyone?
909 Upland/Claremont/Rancho?
Soreya, nothing too good. Trying to find better stuff tho
Sample of her mom, but as described it’s bad quality
Nice bro, got anything good?
Kat, r/i?
And who do you mean by the capital R?
That is very nice. Any more?
Arielle. She’s a freak
Who is she? More? Face?
What fetishes is she into?
Fuck her frequently?
Would love to see her face covered in cum
wow any more
Holy shit I need more of this tit cow!
Share her on kik?
Los Angeles
keep going
Need her tits out along with that tongue
Go on
Another Kat pic for fun. She censored it
Need her full frontal uncensored yum
916 Please.
Don't top man. Post nudes if you have them
Let's see that 805 Sav
Ya bigdallday11
Let's see that 805 sav pleaseeee
Anyone else get in on Freedom Week?
God bless freedom week. Too bad I lost everything in a boating accident.
your killing me show us the goods shes so hot
I feel the need to contribute.Here's an 805
No face pics unfortunately but I have a topless win and more booty shots
Destiny screen shot of video or link please
R/i? I have the vids uploaded somewhere already as well
619 here. sauce on her?
415 anyone?
Sure thing
408? South Lake Tahoe? looking for Kelly
I'd love to see more of this one
Any chance you got a Ki ck for when this thread dies? Happierwhenhappy
name? city?
Nice. Any topless?
don't know, saved from another thread
Notice to all Californians.
Stop moving to Texas you fucks!
Any major city in Cali*
Another 562 here
Bay Area 510
If we move to Texas, then we aren’t Californians retard....
818 awesome! North Hollywood?
Come here pushing your dumb ass political correctness and voting in the same shit policies that you left does make you a Californian.
Pretty close. Know her?
Lol I grew up in Morro but I don't recognize her
Literally the entire rest of the country hates you. Even left-wing retards I know hate Californians because you infect other states like a cancer and drive up housing costs everywhere you go. Please secede already so we can deport you fucks, we fucking hate you.
t. America
moar. shes perfect
if the country can agree on anything, california needs to burn in hell
caroline preview
Yeah but not in the rest of fornia
Those cities control the rest of California.
The whole state is becoming a 3rd world shit hole with pockets of super wealth.
Why would I want to move to that shithole, you can keep your heart disease to yourself bud
Low taxes, wasn't effected by the economy hit back in 2008, many larger corporations are moving away from liberal shit holes like Cali to come here with better policies for businesses.
Not run by Far left commies that will turn the state into a 3rd world shit hole.
The list goes on but Texas>Cali
>The flyover states of America don't like you
>Waaaah stop being better than us
Looks a little young.
Just tried messaging ya my friend, said your phone was disconnected for a while or something. Maybe I have to close to the convo and start over or something
Never been huh
She’s 18 don’t worry
According to the numbers our economies doing just fine. Stay salty
Only because you hit them JACKPOT TRIPS lmao d:
Here you are, Caroline sample.
More tho
Nah, it makes us right
Long shot, Katie Young 909?
I wish
You have tech giants, Hollywood and a few other industries. The middle class is moving out in droves.
1 in 5 people on welfare are in Cali.
Highest levels of crime.
Highest levels of homeless people.
Highest levels of illegal aliens being a drain on your social programs and infrastructure.
People literally shitting in the streets and doing drugs openly.
I use to go to California all the time back in the day. It's a fucking shit show now.
Does common courtesy scare you?
At least we aren’t retards that go off topic on what’s basically a titty thread
PC is currently used as a bludgeoning tool by the far left to gain political power.
If someone has an opposing idea, just call them a racist or sexist to shut them down.
Never have to actually beat their argument when you can attack their character.
Why the fuck would we want anything to do with your rancid he’ll holes, Texas is a fucking brown parking lot landlocked with no real ports of entry...fuck off you jealous incel
So basically she has herpes in addition to being a methhead
Did she died?
Hey retard, California is part of the rest of the country, Los Angeles has a higher population than half of the flyover states, nobody with any hopes and dreams likes living in a flyover state, now get back on topic or gtfo
what part of the bay?
Jade S from 925 who has more of her?
East bay
who has 510 oakland area?
>Highest levels of crime
Provably not true
>Middle class leaving in droves
Eh a few people are leaving but it's not particularly noticeable as our population really isn't decreasing, it's mostly retirees and the unskilled lower middle class
Yeah they mostly come from other states because is you're gonna be homeless you might as well be homeless somewhere nice
It's expenses to live in desirable places where there's a surging economy
>Aliens drain on
Show me a legit study, not some blog post
Stay mad boomer
There’s a 510 in this thread
California has a larger economy than most of the rest of the entire world...go fuck yourself, losing us would be losing your largest ports and losing most of the countries income, plus, most of you faggots don’t even have an in n out burger
Texas is a fucking parking lot, enjoy all of your brownness
Sounds like you read a salon article and felt personally attacked. No one really gives a shit about that stuff, it's just a passing grade that the media can latch on to to rile the less intelligent 2/5ths of the population
You are the only shit show, now tits or gtfo
Also he tried to say we have high rates of welfare when it’s a well known fact red states collect more
Kek, you say that with pride. The fact that Southern California is an overcrowded shithole is the biggest reason no one should want to live there. You sound like a dumb faggot for defending it.
Speaking as a lifelong Californian, weather is super nice, people are super nice, beaches are irreplaceable and everybody is happier out here... we definitely don’t have a need to shit talk other states because California is great, personally I could give a fuck about anyone from anywhere else being a little bitch about’s pretty insignificant to us here
In N out is fucking shit. Whataburger > In N out
Fucking christ i came here for porn fuck off with that faggotry
No, just a happy Californian realizing how worthless your words are
If whataburger was any good, maybe you wouldn’t be such a jealous complaining prick
Yeah, idiot is representing Texas....does not realize his faggotry is disproving his point...apparently Texans are bitter complaining assholes that don’t like pussy
805/818. Anyone know?
You say that like you are familiar with the act, at least here we wouldn’t look down on you for your homosexual tendencys
Then you must be a rich white liberal, or an illegal living the dream, cause every other person I know who lives down here, with me, wants to get out desperately. Even moving up north would be an improvement. Southern California is a literal shit covered butthole.
God I wish, 818 huh
-person who has never left there state and probably has never been to California
No one wants you here, maybe you and your friends are the shit covering our beautiful butthole
Lol ok well u should move poor fag
If everywhere else is cheaper and better then go
>can’t afford it
Exactly, they just see a California thread and instead of enjoying sexy American women in pretty beaches the get all huffy and complain, like if they actually know anything at all
Funny, if I wanted to get out “desperately” and it’s cheaper and nicer everywhere else, I would just leave....I think your friends lie to you
You mean hard working, legal, middle class Americans? Yea you’re right, we aren’t the people they want here, So Cal would rather cater to the welfare state and bend the rest of us over.
Gtfo, nobody gives a shit about your gripes, tits or gtfo faggot
This thread is just a bunch of poor fucks who live in shitty states and are salty about it, mfs probably live in the middle of bumfuck no where
Tits and ass here, gripes on pol... stop being such a retard
Well maybe you’re a fucking loser with no friends or family so you wouldn’t understand, but getting up and leaving everything and everyone you’ve ever known isn’t something you do at the drop of a hat.
I’m happy as hell out here, great weather hot fucking women always something to do, everything at my fingertips and I can afford it because I am not afraid of real work that does not involve milking cows
Shut up poorfag u obviously can’t afford to leave
I’m only joining in on the conversation
Don't mean to bug but I gotta post in every Cali tread I find. Anyone know Laken B. From Corona?
Another laken
That’s a pretty stupid assessment and a sad excuse...”but muh friends and family...” that’s called backtracking faggot, either they want to leave desperately or they dont
Then add some Texas titties or something
The house I live in is worth roughly half a million dollars (not that it should be even remotely valued at that) who the fuck around here is gonna buy that?
I want to
Gris sample for you, Satan! Please bless me with a girl I recognize soon ;D lmao
Where would I get those? I’m a So Cal resident.
R for recognized the name, but now i know thats not who i was thinkin of lol
Willing to trade if your from Downey
rickyandbobby at protonmail dot com
Only half a million? Is it in Noho? I’m not sure you are aware of this, but real estate in California sells at a premium, stop making excuses, either stay and love it or complain and leave...and for fucks sake tits or gtfo
Then add some Cali titties, stay on topic
Yo also 909 Chino
951 anyone??
Laken B. 951 Corona. Always on the look out for more of her.
Super nice, I wish I would find someone I know on here
Try goes by state
she from pacoima?
very close
Anyone have Lauryn’s nudes? 805 slo
Does her name start with a B?
So much porn makes you wish for a nuclear winter
Any 916?
post lewds
Or of her sister?
I used to fuck her in college on lots of ecstasy.
what u got
Not sure if I have it on my phone, let me check
Nice bro, any pictures of her left?
Kik me mwbdm3
On Monday morning I'm going to sac international, getting on a plane, and flying first class out of this he'll hole never to return.
Fuck California, and fuck Californians.
Like an ocean of nudes while thirsty but not a drop to drink/picture of a girl you recognize
Try goes by state. You might fight someone you know there.
that shit is a scam
dead ass website
Christina 714 please
Unfortunately I even have the premium access and haven’t seen any that I knew. I’ve seen one that I’ve recognized out of years of posting/lurking but I still have my hopes up lol. I post from my vault nowadays to get those karma points
Christina r/i?
Rest In Peace user IB lol
Kelsey 760 Hesperia
Are there no go substitutes for anonib other then here?
Take it easy faggot. Heard Ohio is nice.
afaik there are discords but they are stupid hard to get into
Anonsharer is a shit hole
We move to other states, then the residents of those states exploit us and fuck their own neighbors by jacking up housing prices, and that's our fault.
Must be Texas math.
Also pretty much all of these girls are fugly with cavernous holes. God damn CA sucks.
Any 916 or folsom?
951 here.
I have a few girls I can trade, maybe someone knows of wins for Kaylee K. from menifee?
Know Laken?
Any 559?
Yeah you know her?
What girls do you have from 951?
951 danielle
Well, she's pretty.
No Kaylee K, went to heritage high. Got implants
I'd know that rock and stacks anywhere. Pics taken from osos, grew up here but dont recognize either
805 zoe!!!
Hey its ariel!!! Shes a bae
I love Ariel !!!
These are old pics of her, amirite?
Danielle sample l
You know her?
Yes I do, I know that whole group :)
805 carmen
more please
Carmen sample. Originally 213 but was in 805 for school when I met her. Not sure if she went back
Let’s see a little face please
Never seen her full nude though, just what she posts on insta and what she used to be dressed in at the raves. Share moar?
Got anymore nudes?
Yay! How did you aquire these?
Aurora anyone?
Dont know her, shes hot though
Does the last name start with a C?
Yea she is
So who are you? Lol do you know her, or are these from her snap or something?
Berkeley here
Have nudes?
Lake Merritt here
not sure actually, is the girl you’re thinking of from out of state?
She sent them to me a while back
Are any of these 805 chicks?
All of them are
Ugh! So lucky! So hot!
I do t recognize em, the shades make it hard
State's average is is 95.5 making it the third most retarded state in the country, barely smarter than Louisiana and Mississippi but still dumber than Alabama. These are the retards that talk down to people all over the rest of the country.
Don't worry... soon they will both be shithole states.
Anybody got any caroline ball?
Here’s some of them
Still dont recognize em. Hot though
Seen this one?
as someone who’s latina and living there im not surprised u think that
Not yet, nick is cool too!
What hood in 619? I’d love to fuck her lmao. Unless she’s some high strung whore from Del Mar, no thanks.
More! Pussy and ass pls
looks familiar. more?
Need some Gina M wins, went to Lakewood and is from the 562 or used to be
whats your source?
Also can you dump Ari?
what year did she graduate?
Ari sample, r/i? Some of it I was sent, some stolen, some hidden cam, some I found online on various sites like tumblr and shit lol
Gina graduated 2010, and who is this you’re posting?
recognize from high school. had her in biology i think?