Will an Asian massage parlor give a happy ending to a girl? Is there any signal the girl would need to give?
Will an Asian massage parlor give a happy ending to a girl? Is there any signal the girl would need to give?
just start playing with your vag and she will help.
works everytime
Think that would work? I've gone two times and just gotten a normal massage. I know they do more because I know a guy who goes and fucks the girls fairly often.
Do they get pissed if somebody comes in for just a normal massage?
well if thats the case, then definitely!
you can also ask if they do Yoni/tantra massage.
Could literally go up to any guy on the street and he would do it
>Yoni/tantra massage
Ooo, that sounds nice. Have you gotten something like that?
I went into one with my wife for a couples massage, not knowing it was one of those places. They gave us both really good normal massage and seemed really nice. My wife even went in again with the same experience. When I went in by myself though, she definitely grabbed my cock and offered to at least jack me off, if not more. It took some willpower to tell her no. She said sorry and kept going with the normal massage. I haven't been back since then.
So at least that place didn't seem to mind giving normal massages also.
Random guys on the street don't give very good massages.
i have tried oil body to body massage /w more.
was amazing:)
No. There is completely a rule about not doing it for women because their money has feminism all over it.
What a stupid thread
Sure, OP. But you have to do it right.
Step 1: Say this "You pray with critty now
Step 2: Say this "You rick crit good
Good luck!
Speak English, please.
fucking hilarious
The massage girls totally fucked your wife.
Sarcasm big boy, do you speak it.
I wish. She would have told me.
Especiallyif they did somerhing you could not. She would have let you know.
My female roommate went to one with me. They definitely turned her away and told her only men.
These places are all over the place now though, so it probably depends on the place.
Can someone redpill me on asian massage parlors?
If they don't think you're a cop, you can pay them to suck and /or fuck you.
They are popping up all over. In my cozy midwest town, we have two all of a sudden.
An ape typed this
You obviously don’t
Chinese are usually hj only. Koreans are best.
If they are open late, if there is a locked door or a small lobby with locked inner door, you are gtg.
Some smell like boiled cabbage.
Do they just offer it, or do you have to ask?
Yes a couple of known handjob houses in southern cal routinely turn away women.
There's an "Asian massage" place near me, how do I tell if it's like just an actual massage place or there's extra services on offer? I have no clue about this shit.