This is how my ideal husband looks like. Your thoughts?
This is how my ideal husband looks like. Your thoughts?
You're a faggot
Good luck going out in public with that dude once the steroids deflate
my though, lmao
Isnt he natty?
Gay marriage is a thing now, OP, you're good.
big muscles, small cock
Nobody gets that big naturally; the world's biggest men before steroids existed never looked like that
your a faggot
His arms are big.
>This is how my ideal husband looks like. Your thoughts?
Roid rage/ will kill you if dinner is 5 minutes late.
tiny hands though
His tiny hands are cute though
LOL so tiny
dont know, his dick is algo big?
Ideal husband is gonna look for an ideal wife.
If you want him, you gotta put as much work into being as amazing a wife as that dude's work put into his muscles.
>thinking OP is a woman
If your a girl which you arrent you better hope you have a huge ass huge tits not crazy and good face or hope hes crazy or has a fetish if your a guy go be a fag somewhere else we dont need anymore
Do men really think any woman would ever find this attractive lmao, women want a partner that doesn’t look like a freak of nature just as much as men do.
But that's gay!
women do find this attractive though
Yeah, the kind of attractiveness that gets you laid 2 times and never taken seriously as a partner.
cope and delusion
You’re coping faggot.
Do you even lift?
I’ve been gym bod fit, andvtaken advantage of the attentions I got from women because of it.
Every woman that was attracted to me due to my bulk was a self obsessed narcissist with literally no brains.
Want a quick fuck? Sure spend 6 months dieting and working out.
That won’t get you wife material though.
You only have to look at any show/movie enjoyed by women to see that women don’t find gymrat freaks attractive. Women like muscle definition, not swollen misshapen bodies.
looks like a ideal man OP. Imma work double hard today can't be left behind
As a former juicer, I'd say he'd be a fun boyfriend if you're into dudes, but he's not gonna marry anyone while the roids tell him "fuck everything that moves!" 24/7 in his ear
not a nigger/10