If definition of life is something between birth and death then the question about what is after death should sound "what was before being born and what is after death?"
And the answer is "none of your concern"
If definition of life is something between birth and death then the question about what is after death should sound...
Who is this?
julian assange
all things must have a beginning. so maybe life begins on earth but continues on on a higher plane?
No the awnser most likely is nothing. The concept of nothing is extreamly hard to grasp for so many of us. And the definition of life is not what is between birth and death. Life has no definition, it just is. Why it is we do not know and most likely will never know. Odds are we exist thourgh random chance. So by the that definition life has no purpose, because life was an accident.
Need pills from depression?
stephen hawking is a gay dipshit
I am not implying you should do nothing. I am how ever implying that life it self is worth nothing. There is no value in it. We come from nothing and we will eventually become nothing. And that life has no value between the two points of nothing. But people still manage to find value. Through various subjects like religion, work, family, etc. They manage to some how delude themselves into thinking it all matters, but it doesn't. Essentially all we do is try and survive for as long as we can, but at the end we still die. Cant avoid that.
Dude trump is president get over it hillary lost
You make a good memories and good moments in your timeline. It what drives the humanity.
I don't care about politics. Just a tool of manipulation and control. And I don't care who runs your country.
Lol you libtards are like a broken record
Don't argue with ideologically possessed, especially trumpanzee.
I don't consider my self as a "Liberal, Right, Left" or what ever the other political affiliations are. Its just plain stupid, putting your self into a box, just so you can stay there with people who agree with you non stop and every now and then get the opportunity to argue with people from another box. Overall not having a singular thought of your own. Just living in your own little bubble world. Tell me, is it fun being a fucking tool? You seem to be very experienced in being one.
Suppose you are right. Cant help it tho. I find it somewhat amusing.
Politics MATTER
>Politics MATTER
Imagine being this blind to manipulation.
Ugh, I am done with this. This no longer amuses me.
It's good to be aware about political situation. Playing pathetic little zealot like you are, is something else.