What do you think of my hand
What do you think of my hand
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looks fake and plasticy
It’s real.
hmm idk, that sheen and blue color are giving me doubts
it's blue
Give me a second. Yea Forums doesn’t let me post videos from IPhone.
break your fuck finger
which finger is that
here you go anons best I could do with my phone
why is your hand blue? are you at auditions for the blue man group?
No I just have a glove on. It looks cool
oh. why do you have a glove on?
Self-prostate exam
Good proportions.
Clearly an adult male, but not a boomer tier troll hand.
I'd be interested in seeing it ungloved. I am a hand enthusiast and note the hand types of everyone I meet. Just by this goved example I'm going to guess you're proper nordic or from the british isles if you're white. I don't know much about nonwhite hands.
Convince me and I’ll post myself taking my glove off.
I'm not that fucking interested. There are billions of hands on the planet. I could learn some more about you if I saw your nails and finger joints though.
How can you find out more about a person based off of their finger joints and nails? Very intersting stuff
You know where I want that, OP
Needs work
If you’re in Cad that could be arranged.
Please tell me what I can do to improve.
eh, 7.5/10. would have that hand fist me.
I dunno why all the photos are posted sideways.
are you getting ready to fist your boyfriend?
Why the hell is it wet?
Well, good for toilet cleaning.
Get back to work.