All i want is for him to shit down my fucking throat

all i want is for him to shit down my fucking throat

Attached: 71Q5WV88cPL._SX425_.jpg (425x354, 27K)

I know something better that you should put in your throat.

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can I eat that?

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Nah, I like logs more than this.

Attached: Angel-Pedroza-and-Tom-Wolfe-Cazzo-Club-naked-men-gay-porn-big-dick-tight-asshole-sneakers-rimming-cu (640x427, 182K)

take your meds kid

get a log of this guy

Attached: sixx.jpg (381x410, 24K)

lol fag

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>shill calling the kettle black

Attached: takeurlogs.jpg (800x794, 219K)

Well then let me tell ya, you have surious issues bud

Attached: 1534059471355.jpg (1024x576, 77K)

Just browse daytime Yea Forums, it's the same feeling

This SHIT AGAIN! so fucking hot. Clog me oh master.

Hey guys! You ever try Martha Stewart's Homemade Prison Logs?
They're so rich and fulfilling! It's a good thing.

tried it. cheap but inferior to andy sixx log of shit

What about Mike Tyson's Champion Logs?

Attached: logged.jpg (440x365, 31K)

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Attached: heimlog.jpg (1000x735, 354K)

PLEASE send me some logs!

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hot dumplings

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