Weed > Girls
Whoever thinks differently they just hasn't tried weed yet.
Weed > Girls
Whoever thinks differently they just hasn't tried weed yet.
Krokodil > Weed
samagon > krokodil
Ok retard
Edgy stoner who doesn't realize no one cares if you smoke weed anymore
Air horn gas > Samagon
Love the way weed sucks my dick and makes me food and does the shopping and cleans my house
or you just haven't tried a girl mate
I love how a Woman takes my house, car, my kids, and put me on Child Support for 18 years
I tried weed.
Am khv so idk about grills
Pro tip : weed+girls= the bomb
Get buzzed with some thot and get your freak on. Nothing better.
have sex
i'm a smoker since 8 years and sometimes when i smoke i can't controll my thoughts and i feels like i'm hearing voices (my own thoughts)
is it a sign that i'm slowly becoming shizophrenic? should i stop?
Easier said with American Women. I'll stick to brothels and hookers in the Curaçao and Columbia.
No don't worry.
Weed kinda bored me tho, at the beginning it was actually epic, now it just make me feel tired. As Kurt cobain said, all the drugs ends to bore you
I’d rather have both to be honest but if you force me to narrow it down to one weed wins every time
yes, but, have you tryed girls? u fucking homosexual
>Whoever thinks differently they just hasn't tried weed yet.
Same here with same fear. My doctor says I'm not deluded enough for that label lol.
I try girls everyday when I blaze it. It's just them girls are just images and fantasies. Feels amazing tho. Too bad real girls are not like this and when they are they are also fucking repulsive whores.
Glue "Moment" > Air horn gas
never tried girls, how do you get one?
then again, paying upfront of minimaly 50 to 100$ chance of getting your dick sucked (I pulled that amount straight out of my ass) is sort of ridiculuous for something you can achieve (mildly) with your hand and near exactly with silicone 10$ toy
meanwhile I get pot for 3~4$ a gram which gives me a far better evening (afaik) than a whore in cheap hotel can
cannabis is good and wimmins are good too, my dude
No it doesn't, its your inner monologue, when you're high the usual way your brain deals with that niggling inner voice changes. Your brain defends you from thoughts that it doesn't like but once your brain becomes more pliant to it's own stimulation those defences come down and you're shown the real you, not fettered through the lens of a brain defending you from thoughts you may not like, face some hard truths and use it to address issues in your life, becoming a better person.
yeah whatever but its still true
we legalized weed, we can legalize prostitution in the northwest.
one day we can solve all our needs when ever we want without the harpy women of today fucking everything up
>Weed > Girls
i had weed but no girls
so i agree to 50%
Weed makes me paranoid and gives my hives. I prefer lsd or shrooms, much more productive and better for my brain than mary-ja-huan-o
being this much of an incel kek
but yeah true
>10$ in weed > girls
Not even close
She’s right though, where have the good ones gone? That plain looking mute motherfucker was pretty dull.
Theyre either gay or taken by a real women who isnt an entitled brat
So why represent men with some dullard mute in that comic? Put one of the good men in that comic
Either I'm smoking wrong, or you're fucking wrong.
Because men never get the chance to speak when arguing with a women, or its fucking useless. Smart "dull" man just walked away like he should have.
Good comics > this comic
Or you could do real drugs, and use them to get laid at the same time. There are whores out there who'll fuck for weed, but honestly you don't want them. Coke, heroin, and meth habits get crazy expensive. It's perfectly understandishable why a bitch would resort to fucking for those. Weed though...there's literally no reason a bitch should ever need to suck a dick for some weed. Any who would have absolutely no standards whatsoever and probably are too retarded to understand what AIDS even is.
A guy at my school shared a joint once and then died within a month. You guys are fucking retards for doing illegal drugs
i get high, im still lonely user
200mg of morphine doe
Why didn’t he light up a $PL1FF and smoke her out with a big cloud that says ‘ONE LUV’?
yeah after ODing on fent 3 times im trying to stay safe
First two times I tried weed it did nothing and the third time I went temporarily blind with no other effects. Think I'll stick with shagging desu.
Because that ungrateful bitch didnt deserve it
what if girl brings you weed to smoke with her?
that's how you know you're doing alright :)
Both are a rare treat for me, but I prefer girls and dissolving my brain with alcohol
I love combining them. Having sex while you're high is just awsome.
100% true OP.
Cheaper, still get pleasure, no moods, no bs, no lying, no cheating, no diseases, no kids. Perfection.
>have gf
>secretly i smoke weed
>i start being less interested in her
>she notices it
>i stopped smoking weed
>she still isn't happy with me cause im a jerk
>tell her that its because i smoked weed
>she doesn't believe me
>win? should i start smoking again?
Well that relationship sounds kinda shitty already. I mean first and foremost you both clearly have contesting opinions on weed. You need to reach a compromise: stop smoking, convince her to accept that it is a small part of your life that you enjoy and that it isn't going to affect the relationship(well shit ya done fucked that one up), I don't know. But it definitely sounds like a big issue for you guys. Also, maybe spend some time thinking about why you think you are truly less interested in her. Do you really think it is just because of weed? And why would weed do that, anyway? Lower testosterone resulting in a lower sex drive? So you do only find interest in her in a sexual context? Or is there something bigger that is causing you to lose interest in her. Are you using weed as a cover up for some deeper issue in your connection with your gf?
Some things to think about
>pleasure, no kids
Good, good. Let the Judaism flow through you.
is that what runescape looks like now?
That's bin weevils dude
What a fucking incel and sperglord you are, my lad. I have a cute, sexy, loving wife who cares for me and wants me to be happy. You maybe would meet a lovely girl such as her if you werent such a waste of atoms as you are.
my brother died and i guess thats something that i was using weed as a bandage for, idk man.
i do care about her and im willing to stop smoking weed for her. And yes i do believe that smoking weed makes me lose interest in her. Weed makes me super passive and then i'll just stop caring about everything, including her.
we were smoking together back in the days but she stopped and i secretly continued which is kinda gay tbh
Here, here ! I'd fuck a big fleshlight full of bud if i could.
I'm high af from sative oil concentrate and im about to start jacking it so I think i'll hold off on getting a gf for abit longer
But weed can't suck your dick, bro.... you're missing a large piece of this puzzle
I'm really sorry to hear about your brother. I have a brother and nobody in the entire world understands me like he does. I can't imagine the pain have gone/are going through.
If you are using weed as a bandage for that, and it makes you stop caring about everything, it sounds like it is having its desired effect, aside from being all encompassing rather than just helping you through the pain of your brother's loss.
How do you feel about her trying to make you stop smoking? Is it just because you told her it is the cause for you not being as interested, or is she just generally not cool with it? I just want to say that just because she changed her values (smoking weed -> not being cool with weed) doesn't mean she has the right to force her new value system onto you.
From what I can tell, you sound pretty young, and I just want to reiterate that you are in control of your own life. You don't need weed, and you don't need a girl that you may not be interested in. I know I'm reaching here, and I apologize in advance for any offense, but it is possible you guys aren't a super good match, but you don't want to admit to yourself you don't want to be with her / truly lost interest because you are emotionally dependent on her; you currently have her, and it's possible that your brother's death made you more dependent on someone who may not be "the one" for you. I'm going way out there right now so once again I apologize for anything I said that isn't the case, and again I'm sorry for your loss.
I’ve tried weed and I don’t think that.
It also helps to not be a huge faggot.
Also why doesn’t he have dreads? And he should be holding two bongs and a doobie
Might as well have said "garbage > garbage that talks a lot"
>not being a full blown functioning alchaholic adult like everyone else
When will you grow up, user? Arent you tired of failing drug tests.
Lol what weed were you trying? Was it Thai smurf strain kush? Or probably some Colombian wakka wakka mobius spliff LAWL!!
weed can't suck my dick
Obviously you haven’t gotten high enough you casual
neither can your hand
I'm smoking weed with my woman right now, and bragging about it on Yea Forums apparently.
Do I win the "be a faggot like OP" contest?
I get really thick delusions if I'm in any environment the cops have a .1 percent chance of showing up at and I'm feeling uneasy, it's only auditory and only if I'm very uncomfortable while smoking so I'm not even afraid of it because even though I'll hear the voices of friends talking to cops clearly sometimes I can logically overpower it
If your own voice is out of control just logically deduce during that that you are high and everythings peachy
You win the “lying on the Internet” award
>you now read this in your own voice
you saying all those things are making me see more clearly and i am not offended at all
i know that im in control of my own life and i could make it on my own, but right now im still studying and her being on my side is a positive thing. so i really dont want to break up but at the same time we're arguing about stupid shit and sometimes shes honestly getting on my nerves but then i think "is there a realtionship where couples dont argue?"
i can live without weed and right now i dont even want to smoke because exersicing makes me feel better than thc does
but thank you Yea Forumsro for your replies, i really appreciate it
much love
Weed is pretty boring man, I think it’s a bit You are in a coma. We are trying to get through to you with this message. We are not sure how it will reach you but we love you and care about you and want you to come back to us.
No problem friend. All couples argue about stupid shit from time to time, trust me. It's more about like, on any given day, what is the ratio of toxicity to genuine 2-way love? It sounds like weed isn't that big a part of your life, and yeah exercise is definitely a much better option! The only advice I'd really give here is just to keep tabs on the whole "changing your life/habits to fit her current ideal" thing, because it can be really subtle, but in time it can amount to something that is somewhat destructive to your sense of self-appreciation. I only say this because I've gone through an extremely similar weed-related dynamic in relationship in my past. Just make sure she is always respecting you and your autonomy!
it sounds like you have a pretty good head on your shoulders, honestly I'm sure you will be able to make your life the best it can be.
i wish the best for you b/ro and thank for the advices and insights
I am a weed smoker for 6 years and I can confirm that op is a faggot
Marijuana is becoming weaponized by the military , have you noticed it zaps all you're energy now ?