Yang Gang 2020, What does /B think
$1000 per month for EVERYONE
Yang Gang 2020, What does /B think
$1000 per month for EVERYONE
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Mr. Yang
Controversial platform pulls him from the shadows. Let's see if he can do anything with the momentum. He's not going to win but if he is taken seriously by the media it will be a huge win for him in the future.
Yeah, even if he doesn't win, it would be good for his ideas to be heard by all politicians.
He as good solutions for maximizing automation, and becoming efficient with automation.
>He's not going to win
Yeah, i thought that about Trump too, but we all see what happened.
Tru, if it happens again I am just going to forget everything I learned about reality.
It's going to be a tough road ahead since Trump tried to bring back "clean coal" jobs back two years ago.
If he did that it would be the first time a president actually changed anything for the general public
>If he did that it would be the first time a president actually changed anything for the general public
They all say they're going to change stuff. Some dont even try, and even if they do try...a lot gets blocked by house/senate....
Saying shit is the easy part.
why should i care, other than neetbux?
Lol silly newfriend. The govt is wool in front of your eyes. Potus/senate/congress etc. dont do shit. World is run by money kiddo dont matter one single bit who the figurehead is
I thought youd all finally realize this once trump got elected but your dumb asses took that to mean lolitics is 100% real and important for some reason.
>2006 woke
>potus is a lie world run by gbe college of corporations
>2019 woke
>fucking libruls ruinin mah cuntry orange man good brown people bad memes memes memes
They still do stuff that affects us. Yeah, i agree money pulls most of the strings
>why should i care, other than neetbux?
Name one thing thats changed for you irl
Ive lived through 5 of these faggots now not one single thing is different in my daily life
Obamacare changed for me. I lived over seas, but was forced to by insurance or pay a fine...that finaly got fixed by the IRS years later
So you didnt have to do shit and all that happened was someone called you a couple times? Im not sure that counts user
>Name one thing thats changed for you irl
>Ive lived through 5 of these faggots now not one single thing is different in my daily life
Bill Clinton made it to where i couldn't buy newly made hand gun magazines that held more than 10 rounds
>Name one thing thats changed for you irl
>Ive lived through 5 of these faggots now not one single thing is different in my daily life
Hillary Clintons started that shit in NY where we couldnt smoke in doors...or in many places, that is wide spread now
>So you didnt have to do shit and all that happened was someone called you a couple times? Im not sure that counts user
What do you mean called me a couple times. I was forced to pay thousands per year as a penalty to the IRS if i opted out of having health insurance
>Name one thing thats changed for you irl
Go try to find a modern Small Ford Ranger or Toyota truck.....politicians changed rules based upon fuel consumption and wheel base that makes it hard to be profitable to still these types of vehicles
>Name one thing thats changed for you irl
1. Im now forced to buy certain type of car seats for kids.
2. When i was a kid i could ride in the back of a truck, now i cant
Got me there.
That wasnt hillary also how the fuck do you place importance on everybody just letting you stink up anywhere you feel like
Thats like getting mad at someone that doesnt want to breathe your farts all day
>finally got fixed by the IRS years later
So some number in your statements changed a couple times and you got real upset at the phone calls im still not seeing it here
This seems pretty fucking nitpicky man there are used vehicles all over this country and fucking good riddance, auto industry is a god damned scam anyways
You arent forced to do shit and i see people riding in truck beds bi fucking weekly
>Name one thing thats changed for you irl
The use of Marijuana being allowed/not allowed
Stste level changes that have fuckall to do with the potus arent what im looking for here. I could give you plenty of local penal bullshit that changes monthly im sure but it would have fuckall to do with this
> Voting for a chink
Yea Forums has been invaded by Dems. Sickening
>how the fuck do you place importance on everybody just letting you stink up anywhere you feel like
>Thats like getting mad at someone that doesn't want to breathe your farts all day
Wasn't debating if one should or should not be able to smoke in certain locations. You asked what has changed IRL....that has changed.
>So some number in your statements changed a couple times and you got real upset at the phone calls im still not seeing it here
There were no phone calls, not sure why you keep bringing that up. I was forced to pay around 700 dollar fine (per person) for deciding not to purchase health care .. which i didnt need because i was living outside the US
>This seems pretty fucking nitpicky man there are used vehicles all over this country and fucking good riddance, auto industry is a god damned scam anyways
Scam or no scam - i still want a vehicle. Its not nitpicky to me, i dont want a 10 year old small truck that i have to fix/repair. Not nitpicky to the manufacturers.
>Stste level changes that have fuckall to do with the potus arent what im looking for here. I could give you plenty of local penal bullshit that changes monthly
Your post was in response to Marijuana. Marijuana's prohibition was/is Federal law
Sounds like a fucking waste of my tax money considering i pull in 1000 a week anyway.
>>Name one thing thats changed for you irl
Blacks and women having the right to vote
Smokes didnt change based on the president dude. If you paid money to the state and then got it back later nothing happened. The president also didnt make it impossible for you to do the legwork for your own fucking vehicles. I drive a 76 i know plenty about hard to find car crap, and personal shit aside, still has nothing to do with the president.
>Sounds like a fucking waste of my tax money considering i pull in 1000 a week anyway
So that makes roughly 4000 per month for you...Under Yang you'd have 5K
If he makes it 10,000,000 a month then he has a deal. I can;t wait to be rich.
You were alivewhen they outlawed pot federally?
Nother old ass user here but ill give you that one too
free shit!
Discord trannies on b. Sad!
>Smokes didnt change based on the president dude. If you paid money to the state and then got it back later nothing happened.
President Bill Clinton issued Executive Order 13058, banning smoking in all interior spaces owned, rented, or leased by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, as well as in any outdoor areas under executive branch control near air intake ducts
>The president also didnt make it impossible for you to do the legwork for your own fucking vehicles. I drive a 76 i know plenty about hard to find car crap, and personal shit aside, still has nothing to do with the president.
Never said they made it impossible for me to do leg work, they adjusted many of the federal regulations for vehicle manufacturing that HAVE effected me IRL.
> (You)
>You were alivewhen they outlawed pot federally?
I was not, but it still affects me IRL
I will give you $1,000/month if you vote for me.
>>Name one thing thats changed for you irl
The war in Afgan/Iraq
>I will give you $1,000/month if you vote for me.
Do you send bitcoin?
First off ill give it to you in the case that you are federally employed.
The local bars in my podunk hometown all stopped letting people smoke because bill clinton banned smoking in or around federal buildings... Nope. They stopped letting people smoke because local citizens passed local laws through local government. You are sure swinging, missing every time but damned if you arent trying.
You should go back to school and ask them to teach you how to read again.
>>So you didnt have to do shit and all that happened was someone called you a couple times? Im not sure that counts user
>What do you mean called me a couple times. I was forced to pay thousands per year as a penalty to the IRS if i opted out of having health insurance
Crickets???? Or do you give me this one too
If you werent drafted to fight then fuck right off. Also if youre a fucking afghani sandnigger child raping goat fellating mudslime piece of tribal shit you can fuck right off.
Someone explain to me how his 1k a month solves anything. We assume that the 1k is aimed at lower income, so that means people most likely to get there jobs automated. So it becomes more for welfare. Following that it doesn't change or help them acquire higher paying jobs.
And before the "well itll create more consumer buying power which will make jobs!" Except the things usually bought with that smaller amount of money will be automated. So even if demand goes up, that just means more automated factories,. New job creation will benefit the educated.
Also if you give 1k to everyone, every business knows this and can actually charge more. This also increases inflation broadly because that makes money worthless as they dump it into circulation. If its gonna come from the rich or from businesses, they'll move out of country if they're big enough (cause no business is going to hand someone 1k for free so that they might spend it at a competitor). Also 1k becomes the new zero over time meaning that for it to be sustained, we would have to perpetually increase that number. It's a self defeating system. This doesn't even include people who will game the system and drop productivity at the lower levels of income, stagnating the situation more.
Yeah, UBI sounds great on paper, but in practice it would destroy a country's economy no matter what you do. I'll give him props though for at least trying to find solution.
Its all balanced on the head of a pin right lmfao user got dayum
>You should go back to school and ask them to teach you how to read again.
No thinks, it affects me in real life, and the president influences Marijuana laws. For example, the president has decided NOT to send federal authorities to states like Canada, Colorado to shut down the Marijuana shops..even though the fed definitely could do. So yes, this changed for me IRL
My nigga, its time to stop posting. You are starting to sound absolutely fucking retarded.
>If you werent drafted to fight then fuck right off. Also if youre a fucking afghani sandnigger child raping goat fellating mudslime piece of tribal shit you can fuck right off.
It still changed things for me IRL, if drafted or not. It changed our economy, it changed where our tax money went, it changed the arab imigrants that settle in michigan, and all over the world.
Yeah but 1000 a month tho
Its in pennies.
>First off ill give it to you in the case that you are federally employed.
>The local bars in my podunk hometown all stopped letting people smoke because bill clinton banned smoking in or around federal buildings... Nope. They stopped letting people smoke because local citizens passed local laws through local government. You are sure swinging, missing every time but damned if you arent trying.
The president doing this influenced state laws, and pressured them to make changes against smoking. This changed for me IRL. Also that was just one example by by bill clinton...theres more, but you can do your own homework
It dodnt change shit for you, if you didnt have the internet or cable tv you never would have noticed.
Not sure what your post means, you didnt type anything. Health care under the affordable care act, or Obama care, changed shit for me IRL
Get a grip my man you are wrong as hell and jaded to boot. Its never too late to change your shit ways
>My nigga, its time to stop posting. You are starting to sound absolutely fucking retarded.
Naw, your just jelly cuz u getting examples of things that have changed for me IRL
>Its in pennies.
I'll take it
Yeah that 1000 / month would be legit!
Ere ya go man have fun with this you sure waited for me to spoonfeed it to you
>If you paid money to the state and then got it back later nothing happened.
Canada isnt a state shit for brains
>It dodnt change shit for you, if you didnt have the internet or cable tv you never would have noticed.
It definitely changed things for me, because i worked for a company at the time that made defense products for the government. WE got a shit load of $$, it was awesome.
All you have to do is buy a storage unit so we know thst you have the means to store your free 1000 pennies a month
>Get a grip my man you are wrong as hell and jaded to boot. Its never too late to change your shit ways
Just answering an user who wanted to know what things changed for me IRL is all.
Mail me a hi point
and who is providing this $1000 per month you braindead socialist moron?
"If im wich like wich people then i would be wich!" Amazing what lazy fags think would happen.
1000 a month bro
>it would be good for his ideas to be heard by all politicians
yeah,we've heard socialism before.we dont need some gook telling us about a failed ideology
Not sure what this post means.
I will say again. Obama care changed shit for me, i had to pay nearly 700 dollars per person in my family as a penalty every year, because I didnt want to buy health insurance. I dint need health insurance because i was living abroad at the time. This was a BIG change for me IRL
If we give everyone 1000 a month then everyone will have enough to give 1000 a month you fucking idiot learn to math
thats less than the mothly amount section 8 gives nigegrs in new yorka month
>Canada isnt a state shit for brains
You are right, Canada isn't a state, don't know why you would think it was.
what is this give? im sorry libtard,but earn your own money.you aint getting shit from me
>All you have to do is buy a storage unit so we know thst you have the means to store your free 1000 pennies a month
Im gonna live penny to penny, spend them as they come in.
$300 billion a month. That's the cost.
Where we getting this dosh?
also,your the idiot.have fun with your chink socialist when the people who are gonna provide your 1000 dollars a month dont want to stick around and watch another country turn to shit because of you morons wanted socialism
I don't need any shit from you because I get 1000 a month and so do you
>Mail me a hi point
nice ad hom
Yang and his troll farms
fuck off paid shills
>and who is providing this $1000 per month you braindead socialist moron?
It would be in the form of VAT value added tax...some countries already do it.
>1000 a month bro
Yeah, he offers a lot more than just 1000/ month, he did a good podcast with the breakfast club, and on joe rogan if you want to know more about him
You can thank trump for ditching the mandate
>If we give everyone 1000 a month then everyone will have enough to give 1000 a month you fucking idiot learn to mat
It would be a VAT
>thats less than the mothly amount section 8 gives nigegrs in new yorka month
So at least we'd all be getting it, since they're getting it
You don't get $1000 if you are already on welfare. Taxes are going to go up a minimum of 10% to pay for this. So all the niggers on welfare are going to go ape shit when white privileged white boys get free money and all they get are higher taxes. If you think racial tensions are bad now just wait.
yeah but 1000 a month though
>what is this give? im sorry libtard,but earn your own money.you aint getting shit from me
Wouldn't come directly out of your pocket...it would come from a VAT or also tax on automation...make the robots work, and we get a dividend from their work
>$300 billion a month. That's the cost.
>Where we getting this dosh?
Where did the 300 billion per month come from?
The cash would come from a corporate VAT
>You can thank trump for ditching the mandate
Yes, that was awesome, and yet another example that POTUS changed something for me.
The IRS also changed some stuff years later that helped people not have to buy USA obamacare if they lived abroad
>Taxes are going to go up a minimum of 10% to pay for this.
Just a VAT to some corporations such as Amazon that already are paying 0 in federal tax. Other countries already use corporate VAT at 20%
okay but 1000 a month
> (You)
>Name one thing thats changed for you irl
Where'd you go. I wasn't done naming all the stuff that changed for me IRL.
>okay but 1000 a month
Hell yeah!
>okay but 1000 a month
Go to bed Gary
>Name one thing thats changed for you irl
> (You)
>Name one thing thats changed for you irl
LOL....he tucked his tail and ran
1000 a month.
I think it's a great idea and we should definitely try it.
Unfortunately, we have greedy idiots running the gooberment and they vote against anything that makes sense.
I agree wit cha annon. But hopefully his ideas will get out there and start to get people thinking.
Where does the money come from?
Is it just gonna be a freshly printed $1000 bill every month
>LOL, user asks whats changed,
>OP lists multiple things that have changed.
>user rage quits Yea Forums.
>Where does the money come from?
>Is it just gonna be a freshly printed $1000 bill every month
It will come from a 10% VAT. A lot of other counties are structured to use a 20% VAT to raise funds.
It will also come from a complete dismantling of all other social programs. Just pure cash to everyone.
>It will also come from a complete dismantling of all other social programs. Just pure cash to everyone.
That is a component that will reduce the additional amount of funds that would be required to give the 1000 / month to everyone
So you're just gonna end up spending that nice 1000 dollars a month on higher VATs.....
>It will also come from a complete dismantling of all other social programs. Just pure cash to everyone.
;) Thanks user..good to see someone else in this thread is aware of some of Yangs policies.
>So you're just gonna end up spending that nice 1000 dollars a month on higher VATs.....
Depends what you spend it on. VAT isn't imposed on all things.
>>So you're just gonna end up spending that nice 1000 dollars a month on higher VATs.....
>Depends what you spend it on. VAT isn't imposed on all things.
The VAT will be mostly used on things that involve automation, and perhaps large corporations that utilize automation. In a way, it would be like taxing the robots that replaced the people (Whereas before the peopele were replaced, they were taxed). Now the people dont exist where the robots exist, so tax the robots to raise the funds
the vast majority of americans are going need basic income after these two dimwits get their say on the fiscal policy of the US
But that 1000 tho