What ended your last relationship Yea Forums?
What ended your last relationship Yea Forums?
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a few factors....
I needed to grow up.
She wasn't happy and was unwilling to do anything about it.
I'm sure there were a few others, but those were the main factors.
I liked someone else better. I envited both to my Halloween party amd ended the night giving my girls to my best friend amd sleeping with my now wife
Invited. My bad
She put a restraining order on me after I killed her dog
What is the point of lying on an anonymous image board? Pathetic beta virgin roleplaying as Chad
She is a bipolar exporn star. I decided to ask her to marry me. She took that as clingy.
me being a loser
"Invited" is far from the only grammatical error in your post...
She was a fat 13 year old girl.
Wife of ten years fucked a handyman I hired to redo the basement floors.
Ended?? It never started...
I was a dumb piece of shit who didn’t realize what an amazing wife I had and how wonderful my kids were
You got me
She was a big trip so I blocked her
She was a bipolar alcoholic pill-popping whore. Despite our three kids, I couldn't put up with her shit anymore.
After 3yrs she went back to her abusive (in every aspect) husband.
However,4yrs on,she still messages me on how she misses me every day and thinks of me every day.
Girls are strange....
Taylor Swift's pussy stinks
My lack of care.
For my birthday, my girlfriend got me a heaping helping of another guys dick inside of her.
my inability to love myself.
I demanded all her love. I demanded her to fill my void, to care for me, to always be there for me, to do this and that. I would grow upset when she didn't want sex. I would grow upset when she didn't want to cuddle.
I was a child, and a burden. I needed to grow up.
my commitment issues
>now 6 months later
>seeing a girl who wants nothing
>both us working on our masters in a lucrative field
>both aware once we are done with school our careers may take us in separate places across the country if not the world
>neither us want a spouse or to grow old with one another
>both of us are content just chilling with one another and fucking
>I'm now 1000% happier than I was in the entire 3 years of my last relationship with not having a girl begging me to marry her every 2 seconds
Your woman cheated on you your birthday?
She cheated on me with two guys. Nearly killed myself.
Yeah. I was working all day but the plan was shed come to my house at 6pm that evening to hang out and have dinner with me.
She didn't show up until 10:30, and didn't answer her phone. I was worried, and she told me her phone went flat and she got caught up etc etc. Whatever.
Later that night she was asleep and she got a message from my then best friend, popped up on her phone. I have never in my life ever picked up someone else's phone and opened it, but I just had a bad feeling.
He basically said "I feel sick, we can't ever do that again". So I woke her, confronted her and that was that.
This was in 2015, pretty shitty birthday overall.
Felt smothered. Do not want wife, kid, house, nor any part of the suburban dream. She felt the same but suddenly changed, so I walked.
...we got married.
Crazy chick who rarely wanted to have sex, but checked her phone and she was on her way to another guy's bed. Moved out 2 weeks later
No gf for a year now and Im happiest person ever.
Fuck man I am so sorry that happened to you
I did. No regrets.
I'm bad in bed and have a slightly below average penis. She was bored of the sex and ended it because of that.
Her bipolarity/behaviour.
Fuck mentally ill whores.
Did you at least get a discount on the floors? How do they look?
>be me 3 years ago
>chick I knew, gamurgurl, cosplay, fun stuff
>started going out
>good times, complete slut
>lazy, slept a lot, didnt wanna do anything, ignored it
>2 year relationship
>last 5 months of relationship, she wants to be twitchwhore
>"go for it, no being a slut"
>kept saying she would buy me a lamborghini "when she got rich from twitch streaming"
>lulld in head, supported her dreams regardless
>asked her if she wanted to do anything else to fallback on
>she wanted to be a phlebotomist/work in hospital
>cool, go get it. it wont fall in your lap
>tried supporting her, whatever
>one night, over her house
>looked on her laptop
>flirting with guys on discord, showing her ass
>lol nah Im good.
>stole bottle of xanax
>stole half her vidyas
>told her she would never see me again
>blocked her on all things electronic
>went to apply at learning hospital (have creds for it)
>demanded taught phlebotomy for unit I was hired on
so I made out with everything she wanted, but couldnt get. plus more.
I checked her stream not long ago. 4 viewers.
nice lambo for the new bf, bitch.
I hope you dropped them both immediately and permanently. Get a new woman, user! You deserve it.
i told him about myself
Fuck mentally ill anybody. Their problems will quickly become your problems.
College and distance. She wanted to go out of state, I didn't want to move. She suggested long distance. I told her we're both in our 20s, and that would be a bad idea for several reasons.
a second hand
distance so i had to drive 160 miles one direction to see her every weekend.
i didnt want to move. she didnt want either.
we did everything together at weekends so there was almost no space for hobbies or meeting friends.
she got diagnosed with epilepsy and had to take strong medication, so it was almost impossible to get her to go out and be active - even a walk in the park needed an argument.
she claims we are not active enough and everything got boring.
she wanted to brake up.
this was two years ago.
Psychedelics. I wanted to trip 5 grams of shrooms and she didnt want me to and she was gonna break up with me if it did it. I told her to suck my dick again and ate it while on facetime with her
Female hypergamy
>bipolar exporn star
>ask her to marry me
You're not clingy. You're just incredibly retarded
Mental disorders are common. Worldwide, more than one in three people in most countries report sufficient criteria for at least one at some point in their life.[108] In the United States, 46% qualify for a mental illness at some point.[109]
you are most likely one of those affected that are too retarded to even realize it and seek help, considering what a tryhard faggot you are while posting on this board out of all places
Top kek
She died. Car wreck. Was 8 years ago, haven't been able to move on.
Sorry user.
I was fucked up and insecure
Now that I no longer am, I'm also no longer willing to be in relationships. Not a coincidence, I think
She started getting kinkier in bed, which was fine, but kept bringing up the idea of a threesome. I thought she was joking the first time but then she showed me articles of how threesomes and swapping were actually healthy for a relationship. I ended it not long after, it was clear she wanted other dick.
Jeezus Christ user I didn’t come here to feel but it hurts me to hear that happened to you, I’m sorry
basically I dont even know. Everything went good. She started to get less involved all of the sudden with the explanation it went too fast for her and she panicked but Its not me its her. You know the usual bullcrap. I still dont know why because I dont believe that was the cause.
Have you a trove of old nudes that you might dump?
She cheated on me by spending the night in another country with a local nigger. She begs me to reunite our family now. Im planning on having the dirtiest sex as possible a couple of times and then dropping her permanently.
>Their problems will quickly become your problems.
Are you so weak and malleable, so vulnerable as to be victimized even unintentionally?
Veiled suicide thread?
lol stfu
That's fucking hilarious user
I really don't care about stats for mental illness. All I care about is avoiding those so afflicted. Go hug your service dog...
you won't be able to move on, however you can learn how to live with it. I had two relationships since then, none of them worked; now I'm alone with my kid, and try to arrange my daily shit.
Distance. We met at 16, and at 18 I moved back to my home town. She didn’t mind the distance, but I know she wanted to be together. She suggested opening the relationship, (we 19 at this point now) and it messed with my head cause she was talking about wanting to fuck other men, and that I could fuck other women. At first I was stuck on yes or no, the wanted an answer cause she was going out of her state to party for a vacation, and planned to fuck other guys. I told her no and she said ok. Claims nothing happened but I have my doubts. Maybe 2 months after that I told her one day through text we should break up. She took it good at first and then blew up, “it’s like you waited until I got back to (hometown) so that I can be just as lonely as you and get no dick”. Not to mention all the money I sent her, laptop I bought, wigs I bought her, because I genuinely wanted too. Meanwhile I was plotting ahead to loose her and already met a few women. But she doesn’t need to know that. I could have pointed out that she made it about sex and that she never really loved me but I decided she wasn’t worth my time. 2 days before that I was already on a date with my current gf, making out and shit, and just the same night of the break up I was fucking my new gf, while my ex was blowing my phone up “wyd, why won’t you respond”
Did I do wrong Yea Forums? I still love her
I don't think I can. I'm gonna feel this way for the rest of my life. Surprised I made it this far.
edgy, did one of your voices in your head tell you to go out hurting me by being a meany?
Found out my now ex girlfriend with a furry didn’t last very long after that
i cheated on her
no regrets
made my day
A meany? We're done here.
Look at you demonstrating distinctly antisocial and sociopathic behavior
You almost sound menta...no...no, couldn't be...
I got her cousin pregnant
sorry i hurt your feelings, schizo
Kek now this I gotta hear
It depends on what you mean by "moving on". You'll surely find your peace brother, we all deserve it. And putting your feelings in an another context will help you facing them. eg. I wasn't able to cry for about 10 years, now I know that it's a useful skill.
My arrest. She became a 'victim'.
No, I simply don't want all the problems that nuts will invariably cause. Why would anyone want that? Why complicate my life with a mentally defective creature?
She cheated on me. I suspected she was cucking me but she kept denying it. Eventually found proof on her phone.
Actually turned out to be the best thing that ever happened. I was sad, but ended up meeting the girl who is now my wife. We've been together for 10 years now and have a wonderful daughter together. I've never been happier. Looking back I now realize that I didn't really love my ex, I just didn't want to be alone. I want to go back to my past self and shake him and ask him why he even put up with that relationship that long. If she hadn't cheated on me, I may have ended up miserable with her. I truly thank my ex for being a whore.
I mean, I just feel numb.I function, but anything about relationships and I just shut down.
We used to work together-- I was her boss. We'd hook up but obviously never could make it a thing while I was her boss. Eventually left my job and we started dating more officially and just saw the ugly sides of each other. Now she's fucking another one our coworkers.
She made new friends and began to hangout with them and ignore me. When I called her out she basically said that they replaced me. 3 years down the drain.
I now feel so insignificant and disposable. It has been a few months now and I don't know how to cope
yes, why would you? why not just kys?
Pictures of her in wigs now!
Had been hooking up with this girl and texting her.
One day I accidentally sent a dirty text to my gf out of nowhere and with no context and she was smart enough to put 2 and 2 together.
Ended up confessing to everything and she left me. Haven't talked to her in over 6 months.
I haven't regretted much in my life up until this point, but this is going to haunt me forever. Still have a strong love for her, but I know she is gone forever.
>Met her cousin at a family party of theirs
>hit it off and became good friends
>bumped into each other at a coworker's party
>got drunk together and had sex in coworker's guest bed room
>girlfriend tells me her cousin got pregnant by some guy at a party
>ended up leaving her before she could find out it was me
>strike a deal with her cousin to me being the father a secret and now i visit my kid and help pay for stuff
Here we are, 5 years later and my daughter just started kindergarten and the cousin and I have more or less become a couple since my ex moved a few states away for her job
I was/am poor, she was depressed, selfish and deceptive in her words, she wanted a normie life, children mortgage, I wanted to chill the fuck with no stress and enjoy life.
We were still friends for a long time after.
Irony here is that she just got reggo on purpose, dumped the guy before the baby was born, started her own floristry business which went bust in a year and she went bankrupt. So, single mother, no mortgage at least for 10 years.
Where im in a decent place financially, would have got a mortgage with her and would have been a great father and husband to her for life.
It's pretty sad really, she was my 10/10 physically, though her character was pretty shit, she was bland, no passion just watch TV, favorite music, movies and books were what was new in modern popularity.
Such a bore.
I’m happily married now but my last actual relationship before my current one was when I was 16/17. I dated a handful of women and got cheated on every time. So I basically stopped dating. Had a brief love interest when I joined the military but predictably she cheated while I was in boot camp. That one hurt especially because she didn’t even wait 3 full days before she had another cock inside her.
So I stopped dating entirely and fucked strippers/hookers and bar sluts at every place I was stationed.
After I get out I was ready to settle down and met my current wife.
Did I hit a nerve, nut?
general summary is me being an alcoholic.
she was a good girl but she ended up getting knocked up and now is a single mom so there's no going back to that one.
eventually I did met someone else I liked better. my advice is work on your self first.
She got tired of dealing with me when my depression hit hard. Don't blame her.
she was cheating on me. mentally abused me for a few months prior to me finding out, making me seem terrible for even fathoming the thought that she would cheat on me. i, being the gullible idiot that i am, ended up trusting her to an extent, but found out a little less than a month ago that my fears were right after picking up her phone.
our relationship wasn't terrible. i was a good person to her and she was a very good person to me. it just sucks hearing that somebody else understands her and takes care of her better than you do, after only a couple of months vs years worth of a relationship.
fuck women, man.
My boyfriend had no understanding of the mental problems I have whatsoever, and I was really struggling with them at that time. All he did was make me worse, despite it being unintentional. So, I broke up with him, because I didn't want him to have to deal with me and my problems.
Another pussy got me good. Pic related.
>mentally ill screeching intensifies
again, why don't you go kys, schizo?
She was forced too since I didn't believe in God, i sorta distance myself from everyone. but I found out you dont need to have someone to make you happy. you can be happy on your own terms. I don't understand why people believe that relationships will make you happy. it traps you down and nothing Is really fun anymore.
I hope you jimmied up and rammed her ass before kicking her out your house.
On a bright side your "friend" did you a favour of exposing the sloot before shit got too deep. You dodged a bullet user.
You have antisocial tendencies at best. May well be an outright sociopath. You also demonstrate signs of a significant phobia. I wonder what other disorders accompany those ones?
You sound pretty fucked up. Probably should have dashed you as an infant. It sounds like you're not worth dealing with
Guy constantly kept saying he was a "borderline pedophile" and for a while I thought he was just joking, but he did said shit like that so much that it started to creep me out. In the last few weeks we were together the guy just started talking about how he didn't like Mexicans. I was already fed up with other shit he had done and said so I just decided to let that be the final straw. After I actually told him I was done, he accused me of cheating on him. I never cheated on him but I had suspicions for a while that he was cheating on me, but never had solid proof so I never said anything about it.
i cheated on her with like 20 people over the course of 3 years and got bored of her
My anxiety and dependency, tied with her lies and immaturity. Can't help a person who constantly runs away from their feelings.
Human beings are social creatures. If you think you don't need relationships to be happy you are either
A) Lying to yourself and us or
B) In need of serious mental help.
Am boring, weird, ugly, Low Self-esteem, and dying for cerebral stuff, and she's antisemitic, racist, and paranoid
I Didn't care much for the truth
Why would I kill myself? Unlike yourself I rather enjoy reality. No voices in my head, no monsters under my bed.
>constantly kept saying he was a "borderline pedophile"
>I thought he was just joking
Maybe I am, I havent really talked to anyone since October since I left school. rather than that. it's just been that. all I do now is go on Yea Forums or listen to music.
I know that feeling well. And cannot give any good advice. I decided that I don't want to live the rest of my life like this, however I don't have the solution yet.
yeah, i was very stupit back then
just ended mine today, wasnt ready for long term and jealousy on her part about certain things , feeling sad Yea Forums
Only thing keeping me going is knowing she'd hate it if I killed myself, tbh.
Finding out she had been cheating on me for three months.
Complicated. Say some unforgivable things one night. Said we were never what I thought we were. And to add insult to injury says I got your text but I'm not gonna read them ;). So I'm like ok well fuck this she broke it off basically in my mind. I knew her friend was into me and she didn't like that I stayed loyal to her regardless so went out with her friend a few times and we had sex. I knew her friend was gonna spill it to her. But when she found out it backfired because theh both hate me now. But I refuse to go back to her anyway because she wants to say I'm not loyal I'm the victim. I was messed up I don't remember what I said that night but I'm sorry. I said not good enough. You know what you said. I told her what she said she keeps denying it but I'm like look it's in out text. You pretty much broke it off with me plan and simply so yeah I did it to get you mad but it was fair play. I don't really like your friend yeah she was good to me but she is such a snitch and I could never trust her no matter how much she was trying to get with me. And things have been awkward since. I really don't think we will see each other ever again unfortunately. But you know during the process she kind of acted like nothing happened and maybe I should of talked to her then but I was so made and kind of heart broken I just wanted to hurt her at the moment. But it was fair play and if she can't come to me and say listen I said this. This way fault. It was fair play. I want to be with you then I guess we are done period because now it became awkward. Not to mention I looked past she has 2 kids and 1 she. Never sees because the guy has full custody. But whatever. She needs to learn to stand by her man and don't say this shit. Because it hurt me a lot.
once if you'll have a bit of time, there's a gameplay vid of bts. the part when the girl is with the homeless folks.. will help you to release some feelings. tbh I cried like a bitch, but totally worth it. Not a big deal, but I learned that I can feel something/anything.
Is it antisocial to avoid people that will cause myriad problems and make my life miserable? Why would I want that?
had a girl once break up with me because I didn't believe in god. That religious shit is crazy yo. She thought she could deal with me not being religious but near the end jesus spoke to her telling her I was a sinning heathen.
Funny story from that bitch tho
>driving out to her folks place 3 hours deep into the country
>we get a talking about abortion
>ask her if she atleast believes in it if it was a rape
>she says all children are blessing
>u wot.jpeg
>Kinda shocked and kept silent for a moment
>she then asked if I wanted S to die
>S is her little niece, kinda of cute little girl
>S loved me when we came to visit
>kind of annoying because the kid would just want to play with me the entire time
>gf then tells me S was a product of rape
>I WTF super hard but keep it inside to avoid any awkward fighting
>from then on I refused to play with the kid during holidays or family functions
>literally when ever the kid entered the room all I could hear in my head was the shouting of "RAPE BABY RAPE BABY"
>literally freaked me out so much
>could never look at the kid the same
>glad that the relationship is over because there is no way I could be in that kids life for much longer knowing it's past
We decided we were two completely different people and had nothing in common. The relationship only started because I made her laugh a lot and physical attraction, but besides that there was nothing.
What's the vid?
With who?
Worst post itt so far, I hope you're drunk as hell to be so tediously rambling about shit no one will ever care about or fully read
Well yeah bro honestly it's very hard for me to find a girl I'm into and very hard to get out there because of my social anxiety. What can I say the last 2 girls just clicked and everything just flowed nicely. I just feel like. After all the girls in my life I maybe said I loved 1 I could of said 2 but 1 I think was bc first love so kind of not sure on that one but the last one i did. And how she is acting and treating me now. I may look into other options. If there is a trap that looks a lot like a woman I may just try into @nataleeskye Instagram. Someone like that. Become I'm kind of fed up with women. And I don't like all the double standards and gender roles. Ita all bullshit to me.
beyond two souls, I guess still on yt, quite long and sometimes boring, but that part I mentioned.. so it worked for me after 10 years of feeling nothing
She got tired of being the other women. She knew I was married, but after several months she was no longer comfortable with it.
Some guy, a friend of one of my friends at the time, that's how I found it. She had told him we had broken up, she just forgot to tell me.
Her Borderline Personality Disorder.
Girls are animals and aren't to be trusted.
>date a virgin
>find out she's very kinky, I'm her first for everything
>swing (couple swap) and have MFF threesomes a few times
>She cheats on me and promises not to do it again
>forgive her
>marry her and close relationship
>she cheats on me again
>i divorced her and find a deprived cougar who was a beard for a fag
>best relationship and sex ever
mehgans law
dang so man. was she cute?
been dating a co worker last 12 months
found out month ago she had been cheating on me with a fellow co worker
fucking sucks
Who are you even talking to?
how did that happen? greentext?
That's extremely hard to deal with. Most people with certain personality disorders hard to take care of themselves and have psychotic episodes. I don't know what would happen if someone with similar issues dated but yeah probably best to walk away if you tried your best to make it work.
In a couple months you will probably feel WAY better than you did a month ago.
>as soon as she touched my dick I came and started farting
She was way too insecure. And nothing was ever going to be good enough for her anyways. 3 years of trying to make something work that I knew was never going to.
She decided to tell her boyfriend about us and stay with him. That relationship didn't last after that.
She looked fine, solid 7/10.
Dubs of hard truth
Two different reasons for me, one because we were both going to different schools on opposite sides of our province. The other reason was because I lied to her about something that I shouldn't have while we were together.
I only told her how I felt and asked her how she felt when I was drunk. And among other reasons because of me.
It'll be rough for a few weeks, and then it'll slowly switch to being way better than it was a few weeks ago. A bad relationship is far worse than being single.
I cast her from the top of a cliff in a midnight thunderstorm and have not heard from her since. I do not presume she died. She will be back.
Should have fucked the fat away, the relationship could have been saved
Fuckin' preach, brother. NOTHING is worth having to deal with that kind of chaos and deceit. That was my last serious relationship. I've been single for 3 years just about on the dot since.
Look at the aspects of yourself that she tried to mirror to you and recognize them as the best parts of yourself, and take pride in them.
Take pride in realizing you needed to walk away.
Trust your instincts when you see red flags in the future, because you will spot them easily now.
Enjoy your well-deserved peace.
Bitch cheated on me when i was in army. She came clean, which i apreciate but still, deal breaker for me
she was underage so i went to jail haha
The Army. More specifically, Jodie.
she was a senior in highschool and i was in my mid 20s. different worlds. Only thing we connected with was fucking
My huge collection of loli porn and the fact she had a 12 year old daughter who had grown attach to me.
BPD people should be hard-barred from relationships.
I mean you're the one who married a cheater lol
Moved a way . what was a 10 minute drive be came a hour and 30 minute drive and. After working 10 hours a day things just fizzed out and she. Left me for not being thare as much as i ones was we ware just. Dateing bin dating for years
She just wasn't that into me. I really liked her, but she just found silly little things about me unbearable. Like.... the fact that in passing someone I didn't know, I'd still say hi. Or the fact that I would whistle or hum while doing something boring. I'm not sure if that was the reason she moved on.... but whatever. I'm happy with me. 1 year later she was a single mom... and still is 14 years later. Still such a cutie though... looks-wise, my ideal. Jess from Maine...
I think u mean sophomore?
it didn't even start in the first place
Damn, that's not how it's supposed to work.
The birthday porn vids I've seen have the girl bring another girl for a b-day fuck
Yeah no shit, she told me like literally a week or 2 before the wedding. I couldn't believe it. Now she's openly poly and dating different families and her family makes fun of her for ruining our marriage and fucking around with a bunch of people.
No she was 17-18 when we were dating. besides the fact that fucking a sophomore would be illegal in my state, it would be impossible to connect with them. At least as a senior she was adult enough to go to clubs and stuff
So you don't like "borderline pedophiles" who are also racist...
WTF ar you still on Yea Forums for?
she probably grew up enough to realize its fucking weird for someone in their mid 20s to be dating high schoolers
really? that's the bar you're setting? mid 20's guy with high school girl is about as normal as it gets.
Thank you brother. It's good to hear from someone who went through that hell too and can relate. Worst year of my life. It was a little over two years ago. I met someone who is the exact opposite of my ex 4 months ago. It's great to say the least with her but I still feel the burn in my head from the last one. She's like an insect in my brain feeding off any happiness and will not die. I've tried. Fucked my head real good bro.
>kept saying he was a "borderline pedophile"
>I thought he was just joking
imagine being this naive
Found out that she started sleeping with a local politician while I was waiting for her to leave her husband. She does the innocent “save me” thing, plus a complete freak in bed, so I’m sure she can keep it going for a while.
What last relationship
umm, I don't think so
You obviously don't have a lot of real world relationship experience, or you'd know better.
You obviously come from a trashy bunch of people, where, you’re right, that is normal.
Healing takes time. Be patient with your new GF and ask her to be patient with you.
The most difficult part for me was forgiving myself for deluding myself into thinking it could work with her. For ignoring red flags. For choosing to believe her when I shouldn't have.
I had a LOT of anger towards myself after that relationship. But at the end of the day, it's not your fault she was a shitty person.
My ex started cyberstalking me again recently. That will probably happen to you again at some point. Just realize and recognize that she's a broken person, that you can't fix it, and that you can't stop her from harming others. It sucks, but it is what it is.
If you find yourself in an acute state of distress, /r/bpdlovedones is a good place to visit.
All the stories there are freakishly similar.
Enjoy your opinions. I'll enjoy my high school girls.
Have to get this off my back...
>She got her first full time job
>Suddenly had a bunch of new guys in her life after just being with and her family for so long
>She talks very fondly of them as if they were best friends
>As a guy I knew that they were probably itching to get into her pants
>Wasn't worried because I trusted her
>She was incredibly innocent, but almost naive though
>I was unemployed
>By comparison I was starting to look like shit
>She wanted sex so badly one day, but I was busy with job interviews, applications, and meeting managers
>She'd leave me texts like "I want you 0-0" or "Can we see each other tonight? For you know... -////-"
>I wanted to make her happy and surprise her with a job, so I just told her that we could spend time another day
>Might have been the straw that broke the camels back
>Finally a day her and I have free
>I planned for us to spend the day together on a long date and sex before and after since I knew she wanted it
>"user, I just don't love you anymore... I'm going to go now."
>Call her to ask why
>She's at her co-worker's apartment
>She can't talk
>Hangs up and never answers my calls again, just half halfheartedly responds to texts hours in between sending them
>She used to respond lightning fast
>Her friend tells me that she left me for some guy she was working with
>Day after she left me she went on a date with him
>Had sex with him before and after the date
>It was over just like that
>Four years down the drain
>Her friend also told me that she was holding hands with the new guy for a few days prior to the breakup
>Her friend is disgusted too and thought I should know
>I was then all alone because I have no friends or family
My point? I don't really know because I'm still not too sure why she left or what truly ended it...
Was it because I was unemployed?
Was she bored of the relationship?
Was she just so horny that she needed it from someone else?
I never had a relationship
Enjoy it till the beer guy and male pattern baldness kick in.
lmao thank you.
Like no, where I'm from usually the people dating high schoolers are other high schoolers, or maybe people who graduated a couple years ago (read 1 or 2, not 8+ lmfao). People in high school are much more immature, not just due to age but experiences as well. If these are the people you go to, in your mid 20s, for emotional attachment? Then you are stunted lmao. Like I wonder if the guy has a large friend group who are all super cool with the whole 25 on 17 thing and don't think it's weird or anything.
how old were you and her? I could probably help with some of your questions.
This is why I hate women. I'm a gay trap pantie wearing cock sucker and I have the most wonderful lover I could ever ask for. Go get a dick up your ass, you'll feel alot better.
I was 23 and she was 21.
So she tried to spend time with you several times and you kept blowing her off? Gee, I wonder why she wanted to break up.
I don't buy that you were so incredibly busy that you couldn't take some time to hang out with her, exorcism for sex.
I'm the original poster about dating the high school chick. Differently didn't get much emotional fullfilment out of it. Like I said we mostly connected on a sexual level. And my friends would have probably thought it very odd, I kept it quite because I was worried about being judged for it. Most of the time I date girls my age or just few years younger. but she was into me, and she was cute with a great body. I dont regret it, but always knew it would never be a long term relationship.
met a girl on one of those dating sites, seemed cool. she was super liberal feminist, but was laid back.
anyway, dated for a few months, but as a feminist she chose to not shave. ...not shave anything.
hairy legs, hairy snatch.
One night, after sex. sleepy from eating her hairy snatch whilst avoiding hairball. turns and rubs her legs on mine
>she wants round 2.
I'm groggy, and let slip, "Aw, quit it bro."
loses her mind, kicks me out.
4/10 would not recommend.
word, I'm original asshole replying to you. Yeah I feel you honestly, you did mention before that it was more of a sexual thing. I get that. Cheers lad
I wasn't mean about at all.
I was incredibly gentle about it and made it perfectly clear I was busy myself those days.
Mind you that with her new job she was working from 8 to 5 + usually to 6 or 7, spending time at the local bar with her co-workers.
She'd usually keep me updated with texts and and calls because she didn't want me to worry...
>It was a distance relationship (I'm Mexican, he's Chilean)
>I got tired of waiting for him
>He would not let me go to Chile because "He had to fix some personal problems"
>break time
>He used to tell me that he would kill himself if I left him
>I kept talking to him for fear he would kill himself because of me
>A transguy told me "he's toxic let me help u"
>We started dating and my boyfriend found out
>"You can't leave me, I'll kill myself, I will, it's a promise" He cut himself, and He stuck a knife in his hand, like jesus ya know
>I had to go to therapy
> ... eventually we break out completely
> I blocked it
>Somebody told me "He's in Mexico, actually he went to your house and ask for u"
> WTF dude
>luckly I moved before that
>Two years later he sent me a friend request
> He still alive so...
She has borderline personality disorder and I had no idea what that really meant or how to deal with it. Long story short she thinks she's entitled to anything and everything she wants. That includes fucking my oldest friend when he was drunk. Then because she couldn't actually accept fault she took off with some ugly looser because he had mommy and daddy money. He dumped her two weeks later and now she's got a little bastard from some other guy.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
She was crazy and controlling.
she turned 16
Kek didn't know this was a ylyl
My point? I don't really know because I'm still not too sure why she left or what truly ended it...
>Was it because I was unemployed?
No it wasn't because you were unemployed
>Was she bored of the relationship?
Yes sorta. See she liked the relationship before she got the job. but when she got the job she was surrounded by male attention, and several were probably hitting on her. My bet is one of them she liked back, and he made it clear he wanted her. But, she also didn't want to cheat or throw your relationship away right away. That's why she got all crazy horny, she was basically saying "fuck me/love me/show me our relationship is worth keeping". you didn't realize that at the time, and so when you denied her, she probably starting messing around with that guy.
>Was she just so horny that she needed it from someone else?
She was horny, but it was more the excitement of attention she wanted most. and that guy was giving it to her more often than you were.
my 2 cents is, even if you had fucked her, she was already starting to emotionally check out, it just would have prolonged the break up. There was nothing you could do, she wanted a new experience, and its impossible to convince a girl to not go after one if she has her mind set on it.
After 1.5 years she said she never wanted to get married or have kids with anyone, despite the fact that I mentioned this was my ultimate goal 3 months in.
Said "maybe I'll change my mind in 10 years."
Bitch you're 29, your odds of having kids by then would be fucked.
Said she just wanted to be alone.
Found her on tinder a week later.
Screenshot the profile and sent it to her, calling her out on her bullshit.
She's just a fucking bitch who won't fess up to the real reason she left me.
Because she stopped trying and just got fucking bored.
Can't wait until she's in her 30's still working as a secretary with no man or kids or anything to show for it and her fucking parents are dead.
I spilled Pepsi on her purse
I was betrayed and cheated so many times, I gave up on girls, a normal life and a family.
Armchair psychologist agreeing with this sentiment
You've told me to kill myself twice, yet you're trying to brand me as being mentally defective.
Sounds like a case of classic projection, yes?
Feelings = facts to them. Reality is subjective and they are capable of justifying anything and everything moment to moment.
Don't try to understand crazy.
Politics, more than once, unfortunately.
>be me 13 years ago
>meet girl
>fiscally conservative, socially moderate
>mostly libertarian, moreso than me
>we can talk about anything
>both consistently changing each other's minds
>becoming better people
>move, she makes new friends
>gets into "secret facebook group", i.e. feminist echo chamber
>she starts hating white people and men
>everyone she hangs out with are retards that also hate white people and men
>they are all white, upper/middle class
>standard SJWs
>gets a failure of a therapist, thinks she can diagnose me instead of her
>when she's never met me
>I'm 'gaslighting' my gf, 'projecting my issues' on her, 'mansplaining' etc.
>all the bullshit progressive keywords for 'men are bad'
>can no longer talk to her about anything, because it's all a feminist issue to her
>after living together for 10 years, she starts talking about moving out
>dump her on the spot
We had about 9 good years together, and a year and a half of hellish deterioration
After her...
>date a girl for 6 months
>turns out she's a Yea Forumstard like me
>awesome sense of humor
>awkward in an endearing way
>great sex
>after 6 months of semi-casual dating, boom
>Trump is a major candidate
>she shaves her head
>loses her sense of humor
>stops lurking
>I dump her within a week
So she was asking to take time out of her schedule to spend time with you, but you weren't willing to do the same?
It doesn't matter if you were gentle about it. Make a point to spend time with the person you're going out with. Let that be a learning experience for your future relationships.
She was loony, I was autismal and we were both boring socially awkward weirdos. Neither was bringing anything interesting to the relationship and we sort of just stopped going out and texting. It ended amicably though.
If this is real I want a story
Sorry bro
depression on both ends
self harm both ends
daddy issues with her (double edged sword)
instability due to recent long distance
distrust and lack of patience
I can go on and on... its the only thing ive been thinkiong about for quite a while
I had to say the words as well. Terrible, still worry about her.
I see.
Even almost two years later it's still a little hard to accept.
>even if you had fucked her, she was already starting to emotionally check out, it just would have prolonged the break up
I suppose there's at least some solace in this.
>So she was asking to take time out of her schedule
No, she was still working and spending time with them.
For the first time in my life I was exhausted from moving around so much and meeting so many people.
I was also finding out that it isn't easy to get work without a recommendation of some kind
These new experiences were just physically demanding on me to the point where I just wanted to get home and sleep.
I'd still text her and talk on the phone, but I'd usually fall asleep while doing so.
>It doesn't matter if you were gentle about it. Make a point to spend time with the person you're going out with. Let that be a learning experience for your future relationships.
I will.
I get that now, after three years apart and almost six together. But at the time, that was my arrogance, I truly thought I could force reason on her. Force her to understand the facts of the matter. Not anymore.
Apathy. And it was good that it ended. Did hurt for a bit. Ten years is a long time.
One of these user niggers cucked me and I'm not into cucking T_T
Stupid cunt cheated on me. Took me a long time to get over the trust issues and have a healthy relationship. Then I met my wife. No I'm happy. :P
Cancer, she died
Nothing. I was never in one.
Yeah, that situation kinda sucks because... when you both have issues it's easy to be like "oh we'll fix each other!" but a lot of times it turns into a viscous cycle of triggering each other's issues.
Sometimes what's best for the person (you or her) is to try and start a clean slate away from constant reminders of a troubled past
Stop touching yourself asexual bitch
huh this actually ends in a happy ending than i expected.
I beat the fuck out of my girlfriend for 2 years
>daddy issues with her
This was one of the reasons mine ended.
It's so fucking hot and the sex is unbelievable, but there really are deeply rooted problems with it that become plainly clear and unsolvable over time.
found my browser history RIP
wow sick that joke has only been made like 10 times in this thread. thanks for sharing
9 years my dudes. Then she told me she hadn't loved me for the last 6, and only kept me around for sex, rides, and money.
She made me choose between her or meth and I found that unreasonable.
OP here.
Thanks for all the keks lad.
Thanks, although I say that to myself inside, I really needed to hear that from somebody else
Amen bro, I cant word it better. Girlie looked like a tiny angel but wanted to get fucking destroyed
We both needed to grow up, also being 7.5 hours away from each other at university never helps
boring conversations, can't stress enough how important it is to be able to have good conversations in a longterm relationship
looks like somebody chose meth lmao
move the fuck on, love yourself, because nobody should take advantage of you like what happened ever again
after 7 years she broke up with me over the phone, her dad died last year in June due to cancer and he never liked me. He told her that he "didn't approve" of me, it was always in the back of my head since then that she was going to break up with me because of what he said. Now that he was gone it was just a matter of time. April 1st we broke up. I'm....kinda lost. It sucks losing your best friend.
fuckin dump the bitch
No problem man, going through similar stuff myself so I'm not just saying this for you
made out with the chick then she ghosted me like danny phantom and never heard from her since, its been years since. still havent gone on a date since because it's just a waste of time in this generation when you can swipe left or right or whatever the fuck it is and have the person you want right at your fingertips.
i really hope this is real user.
whats her streamer name?
Smash his fucking grave.
Me having sex with Taylor Swift.
hey, sometimes some external factors are just too complicated and you just have no control over them. I usually find a tiny bit of refuge that maybe it'll work out in a parallel universe, and go on about my day. The feeling of "she is the only one" goes away with new experiences and new people. Cliche as it is, theres 7 billion new fishes in the sea
>Smash his fucking grave
or this
I know these stats myself, but I agree with that user. Im full on schitzo and while I dont suffer from the delusions or hallucinations I am a shit manflop, I would be a terrible bf. Im not even gonna have kids because they will have a shit life and I might pass this crap onto them.
My shit woud become her shit.
OP said relationships, not "oooh I tongue fucked some girl's mouth one time and she didn't follow up".
Is this enough for you to just give up? Go on a pathetic tirade about how technology is ruining relationships? Relationships exist outside of Tinder lmao, Tinder is more for hooking up anyway. Hit the gym and work on your confidence, make yourself actually interesting, get out and meet people.
Only if you're bisexual, a gerontophile and a pedophile.
Thanks man, your right it is kinda cliche but it's true. It's good to see some sanity on this site that contains a giant mixture of insanity things. Thank you
damn user, kick him harder.
Clear out dumb shits.
This is now an Ellen Page page.
No problem.
who says im not ;)
Your a fucking cunt. You should have talked to him.
mostly my immaturity
What if i told you i don't even know?
thread makes me so gushy
Did you even tell him about it? What makes you think he wouldn't want to deal with it if he really loves you? You are being stupid.
aint as easy as it sounds when struggling with mental problems
but I do agree that lack of communication contributed to it ending
I think I love you, OP.
She traded up. All women do eventually.
then we would be informed that you dont even know
shake left and right
When Ellie eats your page.
>having had a relationship ever
Oh I'm sorry did I break your concentration?
I didn't mean to do that.
Oh I did. Got a badass job now making even more money, have a few new friends, and I'm mentally stable again. It suxxed at first, but I'm happy now.
Please, continue.
No. It is that easy. I had to do it for years.
Her chocolate logs are full of delicious nutritious fruits and veggies. Wash it down with her freshly squeezed lemonade.
Her logs are just mmmm.
And her logs are so wet.
Don't pretend you wouldn't eat her chocolate logs.
madd Yea Forums-1 bommer
>Ellen Paige talks about things that have been shoved up her pussy
madd buzz bommer
buzz bomb-bered
buzz bomberino'd
your page just got PAIGED. oh snap
Bow to your perfect queen or face death.
Do you both speak different native languages?
The perfect queen demands your surrender.
meet your demise
I just wasn't too into it
surrender yourself to the queen
the end is nigh
wallow in despair
Want to read a story lad?
Now burn.
Too much nagging from her side from my liking, after a while I stoped seeing her and msging her. She sounded like my mother rather then a girlfriend.
I accidentally shit in my hand when trying to fart. Then went to give her a buttercup and rubbed poopie on her face. That pretty much ended it.