Judging from some of the disgusting levels of faggotry showcased here that this would be a /lgbt2/ board. Trannies are disgusting subhuman pieces of shit that deserve to be gassed and burned like the Jews. If I see one of you disgusting creatures. I will not hesitate to punch you directly in your ugly face, and then curbstomp your brains into the pavement. You should all kill yourselves.
Judging from some of the disgusting levels of faggotry showcased here that this would be a /lgbt2/ board...
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l wouldnt lije to see a man dressed up lije a woman
edgy faggot, a tranny would kick your arse.
Fair enough for the trans. But I disagree with that Nazi symbol, m8. People should be locked in by class like the good old feudalism days. Nazism is wayyyy to liberal on class and only focusses on race. I miss when the Spanish inquisition murdered pagans like you. Deus Vult
all the estrogen gives them superpowers and you can't kick em in the dick anymore
hell yeah
wish everyone could just be straight like mein feuhrer. he was so straight he pranced around in shorts and sandals and made his girlfriend dress up like a black man. he was so straight he had his own personal photographer to take pics of him posing as manly as possible. he was so straight that he shot himself in the head less than 24 hours after marrying a woman.
Prime Aryan Man
100% red blooded male
oh come on, don't tell me Dolfy didn't enjoy some cock in the bunker in his final hours
Just imagine it how did he take Görings cock in his ass
print this out and make your own sticker to remind everyone what a straight, manly, superior man you are
>when you just got done fucking thousands of girls because you're not a 5'7 autistic vegetarian virgin
Quick question, why do you hail a subhuman non-arayan like hitler?
strike a pose!
vent your anger for the camera!
How the hell did he manage to have that installed, considering most if not all tilers are either niggers or polaks ?
No amount of Propaganda will make you any less of a faggot. Hitler wasn't, despite what fag lovers like you want to wish.
show your personal cameraman what you do to those gay jews!
of course he wasn't!
Fake National Socialists.
>I will not hesitate to punch you directly in your ugly face, and then curbstomp your brains into the pavement.
You'll do no such thing. To anyone. Ever.
You are harmless. You are not a threat.
this is hitlers girlfriend eva braun
she regularly used to dress as a black man to "entertain" him
he was 100% straight with no mental problems!
Internet tough guy
being 100% straight and almighty and powerful, hitler had his choice of every aryan beauty in the realm!
he picked the most feminine one!
Go back to /pol/ nazicuck. Or better yet, follow your leader and kill yourself.
lmao, that's so fucking weird, I never knew about that
He was such a faggot that he didn't kill only himself but also his wife and his dog I don't give a shit about jews but fuck him for killing his dog
with such an aryan nose!
Sounds like denial to ne
Is this just a gay porn thread now
Then stop fucking posting about it on Yea Forums like a pussy-ass faggot and do it.
>I don't give a shit about jews but fuck him for killing his dog
Seriously, fuck the whole Holocaust stuff, this is what makes him a bad guy. What was even remotely the point of that? Pathetic old meth head
fun fact about hitler: his family name isn't actually "hitler", but "schicklgruber" which translates to "shit digger"
fun fact about names: they often reveal the traditional occupation of the family, such as "smith"!
a true powerful aryan!
You won't do a fucking thing pussy you just talk tough when no one knows who the fuck you are bitch ass motherfucker
hitler was such a manly ladies man that he made all the girls jealous! he lived with his niece instead of his girlfriend eva, so eva faked her own suicide attempt with her fathers gun!
when hitler spent more time with eva, his niece killed herself! then as he spent more time with his dog in mourning for his niece, eva attempted suicide again!
ohh the joys of the perfect, aryan family with no faggots!
I don't give a flying fuck about the holocaust but you don't kill your dog for no reason
what a cutie though