I just had a panic attack because I watched a video of someone flicking out their car key. I'm fucking pathetic
It's at 2:58 of this video, if you are interested
I just had a panic attack because I watched a video of someone flicking out their car key. I'm fucking pathetic
how could something so tiny trigger you so hard
I don't know. Stuff like this is random for me, I also get flash backs because of stupid shit too
why were you watching that stupid shit anyway?
I find it interesting and I just found the channel and was checking out the vids
I grew up doing neither of those.
>I drove cars fast
>Dated hot girls
>Did sports (baseball and basketball)
>Climbed trees in the woods
>Swam in the lake
Overall I think my childhood was pretty fucking fun.
Well good for you. How did you drive fast cars as a kid?
he let his uncle park his meat in his ass in exchange for rides in his 1980 buick stationwagon
He was the 18 year old who was so stupid he had to repeat elementary
I didn't say they were fast cars.
But yeah I got my license at 16.
Grew up in a small town.
Not much else to do.
You are a flaw in human evolution
You're old and don't belong here. Keys boomer faggot larp
cheap video promotion...
Well I'm definitely flawed
You honestly fucking think that?
its like someone went straight through basic Illustrator tutorials... and needs Yea Forums for promotion
the channel I dont know... its missing something.. too mixed up
16 replies 9 posters... well yeah
Jesus Christ, I am so glad the girls of your generation all have daddy issues, your genes NEED to die out.
>You honestly fucking think that?
pseudo dialogues beneath OPs post
just to push it like low IQ marketing
The real question is why were you on jewtube
>You honestly fucking think that?
demasked OP fucking KEK
I'm not the youtuber, why would I promote a video from September? and it's got 56,000 views, he doesn't need 20 more views from Yea Forums