Did jewtube had planned it all along? They knew that the truth will come out soon.
Did jewtube had planned it all along? They knew that the truth will come out soon
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are they so young WTF?
If this project were as historic as you astrophysics stoners allege, they wouldn't put these twenty-somethings with single-digit years of experience in charge of anything important.
women btfo'd omg lets go get portillos boys its done
also, what's so great about a simulated picture of a black hole? what is the scientific gain in that?
Its all bullshit. You think a 20 something knows all this shit on their own? They're being told what to do.
>developing algorithm
>writing code
I'm a design engineer and have technical draftsman doing 80% of my design drawings. That doesn't mean they designed the shit I came up with.
>he wrote the code
You probably also believe that the construction workers who build a house designed it too.
So many architects crossing form Mexico...
You think she designed it?
this is so stupid but i cant stop watching it
She hasn't designed any of it.
>She hasn't designed any of it.
And you based that claim on what, neckbeard?
Fucking peons.
On facts, faggot.
>On facts, faggot.
Present them.
Incels calling people neckbeards yikes
Anybody who has worked in the stem fields with women know that the way they get most of their assignments completed is by getting the guys to do a large portion of it for them. This is the skill that this lady has. She can get the guys to do the work while she gets the credit.
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that users of Yea Forums are intimidated and upset by successful women.
How's that liberal arts degree?
24~ is pretty much peak age for shit like this.
I'm not sure this is true. The picture of the black hole was setup over 10 years ago. It took multiple telescopes pointed in the same direction to take it.
How would you know what people study at university when your entire demographic literally exists to end up as common laborers or target practice for Afghan freedom fighters?
Do you have brain damage? This is algorithms and coding... you expecting some 50 year old to be doing this shit? This is grunt work on projects like this. Fucking dumbasses... those 20 something year olds are light years ahead of previous generations on shit like this.
And what are you, a fedora wearing faggot?
Uhh... theyve never been observed before in history? Directly or indrectly. It shocks me how much of the world doesnt understand how awesome this achievement is. Fucking mongs.
the fact that it's not simulated
DIY miserable fuck
And your lesbian dance theory course taught you all about astrophysics and data reconciliation
Looks like she got posted first by 7 hours.
Whats the achievement of simulating quantum mechanics and general relativity particles on a deterministic turing machine ?
You probably dont know differential equations and functions with multiple input/ output parameters... You cant simply calculate that manually... Let alone with a simple C application on a normal computer...
No, he didn't write 850k lines of code. He committed data worth 850k lines of cote, but only a small share of it was code.
Also, she was the team lead and did the heavy lifting in terms of developing the algorithm. The implementation afterwards still is an achievement, but it's not on the same level.
user not everyone wastes their youth on Yea Forums.
No wonder the picture came blurry. kek, fucking whamen men.
This is how academics works. The PIs are spending so much time applying for grants and the students and postdocs are the slaves on those funded grants. Doesn't mean they do 100% of the work, but they certainly do a large chunk.
Source: I have a PhD and am a PI on several grants. This has been how science works for the last 30-40 years
>also, what's so great about a simulated picture of a black hole? what is the scientific gain in that?
Absolutely nothing except it gives science nerds something to fap over.
browsing Yea Forums, sounds legit user
Dubs dont lie
I was taking a dump. Its either this or reddit.
Firstly he didn't write 850,000 lines of code. 90% of that is data uploads he didn't write.
Secondly it is extremely common for team leaders to be recognized. There are many male leaders who were given credit for female discoveries in astrophysics.
The sj dubs cried about it already so you're literally acting like them right now
Pro-tip: Insisting that females are intimidating when they clearly are not is very revealing of insecurity and weakness. It shows that you know that you have a lot to compensate for
In ya go
go back
She's so brave like Rosie the Riveter.
If you actually listened in school you would know most allstars of especially math made contributions before hitting 25. The people who got big at 40+ are much rarer.
Affirmative Action is a helluva drug.
And yet this thread and the one on /pol/ are full of "men" (like you) who are very clearly intimidated by this intelligent woman being given credit for her accomplishments.
it was probably written in javascript
Graduate students dumbass
Prime example of a retard.
Academia's backbone is held up by grad students and postdocs, which are usually in their late 20's and early 30's
Pointing out a singular objective of media to pretend she did it by herself, and all the work is about mockery more than anything.
>freshman math
>professor starts with you know you are all failures, most great mathematicians already accomplished something at your again
>thanks for creating confidence
Uh duhh user don't ya know they got "Correct the Record" or their entire world view will shatter. Jeeze unbased and unredpilled you are. You're no pede of mine. Trump could have done this in his sleep.
They're not intimidated they're annoyed that some lady is getting all the glory for a partial contribution that was definitely a team effort, in part because it's seen as representative of a problem that has become apparent in many mens (and ugly women's) careers.
Yes I'm sure. No doubt the mockery of guys who at best have a high school diploma is very upsetting to someone with a doctorate.
>at your again
fucking auto-correct, that was supposed to be "at you age"
inb4 she gets shamed for the shirt she's wearing while getting a picture of a black hole. That would be a funny turnaround.
you have to go back
testing shit, don't mind me
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worse it's firefox but i have no idea how i turned it on or how to turn it off.
Guys and gals get kudos for random shit that involves a team all the time. If this was some random dude (whether or not his contribution margin was significant) it wouldn't be an issue with your lot though. Just more outrage culture from a different side of the aisle. Different snowflakes, same triggers.
If you think this is solely a gender thing, wait until you start publishing and the first author gets all the credit because their name is alphabetically first and people are lazy about reading further.
why is discord in the picture?
This. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Steve Bezos. They all didn't make it on their own but get all the credit.
You either willfully misunderstand this completely, or you are severely stupid. Or you troll.
But no, very wrong.
Wrote 850,000 lines of code, more like algorithms wrote that many lines of code. Algorithms can write code that would be tedious.
No worries, once you wash off your reddit circle jerk cum stain, you can proceed searching.
That's how sciemce has been for the better part of the 20th century. Half the shit credited to one guy were team efforts. The age of the lone genius inventor are over. It's all about teams these days. But we still like to credit only the team leader.
>chooses to live in fantasy world of lies
>feels superior for it
It has very little to do with "muh gina" and more to do with the fact that her work produced the visual while his work made that possible by compiling data. The public at large has an attention span comparable to a toddler. They're not interested in the complexities of 900 lines of code indexing and sorting various spectra to make the creation of an interpretable image possible, but tell them that "this person make picture here look" and they can muster enough of a fuck to keep it in the news cycle for 24hrs. Scientific """journalism""" at its finest.
They also need to push the women in STEM narrative because muh equality.
>chooses to be retarded
>feels superior for it
Three lines top right to open menu
Click on gear symbol for options
Scroll down to Languages
Uncheck box against "Check spelling as you type"
Although for the life of me I can't work out why you'd want to.
We need more women trash collectors.
This 50 year old had to code in machine code(binary) and Assembly because languages that needed translation like C were too slow on the original 12MHZ computers.......the 20 somethings of today don't know shit compared to the older generation.
I swear they've had images before, was this the first hi-res image? or some other "first"?
The first whose team was headed by a left handed woman.
Nope, first image. Black holes are notoriously hard to take pictures of, because typically the most you can see is that something in their general area is fucky.
What's wrong with pointing people to STEM more in general? STEM is why the US was and still is the economic and scientific juggernaut that it is today. Only a retard would think that is a bad thing.
>I had to rub two sticks together to make fire now you're telling me you can carry fire in your pocket!?
OK grandpa go take your medication.
Whatever helps you sleep at night manchild.
They had renditions but no true images. Turns out the renditions were pretty accurate.
This is the first "direct" imaging. The previous were artistic interpretation or constructions based on gravitational lensing like that video of two black holes merging that led to the confirmation of gravitational waves
I just crumbled into a pile of dust and ash like a cartoon character blasted by a cannon irl, so thank you, I hope you appreciate what your keen rejoinder of 'u dum' has done to me. I'm not going to be able to suck nearly as many dicks now and it's all thanks to your towering intellect
What's your favorite section of the HuffPost?
Lol u mad gay
>keeps acting retarded
>gets assblasted over it
news outlets only report on the unusual
a man being able to code 850k lines and aiding in the advancement of human knowledge is a normal everyday thing
a woman being able to code between 1 and 50k lines that helped advance human knowledge is a rare occurrence
>Doesn't know a goddamn thing about grads and post secondary education and the work they actually do.
>Made this opinion up like now and thinks it's fact
>Probably frequently claims to be smarter than or know more than scientists
>Climate change denier maybe?
Feminists demand equal opportunities, and for every man that gets onto the second rung of his ladder they expect some woman to be given the necessary "leg-up" onto her second rung, which happens to be the top of the ladder.
Hence why there are a ludicrous number of poorly skilled retarded women who have somehow attained the tops posts in most spheres of influence, despite their total inability to do those jobs properly.
It's not funny. I just broke 3 (three) freshly-painted fingernails clawing at the walls and howling in fury. This is literally the worst thing that has ever happened to anyone and it is because of your piercing insight and steadfast ability to reason in the face of emotion
Also my eyeliner
Firstly this is extremely misleading. He didn't write 850,000 lines of code. Most of it was data uploads.
>Designed the actual method to photograph the black hole.
>Organized and lead a team to an incredible accomplishment of mankind.
And who else but a bunch of neets
>Lol she didn't do shit. I accomplish more than her. MOOMM! PIZZA ROLLS!!
>>Designed the actual method to photograph the black hole.
>>Organized and lead a team to an incredible accomplishment of mankind.
nice try
NEETs and comp sci majors going "m-muh lines of code mothafucka"
>it was mostly data not original code
>everyone involved credits her the most, including andrew chael
>the idea came from her PhD thesis
you fucktards will do anything to put down women's accomplishments because you can't get laid. take a fucking shower
Pretty sure there have been lots of pics of black holes, but think this was the first hi-res or something.
Don't have some daily le redpills you should be shoving up your ass?
SEETHING schizoid.
They are so rare, they have to do this shit like OP posted... It's like when you run into a smart black man and you have to parade him in front of the world.
Shit man, I'm sorry. I was just joshin. But your plight, the pure suffering I have inflicted upon you has opened my eyes and melted my cruel heart. It is not funny, as I once ignorantly believed, to act in such a manner. To cause the destruction of so many finely styled nails, is inexcusable. Though I know I'll never erase this dark stain from your life, I hope my sincere apology will provide you some solace, and vow to change my ways from this day forward.
there's no hope for you if you are seriously calling someone with a PhD a poorly skilled retarded woman. the average 3-year old has better critical thinking skills than you
Your toxic masculinity is making me uncomfortable. Why would you torment me like this?
women are wonderful. I bet he is a toxic WHITE MALE.
A con artist would say that.
I hope it comes out she was actually trying to simulate an image of muhammad.
No way. This is a brown- and black-only thread. No racists allowed
Clearly you are from Reddit.
thats racist! bow down to the white science pussy
Whoever would have figured this out would have been paraded around. The difference being if it was a man your lot wouldn't be SEETHING and letting him live rent free in your brains. Guys and girls get accomplishments in the paper all the time. This just happens to be a bigger discovery/accomplishment then most. I cannot imagine living with the crippingly insecurity you deal with every day over getting worked up about some girl being smarter than you. Just KYS my man. Take the lead pill and end your suffering.
Her thesis, his and many others efforts to prove her thesis with practical application.
She's Sheldon Cooper. He's Leonard Hoffsteader, Howard Wolowitz, and Raj Kuthrapali, etc.
Lol and how do you feel about Current President? Yep, thought you were a fucking hypocrite...
He would be happy if he would have any degree at all.
He doesn't.
>proud member of LGBTQIA+ community.
Whats your point?
I have a video of her making a sandwich.
Fuck happened to Yea Forums... Completely overrun by leftist fucktards from Tumblr and Reddit. What's the matter, your own platforms not good enough anymore? Take your cancer somewhere else
Wild guess: He's part of the "A", as in "can't get laid, will pretend it's on purpose".
>puh-puh-pplleeaaaaase this is my safespace leave me alone REEEEEEEEEEE
shut the fuck up faggot. take your cancer back to your own site. no different than mad cultists at this point
Time for her to have babies!
>calling other people cultists
Oh the irony. You're such a free thinker. Drop some more le redpills and screenshot this to bring back to your friends at t_d so you can show you pwned this libturds!
I haven't seen them that many recently, they come and go.
She's so smart and beautiful!
stop being an incel
Not all of us were as dumb as you in our 20's my man.
Everyone with a computer science degree knows that 10k lines can be more advanced and important than 1 million lines.
More than just 'pretty accurate'
If you take the simulations and render them at the resolution of the images taken. It's FUCKING INSANE how close it is.
You haven't been here long I can tell because Yea Forums is way more radicalized and full of fags today then it ever was due the_Donald and stormnigger rapefugees coming in and shitting up the place. No more interesting discussion happens. It's all nigger this, MAGA that, leftist boogeyman this. Hop down off the cross Jesus you can quit suffering whenever you like.
It's /pol/ acting as a breeding ground and infesting the place. moot should've given it the axe as he said he would.
come back when you understand the concept of evolution and human nature, dumbass
>STEM is why the US was and still is the economic and scientific juggernaut that it is today. Only a retard would think that is a bad thing.
The entire South thinks this is a bad idea. They would prefer to remain uneducated trash and their children grow up to be common laborers and simple soldiers like their worthless fathers and grandfathers were.
t. Someone who has never lived in the south for any real length of time.
The problem is that people see college education as one giant monolith of liberal indoctrination except schools, majors, and the courses involved wildly differ. So they see something on the news or on the FB feed saying that college is teaching people anything remotely left leaning and lo and behold all of a sudden everything about college irregardless of major is worthless. These people vote.
This. Faggots on this thread don't understand the type of work that went into this project. They just want an excuse to feel triggered and are no better than the SJWs they hate.
>taking reddit titles without a grain of salt
I guess /pol/tards will believe anything if it fits their narrative.
Well when the Fields medal specifically requires recipients to be under the age of 40, it happens.
Besides take a look at Nobel laureates in physics. The recipients in their 40s and 50s dominate over 20 and 30
I dont know why, but every time I watch this gif I get angry
>The recipients in their 40s and 50s dominate over 20 and 30 Somethings.
Most of them started the work in their 20's that's why. You don't just 'do something' and get a prize, you have to do something, prove it, and continue to prove it till there is no more doubt that it's a discovery.
>These people vote.
I hesitate to refer to them as people. They're more like drones of an insect colony. Good for menial labor, ultimately expendable.
IDK the picture is so shitty and useless that I would believe that stupid roastie might have done it all
citation needed. He doesn't seemed to mention it at all
There are all kinds of rewards with the applicants having to meet certain criteria.
Also yea of course Nobel Laureates are going to be older on average. That's easily explained. You don't just publish a paper and get a reward. It often takes years and decades before work is found to be accurate, vetted, or even noteworthy much less Nobel worthy.
Oh gee Katie, such important contribution!
>nobel worthy
You keep trying to come back. Enough already.
All you fuckers whining about how the South is trash and that they hate education, literacy, and critical thinking are all a bunch of absolutely right people whom have watched the south self-sabotage for decades. I was born in Mississippi, lived in Florida, Texas, and Louisiana. I will tell you they look at actual logic/reason and educated individuals as if they just saw someone kick a puppy. If you want to see conservative republican policies in action just visit Louisiana or Alabama. The people whom live there are no more than cogs in the corporate socialist machine that is bent on squeezing every last dime from their serfs.
Resentful, basement dwelling virgin detected.
they just used photoshop to create a fake picture of a blackhole
Unlike the peace nobel, the science nobels require findings to stand the test of time, so naturally people will be older as they wait for that to happen.
Imagine being number four on the line of contributors yet getting all the praise as if you did the thing all by yourself just because your a woman and affirmative action is a thing.
>implying number of commits equals number of code contributions and not just bulk data uploads
>implying amount of code equals contribution to the initial development of the algorithm
>implying any of those spergs would've been able to form an effective team and organize cooperation with multiple outside bodies
I have a hard time believing something so simple would be 900k lines of code, unless it's horribly written.
100-200k maybe. 900k? No way.
You forgot to call him a virgin
oh so you're saying that the diff numbers don't mean anything and that a total of 719,231 lines of total added code is less important than 1,145 lines of total added code. got it.
Imagine being a seething neckbeard with an innate fear of women
fuck off retard
>You keep trying to come back.
From what?
It's for accessibility, everyone should be able to complete the black hole.
You're speaking the truth. It triggers him. How could you be so rude. This is xer's safespace. Leave him alone!
>collective effort
>wanting individual recognition
they're all just contributors, who gives a shit, if they want special consideration they should do a project on their own
there's nothing noteworthy about people doing their assigned job
assembly code runs faster
rubbing sticks is slower
your analogy is void
>You don't upload data to git, just code.
>The contribution is in the last 4 years and its constant
My man
I'm not afraid of women. I like them. With the expetion of thumblr/reddit wash like you.
Imagine being ok with getting rid of meritocracy because MUH EQUALITY
As a coder, this made me lulz hard
>you win
>oh so you're saying that the diff numbers don't mean anything
Yes, that's literally what I'm saying. git is shit for that sort of thing.
This guy is right except the good PIs are the ones that think up the idea and design the project. The bad PIs take a an idea/design from postdoc/grad and call it their own. Or they let them right the grant under their own name and get kick-backs as "advisors" and "consultants" For example, my first PI grant was for $30k and $6k of it went to department heads in order to get it "approved" by the chairman.
>diff numbers don't mean anything
Oh cmon dude. Even going for that one reddit post where it says that about 500k lines of that dude's code are machine generated code, that's still another 300k of human written code to account for.
There's so many people shilling it being her accomplishment for reasons unrelated to the accomplishment that it is automatically ruined and tainted. Whatever it was you've spoiled it by being super fake, not to mention the overall lack of any positive intent. You want /pol/ to be angry so much that I can't even trust that what's being stated to have happened is even real. You're so interested in it being real, there's such a "market" for it, that it's instantly incredibly untrustworthy.
I mean here we are trying to find out how they've lied to us without any evidence they have lied to us because their motivation to tell the lie is so entirely overwhelming
You Googled assembly and are just pretending to act like you know what you're taking about aren't you?
Sure you could squeeze more speed out in assembly but speed isn't always the goal nor is it required. Assembly isn't nearly as portable and any major updates require significant changes.
>Found the non STEM fag
You're pretty much in your math-physics-coding prime in your mid/late 20's. After that you just start forgetting all you learn and stick to the routine stuff with brief moments of having to re-learn some shit you knew in school
Everyone expects the rich asshole on top to take all the credit. That's been happening since the start of civilization. This is nothing more than "point at the token" accreditation. Do women really want that? If .Bouman and other women in STEM were smart they would immediately emphasize the "I was one of many" idea. If you want it not to be a big deal that women do things you have to stop making it a big deal when women (and other tokens)do things. And more especially don't blow it out of proportion.
Oh no the coding monkey isn't getting the same acknowledgement as the person developing the algorithm, organizing the whole thing and managing the team whatever will we do
Based schizoid poster.
>my argument applies only to assembly
This is just incel rage.
She deserves the credit... giving him the credit is like saying that the guy who assembled the paint rush deserves as much credit as the painter who painted the artwork.
With that said, what she did is interesting but has no actual scientific value, other than possibly getting more people interested in space in general.
>developing the algorithm
>managing the team whatever
Eject the buzzfeed plug out of your ass.
>direct image of a black hole millions of light years away
>no scientific value
brainlet detected.
Sure, ignore the work of the architect, and give all the praise to the guys pouring the concrete, whatever.
Where does it even state she made the algo? Does your buzzfeed article say so and therefore it is true?
I absolutely do the same, Masters reporting in
> make shit up
i feel you just make shit up
You’re a chick faggot and I have photos to prove it
Your ignorance is astounding.
The picture has absolutely no value to scientists... a photograph of a black hole is useless; Its pretty, and a great proof of concept, but scientists use radioscopic imagery for data, not a photo image.
Like I said, no scientific value.
are these people like those faggots on the big bang theory?
So yeah I’m sure someone has said it already but nobody who writes code gets credit for anything.
If anything the obsession with her identity will cost her the recognition. You've all used her as a political football. Meanwhile this isn't actually new, look at who coded the moon landing, it's practically the same girl in black and white.
Nice dubs, me. But anyway I am going to have to continue to burst this bubble.
Holy fuck my sides.
just that daily reminder that your identity politics are an ethereal social construct with no basis in history or moral philosophy
>Be 1981
>Be Wayne Gretzky
>Coach tells us we need to go to the net, pass the puck around, and shoot high to win games.
>With the help of my bros Mark Messier, Glen Anderson, and Paul Coffey I amass 212 points
>Fuck yeah, we rule
>Everyone only remembers Glen Slater though
these biches served coffee & cookies
these people were called computers
oh hey look who wrote the first computer program for the first mechanical computer created by Charles Babbage, it's Ada Lovelace
that's right, the first computer program was written by the disc 1 boss from FF8, be careful Squall
but the fact remains this "accomplishment" already occurred in the 1960's along with all the other fucking race/sex accomplishments because, uh, the civil rights movement fucking worked??? and I'm sick of these fucks pretending like the Union didn't win and Union boys are racist as if the civil war didn't happen
they are taking the white people who agreed with them and helped them win's children and serially treating them like shit just to get a few extra bucks, it's shitty, it's creepy and this entire period history will be regarded as a giant stumble for liberal thought that allowed for the oncoming golden age of populism to even happen
i am literally saying SJW are on the wrong side of history and i'm fuckin' right, the ultra-wealthy couldn't ask for better disruptive asshole clowns to distract us all from their profiteering machinations like charging a zillion bucks for insulin all the sudden or "software as a service" or whatever else
the bitches manipulated switches and cabling on the ENIAC machine designed and built by men
Wasn't it duscovered she actually barely did jack shit but everyone swept that under the table because she's a woman?
In a world full of shitty role models, IG thots, Kardashians, some girl does something neat that other little girls could look up to and this is the hill that spergs on Yea Forums choose to die on. The only people blowing it out of proportion are your lot outraged that a girl accomplished something.
she only wrote 2,000 lines and the ones she did were not even that essential
Does it matter? This won't affect anyone, ever. Oooo a black hole? Call me when we have easier cleaner energy, or lower our military budget and relocate the money, or if it's free donut day. Something that might actually affect me within the fucking decade.
>alt-righters :white women are betraying our cause why???
>also alt-righters: white women are dumb and shouldn't be allowed any rights
>it won't be forgotten in under two weeks
Do you live in the same universe as the kardashians?
its true though
>learning for the sake of learning is bad
>learning more about the nature of our universe could never lead to practical applications.
I'll take fries with that user.
this is the code she wrote. even the code she did write was useless
t. engineer
i guess knowing about our surroundings is useless and pointless, gotta do something useful and meaningful like a way to make cheaper burgers
So what? If it leads even one US girl or boy into STEM that's another plus to securing our rightful place as leader of the free world and securing American hegemony.
lord you /pol/ basement dwellers will believe anything with meme captioning thats fits your twisted world view
The women is the designer of the whole thing, she has a phd, and she pretty much led the team to create this piece of technology. People in these positions always take credit in academia, and even the arts. Its just how it is
the dude is just come code monkey
listen to me and not these edgy incels
A direct picture...of a black hole...simple? Think about that for a second m8, it's a very difficult thing to imagine that man kind has even achieved.
Serisouly, you guys cry and get waaaaaaaaaaaay more outraged than the left does. Thats literally the entirety of this site, is /pol/ crying about leftist pandering.
very Hypocritical actually
~ boo hoo ~
Please literally give me one application of the math or code used to see something 50+ million light years old being useful in my day to day.
Good on humanity but if it's not giving me a fuel efficient car or better electricity, why should I give a nigger?
Actually I'm just some faggot
Sounds like it's just contributing to the concept that humans should be separated by global placement and is just going to hold us back harder from speeec.
we need to encourage white women to be smart and free and get them away from both religious idiots who want them as sex slaves and self hating sjws... the alt right was supposed to break away from this and aim towards a libertarian ideal but failed
it wasnt direct at all. it was a combined picture from 8 different telescopes throughout the world
Maybe because it wasnt simple...taking a picture of a flower is simple. Taking a picture of a black hole light years away is not so simple ya brainlet.
stupid cave man mentality
>What fire eva do fo grund?
It should be illegal to be this stupid.
If you don't give a shit then why are you here faggot? Practicing your comedy routine? Don't quit your day job burger flipping faggot.
You're literally the problem with the world
>if it doesnt affect me directly why should i care.
you dirty fucking centrist
who knows dude?
Humans get curious, do shit, and through this experimentation and exploration discover things that move us forward as a civilization. You never know what will find when you explore, and you never know what piece of technology or nugget of knowledge that was be found will eventually be useful. But it does always create a more full view of this universe we live in
If everyone was like you we'd still be living in huts in Peru.
>hey guys,rememeber the days when we made fun of liberals and safe spaces instead of acting just like them
got me :>p
Well it's blurry as fuck.
the person on the right might as well have a vagina,to much soy in that cuck's system to be a man
It's radio
because it's pretty fucking far away
well he is gay
2.4k vs 850k
the virgin astronomer vs the chad coder
also,women cant be doctors.thats what nurses are for,so why does this dumb cunt have "dr" in front of her name
He didnt write 850k lines of code, he uploaded 850k lines of code to github.
she has a doctorate in astronomy or being a thot idk
Black holes were scientific hypothesis prior to this image; no one could veritably say whether they were or weren't. The fact that they found them is huge because it lays solid ground for physicists whose work was based on them.
And would a white male have got this much publicity
Balls Disney had pictures of black holes decades ago, and they were better than that one, they even made a film about one