>Hello Friend >been hacking since before I care to admit >still reminisce over the good days when there were Yea Forumsro's who fought for something >recently something changed in me >Every day has been the same lately, some bullshit comes on the news followed by drinking and smoking myself into oblivion until I pass out >I'd heard through the chatter for a few days now that it was coming, but I assumed it was another red herring >Then it happened >Waking up this morning to Julian Assange being dragged out of the embassy was the final kick in the dick >I used to think what I did meant something, that something would eventually change >But shit here is getting worse >There's no one making change >No one stands for anything anymore >We've all become weak and docile >It's eating away at our conscience collectively >It's got to the point now where the line between what is good for the self and what is good for all is becoming blurred >Why do you all do nothing and let the few control us? >The many can change the few >Evil triumphs when good men do nothing >Why do you do nothing?
Imagine thinking is made up hackers and not retarded incels.
Imagine being a retarded neet faggot who gets emotionally triggered by the news, then feels compelled to pretend to be a l33t hAxz0r in order to garner the attention of cyber-autisits to fulfil your misdirected political goals.
Imagine for a second, not being so legit fucking retarded. Kys
This and Roger stone are great. Wish we had footage of manaforts arrest. Hopefully we'll get some video of him in his orange jump suit, trying to lie to investigators
Levi Morgan
Stupid fag calling a Laptop running Linux a Windows PC, How retarded are you?
Sure, go ahead
Austin Davis
What if it's better for real 1337 h4xZ0aR to use cheap hardware and throw them away regularly. A thinkpad is a great device, but expensive af.
Blake Sanchez
That looks like the most stereotypical battle station someone could think of for a "hacker", looks more like a fake set for some kind of News or CIA "gotcha" shit
I guess natural cliche is a by-process of reality, who'd have thought?
Link a bro then
Nice try Fed
Owen Barnes
I just dropped out and started fighting in a new way; I dont participate in any side and just work the land, get my power from solar panels, get my water from a spring, don't pay taxes and evade the fuckers.