Would you date a disabled girl?

Would you date a disabled girl?

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Why or why not? What disabilities would mean yes or no? One leg? No legs? One arm? No arms?

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Why do you spam this thread everyday?

I'd date a morally disabled girl.

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>Would you date a disabled girl?
No issue at all, once I seen a wt in a wheelchair and wanted to smooth mive but she was obvious muslim with headwear, so double the work..

Im pretty committed to not date any girl with the "mental illness" of depression. They are so self centred and narcissistic.
Im schitzo myself so mental illness is ok but not depression.

Who does her make up

You are retarded my friend

So long as she doesn't have a victim complex

I have. Really NOT worth the effort, those handicapped skinny and twisted legs were a turn off while fucking

>Yea Forums asking if you would date a disabled girl

nigger, even with no legs, these bitches are 8 points above your league

Plus poor hygiene due to the medical condition itself

Already did, my first girlfriend was religious.

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As long as the mouth works ;)


There's nothing quite as great as thinking of things to 3D print as miniatures so she can "see" things for the first time. Helping someone experience the world honestly couldn't be fulfilling. She really likes trees.

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I used to date a mormon, I know the pain

I did a year ago. Fucked her too. She just wasn't able to walk, that's all. As long as she's not a whining bitch complaining about how her life sucks then go for it. The one I dated claimed she could do anything she wanted. So treat her that way and occasionally make a joke when you gotta point out that there's something she can't do (don't overdo it obviously). They're just like any other.

But since this is Yea Forums I also have to point out you can easily rape the bitch and threaten to break her fingers if she tells anyone.

Fuck off faggit
You ever dated a girl with depression. Of course not, you're a virgin.

Where can I find a religious qt?

Other ones are too fast for me.

I'm not, I have depression myself

I'm dating liberal, so yes.

So you are a selfish self centred cunt. Ok, got it.
Just know that this "mental illness" is caused by your obsession with yourself. Logic is, if there was no self, there is nobody to experience sadness.
Look to caring for others equally as yourself like any normal person, this is wher your freedom from sadness comes from.

I mean, if all her limbs and shit are there., she isn't disfigured, and isn't retarded sure why not.

>be me
>live about a mile from my local market
>really nice family run italian deli/cafe/market sorta place
>they make some dope prosciutto
>notice qt3.14 new girl bagging groceries
>she's missing her left arm below the elbow
>oddly endearing
>long brunette hair
>fit figure
>cute makeup
>make small talk
>she laughs
>see her a few more times
>learn a bit about her
>ffs don't bring up her arm user.jpeg
>get more flirty
>ask her to help me out to my car with the groceries so we can continue the conversation
>she drops my bag full of bread and cheese and salami
>ask her if she needs a hand with that
>suddenly realize what I said
>have never commented on her amputation before
>fuck me I just ruined this
>she just stares at me
>then she busts up laughing
>mind racing, figure she's probably used to jokes like that
>oh well, could have been worse
>carry on as usual
>we've been dating for about a year now
>she brings me free sandwiches from work
>pastrami on rye with pickles, pepperoncinis, red onion, and mustard is god tier if you've never tried it

>>self centered
Is this the reason you dont?
Because if you do it wont be all about you? xD

If there was no self there is nobody to experience anything faggot. Your theory just doesn't make any sense

All girls are mentally disabled

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I did few years ago when I was living in Ireland, she just couldn't walk so everything was "fine".

does she give good nubjobs?

So if your in the mood for one do you ask for a handjob or just kinda move her hand to your crotch?

why is she blind? is sex any different?

Yeah. Unless she was mentally retarded

kek I've actually considered this. Maybe some day.
I normally just ask. She has killer technique too, makes kind of a thumbs up gesture while she's holding it so her thumb works the underside of my head while she strokes my shaft up and down. Very vocal and loves to hold eye contact.

you're living the dream

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>be me 19ish
>mom's a teacher for junior and senior high schoolers
>teaches at a vocational school in nurse assisting
>most. Of her class are grills
>helping mom out at school just moving lab equipment around and the like.
>see qt 3.14 18 year old brunette with blue eyes nice body if a little slender.
>be 19 so hnng.png
>start chatting with her she seems a little slow
>not like retarded but like she is choosing her words carefully.
>she is wicked smart so I figure she just over thinks things.
>start dating
>3rd date I take her back home after movie.
>no cars in driveway
>walk her to door and she invites me in
>just play it cool user dont jump the gun
>mfw I jacked off this morning gonna show muh lady a good time.
>we start fucking around
>gos tier head. Wonder how many dudes shes gone down on to get this good.
>start fucking
>shes one of those girls you can feel getting close ya know? She tightens up and releases during orgasms
>her she doesnt moan differently during the orgasm
>3 min later shes screaming while I'm pounding away
>wtf.exe did I just shell shock this bitch?
>I am the US and her pussy is my Vietnam
>she has the same delayed response two more times.
>finish, cuddle all that shit.
>go home feeling like superman
>my mom is inputting grades on her laptop in the kitchen
>see qt 3.14s file open
>IEP folder
> click on it
>student has 3 minute delayed response to verbal interactions, physical contact and knowledge absorption. Exacerbated by stress.
>kek loudly
>date her for 6 months and make a game out of fucking with her slow processing.

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That's wife material right thur son
>killer sandwiches
>great hand jobs
You are blessed user

Premature birth.

She doesn't really have a frame of reference as to how we normally do things including sex, so the way she does everything is surprisingly pure/graceful.

Thanks man, I'm really fortunate to be with her. Definitely in this for the long run. She doesnt let her disability get in the way too much, except for obvious situations where you'd need two hands (she's jealous of me and my drum set lol) but she keeps high spirits about everything.

the real question is...

would a disabled girl date me?

>Your theory just doesn't make any sense
>showing your retardation levels so easily
>what is existentialism
>what is narcissism
The link between depression and narcissism us very common, as you would know because your entire day is filled with sadness because all you think about is me me me... Because narcissism.
Again, look to others and their experience for freedom from this. Compassion, empathy, pity, general caring for others.

she sounds like a real keeper user

>gets legs amputated
>doesnt start eating less
>"why am I getting fat?"

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not likely, and I'm missing both my legs

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she can't be a keeper, the other team would score goal after goal

I'd date a woman who couldn't walk or had MS or something but not one who was disfigured, it's not that I think they're less human or anything it's just an instinctual thing with disfigurement you know? can't help it when it comes to being attracted or not. I wouldn't date somebody with bipolar or boarderline personality disorder though, or really sever anxiety cause I want to find somebody to start a family with and stuff like that can get passed on to kids and make home life emotionally really hard for everyone involved.

This thread is all kinds of sad. The focus was disabled girls but now its just fat disabled losers complaining about being single. Kek you should all neck yourselves except one armed girlfriend guy.

1 - 2 - 3 and 5 looks great. If they still have feeling in their pussy so we can enjoy sex, sure I would.

You're a fucking moron if youd choose to date someone with MS.

What did you expect from Yea Forums

The link is not between depression and narcissism, is between narcissism and depression. Depression is just a consequence of narcissism, in fact narcissist people can't live well because of their condition, so they get depressed. But depression can have plenty of other causes that don't have anything to do with narcissism, so it doesn't make any sense to say all depressed people are narcissistic. Faggot.

This. You're better off dating someone with limbs missing than that shit

Jesus christ you're going to be alone forever you clueless autist.


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What's so bad about it?

Its a slow decline into not being able to /move/talk/breath. You fucking idiot.

my aunt is 50 with it and still does alright, granted she falls quite a bit but she functions okay in day to day life and she's had it since she was a teenager.

top KEK

a cute deaf girl always comes into my work and she is pretty cool. I would definitely date her if she didn't have a boyfriend.

she obviously has ms that effects extremities, if you have one that effects the muscles that help you breath you're fucked.

I guess you should tell the researchers that your one anecdotal aunts evidence disproves all other types of MS

Well i meant one that affects extremities not breathing i guess.
your face

You sound really fucking stupid


you must be 18 or above to use this site.

your face sounds stupid

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I'm almost 30

Physically: Yes
Mentally: No


Where exactly do you think you are? cause I feel like maybe you're lost

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you type like a child and have the common sense of a disabled person.

yes because disabled people are forced to be nice and I like nice people.

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best description of /b I've ever seen

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Yes I already dated your mother

LOL epic!! you sure showed him!

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if she's whole (no missing limb), I'd have no issue with it.
Missing limbs feels too weird for me.

I don't know if the ones with no arms

No, losing a limb is some pretty irresponsible shit

story pls!!

Mentally disabled yes, physically disabled no that's gross

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Isn't every girl disabled nowadays?

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What if she was smoking hot and had the ability to use her feet like hands?

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>wanna bite user?

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i'm not much into girls, no

Why you do this. I said I wouldn't it's so sad. They must have someone come to take care of them.

guy with one armed gf from earlier in the thread here. not all amputees are irresponsible. when my gf was 11 her mother was taking her to soccer practice and their car was t boned by a drunk driver on the passenger side. crushed her arm and broke a lot of bones. doctors deemed the arm a lost cause and amputated just below her elbow. definitely not even close to being her fault

She's pretty capable of handling her own affairs.

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Pics of her Stump?

Hey, my girls an amputee as well. Did you have any attraction to amputees prior to dating?

Damn dude that really blows. I feel for her. Reading your posts though it sounds like she's pretty strong willed though so good for her.

Stfu Paul

no, not at all. we just met at her work and I thought she was cute. hit it off after a few more conversations and that turned into a solid relationship. we both have a love for cooking so that helps. I chop up and prep everything and then I help her with stove duties if she needs it. she makes a fucking dope sweet and sour pork lol. mind if I ask what your girlfriend had amputated?

Back when I was whoring myself out (don't judge, it's tough out there), I said yes to an appointment with a chick in a wheelchair thinking it couldn't possibly be THAT different, right?...

Let me tell you right fucking now that the back end of anyone in a wheelchair is a straight up horror show. Her ass looked like an uncooked chicken, her pussy looked like it was glued on after the rest of her was grown, and her butthole... omg I can't even find the words... like a prolapsed bloodworm with a fucking beard. Absolutely not a snowballs chance in hell I'd ever do that again, not even for money

You got it backwards man. The retards don't adequately cleanse themselves. Physically disabled would presumably still want to be hygienic, even if the process of doing so gets nasty. Retarded fucks are perfectly happy to roll around in their own filth and never shower.

The short version of that? Don't stick ya prick in a retarded chick is my point.

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Are traps disabled?

Almost there, she’s one leg away from being a flesh light

>The link is not between depression and narcissism, is between narcissism and depression. Depression is just a consequence of narcissism,
>being pedantic
im not talking about people with narcissistic personality disorder being depressed, I am talking about people who are depressed are depressed because they are being narcissistic, self centred and self importance is entangled in their entire psyche. The remedy for it is to towards others, love, compassion ect

This isn't some bullshit I just made up. Look into it yourself, it's well known in psychology.
Of course I am talking about clinical depression, like bipolar ect, not general reactive depression like when a loved one dies.

This thread is crawling with pussy

Leg, above knee. Much like yours(and most amputees) she's fully capable. She prefers to use crutches, so I do pretty much any lifting, but that's no differnt than a man's position in any relationship, right?

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Sorry bro, not gonna post her here out of respect.

I wouldn't date them just fuck them.

this nigga gets it

Dated a smoking hot blonde girl, and in college was fuck buddies with a midget who would have been smoking hot if she was normal size.

>Implying being a midget doesn't only make her hotter

While she was blonde, I meant to say blind...

How do these people wipe their ass? I can’t be the only one thinking that

Actually yes, as long as her brain was normal. I hate hyperactive people.

The thing about midgets is not the size it's the proportions. There is a different condition where growth is affected but the proportions stay normal, basically hobbit-mode. I forgot what it was called though.

Blonde is a disability, user.

Texas sized 10-4

Its called grief when someone dies, not depression. Depression lasts for a long time, months to years. Death of a family member is grief and sadness. I'm bipolar and while its hard not to get down sometimes, I'm mostly with you in what you've stated about most depression.

It's an internal mental anguish most people put themselves in. Most of these people could get themselves out of it if they were determined on changing how they perceive the world. It's all based on perspective mostly. Some people have chemical imbalances, sure. However even then those people just see that as their defeat and resign themselves to a sad mindset, not even actively trying to change their situation. Apathy and depression go hand in hand.

I've dealt with my condition for over a decade now and let me tell you people see me as one of the happiest people around. It's beatable, people just aren't self motivated.

They probably own bidets.

nah, i don't like to eat vegetables

date no, turn into a cock sock for a week or two yes


very true. I imagine losing a leg is a lot more drastic than losing an arm though. that's awesome to hear she's fully capable though. a lot of people have that misconception about amputees. my girlfriend stays super fit, more so than a lot of fully-limbed people it seems. got her a stationary bike for her birthday last month and she's used it every day since then. she jogs every morning and does modified yoga every night.

Damn that sounds wholesome as fuck I wish my gf enjoyed cooking

Wrote to a girl in a wheelchair on a dating website and got the cold shoulder so I'm not exactly on a roll with the veggies but would totally date one.

I think it's one of those things that go both ways. Mine is very glad to have her hands and thinks it would be harder missing an arm, while I'm sure your is greatful for her legs and feels missing a leg would be a greater deficit. Most people will essentially adapt to whatever challenge their given in due time. Shot, humans are so resilient, were one of the only animals on earth that can lose a limb and not just die. I think it's a definite miscinception that losing a limb severely effects a person's life or capabilities. Honestly, unless they're out of shape or have other severe health issues, it's a relativley menial disability in the scheme of things.

Am I right in assuming your gf pribably has, but never wears a prosthesis? Mine never wears hers. From the amputees we've met, there seems to be a rift in the mentality of people who wear them and those who don't. Those who don't, often being more capable and apt at adapting both physically and mentally.

I hate to ask but do you guys have some sort of flaw with yourselves? Like something that keeps you from dating a normal girl? Ugly or socially awkward or anything? I can't imagine why you would want to date an amputee unless that was your only option..

yes, spot on. she has one but doesn't like wearing it. she says she feels like it looks weirder with one than without one. she's proud of herself and wants people to accept her as she is and I respect the hell out of that. maybe an odd question but does your girlfriend ever experience those phantom pains or dream about herself with all of her limbs? if something is about to fall on where my girlfriend's forearm should be, she still reacts like she's actually about to feel it. and she says in her dreams she has both hands still. I find it very interesting.

guy with the arm amputee girlfriend here. to answer your question I wouldnt say so. I've had plenty of "normal" girlfriends before her. most people tell me I'm attractive and I've been approached before for local modeling gigs. 6'1" with waist length hair and I take good care of myself. I have lots of piercings and tattoos and my ears are stretched to 1-1/2" though so I understand if that look isn't for every one. I'm not socially awkward or anything, I have no problem striking up and holding a conversation. and I've held a full time sales job for about 5 years now. I'm dating an amputee because I have a genuine connection to her and appreciate her ability to overcome what life has thrown at her. She's much more independent than a lot of women I've dated and like I said we have that common love of cooking.

Their mouths appear to be functional.

Damn thems some big ears.
Post pics of them?

I've always done well with women. I've also always had an attraction to amputees. The phenotype for the typical acrotomophiliac is well to do, white, college educated males. Highly social, great at making friends, yet rather bad at keeping them due to a low tolerance for bullshit and baggage. Often affected by strong (justified IMO) feelings of superiority over most people. Essentially, were very charismatic narcissists so take it as you will lol.
Yes, she does. It's been getting worse and worse lately too. Above the knee amputees tend to deal with the most frequent cases of phantom limb syndrome but hers has been acting up to in unusual extent. What she really needs is a revision of the stump but doctors keep fighting her on the issue. I'll give you two a great tip if she ever experiences prolonged phantom pains; avoid gabapentin and look into lyrica. It's been a complete life saver for us over here. The problem with gabapentin is the body builds an immunity to it extremely fast. It works less and less each tine it's taken leading to pains that are more severe than they would have been in the first place and the need for a complete purge before resuming. Lyrica has a much longer half life and keep her close to phantom pain free pretty much all day.

damn bro, thanks for the advice. I'll screenshot that and send it to her. her phantom pains have been ramping up lately and they're super annoying for her. waking her up at night and the like. she's been going to a counselor to try and become more mindful of how to control them but it hasn't helped much. cbd was recommended by a friend of hers but it's done nothing and she doesnt like wasting money.

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How do you fuck a girl in a wheelchair?
Slash her tires.

No problem.
Cbd doesn't do much for mine either. Unfortunately for me, she loves to waste money lol so I still end up buying the shit.

One thing you can do to aide her with the phantom pains, if you aren't already, is massage the stump. One advantage to prosthetic wearers is a reduction in phantom pain due to frequent contact with the stump. Since neither of our girls wear artificial limbs, they're more susceptible to phantom pain. Scar tissue builds up, tightens and can exacerbate the issue. Frequent massages can break down the tissue, keep it from collecting and help. It can be really painful at first, especially when you break up a deposit (you'll feel it and almost hear it sometimes) but it's worked with moderate success for us. Lastly, neuromas are a cause of insane phantom pain, but that's not very likely.

Someone please headswap this

I'll definitely give that a try then.

They wouldn't date a below average guy like me if I were disabled myself so no.

It's worth a shot. Phantom pain is really tricky and even doctors have limited understanding of the issue. I wish you two the best and maybe we'll catch up in another one of these threads one day.

>I am the US and her pussy is my Vietnam
You went in embarrassed yourself then left?

I'm sure we will. you're the only other user I've met who has an amputee girlfriend


Obviously, I have experience with disability. I'm autism.
But no meanies (psychopath, narcissist, bipolar, etc)
I really don't like girls who are mean for no reason or are emotionally extreme.
Schizophrenia maybe, I dunno. Depends what it's like.

Physical I don't care, but no full body/face burns, elephantiases, gigantism, leprosy, any overarching drastic alteration.
I think deaf or blind is okay, but both is too hard.
High IQ downy is okay, so I don't feel like a villain, but that's next to non-existent.
If it was socially acceptable I'd totally date someone with down syndrome, they have hearts of gold.