Would you consider the following woman as a wife?
Im just gonna write down what I experienced with her in the last 2 years.
I met her when I was out on a birthday of a friend. The first time really partying after the dad of my former gf died from cancer, we broke up because of it. It was 6 months ago.
I was hopeing for my ex to show up, she didnt, I drank a lot. Didnt give a fuck.
The new girl, Nadja, was horribly drunk but the hottest girl from the group. 9/10
I was the fourth guy she did make out with, but I took her to her home for a one night stand. She did blow me outside before we went to her.
We had 3-4 hours sex and she enjoyed it a lot but we both didnt cum because we were to drunk.
The next day I realized that she needed comforting. She was upset about what happend last night, but not the sex with me but the making out with so many guys. She said she wasnt like this. That she never was this drunk before.
After comforting her I gave her my number and left. She wrote a message in the evening.
Fast forward:
We started dating, but I was never really trusting her from the start. After asking she told me everything I wanted to know about her past. I was her first boyfriend, but her 12th guy. Also one of my friends had a one-night-stand with her but he was awful in bed^^ She didnt want to see him again.
She had problems with cumming and could not cum on one of her 6 one night stands, other 6 guys were potential partners which didnt make it. One of those guys she had feelings for, I think her second guy, but he fucked her up. He is the reason she started hoeing.
After some weeks she could cum regularly, by now we are up to 2-3 orgasms normal, really good sex 4-5 orgasms. She is happy.
Also she was horrible at cooking (vegetarian) and had no plan for life, also drank to much alcohol in dailys life. Classic white hoe is what I thought first, gonna fuck her until I dont want it anymore. 1/2
Would you consider the following woman as a wife?
Now this girl really tries to be the NatSoc Woman I am searching for. She is cooking, cleaning, I have sex everyday twice if I want too and I can do with her what I want. She is even cooking meat for me and always says that I am the first person she ever loved and that she will never be the person from her past again. I want a future with many kids and I am thinking about if a woman with a past like this will be the right choice. She wants to be a mother and is studying children education.
Can I trust her? Is she the woman I am searching for or just another dumb desperate slut?
TLDR; You're an incel.
fuck off nigger i am looking for opinions.
>be 20
>new girl at work, 19
>take her on a few dates
>eventually get sexual
>pop her cherry with my fingers
>date some more
>got married
>she's pregnant with our first
If you want a whore for a wife go ahead! :)
probably not a wife.
How is your sexlife? Can you ask ANYTHING you want? I can. Also: no redemption at all? Dont think I am an idiot, I know what a woman she is. (masters degree and PhD soon hopefully)
Please more opinions I am collecting, also posting this thread several times.
Does your mind always go to sex? Is that the only quality you look for in a woman?
I had terrible sex with a girl before my wife, she was a virgin. We explore and experiment together.
Yes, I can ask anything, we're married, that's how it works. Naturally no cheating or swinging, neither of us finds that appealing.\
>Dont think I am an idiot
You're on Yea Forums asking for marriage advice, I already think this.
good point haha
Just looking for opinions from all around the globe anonymously. Best use of Yea Forums.
I respect your opinion (was also thinking like you before I met her) and will think about it.
Get hard finding a virgin but I feel the only way to avoid a cheating spouse is by starting off with someone who has never done it with another.
Now 27, met her with 25.
She was 23, now she is 25^^
I dont want a virgin, just a girl that connects sex with feelings, not with lust.
>I dont want a virgin
You're only saying this becuase you'll never get one now.
Holy shit I was even dating one when I broke up with Nadja. But there is more than virginity, wtf dude.
>But there is more than virginity, wtf dude.
Hi b/
My life was going kind of ok. Meet this qt 3.1416 un one.of muy classes, I'm a teacher in college by the way, she is the average homegirl in college, Smart but not that impressive, kind and to some degree naive. Instant love, chatting about things by hours, spend a lot of time together in uni. Troubles arise because her dad. Pretty hard conservative, and he hates the idea of his daugther dating a professor, and made constant threats to her about cutting financial support, and even get ride of girls dog. She is lovely, and i can se myself with her si do she. But dad is the worst and by menace he Made her quit messaging with me. I feel like shit b/, don't know What to do, I fear loosing her because her dad. I believe one option is wife, What do you think?
She is very good with kids and very cappable of taking care.of a home, but she is very close to their family despite shitty dad
make own thread retard xD
My advice is to RUN. Been there, done that. Got nothing except heartache and stuck my life in the shitter for a few years
This man has a point. A healthy sex life is critical to healthy relationship but you have to look way past just that for a wife.
At least in my opinion you do. Plenty of dudes marry for the pussy and then those are the poor hen pecked bastards you see walking around as a lifeless zombie at 40 because turns out their wife is a horrible shrew bitch who withholds that pussy to doninate the relationship.
A good wife should be caring, thoughtful, and nurturing if she is going to take keep taking care of your dumbass for the next 30 years plus your kids.
Think about what you want to tolerate for the rest of your life and try not to think entirely with your dick.
Who the fuck cares you retard incel
12 is a pretty normal number nowadays
You're a shitty person.
Yea Forums hates girls who have had sex, this is not the place to come for advice like this
Everyone will shit on you for not marrying a pure virgin, but that’s pretty retarded.
I’m telling you, you are making a bigger deal about her sexual past than most people irl would. No one cares dude, everyone, even dudes whore around. No partner really wants to hear abound it tho
Why not? It's not like marriage is permanent and regardless of what you or any other basement dwelling incels on this board may feel, she was definitely not a slut. It sounds like you've got pretty good right now and if I were you I would follow through with it. This is all providing she's not nuts of course.
I had the exact same experience as you except later realized that she was bipolar and stopped putting up with the psychological abuse so that kind of sucked but I moved on.
>Why not? It's not like marriage is permanent
Never get married.
You just sound like you're just a dumbass. If a couple was seriously that dysfunctional one or the other coups still propose a prenup. This can involve money, items, and even children. Stop projecting your stupidity on others and go be ignorant somewhere else.
>divorcees in failed marriages giving marraige advice
Never gets old. As I said, never get married. You aren't ready for that kind of commitment when your mentality is "I can just get out whenever I want!"